After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 158 Returning To Long Island!

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Chapter 158  Returning To Long Island! by Harem-Fan


     Another two weeks have slipped away after that strange dream took place.

     My wives are anticipating the nearing births, and the other lovers are taking this time to have me go on dates with them every-night with the two of them.

     Drama Club is going well, and we will have a play at the end of March at the University theater for a weekend, for  a total of 3 shows.

     Logan, during our week in Drama, had informed me of this Lan character to watch-out for. He and she had a brief love connection, till they found out of their Temples affiliations, and now she has been mortal enemies with Logan. He had thought he killed her last year. His heart must have held back, because she still lives.

     Hana has joined Nadia, Mary, and Nichole in the no intercourse group, due to the discomfort of pregnancy. Most women stop having sex around the final month, and about a month after giving birth. So I have found my weekends from Saturday till Tuesday have been more of a cuddle session.

     Within the Fire Birds, the changeover has been taking place, preparing for the April hand-off. Daniel was surprised when I told him to not change the 70's decor of his office and the building. He was happy I would carry-on the trend he maintained. Plus I bought Jenifer a retro-secretary-outfit to match my office, yeah baby!

     Finally the day to leave had come...


     Star City Small Airfield...

     Mercy opened the limo door near my personal jet, letting out the four of us traveling with our Fire Birds Executives.

     Myself, Kim, Mei, and Hinata all got out and we saw Paul Yamaha, his personal secretary, and his female Master level bodyguard. Paul, seeing me, bowed his head and said.

     "Mr Tang, it is good to see you again. We did not want to board the plane until you got on first, sir."

     I can understand, he is not sure if he should sit in the seats, or the couch, so he wanted to see where I sat. I told him.

     "Well let us get on board then we can talk."

     I saw off Mercy as well, and then entered the plane.

     The two pilots and the attendant greeted me again, and helped us get on, while some Fire Birds staff loaded our bags.


     My group sat on the two facing couches, while Paul's group and the attendant sat in the chairs. They do have seat-belts in the couch cushions for lift off, landing, and bad weather.

     Mei and Hinata sat on the right side, while Kim and I were on the left side.

      Our flight time should be around 4 hours, so it is not so long. Kim, wearing a knee-length dress in white, asked me.

     "I feel like I am 18 again and am nervous about taking you to meet my mom and dad. Are you nervous, Rick?"

     I shook my head no and explained why.

     "Not really, because you will marry me whether they like me or not, so I will just be myself and be honest. I do not mind meeting the family you love, because they will be my family as well."

     Mei in her long maid dress just smiles at our interaction thinking the American woman is funny, in a cute way.

     I had seen Hinata's red-eyes briefly open to observe us, but when she noticed me looking at her, she went back to meditation, holding my Katana across her chest. She is wearing her crimson-kimono while she is on duty, but at home, she prefers blue or white with flowers on them.

     Hinata Kyusho after our night at the pool, has not once questioned me about anything regarding training, diet, and work since then. She rarely speaks, but she does small things like bring me hand brewed green-tea when she makes it for herself. I have also noticed, except for training, she always wears her gold-bracelet.

     Soon, the plane lifted off and our flight flew southward...


     While in flight, Paul said to Kim.

     "Miss Smith, it is a pleasure to meet the future wife of my Leader, if you need anything or have questions, please allow us to help. I am also glad to do business with your parents."

     Kim became aware of the fact I am a Syndicate Leader when she started talking to gangster-like people, and she nodded with a small voice.

     "Ah, No need to fuss over little ol me, ha-ha. Rick here has me taken care of, but thanks."

     Soon the attendant hands everyone refreshments while we all do our own personal chatting.

     Kim holding my left-arm looks at me with her green-eyes and grins. I have a question.

     "Are you thinking about something?"

     "Yup! I find it funny how my mom will react when she sees you, ha-ha."

     "I thought they saw me on my fight video?"

     She smiles with playfulness and informs me.

     "Yes they did, but they still do not know I am almost 9 years older than you, giggle."

     I had a thoughtful look on my face but Mei said what I was thinking.

     "Master loves older women, fufu. Don't let him meet your mother."

     "I think I need to leave you on Long Island, Mei, sigh..."

     Hinata in a rare moment of gossip asked.

     "Sensei, why is that, I mean your preferences for older women?"

     My face looked complicated, but I kinda tell the truth.

     "In my preteens, I had just started to discover the beauty of women, and I had interactions with all older women back then, so it is probably the reason. I had a crush on a woman 13 years older than me back then, so yeah..."

     "Really Sensei? So did you two do anything, and perhaps that is why your impression is so deep?"

     "No, she was never like that to me. She just liked my company and I liked her company, it was very innocent."

     Hinata had her curiosity sated, then closed her eyes holding my sword for me. She said it was her duty to hold her Lord's blade for him. Though, when I use it, it always smells of her body.

     Kim, feeling a bit tired, covered herself with a blanket and laid in my lap while I drank.


     After we landed, our group exited the jet. The airfield is further on the eastern side of the island, so we need to be driven with a Fire Birds limo.

     We won't be staying at the Ben's hotel this go around and opt for the Hilton International.

     This is actually an American owned company despite it being spread out world wide. Oddly enough, the woman that owns the chain is named, you guessed it, Paris Hilton. Too bad she does not know she made a sex tape in my past life. Her and her boyfriend really stunk in the sheets as a spoiler. Well she could perform a good blowjob I think though?

     The other reason we are staying here is due to Kim's parents coming here as well.

     Once in the room, Kim called her mother. In the meantime, I and Mei swept for bugs. Then while Kim was still on the phone, asks like a little wife.

     "Rick dear, where and when should we meet up?"

     I think and tell her.

     "Let them settle in, and tell them to meet out front at the Phoenix Casino at 4 pm. We can have dinner there and play some games. There are a lot of North Americans there and we won't stand out."

     Kim nodded then told them over the phone...


     Paul will meet the parents in the morning for business before we leave, but for now, my group of four are waiting. Mei straightens my crimson-tie for me, and makes sure the red-handkerchief is in the jacket pocket right. This was made by both Linda and Jenifer, transforming the scarf into usable accessories.

     Mei with a grin said.

     "Master, you truly have transformed. You have a charisma about you, like you have accepted your role in life. Or is it because your children will be born this week? Fufu."

     "Honestly girls, I hope I don't fail at being a father. Making children is easy and fun, but being a good father frightens the pants off of me!"

     Mei smiled and reminded me.

     "Remember Master, before you graduate, I want to give you a son. I will name him Bruce Lee."

     All three women froze when they saw my shocked face. Yeah, I had not realized that Mei and I could possibly make a Chinese child named that. Bruce Lee the actor and martial artist does not exist in this world. Even Mei was unprepared to see my surprised face about the name of our child.

     "Master, is that name no good?"

     Seeing Mei looking nervous, I only grinned and told her.

     "That name is so perfect, it took my breath away, Mei. I can't wait to see our child, even if it is a girl."

     Soon, we hear a voice like Kim's older sister is calling. So I turned to see...

     A slightly older looking Kim in a suede-leather riding-suit, and a women's stetson-hat. The only difference is her eyes are blue instead of green.

     Her father is not much taller than the two women, and he is wearing a vest over a button-down flannel-shirt. His bluejeans are held up with a leather belt with a big belt-buckle that says, Smith and Wesson. He has a revolver on his right-hip, and looks like a Master Level gunfighter by my observation. He looks like a wild-west gunfighter, with his blonde handlebar-mustache.

     "Kimmy, come and hug mother, ha-ha!"

     Without caring from what bystanders thought, she just grabbed Kim and hugged her with a stupid smile, and even the clown Kim was embarrassed. Her dad, seeing me, put his hand out for a shake and said.

     "You must be Rick Tang, good to meet-cha! I am Rick Smith and she is Carol Wesson, and I bet based on your face, Kim never told you I am a Rick, hohoho?"

     I smiled because I did not background her parents, so I am surprised a bit.

     "Well, Rick is a common name, but I guess it is less common if Kim's father and husband would both be Ricks. My father had also been named Rick actually, ha-ha."

     Her mother let her go, turned to me and her eyes opened a bit wide, then asked.

     "Oh gosh! Mr Tang, how old are you?! You look younger than I thought?"

     "In June, I turn 19."

     Both parents, not good at judging the age of half Asian people stood surprised, then Kim took my arm and said.

     "My Rick likes older women."

     I say to the proud looking Kim.

     "And yet, your comment did not make the awkward scene any better. Mr and Mrs Smith, let's go in, I have a private room waiting for us."

     The two parents then recovered and nodded while following us in...


     The leader, and manager of the Phoenix Casino, who I remembered, is a late 30's woman, her assistant in her mid 20's, and a 40's man in charge of all of the security are waiting for my group.

     "Greetings Vice-Leader Tang, as a reminder, I am Sasha, this is Carol, and that is Chris. It is wonderful to have you and your group here with us."

     "Hello again, Sasha, we are ready for our private room overlooking the casino."

     The Head of the casino, in her elegant dress, says to our group.

     "Please, guests of Mr Tang, follow me."

     The older woman leads us up to a VIP room that has a wide one-way glass, overlooking the game-hall. A table for 4 has been set up, while another smaller table was set to the side for Mei and Hinata to eat as well.

     A server took our drink and food orders then the serious talks began.

     Her father started with.

     "We know you two will get married no matter what, little Kimmy already told us. So, what are your intentions with the Smith family? Are you wanting part of the company because she is the eldest of the three children?"

     I smile, because my acting ability is telling me he is trying to look firm here, but I only say to him.

     "Kim is my only goal. I am well off, and am part of the Tang Clan. I have already started my own businesses and all of my wives are successful in their own rights, or will be. I can even sign off saying I will look for nothing in the future, if that will satisfy you."

     Her mother shook her head and explained.

     "We are fully aware of your independence and position in Eurasia. We are actually thrilled you are a business major and are ambitious. My two sons are selling..."

     "What my wife is saying is, our two sons are planning to take apart the family business after controlling it. They don't know we know, but we cannot have that. I am actually wondering if you can consider manning the ship for a while in the future, till our grandchild is old enough?"

     My Acting Advance kicks into high gear thinking how this marriage talk went a bit off the rails. I ask in confusion.

     "Kim and I live in Eurasia, and your company is an American product? I also thought you intended for your son to run things?"

     He then relaxed his stiff shoulders and explained.

     "Kim is a dual citizen and when you marry her in Boston, you can also become a dual citizen of North America through marriage. We want to move the main headquarters of Smith and Wesson to Eurasia, in particular, Star City. We want you, a business student with connections to take over in the next few years, and run it till our grandchild can own it. As for my sons, no they would end my family business."

     I now understand why they wanted Alex.

     "So you pushed for Alex, because you wanted a business major from Eurasia to marry Kim?! I get it now."

     Her mother smiled seeing and hearing my deduction.

     "Honestly, we were over the moon when Kimmy told us about you, and your Harem-Chat company. We could tell our fortunes would turn for the better. And the best part, Kimmy wants you. So please accept the helm going forward. Kim cannot do it for lack of skill. We want our grandchild to helm it going forward. We also think the taxes in Eurasia would help our company immensely. In the States, it is getting very high."

     I look to Kim for her opinion on this revelation and she is thinking. I shrug and say.

     "Kim will decide on this and I will follow her wish."

     Kim looks at me and thinks about the responsibility, then looks at her parents, her heart is conflicted and she closes her eyes to think. Her child would get the gun company in the future, then she smiled and said to me.

     "I will keep my Smith name for our child, and we can give our baby something nice to win. I will try and help you run things, Rick!"

     I know she did not want to run things, but I can tell, she wants it for our baby, so I say to my soon to be mother and father.

     "You heard my Kim, she said yes. So when will we hold the wedding? Kim said at the end of our summer break before the new school-year?"

     Her parents seemed more nervous than us, putting all their chips on me. Her father said.

     "Boston is lovely at that time of year, and we will renovate the home for the wedding, welcome to our family, Rick!"

     After that, we had talks about what kind of party and guest to invite, also I need to bring my paperwork for dual citizenship when I come, to get the ball rolling on moving the main part of the gun company.

     Who knew marrying Kim would bring me into the world of arms dealing, my Empire is forming.

     Looking at the smiling Kim, I kiss her and say...

     "I really want to meet our lucky child."

     Hearing that, she turned red, while we all laughed at her shy nature.


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