After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 157 A Dream, Character Creation!

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Chapter 157  A Dream, Character Creation! by Harem-Fan


     When I got home from the Velvet Lounge with my household, I put everyone to bed. They were all very sleepy, so it did not take long.

     Tonight, I am sleeping with Victoria in my bedroom, that I only sleep once a week these days.

      Ring Ring Ring! While I was resting in the bed, waiting for Victoria to finish her bath, I received a strange phone-call. Looking at the caller, it was Alex Renaldo.

     [Hey it is me Alex, sorry, I know it's late but can we talk?]

     "No, it is fine, but getting a call from you is really unexpected, what can I do for you?"

     [I just wanted to give you a heads up about a man named Ralph Colt. He seems to want to cause problems, and I do not want you thinking I have anything to do with him.]

     I am a bit surprised with Alex telling me this. I guess he is not wanting to rock the boat with our past and all, so I said.

     "Yeah, that guy and I had a bit of heat when he started to give Kim a hard time, so he still wants to dance, huh?"

     [He seems to be aware of your marriage meeting in two weeks with Kim's parents in Long Island. He wanted me to go and interrupt it. But I told him to leave, so if he does anything, just know I had nothing to do with it.]

     "I appreciate your warning Alex. Do you still want that contract with Victoria Inc?"

     [Really?! The Space Contract, I would really like that one!]

     "Then I will talk to Vicky, and see what I can do. Oh by the way, are you aware there is a steamy sex video, with you and Hope rampant on the internet?"

     [Wait, What?! Are you serious?]

     "Serious as a Heart-attack, and I had nothing to do with its production or distribution, just saw it a bit ago. Good showing on your part, so don't be ashamed, ha-ha."

     [Shit, I know what that video is too, she told me about it. Well I have to go and deal with this fallout, but I have one question for you, Rick.]


     [Do you really love Kim? If you do, just treat her well. Don't make her sad, like I did.]

     "I very-much love that strange woman, so don't worry, I will take good care of her heart."

     [Then... I wish you two luck, and if you are fine with it, I would like to give you my blessing, if it matters.]

     "Having your blessing is better than not having it. So thanks. By the way... After my trip to Long Island, my pals and I are drinking out for a guys-night, if you're interested, can you tag along?"

     [Let's put that on the maybe list, and text me with the details, then I can let you know. gotta get back to work, talk to you another time.]


     I then hung up the phone and texted Mei about Ralph Colt and what Alex said, then she told me she would call Lucy. Finally my wife came out from her bath with a bit of a smile.

     "Happy Lovers Day, my husband. I want you to love me tonight."

     Vicky, wearing only a short-purple-nighty, came to me and crawled under the covers for a night full of tender affection and love making.

     Finally after our session, I was holding my wife in my arms, and the darkness took me...


     Before I knew it, I blinked my disoriented eyes.

     Looking around, I was in a familiar but yet unfamiliar room!

     It was a normal boys bedroom of a teenager, with a bed, computer table, bookshelf, closet, door to other parts of a home, and a window showing a black light-less scenery.

     Dirty clothes were on the floor in a pile by the bed, a clock on the wall was stopped at midnight, and a computer was humming in front of me where I sat in a computer-chair. I am only wearing the black-boxers I went to sleep in, with Vicky.

     The first thing I noticed, I was unable to move from the chair or push this chair away, like a supernatural force kept me in this spot.

     The reason this room was familiar to me was... This was the room where I saw my past life's me make a character for my current world. The skills my system gave me had come from that time. A sense of panic started to overcome my heart as I realized, this is how my past self must have felt. Now that I think of some of his memories, this was not his bedroom as well.

     "No, please no, tell me I am not dead... I am not ready to leave my world! My lovers, my babies, my goals!"

     DO-DA-DA-DODO~♪! Just as I was going to start shedding tears, an old 16 Bit video-game music came from the computer with a cheesy graphics intro to a game. My brain halted its freak out while I watched this bizarre dream.

     [Welcome Player to another Earth, the world of Sword & Sorcery!]

     [Relax and enjoy your creation! You, Golden Dragon, are not yet dead! It is time to prepare for your inevitable Game Over, and a new world will await you.]

     While I read the words on the screen, my nerves calmed hearing I was not dead. So I seriously pay attention and don't become a whiny bitch.

     [Your new life and identity is unknown, so who you will be is left to random fate! You will be given a 50 point-buy from things of that world, so pick your extraordinary Skills and Abilities. As with all play-through, your Basic Education will be free, so let your heart guide you! So don't be useless like your previous life was.]

     [Time remaining to pick your System Ability is 30 minutes, so don't fail!]

     "Fuck, don't even tell me anything?! Just the theme of sword and sorcery?! Okay let's see what kind of shit we have here?"

     I see a new screen open with a blank list of slots to choose things into. Then I see a master list of Abilities or Skills offered in that world. So I have to look at the overall list of skills to determine what the world will be like, then determine what I would need in the new world. So why is this tough?

     [Character Creation Hint: You will not carry over any current system skills you have, nor remember your name or of names of loved ones. The only transferable skill you have is your Basic Education.]

     "So my Grandmaster Kung-Fu and others will be forgotten about, or at least the knowledge to use them, huh? Shit."

     As I scan through many of the Skills and Abilities, I noticed the System was a bit different from the System I had, as far as skills and levels went.

     For example, there is no Basic, Advanced, Master, and Grandmaster rankings, but instead it is as follows... Low-Level, Middle-Level, High-Level, and Mythic-Level!

     There are somewhere around a hundred or so things to purchase or upgrade. Some of the more notable choices are...

     [Arcane Magic] [Divine Magic] [Acrobatics] [Deception] [Entertainment: Musical Instrument, Dance, Song, and or Oratory] [Persuasion] [Languages] [Thievery] [Healing-Medicine] [Alchemy] [Spell and Magical Lore] [Survival] [Stealth] [Profession: Business Owner, Scribe, Courtesan, Sailor, and more taken separately etc...] [Martial Combat] [Unarmed Combat] [Black-Powder Firearms] [Nature Shapeshifting]... etc...

     "Holy-shit, there are soooo many choices here?! Plus this world has Gods in it? Oh, an looking at the Languages skill, it seems many fantasy races!"

     Every-time I click on a choice, it seems there are more choices that must be decided on like... If you click on Divine Magic, you must choose between Godly or Nature. And to test it, I found you could take Low-Level in both Godly and one in Nature to make it two separate Skills.

     So unlike my current world that only gave me Skills, this selection seems to have a blend of Skill and Supernatural ability. This both excites me and disappoints me. Not knowing what my world is like, who I will be, or my natural capability is tough. The only thing I know is, I will be male and 18 years old when I awaken.

     Even if I pay one point for a total of 50 additional choices, with all the picks, there could be over a couple hundred I could never touch, sigh. Okay, I only have 24 minutes left, damn.

     So just like my current life, the points cost the same for all the selections as follows...

     5th-Level: Low-level is 1 point. Basic knowledge and proficiency of most of the population of the world and other planes!

     10th-Level: Middle-Level is 3 points. Advanced Knowledge and a cut above all the lower life forms, easily wanted for your ability most everywhere.

     15th-Level: High Level is 7 points. A true veteran of many campaigns into the dungeons and monster lairs of the world, many look up to your strength and ability.

     20th-Level: Mythic-Level is 15 points. Peak of all life forms, and borders on the power of the Gods. You are known by many Nations as a Mythic Legend. There is nowhere to go higher from this peak.

     Well, seeing how massive the leap is in skill and power with my current skills, I can only imagine how outstanding the level upgrades are, though, I don't know how powerful magic truly is? Many fantasy novels range wildly in what magic can and cannot do, but magic is going to be a must for me!

     "Okay, let me make my strongest ability now, Um, lets click Arcane Magic?! Oh? So I can choose either Learned or Innate. Well I have played role-playing-games before so let us go with the choice of Sorcery!"

     15 points spent for [Sorcery Magic: Mythic-Level]

     [points remaining: 35]

     0* points spent on [Education: Low-Level]

     "Okay, I think I might get crossover free abilities if I choose a selection of compatible skills, so let us try the same point buy method my previous life did. So I will pick 3 High-Level choices, with 3 middle-Level, and the remaining 5 in Low-Level. Yeah, this feels right! So now let's assume, I will be a useless waste, and hope for the best!"


     [Education: Low-Level] [Sorcery Magic: Mythic-Level] [Martial Combat: High-Level] [Stealth: High-Level] [Thievery: High-Level] [Acrobatics: Middle-Level] [Deception: Middle-Level] [Nature Magic: Middle-Level] [Healing-Medicine: Low-Level] [Languages: Low-Level] [Riding: Low-Level] [Spell and Magical Lore: Low-Level] [Survival: Low-Level]


     With 5 minutes to spare, I made my final choice, even though I am not fully happy with it, due to not knowing what my reincarnation will be like, but this has survival-ability and solo-ability in mind, in most fantasy worlds.

     Education is reading and writing, as well as common knowledge of the locals. Sorcery avoids needing a teacher and is probably devastating in a fight.

     For my High-Level, Martial Combat is my ability to fight without magic using all common weapons. Thievery covers everything from picking pockets, sleight of hand, to removing traps, well that's what the skill said. Finally, Stealth was my survival ability skill that works well with Thievery. If I am solo, hiding and sneaking is a must, right?

     For my Middle-Level skills, I went with Divine Magic. I wanted the Gods magic, but I am not sure if I would get along with Gods, so I went with Nature magic, seems a safe bet. Deception covers telling a falsehood, acting, and feinting in fights. And the last one was Acrobatics for many situations.

     And my more common Low-Level picks are...

     Spell and Magical Lore, so I know what magic is being used, or used on me, as well as identify magical items, according to the skill description.

     Healing-Medicine covers first-aid, herbalist, and diagnosing conditions and afflictions, so this is survival based.

     Riding is self-evident, it is the ability to ride mounts and drive carriages. Well in a fantasy world this is probably a must.

     Survival is a no brainer, if you are outside a city or town, you need this. Plus it covers map use and direction sense.

     And the last one is Languages. At first I was not going to pick it, but I saw what it would teach me... Elven, Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, and Orc.

     I am not going to lie, that one got picked the moment I saw Elf!

     Just as I had finished my thoughts, all of the information vanished and words appeared on the screen, with the image of a Gold Dragon behind the words...

     [Congratulations, player for creating your next life's Character. When you pass, you will enter the Earth of Sword & Sorcery!]

     [To return, and save, press [Yes]/[No]!]

     As I reluctantly pressed yes, because I am not stupid, I see as I fade away...

     [Good luck, Immortal Gold Dragon!]


     As my eyes shot open, I panicked, with a fear of waking up in a new world, but the smell of vanilla calmed my heart.

     It was still dark, and I had Victoria still in my arms. I felt I had a brush with death in that dream. I am not ready to leave my world! I have not loved enough. I also have not yet changed this world, so Thinking of another world is something I should just forget about, all together.

     As I calmed, I thought about my past life's character creation with my life. How hard was it to make those same choices? Maybe He did not die the way I think he did, but my memories of him stopped then, like maybe in the future I wont have my memories of this moment forward?

     "So the last me did not commit suicide after all! I only stopped getting his memories when he made me!"

     My heart all of a sudden felt happy, and a smile was plastered on my face thinking that maybe I had lived a better life on my last Earth, and did not waste my time after-all!

     "This is better! Future me won't miss his children, and only his lovers, I think that is better... Well, time to go back to sleep, and tomorrow lets live a better life!"


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