After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 151 My Master, Sensei Lee-Tang!

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(A/N Sensei: Japanese term for teacher. It has been adopted into English mostly for use with martial arts instructors. Sensei of martial arts usually live and/or work at a dojo where they instruct their apprentices. A live-in apprentice is also called Uchi-Deshi.)

Chapter 151  My Master, Sensei Lee-Tang! by Harem-Fan


     The week passed by without too much of note. The family, University, and my new business have been steadily moving forward.

     Victoria, Mercy, and Jenifer have been pushing hard for times with me, to make sure they could conceive our children. Yes, I am in a rowboat with a hole in the bottom, so I have stopped trying to bailout the water, and am now just enjoying my sinking ship.

     Currently it is Sunday morning after breakfast, and I am working on my modifications for upcoming patches in readiness for Valentine's live launch this coming Friday. On Thursday at midnight, it goes live for all Harem-Chat members, and we have a Lovers Day only Special in celebration of Valentine's birth into this online world.

     While we work virtually with one another, from my 5th monitor, Lucy said to me over our live feed.

     [Rick, yesterday the Kyusho family came to Star City for a trip. I wanted you to know, because they will be requesting a meeting with you at Phoenix Tower for official matters, Ufufu.]

     It had only been a week, but yet it felt so long ago, so I ask.

     "Why did they come from Crimson? Do they have beef with me, or is there more to their trip to Star City?"

     [Friday night with some bodyguards, Danzo, Inu, and Hinata Kyusho landed at the international airport. Yesterday morning Danzo, Steve's father, visited him in jail and informed him he was no longer a member of the Kyusho Clan. He also mentioned to his son that Cat and Hinata do or would serve you.]

     Lucy had her evil grin, and I asked.

     "Wait! Danzo Kyusho came all the way to Star City to slap Steven Woo in the proverbial face?!"

     [He did. I saw the footage of his meeting. Steven looked so adorable with his expression of losing everything for real this time. Any hope he had of a life after 5 years was taken, he is less than a hobo now.]

     I look at Lucy's eyes, of seeing my enemies suffer and feel bad for anyone who tries and hurts me. After what I heard happened to Scott, I am sure it was Lucy, but I don't ask. Revenge is personal, and she felt she needed to do it. I shake my thoughts and ask.

     "Based on your words, it seems Kyusho has come for me concerning Hinata, right?"

     [Yup, I have listened to their private talks to make sure they are not plotting against you, dear. And as I predicted based on their culture, they are coming to make amends with you and the Fire Birds, but mainly you and Hinata, for the Kyusho Clan's sake. This is why I told you to fight her and spare her life.]

     "Lucy, why do you push for this? What is the real reason?"

     [This is your future foothold to control parts of the Japan Empire in business. The Kyusho Clan may be exiles, but they have many, many ally's in that Empire. The immediate reason? Hinata, like I said, is a Master level fighter, and that is nothing to sneeze at. She will be your strongest weapon at your side. She is just a living breathing Katana on your waist, that also happens to look good, fufu.]

     "So you are saying, they want to tie their family to me, why?"

     [After their failed attempt to seize control of the Fire Birds using Steven they offended many in Crimson and in Eurasia. This has put their entire clan into a corner. They cannot live well in the Japan Empire and soon Eurasia. They cannot survive in the UK, and they do not wish to go to the China Empire, which is friendly with their enemies. your duel has given them coal in winter, so they wish to tie their clan to the next Leader of Fire Birds, a Tang, and a Grandmaster!]

     My eyebrows raised at her last word and I worriedly asked.

     "Lucy, you said Grandmaster! Am I exposed?!"

     Lucy gives me a warm smile and comforts my racing heart.

     [Calm down, Rick. Only Central and the higher nobility in the China Empire even have any knowledge of you. Inu Kyusho however figured it out based on what she witnessed. She is at the peak of a Masters skill, and due to that, she was still unable to see your techniques fully. She confided privately with only her husband, but not Hinata about her guess. She has no idea of the Yellow Emperor's true legends.]

     Seems I have gotten stronger physically, and some of my level has surpassed the Masters peak somewhat. Thankfully peak Masters are super rare. I asked.

     "Then what are the Kyusho's long term wants with me?"

     [A ride on your coattails, what else does a struggling family want? Hinata's mother wants something else entirely. She wants you to train Hinata into a Grandmaster, so her daughter can go to the Japan Empire in the future and eradicate the Grandmaster that made their clan suffer. Inu was unable to break her limit, so she hopes you, a genius almost 19 year old Grandmaster can regain their clan's honor, simple as that.]

     "Lucy, you are a true Chess master, playing years in advance, right?"

     Her eyes got that dangerous look, like she sees the future.

     [In ten years, Rick... I will be sitting in your lap, while you move the pieces on the world board, making Pangaea bend to your future, that is my ten year promise, my love.]

     I chuckle at her almost drooling face and tease her.

     "So you want to build my Economic Empire, just so you can sit in my lap? In that case, can I give you my lap in advance as interest?"

     Wow, Lucy looks like her soul just left her body hearing me tease her like that. Soon a smile that was too creepy graced her face, and she said.

     [Hmm... Rick, you know I am still a virgin, right? You really need to do something about that, and I need to buy a new computer chair now, fufu.]

     I smile at her, because I really have pushed off loving her as a woman in the truest way. My heart is hers, even if I don't want to admit it, so...

     "On Lovers Day, we will be at the Velvet Lounge... I can come and take a look at your work that night. Just make sure the 40th floor is clean and ready for the wives to hang out in."


     "Not for sex."

     Lucy's face froze, feeling I just pulled the rug from under her feet, but just before she looked hurt I smiled and said.

     "Make sure it is clean, because I will come to make love to you on Thursday night."

     [Ufufu, You really know how to tease me now, don't you. You better keep your promise mister.]

     "Tina has a job that night, and at midnight, Valentine goes live, so I need to be there anyway, so I need to take care of you, see you then, I have a call."

     Ring Ring Ring! As her face looked a bit lewd, I cut the chat to answer my phone...

     "Hello Tina dear, I was just thinking of you."

     [Hum? Well that is good. I am with Leader Daniel, and he has a lunchtime meeting with the Kyusho family from Crimson. They wanted to meet you about the conflict over last weekend. Can you come?]

     "From our side, who will be there?"

     [Me, Cat, Leader Daniel, Paul Yamaha, and Luke Fu. It will be at The Country Club Resort, which is the hotel Kyusho is staying at.]

     "Should I bring anyone? And should I drive my SUV?"

     [Sure drive that, I will come home with you, so more seating the better. Bring Jenifer due to this being an official meeting of the Vice Leader.]

     "Okay, I will dress appropriately, and let everyone know I will be out, love you and see you in a while."


     My Durango SRT Hellcat is nearing the restaurant and resort. I, in my black-suit with a red-tie, am accompanied by Jenifer in her lady-suit wearing a red-hair-tie made from my old scarf in a bow.

     "Master, why bring the Katana?"

     I brought the sword wrapped in a black-velvet-wrapping. So I told her.

     "We are meeting with the Kyusho family, they may want the sword back, a duel, or another factor, so it is best to have it on hand."


     Valet-parking took care of my car as we stopped in the front of the restaurant. All of the restaurant-Fire Birds staff was diligent to attend us promptly. Funny how I have adapted to being a noble now, not even a year ago, I detested this type of people, sigh.

     "Vice Leader, I am so happy to see you once again, please follow me, fufu."

     Chatty Cathy walked with me, telling me about affairs lately, while Jenifer just pretended to not be annoyed with this lewd woman's attempts every time I came.

     The sliding frosted glass-door was opened for me, so when I entered I saw all of my people, plus the two Master level guards.

     Tina, wearing a long-red-dress, came to my side to hug me, and then walked me to my seat. I greet those sitting at the table.

     "Uncle Daniel and State Manager Paul Yamaha. Great to see you today."

     Uncle Feng nodded with a warm smile, for a bad guy, and said.

     "Great work last weekend, and Bill Woo was very grateful for the books, ha-ha. Well our books are good as well. I will visit Black and White State, but will send the books back here for you to work on, if that's fine?"

     Tina pours me a glass of wine, and I sipped some while saying.

     "Perfect, Jenifer and I can work on it on the side, then this year will be a boon. Also, at the end of the month, I need the Jet to go to Long Island for personal business, so if you need me to do anything there just say it."

     Paul thought of something and asked.

     "Actually, I was meeting some firearms company dealers, and it so happens to be at that time and place?! Mind if I tag along?"

     My mouth twitched and I asked.

     "The company you are meeting with would not happen to be Smith and Wesson?"

     "Wow, I was keeping that tight to my vest to surprise you guys. How did you know?"

     Tina, seeing my face and also finding it funny, just covered her mouth and giggled as I explained.

     "Kim Smith is my fiancee, and I am meeting her parents there, the owners of Smith and Wesson, so I guess my trip is now Business and Pleasure?"

     I see a certain baldy smirking off to the side with Cat and Jenifer, so I say.

     "Good to see you over there Luke and Cat."

     He said with a grin.

     "This place is just inside my territory, so of course I had to come to see you Boss, ha-ha."

     Cat next to him rolled her eyes and said.

     "Rick, don't listen to him, he only came here to follow me. He said he likes Cat's. His pickup lines are trash, but he is a good guy."

     Seeing Luke blush and Cat smirking, I pointed and asked.

     "Ah! You two... Oh... I get it now, Fu and Woo get along, right?"

     This time Cat blushed. Tina patted my arm and said.

     "The two wanted your blessing to get engaged. If they get your blessing, their two families won't have problems with the pairing."

     Fuck me! I feel like a daddy already! I ask Cat.

     "Cat, do you want to marry Crazy Fu?! If you do, I don't mind at all, but I never expected Luke to be your type, ha-ha."

     She sighs and smiles at my teasing, then explains.

     "I am divorced, so I am considered a bit shameful to marry. Especially who I was married to, well you know, and Luke here might be simple, but he is cute, a noble, and he is friends with you, so there is not a downside to me or my Woo Clan."

     Luke pointed to himself and asked me.

     "Hey Boss, why are you not asking me about how I feel about her?"

     I pointed to the bathroom across the hall and said with a shit-eating-grin.

     "There is a mirror in the bathroom, go look in it! When guys like you and me get proposed to by attractive women, it is dumb to ask our opinions, right?"

     He sulked and rubbed his bald head and muttered.

     "Sure, but you still could have given me face, Boss."

     "Sigh, Luke, do you want to marry Cat?"

     "Hell yes I do, plus I got her pregnant already!"

     The room went silent at his bold exposure! I was speechless, and I saw Cat ready to beat his ass!

     Slide! Clop Clop Clop Clop! The silence and Luke's premature-death was halted, as the sounds of two sets of wooden geta made their way into our ears from the room's entrance, so we all looked.

     Three Japanese Empire descent nobles come in with the father Danzo, wearing a black western-suit like me with a blue-tie. Next to him is his white-Kimono clad wife Inu, looking like the older sister to Hinata, who is following her mother, in a crimson-Kimono with blue-flowers. Danzo said with a slight bow.

     "Please excuse our lateness. Our jet-lag seems to have made us tardy. Thank you for this meeting, Leader of the Fire Birds."

     Daniel, sensing the strengths of all three of them did not neglect his own manners and grins, while waving at the three open seats.

     "We don't mind, the young generation was just trading stories and entertaining us, sit-sit."

     The three sat all with direct expressions. The father assessing who was willing to show for his family, seeing all of the top people, his heart felt acknowledged. Hinata only looked at her empty plate and wine glass saying nothing, like a scolded child. But Inu just looked at me, not feeling the pressure she felt on the roof, but she knew it was real.

     "Servers, bring in the feast, now that our guests are here."

     Looking at the tableware, I added.

     "And bring us some chopsticks with the meal as well."

     Danzo asks.

     "Vice Leader Tang, you seem to be very conscious of our culture, language, fighting forms. Have you ever been to the Japan Empire?"

     I shake my head and admit.

     "I have spent all my life here in Star City, my first flight was last week. I sailed to Long Island in November, and went on a road trip to Central one time as a kid, so there is no way I have left our country."

     He asked again, and I can tell he is asking for his wife, because traditional Japan Empire women are not usually clan heads, unlike China and Eurasia. The male of the Harem is usually the pillar, only a female can lead if no males are present. This is the main cultural difference between the two Asian Empires.

     "The stance you employed, did a hidden Master teach it to you?"

     I pointed to Hinata, and then grinned.

     "Naturally I was copying her, the rest was improvisation. Where would I find a hidden master? But I have read a lot of secret books in the past when I was younger, so maybe I saw it then?"

     I have no good reason to know all of their secret family martial arts and swordplay, so I will be vague about where I learned it, but I scan their body language to see if they are feeling twitchy. All three looked at me at that moment, aware of my gaze now, I see, they are all masters and can feel me analyzing their body gestures, so let me try...

     I imagined what I would do to strike Inu's left-shoulder using my cloth-covered sword, and I saw her right-hand cover her left-shoulder defensively and I was surprised. This happened with Hinata on the roof too. I smiled and said.

     "Mrs Kyusho, your sword skill is very high. Sorry, I was only curious."

     She relaxed hearing my words and bowed her head to me, then she said.

     "Your eyes are very sharp, and I had only sensed that by some others in the old country."

     She remembered my answer on the roof, when I was nonchalant about claiming to be a Master, but now by some freak of nature, she was certain I am a Grandmaster. Then Daniel chuckled and said.

     "With one handshake, this kid saw through me, and could tell what two fighting styles I used, and my skill level with firearms. No one in the Fire Birds doubts his talents. Last week's incident was expected, hell he even shot down a helicopter with a handgun a ways back."

     Just then, the carts of food were slid into the room and dishes were spread out for everyone, including our three subordinates at a small table to the side.

     Leader Feng said to everyone...

     "Before we get into hard topics, and deals, let us fill our bellies and enjoy everyone."

     I hold up the pair of fine chopsticks and gently clap like the anime in my past life and say.

     "Thanks for the food!"


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[Acting: Advanced] [Acrobatics: Master] [Auto-Mechanics: Basic] [Business Management: Advanced] [Cat Burglar: Basic] [Computer Use: Master] [Cooking: Advanced] [Driving: Advanced] [General Education*: Basic] [Gun-Fu: Master] [Firearms: Master] [Kung-Fu: Grandmaster] [Medicine: Advanced] [Stealth: Basic] [Thief: Basic] [Virtual Business Management: Advanced]

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