After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 156 Ex-Lovers Day!

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Chapter 156  Ex-Lovers Day! by Harem-Fan


     Star City Penitentiary, Cell-block-D, Cell #156.

     Inside a 10 x 10 foot cell, two metal-framed beds jut-out of the wall on both the left and right side of the cell. There are no matrices, but a folded woolen sheet, one for the underside and one for the blanket. Not even a pillow is afforded in this luxurious suite.

     Between the two 'comfortable' beds, lay a small toilet without a seat cover. No tank, just a single pipe to flush the waste down the small toilet made of metal. This same pipe also connects to a faucet next to the toilet for drinking tap-water.

     Two prisoners occupy this cold concrete room. Both men wear black and white striped faded prison outfits. Each of the men have unshaven beards on their grim expressions.

     The room has a faint scent of fecal-matter, due to the left-side occupants colostomy-bag used to help him empty his large-intestine. His body smell is stronger than the unsanitary toilet in the small room.

     The cell-door is a solid metal-door with a one foot reinforced glass, and at the bottom, is a slide-panel to push and remove objects, like food-trays, clothing, and bed-sheets.

     The left prisoner's name is Chris Honda, while the right side prisoner is Steven Woo.

     With the silence in the room, Chris broke it with his random question.

     "What day is it? Is it a shower day? I hate getting sprayed with a fire-hose with cold water, but I stink?!"

     The grumpy man laying on the right-side bed, looks at the ceiling and mutters in defeat.

     "I am sure it is Friday, February 14th, Lovers Day. But, I am not sure if it is day or night time right now."

     Chris said.

     "Oh? Well it is nighttime, because Frank is fucking Bob next to our cell, and he only fucks at night. As for Lovers Day, I used to love that day. I would always make a special tape with a virgin girl I found."

     Steve said in disgust.

     "I know already, I literally know every single woman you have fucked and how, you won't shut up, but losing your dick and anus for your five years of lust does not sound like it was worth it. Well you have a life sentence, so what do you need with those anyway, right?"

     Chris sneers and says.

     "I still have my hands and mouth, plus we will get out of here, just trust Laura's words."

     Steven Woo just laughed and doubted him.

     "What, you believe that one-legged woman? I will not hold my breath. And who wants to break us out anyway, it won't happen. Plus even if I got out, the Fire Birds will kill me."

     "She said it was the Southern Cross working with the gang known as the Wizards of Oz."

     Steven started to laugh insanely hearing the gang's name, and then said.

     "Ha ha ha ha... Man those North Americans have silly gang names, like the Mad Hatters, and now the Wizards of Oz want in the pie here?!"

     Chris shook his head and denied him.

     "No, those guys, The Wizards of Oz may have a silly name, but they are high-tech and almost never fail in their work. Mad Hatters are a cliche group of criminals, but the Oz group are all seasoned Experts, who came from the military of the UK. They even use tanks, military-helicopters, and they are hard to hire. They even robbed Fort Knox and got away with it. The King of North America is livid."

     Steven then asked.

     "What would Oz and Cross get from breaking us out of prison?"

     Chris had madness in his eyes.

     "They want to let all the convicts flood the city, while they take all of us with special skills to America, to help train their forces. The Cross wants the chaos in the street, so they can pull off a huge job under the confusion. So I was told by Laura, they wanted my medical skills. She will train their troops and we will live a cushy life, then we can get revenge on that bastard."

     Steven Woo sat up and thought of his situation and said.

     "No, in only 4 years I can get out, and my sister will help me escape to the Japan Empire, where I can be free from the Feng."

     Chris sneered and said.

     "What? No, your sister is serving that bastard, she will not help you anymore. You should come with us to America."

     "No, my sister and I are loyal to one another, she will not stay loyal to Rick. She only lost a fight and loves me. From the Japan Empire, I can gather my family's allies and get my own revenge, then I will take back all he took, my wife, his wife, and my sister."

     "Well, then I will go play with some American girls, and you can finish your sentence, or sneak out in the escape, I won't worry about you then, but Laura will be mad."

     "Fuck, Laura is shit, her fucking daughter is chummy with Rick, so what high-horse does she ride with her one leg?"

     Soon the room went silent.

     Clink! Slide! Clink! After some time, the door panel had opened, and a couple of pieces of paper slid in with a deep voice.

     [Prisoner Steve Woo, Happy Lovers Day!]

     Chris and Steve looked at the brown envelope slid in, and after some time Woo picked it up in confusion. It is rare, but some people bribe guards to deliver items and goods into Prison at steep prices, so what was this? Plus if Woo does not get rid of it, and it is found in a room-inspection, more aggressive actions are taken.

     Chris watched as Woo pulled out two items from the envelope, and his face was curious. It seems Steve was a bit paler than normal then anger filled his eyes.

     Both pieces of paper fell to the floor, as Steven started to cry.

     Chris, not shy, picked it up to see what made him turn into a distressed mess.

     The first thing he saw was a Star General medical record he was familiar with, saying that Cat Woo was pregnant, and the father was Rick Lee-Tang! Chris remembered that when Steven was in the police arrest, Rick said some things alluding to if Cat was pregnant it would be his child. So he looked at the second item.

     The second item was a picture of a poolside scene, showing Rick face down on a lounge-chair, with Hinata Kyusho over him giving him a massage, wearing nothing but a short-white-kimono one would wear in bed. Based on the looks of both people, it was intimate in nature. This was not the look of a woman wanting to help her half-brother.

     "Damn Steve, Rick is thorough in his revenge, right? I guess he will try to make you and uncle next, based on this lewd picture. Your hot sister is even straddling over his waist?! Can I keep this picture, I have not seen a half naked woman in a while, he-he?!"

     With tears in his eyes he said.

     "I cannot go to the Japan Empire anymore with her betrayal, so I will go to North America, then I will find a way to get him back, that bastard!"


     In a 10 story office building, in the CEO's office of Floppy-Tech, sits Alex Renaldo, who had been working hard on his business. But the individual visiting him has made it difficult to work, so he said to the blonde and brown-eyed American tiredly.

     "Ralph Colt, I am not going to be used by you for petty revenge. Especially when it comes to Rick Tang. His enemies always end up in bad shape. The fact he does not bother with me is a damn miracle, and I won't kick a Tiger. Literally!"

     Colt just sneered and said.

     "So, you are going to let your fiance meet with her parents and Rick on Long Island, and you will not protest?! Are you a pussy?"

     "Ralph, look, we might be friends, but I and Kim are no longer official. I wanted her back, but she fell in love with Rick, so it is over. Rick has beaten me in a fight, and I am sure he was kind to me. He is also in control of one of the 4 Syndicates of Eurasia. And finally, he is a killer. I don't want Kim so bad as to run-into a hail of bullets, so if you want to cause Rick problems, then do it by yourself, so who is the pussy now? I am busy, so see yourself out."

     Colt stood and said some parting words to piss off his useless 'friend'.

     "Scott Song knows what you did with his wife. Hope is pregnant, and based on that video, it is probably yours, so watch your back... Friend, ha-ha!"

     After Ralph left, Alex looked at the door, then picked up his smartphone. After pressing a button he let it ring in his ear...

     "Hey it is me Alex, sorry, I know it's late but can we talk?"


     In a hotel room, in the dark only lit by a television playing the nightly news, sat a man drinking from a bottle of whisky.

     He only has pajama-pants on with his bare chest exposed. Littering his torso are a mass of writing and pictures from his belly, chest, shoulders, and back.

    Some of the words say things like... [Tang Disgrace] [Hope's Puppet] and [Dick]

     The words have scabbed and are healing. The burns with the Soldering Iron were not truly deep, but too robust to easily cover with plastic surgery. This series of graphic-words, will be with him the rest of his life.

     While he was drinking, he was scrolling through his phone and ignored the many texts from Hope trying to assure him it was his child and not Alex's, but Scott is numb to women cheating on him, and the fact it was Hope betraying him just ended his heart.

     She was his last lifeline, and for her to have cheated on him, and then this vandalism of his flesh during one of her parties in her club, has made him lose faith in Hope.

     Scott just looked at some updates to Harem-Chat, and removed all of the women from it without notice, so now he was finally alone.

     "Well Hope, you wanted to make a movie, right, he-he?!"

     Soon, Scott sent the video he received and watched repeatedly into the world wide web, and titled it... [For a cheap fuck, call Hope Song!]

     "I am the ultimate green hat! So what do I care about this shame, right? let the world see what kind of slut you are, live in shame bitch."

     Then with a twisted smile, he opened his personal files of their sex and party videos and also put them out there. The more he posted, the bigger his smile became. As he started to ruin Hope, he felt his heart lighten. Soon he said in realization.

     "So Rick, this is how it feels to get revenge, huh? Well I think I like it very much. I like being the bad guy. I think I will not let others walk on me anymore, then one day, I will just live my life freely. I think the life of a commoner is best! See mother, your boy will just do as he pleases, ha-ha! Ex-Lovers Day, yeah, this is the day that Scott Tang is reborn, fuck the Song as well."

     After a few more swigs of his alcohol, he searched the internet for allies to chase chaos to his perceived betrayers.

     "CEO of Floppy-Tech?! Hmm, So you want my soon to be ex-wife do ya, punk? He he he..."


     In a brand new home, Sam Sun is in his room with a maid, looking sad as she attempts to give him oral pleasure to no avail. Sam keeps hoping the doctors are wrong and life will return to his little buddy.

      "Slurp, Young master, this maid is sorry she is not good at it."

     He pushed the maid with no clothing away and said.

     "You are just not attractive enough to turn me on, so just leave. Speak about it, and you are fired."

     The beautiful woman picked up her clothing and left without a word. Then Sam put on his robe and went looking for his mother.

     Finding her in her study, he ran into her arms and started crying.

     "Mommy, why won't it work?! Sob sob, I can't feel good mommy!"

     Pam feeling heartbroken for Sam's erectile dysfunction only coddled him.

     "Sweetheart, don't worry, mummy has a lead on your problem. There were similar symptoms to what you experienced, in the China Empire, about a drug that created Eunuchs. There is a cure if it is the case, but it is costly, and you will need to go to the China Empire to receive the cure."

     Sam's body trembled hearing that, and he stopped his balling and sniffled, then asked.

     "Really mummy?! I can get my manhood back? You are sure?"

     "Yes, it seems, you may have been poisoned by someone, and that is why your 'parts' stopped working. But the China Empire is not easy to deal with my snookums. And the cost is very high."

     He said irrationally.

     "I promise, I will pay anything, what do they want?!"

     "One million, and you must marry one of their noble ladies as your first wife, so she can live with you, and bear your children. No negotiating on this."

     "Yes, anything, I will marry whoever! I think we can afford it, right?!"

     She smiled at her child and nodded.

     "Then I will call the Lang woman I met. She will make plans for you, my son. Then you can get your confidence back. Make sure and make plenty of children before anything like this happens again, okay?"

     "Mummy, don't worry, I will make many babies, he-he!"


     Logan Chen had been out shopping at the mall and getting some new anime DVDs he had his eyes on. And while he walked to his motorcycle, a woman's voice made him pause.

     "Fancy running into the infamous Logan Chen in a place like this. It has been a while, Sea Temple trash."

     Logan looked over at a woman wearing white-robes a martial artist might wear. She looked to be around 30 with long-white-hair and blue-eyes with an air of an ice-queen. She hails from the lands of the China Empire, but lives in the cold north of Eurasia.

     "Lan Chow! I thought I killed you last year? So your Snow Temple has sent the first Master now, huh?"

     Her lips curled in mockery.

     "You need to confirm your opponents are dead before walking away, sea-snake. But I broke through due to that failed attack. So now I have come to Star City to claim the territory. Your Sea Temple has no rights here. You are alone, while I brought many practitioners."

     Logan shrugged and made sure his bike was secure, stepped forward, and rolled his neck. He smiled and took a strange stance that Lan had never seen before.

     Lan frowned seeing Logan's strange movement and asked.

     "Logan, have you been drinking?!"

     Logan, using his acting, did a drunk looking shrug, and channeled his inner Rick Lee.

     "Maybe? Who knows, now let's fight! Hic!"

     Lan, feeling something is very wrong, stepped back and changed her plans.

     "This is too public of a place to fight, I am only greeting you old friend. We can kill each other in the future, humph. Leave Star City, or I will kill you and everyone you know. Goodbye dead man..."

     As Snow Temples Lan Chow fled, Logan stood normal and grins while saying.

     "Rick's Drunken Style, even made cold bitch hesitate, yeah, I fell for it too, ha-ha. Well to meet an Ex-Lover on Lovers Day, what are the odds? I better call Rick and let him know they are here."


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