After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 152 My Vassals, The Kyusho!

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(A/N Vassal: A person who held land from a feudal lord and received protection in return for homage and allegiance. A bondman; a slave. A subordinate or dependent.)

(A/N Dogeza: is an element of traditional Japanese etiquette which involves kneeling directly on the ground and bowing to prostrate oneself while touching one's head to the floor. It is used to show deference to a person of higher status, as a deep apology or to express the desire for a favor from said person.)

(A/N Geisha: also known as geiko or geigi, are a class of female Japanese performing artists and entertainers trained in traditional Japanese performing arts styles, such as dance, music and singing, as well as being proficient conversationalists and hosts.)


Chapter 152  My Vassals, The Kyusho! by Harem-Fan


     Tina during the meal, was making a point to show her affection with gestures of a tender wife. No, she does this when we are alone, but she is making more of a point than normal, seeing how Inu is doing it for Danzo.

     While finishing my main-dish, I asked Danzo.

     "Mr Kyusho, I am aware of your company, Kyusho Robotics Inc, but why did you build your company in Crimson in the colder mountainous regions of Eurasia?"

     Danzo, also done, put his chopsticks down and explained.

     "Mr Tang, the first reason, Phoenix City has a large district devoted to traditional Japan Empire culture and building styles that suits my family's tastes. The second reason is, the colder dry climate is better on robotics for heating and testing issues. The last reason, the climate is like my home nation's higher elevation mountainous regions, of colder temperatures. We just enjoy cool summers."

     "Actually, I have bought and used many of your drone products over the last couple of months. They are far more advanced than even some of the local brands. I am a fan of your Humming-bird series model."

     Danzo sipping his white wine asks me.

     "If you are using that model, then I am to assume, you know your way around the computer? I see."

     I give a suggestive smile and hint.

     "You should sign up for that new online platform called, Harem-Chat. I think you will learn more about me on Friday when the updates go live."

     His red-eyes seemed to understand my hint and said.

     "The new family management services from the Victoria Cosmetics company? I heard it would soon break away to become its own independent company under Victoria Long, your 1st wife?"

     "It will form its own company at the end of summer when it has stabilized, yes. It will still fall under Victoria Long Inc."

     "So, is it true what the rumors are saying? This Harem-Chat is launching the world's most advanced search engine?"

     I nodded and said.

     "Yes, and over half of the core accounts won't even be harems, but those that want access to the search engine."

     Tina finished her glass of wine.

     "I and the rest of Rick's harem have been using it, fufu, and his twin wives even have Valentine do some of their homework for them."

     Yeah, Nadia may not be as sharp as Nichole, but she was the first of my wives to figure out, Valentine could do a homework assignment in under two minutes, sigh.

     I hear Cat say to Luke.

     "Luke, on Friday, sign up for that Harem-Chat, I need Valentine."

     I just mentally facepalm for Nadia finding a way to exploit my and Lucy's AI, but Lucy only praised Nadia for her sneaky clever planning.

     Jenifer is also smiling, due to the fact she has also used Valentine for some university and fire Birds work. But mainly she uses it to compare things between me and her, finding our common likes and dislikes. That was how she decided to suck in her pride, and share me with Mei. (Valentine is innocent here, and it was Lucy!)

     As the staff was clearing all of the dishes, Daniel Feng coughed, and started the serious talks. His attitude and air changed, showing his serious darker side, his charisma is borderline sinister as he looks at the three Kyusho.

     "Mr Kyusho, you asked for this meeting with my Vice Leader, about your fight to end his life for the 2nd time, so clearly explain why my Fire Birds should not be offended with this blatant disrespect?"

     Danzo also changed his posture to not show weakness and said.

     "Originally, our Kyusho Clan only had noble intentions of gaining a foothold with the Fire Birds, but due to my lack of good moral upbringing with my children, corruption seeped into my son's heart. After his fall, he poisoned my daughter's mind, and she foolishly sins for a criminal's petty revenge. I have already removed Steven Woo from the Kyusho Family Registry as of yesterday for his shame."

     Leader Feng seemed unimpressed, he half closed his gold-eyes and said.

     "Well, removing him is fine, but late, so what is your goal and resolution? I hope punishing a dead man behind bars is not what we gathered for?"

     Danzo, ready for that shame, only pressed forward.

     "Hinata Kyusho, my foolish daughter unilaterally chose to challenge Mr Tang to a duel for his life for her pride, based on her sinner brother's malicious and false words. She made the challenge using her life as a chip. Mr Tang accepted the fight, and won, but he did not take her life, but her sword, the symbol of a swordsman's pride. So we, the Kyusho Clan, have come to some decisions to mend our relations with Fire Birds, Mr Tang, and the Feng family."

     He looked to his daughter and wife, and all three stood. The parents stood at the place and slightly bowed their heads, while Hinata came over to where Tina and I were sitting and knelt to the ground, performing a perfect Dogeza with her forehead on the floor.

     Her paired swords are at her waist, and she looks like a cross between a Samurai and a Geisha. She had pulled out a jet-black-sheathed Katana, and held it in front of her opened palms, as if presenting the blade. Her father speaks.

     "We the Kyusho have not served a Master for 25 years now, after leaving our homeland, but today, we have found Mr Tang's character and ability to be one we can align with. This Katana is one of 7 swords of the Japan Empire, given to the most loyal retainers of the first Emperor Bloodline, and our Kyusho Clan was one of them. The sword is priceless, and is our sign of submission to a new Lord as his vassal."

     Hinata had not moved, and it is evident, if I take it, I accept them as followers. While I looked to the sword, Leader Feng asked curiously.

     "So, your family is not following the Fire Birds, but Rick, correct?"

     "That is correct, our family will not be bound to the organization, but to its New Leader. If Rick was deposed, we would follow along his path. This is the way of Vassalage."

     Then Leader Feng asked.

     "So how does this benefit the Fire Birds directly?"

     Danzo pointed to the kneeling woman who was in a crimson-kimono with blue-flowers and said.

     "Hinata Kyusho's life was forfeit after she lost, and in blunt terms is now Mr Tang's slave. In lighter terms, she is his servant. If Mr Tang does not want her, he needs to end her life as the duel dictated. The only reason she remains in the family registry is to not shame Mr Tang with a clan-less servant."

     My first life's memories hate the word slave to my core, but my current life knows this is the way of Asian culture on Pangaea. Eurasia has a loose slavery in the form of servants, who can leave in shame, but in Japan and China Empire's it is a true form of owning a person, sigh.

     I reached down and picked up the black-blade, and held it in front of me and said to Head Danzo.

     "Then I shall gladly accept your earnest wish to follow in my wake. I vow to not mistreat the Kyusho clan. So I hope we can prosper together."

     Now instead of a light bow, the two older people now do a deep bow to show submission and respect. I then point down at the still Kowtowing woman and say.

     "I did not spare Miss Kyusho to have a slave, I thought that was obvious. I don't personally like the old form of slavery. So, I don't need that kind of repayment."

     This time, it was Inu who spoke and explained.

     "As a young modern man, I understand your heart, Lord Tang, but you did claim her sword while saving her life, so following our customs, her life is forfeit, if she does not serve you. Call it slavery, life-debt, or gratitude, but her life is in your hands now. Our Kyusho Clan would not say a word if you ran her through her heart at this moment, nor would we revolt. But we know your character is not unkind, hence why we have tied ourselves to you, my young Lord."

     I can see in Inu's eyes that she is serious enough to kill Hinata to save their family name's dignity, sad really. Maybe this was part of why Steven revolted against his family and turned into an unscrupulous character. I ask the still kneeling woman.

     "And what do you want, and don't give me a prepared speech?"

     She was quiet for a while contemplating my words, and knew not to be evasive, she said while not moving.

     "My heart is full of shame, for wanting the life of an innocent man. I put my life on the line to take yours, you offered it to me, and I failed. So, my life is now yours. Does a sword need to be asked what it wants? No, just point and use me. If you are asking to choose between dying and serving you, then my Dogeza should give my Master the answer."

     Click! I stand and unsheathe the new Katana, and see that it is miles better than the sword I took from Hinata, and ask Danzo.

     "What is the name of this Katana?"

     "Ryuu Kuroiro, or Black Dragon!"

     The only thing on this sword and scabbard, not solid black, is the blade itself, which is folded steel mixed with other secret materials. None of my skills lets me understand what makes this weapon so damn good, just that my swordsmanship tells me it is the equivalent of what only a Grandmaster should wield.

     Now that I am examining the sword better, the pummel, hilt, and scabbard all have engraved depictions of coiling Eastern Dragons of black.


     Hearing me, she brings over the black-velvet wrapped blade from before, and I place both swords on the table in front of me.

     Jen walked back to her seat watching the events. I pulled out the sword from Hinata, and placed Black Dragon inside the velvet case, then took Hinata's sword and laid it in-front of her. I say.

     "Now take your Katana back and pair it with your Wakizashi, and make your Daishō complete."

     Hinata did not move, so I sigh in my heart and restate my purpose.

     "How can you serve me without your swords?"

     After my words, she sat up and ritualistically used both hands to take and place the Katana into her Obi, then she stood and bowed deeply.

     She then walked over to where Jen was, and stood there with her eyes-closed in wait. Inu then smiled at me and asked.

     "Lord Tang, as a mother, may I ask for two requests?"

     I looked into her brown-eyes with a look of I better not be tricked, she only smiled and said her two requests.

     "Just keep her alive, and train her to surpass me? I don't care if you make her sleep outside or beat her, just those two requests."

     This woman is kinda heartless, right? What, make her sleep outside and beat her, is she a dog or a masochist?

     Acting Advance keeps me from forming wrinkles on my forehead in frustration, and I ask her.

     "Keeping her alive is obvious, right? But for training her to surpass you, are you not asking me for the impossible?"

     Inu walked to the side of our room while everybody was still watching the show, and Inu's expression was asking me to come to her while she said something in private, so I went.

     -My Lord, the style you used on the rooftop, was something only my dead father, my ancestors, and I know, and no written records are made, it is passed down orally. I do not wish to know how or why, only that you train her in the ways lost to me. My family has a blood-debt in The Japan Empire, and only a Grandmaster can deal with her. So please, train my daughter, your servant.-

     -Only if you never speak of this again.-

     She bowed again, then the two of us went to sit down again, I looked tired, and Tina asked.

     "Hinata Kyusho, are you officially joining the Fire Birds as a life time commitment, to serve my Rick?"

     Her red-eyes briefly open and she says clearly.

     "If it is Master's will, it is also my intention, as my Kimono shows."

     Tina established the Pecking order in front of everyone.

     "Jenifer next to you is Rick's Personal Maid, and Fire Birds Secretary, and your senior for everything, so listen to her, okay? Do the Kyusho have any problems with those arrangements?"

     Danzo without emotions only says.

     "The Kyusho family has nothing to do with her arrangements, so as you see fit, is our answer."

     Daniel, seeing all of the business is done, smiles and shakes Danzo's hand without his evil-smile, and warmly says.

     "I will send word to Crimson immediately letting all know, you are now under Rick. In April, I am retiring and Rick will be the new Leader with Tina as his Proxy. And now that I know another friend is in Crimson, I will have to visit you. I am retiring in Phoenix City after-all, I love the snow, ha-ha!"

     While the two men started a friendly drinking session, Tina with a smile was on Harem-Chat explaining everything going on in the meeting. Luke came over to me grinning.

     "Cough, Hey Boss, I wanted to personally thank you for letting Cat join the Fire Birds. I would never have been able to meet her otherwise. You have really changed my life man. Who knew that mad game of Rock-Paper-Scissors would change my life so much."

     I smile at this mad-bastard and just congratulate him.

     "Well, just try not to turn your child into a crazy SUV crashing madman. I only need one Luke Fu under me, or I might just sweat myself to death, ha-ha."

     Luke shakes his head like a rattle-drum and tells me.

     "No, the test told me my kid is a girl, so I want her to be like Cat, not me. But I will have plenty of crazy to protect her. I heard you have a bunch of kids coming soon, congratulations, Boss! Let's get some guys together and drink, while you still have some free time, and we can celebrate."

     I think about it and say.

     "Actually, I have a couple of guys I can invite for drinks... My best friend James, then a guy named Tony, and my martial arts fellow student Logan. Sure I will arrange something for us all."

     I have not had a group of male friends since elementary-school, so how could I know this was a very bad idea?!

     "Great, I will send you a list of good bars, but if I had a recommendation... I would drink at the Song Bar, so we can be loud and obnoxious, and if we are lucky, start a fight, hah-aha!"

     Sadly, I can tell he is serious, and my gut is telling me I am naive!

     While I was being talked into stupid nonsense, Inu was a good conversational companion with Tina while the men chatted. Cat and Jennifer seemed to entertain themselves with whatever girls talk about when the guys are not around.


     An hour later, we began to part from one another, and servants of the Kyusho family had brought a pair of suitcases with all of Hinata's belongings waiting to ship her off. Good thing I brought the SUV!

     Now with her luggage in the back, Tina sat up in the passenger seat next to me holding my right-hand. Jenifer sat behind me, and Hinata behind Tina, with her eyes closed in meditation.

     As I am driving us home, I look at her in the rear-view, and curse Lucy for this situation...


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