After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 149 The Vampire I Fell For… The Play!

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Chapter 149  The Vampire I Fell For... The Play! by Vampire-Fan


     In the snowy mountains of Crimson State. about 30 years ago...

     On a tall-mountain stood a stone and ancient castle. On one of the castle walls stood a woman on the edge of the wall, with no fear of falling to her death down the steep and impassable mountain cliff.

     Her long-white-hair was blowing in the wind, with a few strands occasionally fluttering over her face, as her red-eyes scanned the horizon at twinkling-lights a human couldn't see from here.

     Her full and red-lips, showed signs of her taking breaths, but no steam came from her mouth, as if the temperature was not cold at all. A woman standing behind her spoke.

     "Princess Luna, dawn approaches, and I must retire. Please come back and rest as well, your wedding will be at midnight this next evening."

     Luna, hearing her long time maid furrowed her beautiful brows remembering what is to come.

     "Why does the King want me to be with that Blood Clan Vampire, Dracula? I don't want these chains of fate to bind my unbeating heart. Somewhere out there in the human world, I am being called. For 200 years, I have dreamed of a man..."

     "Princess Luna, you have been betrothed to Count Dracula for a thousand years, you cannot push off the Blood Clan anymore, he is impatient for you to join his Harem."

     As the sun began to rise over the eastern mountains, the maids' skin began to smoke lightly, as she tried in vain to cover it, and retreated back into the halls, looking at her Princess who braved the sun without fear. Her Princess said.

     "My good friend Lilith, I don't know what to do?"

     The beautiful and alluring maid, Lilith, smiled cunningly, then put her calm face back on and softly said.

     "My Princess, no matter what, don't try running away from home to find your true love, it would anger your fiance Dracula. Well good-morning, Luna, see you at the wedding-alter."

     Then the sexy brown-haired Vampire maid slunk into the dark corridor...

     Luna, being left alone hearing Lilith's whisper, clenched her pale-fists, closed her eyes and declared.

     "No, Lilith is right, I should find my love, and follow my heart. I will find my destined love, and turn him... If he wants to be with me forever! Goodbye cold, emotionless Vampire Kingdom, I will find my love and be happy!"

     With that, Luna dove headfirst down the bottomless gorge to human lands unknown!

     A pair of red-eyes glinted in the dark, as Lilith sneered and said.

     "That is right cousin, run away and leave everything you have to me. I will claim Dracula, and your everything. And if you find love, I will take that from you as well. You are weak despite your Moon Clan Bloodline. Hahahaha!"


     Four years later, at Star Highschool, in the human world's Azure State...

     A blue-haired young and handsome man, with blue-eyes is walking the halls of the famous Star High.

     He was comically slapped in the back by an average looking goofy sidekick looking classmate named, Howard Dong. He said to the handsome kid.

     "Brother Kristofer Long, sorry to hear you got dumped by Selina, so sad!"

     Kristofer had not slept well due to his public breakup. He humbly smiled and said.

     "Brother Howard Dong, your sincerity is comforting!"

     The two men looked at each-other seriously for a bit, then at the same time, broke out in laughter. Kris with a grin said to his best friend.

     "Thanks How, for cheering me up with your goofy play there, sigh."

     How, just grins and says playfully.

     "It is better you found out she only wanted your family's money and not your heart. I promise you Kris, true love will find you when you least expect it!"

     Kris looks at his Sagely friend and points out.

     "In your very long 18 years of life, has love found you?"

     How grins and begins to say.

     "Indeed, love has f-"

     "Your mother does not count."

     "I got nothing..."

     After laughing some more, the two men entered their classroom taking their seats by the window.

     When the class settled, the Teacher announced.

     "Class, I want to welcome a new foreign transfer student, please come in, Luna Yue!" (Yue is moon in Chinese)

     In walked one of the most beautiful women in a high-school uniform. Every male or female was open-mouthed at her unfiltered charisma, or maybe those impressive F-cups?

     Luna looked around and when she laid eyes on the stunned Kris, she blossomed a smile and greeted the class.

     "Hello, I am Luna Yue, and I am new in Star City, I hope we can be friends."


     Over the next few months, a series of intimate 'accidental' bump-ins with Kris Long had been done by Luna, to confirm his soul.

     While in the library and grabbing the same book, the white-haired Vampire finally asked.

     "Kris, you don't have anyone you like, do you? I have wanted to ask you out for a while now, but never found the right time?"

     The inexperienced martial arts nut, Kris, had just blushed and said.

     "Really? With me? Um, Sure, what would you like to do?"

     Luna getting closer to him with a wide-smile said.

      "Let's see a movie, then.. Get a 'bite' to eat?"

     Kris gulped seeing her look hungrily at him, and nodded to agree...


     The next weekend.

     Luna was standing in front of the movie theater to see the movie with Kris, when her brows creased. When she turned to look, she saw three people she knew...

     Kris, Howard, and Lilith!

     Kris, seeing Luna, waved and said.

     "Sorry, but when Howard heard about our movie date, he insisted on tagging along with his date."

     Lilith, wearing a seductive red-miniskirt-dress, slyly said to Luna.

     "Hello Miss Luna Yue, I am Lilith Kuro, I have heard such nice things about you from How, and this handsome Kris fellow, fufu."

     Luna seeing her friend and maid come out of nowhere was about to go nuts, due to the possibility of the King and Dracula finding her here. She however, a woman thousands of years old only smiled and said.

     "Meeting you Miss Kuro is unexpected but welcome. Sure Kris, I will listen to you."

     Then the double date montage began...


     After the movie, the two pairs walked through a deserted park, on their way for a 'bite' to eat. Then...

     Lilith's eyes glowed dimly with red-light, making the two men stand still in a daze. She then said to Luna.

     "This is a perfect place for a nibble, fufu. Go on, Princess, have a bite, I can tell you are hungry based on your eyes."

     "Lilith, h-how did you find me? And do the others know?"

     Lilith grabbed Howard's collar, smiled at her friend and said.

     "If anything happens to me, the whole of the Transylvania Kingdom will know of your identity and location. For now it is only me, but if I fail to stop the thrall I created, she will send the call, fufu, now it is eating time."

     Before Luna could say another word, two sharp fangs grew in Lilith's mouth, as she bit into Howard's neck. The man looked to be in sexual bliss from the bite, like he is happy to be a food bag, and the tent in his pants, proved how good the bite affected humans bodies.

     Luna's eyes grew narrow, unable to control her hunger anymore, and also grabbed Kris's collar.

     "Sorry Kris, but we are not vegetarians, I will only take a little. Chomp!"

     While Luna drank, Kris, still in a daze hugged the hungry Vampire, surprising Luna, who became gentle at his unexpected move. She could tell he was under Lilith's daze, but he subconsciously held her.


     The next morning when Kris woke in his bed he said.

     "That dream was so weird! I cannot believe hugging her in my dream felt so real!"

     Getting up, Kris went to the edge of his bed and pet the new wolf like dog he found abandoned without an owner, and he pet the wolf. He found her about 6 months ago and adopted her. Her red-eyes reminded him of Luna, so he called the wolf, Moon.

     "Morning girl, I had a great dream and date last night. I will have to bring Luna over to meet you one of these days, what do you think?"

     Moon just happily licked his face telling him she didn't care and was only happy he cared for her. Kris said laughing.

     "Okay, okay, I got it Moon, I have to get ready to meet How, so I will shower first, then I will let you out to play for the day, That sounds good?"

     Growl! Then Moon dove under Kris's bed sheet sniffing making Kris laugh. The young man went into his shower and started.

      From under the covers a naked Luna's head popped out from where the wolf Moon was at.

     "Living with you has been the best. I need to tell you the truth soon..."


     A couple of weeks and a few dates had gone by, and this day, Kris came over to Howard's home due to his invitation.

     Down in the basement of his friend's home, both boys are looking at a coffin sitting in the middle of the room like it was a coffee table, and Kris asks.

     "How, why do you have a nobleman's coffin here?"

     "Because this is where my Master sleeps, she asked me to bring you to her. She wants to confess her love for you."

     Kris noticed his friend's eyes were vacant and he asked.

     "Howard, what is wrong? Why are you acting funny? Is this a gag?"

     "Open the lid, she is waiting for you to embrace her."

     Kris tried to wake his friend from his state, but with no result, so he turned to the coffin and opened it.

     Creek! When the lid was fully opened, his eyes widened seeing the sexy Lilith laying there with her eyes closed. She was wearing only a black-silk-gown, showing off her amazing body. Kris gulped at the supernatural woman just laying there, so he says.

     "Lilith? Are you alright?"

     Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled, she only said.

     "Please save me Kris, pick me up, I am weak."

     "Sure, I will save you."

     Slam Click! As he had leaned over her to scoop her out, Howard had pushed him into the coffin and closed the lid, locking it shut.

     Thud Thud Thud Thud! From within the coffin sounds of two bodies struggling could be heard as two voices spoke.

     [Oh~! Kris, you are so bold, fufu. I knew you wanted to make love to me.]

     [Um, Hey Howard, let us out, your joke is not funny!, Oh no! Um, that is a natural reaction of men, so ignore that!]

     Thud Thud Thud Thud! Giggling sounds came from the woman, playing with her food, then she said.

     [Kristofer, I am soooo hungry for you, I will make you mine now.]

     [No, I don't think that is a, hey, are your eyes glowing red?]

     [Damn, you are immune to the charm powers now? Oh well, bon appetit!]

     [Fuck Lilith, why are you biting my neck?! Ahh um, Why do I feel so good?]

     Crash! From up the stairs, the basement door was smashed to splinters as a very angry Luna made her way down.

     As Luna approached the thumping coffin, looking very suggestive, the thrall put up his arms and said.

     "Master is making her husband, so I cannot let you interfere!"

     Grabbing Howard by the collar, she simply tossed him over her shoulder, then kicked off the lid of the coffin with angry glowing red-eyes.

     Inside Lilith had Kris pinned in her arms and legs, while draining his blood. Lilith had intoxicated eyes as she looked at Luna while giving a look of claiming her man.

     Luna wasted no time and punched Lilith in the face, freeing Kris who was starting to go limp. Grabbing his jacket she pulled him away from Lilith and ran with his body.

     She had no time to fight the strong friend. If she did not save Kris in time, it would not matter.

     Just as Luna took Lilith's soon to be husband, her face reformed, and she let out a terrible howl of anger and agony for Kris being taken...

     "AAAAAAAAH! No, he is mine, his blood, is the best! Fucking bitch! I will come for my husband when the sun sets! He-he, Dracula is already here for you little Luna, so I win no matter what, hah-aha!"


     In Kris's room, Luna has been feeding Kris some of her blood. This will save his life, but also bond them for eternity. He won't be human or a Vampire but something unknown.

     Soon Kris opened his eyes confused and he then remembered everything... Flashbacks of all the times he had been dazed, every moment clear as a bell. He even understood the wolf Moon he took care of was this red-eyed Vampire.

     "Luna, why can I feel connected to you, and some connection to Lilith? I remember everything."

     So for the next few hours, Luna recounted all of her past, the dreams, her leaving home, and her long search for him. She explained the connection to Lilith was his partial transformation to become a Vampire, but her blood stopped the process before it could fully make him belong to Lilith for eternity.

     Kris, like a champ, took it all in stride and the two had a tender moment, confessing their feelings for one another, a Vampire and a Human.


     While Kris held Luna in his arms, the sun had set, and the streets grew unnaturally quiet. Luna's eyes opened and she sat up saying in horror.

     "Count Dracula is here!"

     [Come outside and face me, Princess Luna. My fiance frolicking with the animals is not what a noble lady should be doing, right. Bring me the human, and I shall forgive your crimes against the Blood Clan.]

     Kris hearing his words stood and held his fist up, he said to Luna.

     "Luna of the Moon, your blood has awakened my blood! My family has had its dormant light-power sealed in our bloodline, and I feel you made it activate. You said they are vulnerable to light, right? Then I shall get rid of them, so we can be happy."

     Luna, seeing the faint glimmer of daylight wrapping Kris's body, was astonished and nodded her head.

     "Then, let's beat our enemies, and marry. I love you forever, Kris!"

     The two new lovers held hands, as they walked out to face their foe together!


     Sitting on the wall of Kris's house, Lilith was filing her nails looking sexy, as true eye-candy should. She was watching the soon to happen fight. Her plan was to steal Kris away before he was killed, to finish her ritual for the tastiest human she has ever tasted.

     Dracula came with 10 of his elite female harem, to recover his new bride, but seeing she is holding hands with this animal, turned his Vampire Pride in disgust, and he pointed to the human.

     "Eat him, I will handle my wife!"

     And the fight had begun in full. Dracula kicked Luna straight inside of the house collapsing many walls, as he casually followed inside to beat some sense into her head.

     The 10 slutty Vampires with fangs ready to bite, all pounced on him together, wanting to feast. But as they neared they felt the danger of the sun coming from Kris as he launched into action, igniting a golden-light on his skin.

     With each punch, kick, and attack, the Vampires slowly started to turn to ash in painful agonizing yells, but it seemed Dracula was too busy to help them.

     Lilith on the wall was open mouthed watching the beautiful man fight like a tiger. She could feel his power of light from here, and knew that was why his blood tasted so good. She also realized, drinking his blood gave her some resistance.

     As the last two women were fighting Kris, inflicting deep cuts on his body. Lilith instantly killed the last two Vampires fighting him. Kris stupidly looked at Lilith and asked.

     "Why are you helping me?"

     Lilith wipes some of his blood from a wound, and licks it in pure joy, and then says while smiling with blood on her lips.

     "Why? you are my husband, so saving you is obvious, now come with me, Kris."

     Seeing Lilith's hand held-out for him to take, and then hearing the fight from inside the house, Kris only smiled.

     "I have to save Luna, I told her I love her, I can't leave her behind."

     Lilith angrily looked at him and wanted to slap him unconscious and take him away, but something in his eyes and his blood stopped her, she only said.

     "So, you would rather die for a lover, than live for your wife?!"

     Kris only gave her a sad smile, then rushed into the broken home, his fists glowing brighter than ever before...

     The emotionless Vampire only shed a single tear of blood, seeing him leave to die. It was brief, but her heart beat one time in her long life.


     Soon Kris saw Dracula stomping on Luna, and without hesitation, threw a punch into Dracula's back, but the Vampire was so fast, he was already catching Kris's punch with his left-hand.

     Thud Sizzle! Dracula's cocky face faded, along with the layers of flesh and black blood in his hand. Like a human putting their hand in a hot fire, he recoiled from the punch and said.

     "What is this power?! Where are my Brides?! Who are you?!"

     "This is my bloodline, your brides are dead, and I am the fiance of Luna, The Vampire I fell for!"

     Dracula, incensed, only charges Kris with his sharp-nails to pull out his heart! Kris, knowing he is too slow to fight Dracula, looks at the battered Luna and says to her.

     "I love you, and will find you in my next life!"

     Luna hearing Kris's words only screamed in agony as the scene unfolded.


     The next thing everyone noticed was Dracula's hand out the back of Kris, clutching a still beating heart, but Kris held Dracula close, as he plunged his blazing-fist right through Dracula's heart.

     Dracula, realizing his end had come, only crushed the heart before his entire body turned to ashes...

     Before Kris's body could hit the floor, Luna caught him. She cradled him with tears of blood flowing from her face.

     "Cough, You.. Are... Safe.. Good... Next... Time..."

     "Kris, I will wait forever for you to return, no matter how long."

     As Kris's arm hits the floor, outside the hole in the wall, a lonely woman is seen walking away with a trail of bloody tears.

     "I will find you first..."

     THE END...


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