After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 159 I-I Am Not Prepared!

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Chapter 159  I-I Am Not Prepared! by Harem-Fan


     A week after I returned to Star City, I found myself this Friday morning, preoccupied with all of the anticipation around the mansion.

     Just as I was putting my scrambled eggs into my mouth, I heard the most terrifying thing in my life.

     "Ah! Oh? Um, I think my water broke?!"

     Hearing Nadia's words, I shot to my feet in panic! I know the child is not coming right this moment, but my anticipation for this day has had me on edge! I say something retarded, due to losing some intelligence because of my joy.

     "Are you sure?!"

     Nadia, seeing my expression, calmed and giggled at my expense.

     "Ricky dear, I am very sure, so let us calmly make our way to the hospital. We are all prepared."

     Mary put her fork down and also slowly got up and said to Nichole.

     "Let us also go with, we should be nearing our times as well, and Rick will not be able to focus if he is all worried."

     Nichole put her things away and said like she was not involved.

     "Well, this gives me an excuse to skip Friday lectures, fufu."

     I immediately go to Nadia and help her, like she is a wounded victim, garnering laughs from everyone.

     Then with all of our bags packed, we loaded up the limo with the hospital group. Most of the other ladies are still going to University, due to birth taking a while. They will come to the hospital later when the action is really going to happen.


     On our way to Star General, I called uncle Tang...

     [Good morning Rick, what can I do for you so early?]

     "Hello uncle, I am letting you know, Nadia's water broke, and we are going to the hospital, so will you come by later?"

     "Ufufu, Hello uncle, yup, they are finally coming to say hello to you!"

     [Hello Nadia dear, that is fantastic! The next generation of Tang are here. I will need to finish-up some things here before I can head over.]

     Then Nichole looked a bit surprised, grinned and told us.

     "I think the car ride just helped me break my water, fufu, there will be 4 Tang showing up for you, uncle."

     [Hah-aha! Good job there Nichole, don't let your sister beat you, let's see who gives birth first! See you all in a while.]

     After he hung up I asked Nichole.

     "Nicky, are you feeling alright?"

     She looked to her lap and grinned again while telling me.

     "It is only a bit shameful for me to break my water in the limo, fufu, but I feel fine."

     I looked at Mary and she shrugged.

     "Don't look at me, you got me pregnant well after them, and I do not have twins, so who knows."

     I am both disappointed and okay with her not going into labor right now. Having two sets of twins coming on the same day is already nerve-wracking.


     Star General is very attentive to the 4 families that donate about half of their budget, so when Nadia and Nichole come in for delivery, they rush them like VIP princesses.

     They were even kind enough to put both women in a larger room so they could give birth in the same place, together. We had planned this a couple of weeks out, so the doctors and nurses were all ready for this wonderful day.

     I was given an office chair between both women's beds to get off my feet, and to attend to both women's needs.

     After both women received their IV's they are now comfortable, feeling their contractions occasionally, letting us know that it should be within 6 hours or so, before the birth takes place.

     The nurses have been in and out, readying the beds for the infants, before they get transferred to the nursery for care. Then I handed both of the sisters a cup of ice to chew on, to help with hydration and nerves. Nadia asked.

     "Ricky dear, what names did you pick from the names I gave you?"

     I smile at this tired looking angel and answer her clearly.

     "The first one to come out will be, Bella Tang, and her younger sister will be, Brenda Tang."

     "Ricky, I love those, fufu, good daddy~!"

     Nichole, powering through another contraction, smiled and asked the same question to me, so I revealed.

     "Our first one will be ,Tonya Tang, and the second sweetie will be, Tiffany Tang."

     Nichole thought of the names, and nodded to me, then she pulled me in for a kiss. She said.

     "I had hoped to deliver first, but alas, Nadia is too excited. Wonder if it was all the sex? Had I known, I would have been more aggressive."

     I wiped the hair from her eyes and comforted her.

     "You are all first in my heart, so just concentrate on giving birth to my two healthy daughters, and keep your health and spirits up as well. You are the tough one, right?"

     "It is hard to be tough in front of you. Oh, and have you remembered what you did on your guys night out? I think that is a funny story."

     My face stiffened on that, because I have in fact lost some of my memories of the evening, but at least, I had Mei and Hinata there, so I must not have done anything too bad. I think.

     I do know I had sex with Mei in the limo for sure. And she told me it was one of the best showings I had performed. And fuck I don't remember much of it, sigh. I do kinda remember little snippets of having sex with her though.

     "Cough, Well just a small amount. But I paid for the damage we caused, so no one got arrested, ha-ha."

     Nadia chimed in.

     "Well the limo smelled like a prostitutes-den the next day, sigh, wish I did that."

     I sigh at Nadia's imagination and look to the outside of the room.

     Outside the room, I see Mary, Mei, Hinata, and my uncle Anthony, who just showed up, so I excuse myself so I can say hi.


     "Uncle, thanks for coming."

     He smiles and jokingly says,as he points to Mary.

     "After hearing what Mary wants to name her baby, I am sad she too is not yet giving birth. I love that name."

     I smile because it was a really nice last minute change. Mary just said while rubbing her big belly.

     "Rick, never got to meet her, like I had, so naming her Sally Tang feels right. This way, it is like Sally never left the Tang."

     Anthony has not said it, but I could tell he is super happy inside at hearing his sister's name is getting passed on.

     Then I saw Mary with her smile frozen in surprise, and I joked.

     "What, did your water break too?"

     Then we saw it, and both Anthony and I froze while Mary smiled. She said.

     "Looks like Sally wants to share the same birthday, Ufufu. Yup my water just broke."

     Fortunately, the nurses are attentive in the VIP area, and quickly, Mary was moved into the room across from the twins. Crap!


     Soon, I was running between three women giving birth, and naturally the one with the most attention was Nadia, who should go first if all goes as mother nature is planning.

     All of my immediate friends and family have come, including Uncle Anthony's wife Kim, and of course Helen is here for the fun.

     Then to everyone's surprise, Lucy Shen came with sparkling-eyes, like she is part of the family. I smile at the fact, she is part of the family. I can tell her heart is full of joy, and this helps comfort her for the fact, she will not have her own.


     At 7 pm, the first of my twins emerged from Nadia, to cry and let the world know she is here. I cut the umbilical cord, and before her sister joined her, I looked at her beautiful little blue-eyes, and she held my finger. Seeing a newborn smile after it calms down is something I will never forget in my life. But then her sister came...

     I hurried to repeat the processes, and during this time, Nichole was starting to push-out our first girl, phew!

     By 8 pm, my first four baby girls are in this world safe and sound. The babies were one by one, taken to the nursery for the fine check ups before they are brought back in their baby beds. Thank the Gods, they all four have wrist tags, or I would not know who was who! All four had the same black hair and blue eyes. The only difference? Their personalities are subtly different.

     I smile at both sleepy women and tell them.

     "You ladies have made me very proud and happy today. Thanks for working so hard for our family."

     Once the girls were fully attended too, they took short naps to recover some strength. My family have all been coming in a couple at a time to see the new bundles of future chaos. Then I heard it...

     [Dammit Rick get your ass in here!]

     My mentally exhausted smile still grew, because I can tell she had tried not to have my presence for this while, but now, she needed me, so I rushed.


     Holding Mary's hand while trying to calm her, she only tightens her hold and growls at me.

     "You little shit, you put this active kid in me! Why is it you that only gets the fun stuff, huh? Just have sex and smile?!"

     "Mary, it is the hormones talking, well and the pain, but it will be over soon, plus she will be born with her sisters. This is a good day for a baby, on March 7th!"

     "Oh? You think this is fun? Wait till I get out of here you little shit! I swear, you will make me my favorite dishes when we get home!"

     The nurses and doctors just smile at me getting all of Mary's venting. This is a common scene in the delivery room. Well it is better the fathers get it than the staff.

     After a while, Sally Tang was coming into the world. While Mary was between pushes, she smiled at me holding her arm and told me.

     "I have never loved you as much as I do right now, Rick. Thank you for being mine... Ahhh!"

     And after Mary's final push, Sally Tang cried her lungs out, ready to face this wild world with her family...


     After running around, I looked at the clock just hitting midnight. The woman next to me by the vending machine asked.

     "Sensei, are you alright? You seem a bit exhausted?"

     I handed Hinata a canned tea, while I drank my hot coffee and said.

     "Compared to the wives, I have it easy. I only felt like a cheerleader tonight."

     Without emotions, she said.

     "A teacher does not do much in class, but his presence is important for the other students. So, you just being there made it better for your wives."

     She ties everything to training somehow, but it also is right.

     "It is late, why don't you head back to the mansion and rest?"

     "No, I am here to protect you all while you are at your most vulnerable. I will just meditate and my mind will rest. Besides, I don't think you are at your most alert."

     She then grinned a bit and brought up my sore spot.

     "Besides, after wrecking the Song Bar, I think I need to keep a better eye on you, Sensei."

     "Yeah, that Luke really knows how to cause trouble, and those damn Snow Temple jerks coming in while we were drinking was dumb on their part, sigh..."

     Hinata squinted her red-eyes and said.

     "Well, it was a bit uncomfortable watching what you did to Miss Mei Xia. You were the beast that night."

     "Sorry you had to see me like that, I hardly remember much of it."

     She shook her head and told me.

     "No, it was the fault of Mei, she was the one that instigated you. Sensei had laid down on the seat and was going to sleep, and she made you aggressive for her. So she was the one at fault."

     I only smiled in defeat and said to her.

     "No, it is fine with me that Mei wanted me, I just wish you did not have to witness it, due to making you feel uncomfortable."

     "It is fine Sensei, it really did not bother me. It was just another form of training. Now let me walk you back to the rooms, you are still needed tonight."

     "Thanks for your hard work, Hinata."

     On my way back to my wives, I did not see her smile at my back remembering something...


     The next day came and went. The wives had stayed in the hospital for another night to make sure all five babies were well taken care of. Nadia and Nichole had their tubes tied during their stay, to assure they never had to go through this again. Once was enough for these ambitious women.

     All of our maids are on the highest of alerts with the young Tang's coming home.

     And for the rest of the weekend, it was all hands on deck, every wife, lover, and Tang maid was pitching in, so Mary, Nadia, and Nichole would rest and recover.

     They had hardly anything major to have to do and started to bounce back quickly. The twins would take the next week from University off, and only work remotely from home on their class studies.

     I will only go to University for the afternoon Drama class, and for one week skip Business and Computers, due to me acing the class. This way, I can bond with my five little ladies.

     Bella, Brenda, Tonya, Tiffany, and Sally have finally joined my ever growing family.

     Now only a month till Rick Tang jr joins us...


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