After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 160 Remembering My Drunken Night!

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Chapter 160  Remembering My Drunken Night! by Harem-Fan


     Thursday night, late in the evening...

     Tina and I had just finished making love in her hide-a-bed in her massive closet, and after a rinse in the shower, the two of us held each-other while in our pajamas. She then asked me.

     "You and I are going to be married in about two weeks. Are you nervous?"

     "Of course not, silly woman."

     With her emotionless expression, she teased.

     "No, I meant with us making a baby then? You seem overwhelmed, even with all the maids."

     I kiss her warmly and deny her.

     "Not a chance as well. I really am not overwhelmed, I just try and spend as much time with my angels because after university, I will be really busy. The first few years for our children are the most pivotal in making them good humans."

     A smile made its way onto her lips as she tightly held my torso, she confided to me.

     "Rick, my mother had told me only family could keep my heart from dying, so I am really glad you will give me my child. You and our future baby will be my joy in life, so stay safe for me."

     "Yes my beautiful Blood Demon, your wish is granted. Now go to sleep, I have to teach Kung-Fu tomorrow night..."

     Then, I slipped off to dreamland, and I had a dream of events from last week...


     March 4th, two days after returning from Long Island...

     My white limo, driven by Mei in her shorter maid-outfit, had just pulled up to the University parking-lot to pick up my friends for a night of celebration of my soon to arrive children.

     Hinata insisted on coming, carrying my Katana, to protect me from danger. I will be drinking, so this was a must and I fully agreed. She is wearing her red-kimono with black flowers printed on it.

     I am alone in the back area for a change with my two ladies up front to not be with all the drinking men.

     Out on the curb chatting with one another was... James, Logan, Tony Deng, Luke, and Benz. Alex will meet us at the club.

     As the limo stopped, all the men smiled as Mei got out to open the door for the men. They all said hello to her as they filed in. James sat next to me on the back-most seat, while the other men all sat on the long L shaped bench.

     I pointed to the minibar and announced.

     "Help yourselves gentleman, it all needs to be drunk, ha-ha!"

     Luke, not shy at all, grabbed a tumbler and just poured some Vodka into it, and said to me in a toasting gesture.

     "Boss, to a fucking night to remember, ha-ha!"

     Watching him down it and the other guys taking turns in getting a drink, I say to them.

     "Tonight, I am no one's boss, just Rick. We are all friends, so let us just go be stupid guys having a blast. Plus, I have never just been drinking with the boys before, so I am excited!"

     Logan admits.

     "I drank with guys from where I grew up, but nothing like drinking in the big city, so I am with you."

     James, looking like he is out on the prowl for women more than hanging out, said to us.

     "The Song Club is one of the hottest bars in Star City, and they only let in sexy hot women, well that is the rumor anyway, he-he!"

     I grin knowing half these guys are here for women, just trouble, or both.

     "Well boys, everything but bail money is on me tonight, so eat, drink, or play as you like. If you meet a working-girl you like, just go and sleep with her on me."

     James, Tony, Benz, and Luke seemed to be keen on the last one, while Logan seemed not interested in working-girls. Well I too would not, especially with so many damn lovers.


     After a half hour, we finally arrived at the Song Bar.

     As we got out, Mei put on my lucky-rabbit-pin, so she could hear and see what was going on in-case I needed her.

     Hinata will escort me inside as my bodyguard, but she will not sit and drink with us, but stand sentinel to the side for my protection. Her look and wooden-geta drew a lot of eyes, as well as the three swords on her body.

     Alex in a white suit waved at us near the crowded entrance. I said to him.

     "Hey, why did you not go in, I had reserved a party booth for us?"

     He shook his head and told me.

     "No, it is fine, I had just arrived and knew you would be here on time, so here I am."

     As soon as the bouncers knew I was Rick Tang, they let our group skip the line and go right into the suffering of those in the line. But Jim was right, the women in that line were hot as hell.

     After our large group of men and one woman entered, another group had shown up, looking at our backs coldly. The incredibly sexy woman with long white hair and blue eyes, said to her other 9 members.

     "Chen entered with that Tang man, and he is just socializing? Logan never had friends, let's get in line."


     Inside the Song Club, the lights are on the dim-side, and the pop-rock music was loud enough to let you feel the vibration in your chest. Talking requires you to raise your voice, so Mei will have to rely only on my voice-microphone rather than the microphone from the pin.

     There is a raised dance stage in the center of the large basketball-gym sized club. There are booths surrounding the walls on the north, east, and south sides of the bar, while on the west side is a massive bar area with about 30 bar-stools.

     There is a second level balcony full of private booths, allowing you to look down on the dancers and to see the action near the bar.

     The entrance of the bar is in the south-west corner,and the restrooms are in the north-west corner. In the north-east corner are a flight of stairs going to the second level, and then up to the third floor prostitution private rooms. The fourth floor is offices and a living space for Hope Song.

     Our group was led up to the second level on the east side, so we have the best view of the bar. We Are given two tables side by side because we have so many members.

     James, Logan, Hinata, and I take the left side booth-table.

     While Tony, Luke, Benz, and Alex sat to the right side.

     Hinata is standing behind and next to me, just standing with her eyes squinted in alertness.

     Sadly, because this is a Song owned bar, we won't find the tasty Long Island Iced Tea, shame really. But the gorgeous pair of servers warmly took our food and drink orders and quickly left.

     Hope Song may be a pain in the ass, but the fact that Song serves under the protection of the Tang family, has made me a VIP, and we are told, Hope would personally greet our group later. My guess, she wants to speak with Alex.

     I turned to Alex and asked.

     "Did Victoria Long Inc start up the contract with you at Floppy-Tech?"

     Alex raised his voice a bit to be heard and let me know.

     "Yes, thanks for that. My company is not doing badly, but the big contracts like that look good on our reputation. When we lost it before, it had affected me a bit. Oh, and did your parents visit go well? They are nice parents in my book."

     "We hit it off immediately, well once they got over my young age, ha-ha, cheers!"

     He raised his cup, and like magic all the men did as well. I see Luke is animatedly chatting with Benz about some sports competition I do not follow. Tony Deng is getting along with Alex, being acquainted through the tournament we faced each-other in, and Logan and James are talking about University classes.

     A group of very sexy women in miniskirt dresses approaches our two tables, and they have small pins with the Song Bar logo on it, showing they are working-girls and not ladies from off the street having fun here.

     A woman with nice curves and dark blue hair was about to ask if I wanted company, and before she could, Hinata's red-eyes opened, and she said to her calmly in her Japanese accent.

     "Mr Tang has my company tonight, thank you, try that gentleman there, Mr Tang's best friend."

     At first the model looking lady was going to look displeased, but seeing the weapons and beauty of Hinata, she was taken aback, but when she was pointed to James, she smiled thinking a best friend of mine was worth her time, so she sat with Jim and said.

     "Hello sir, my name is Jen, and I am very single and available. So if you would like a drinking partner or just company, pick me. What is your name handsome?"

     Sure, Jim has Akeno and Ashley, but if we are talking just looks here, this woman is incredible. She reminds me of some anime lady from a devil-boob-show (Kalawarna DxD), but fuck if I cannot remember her name. But she is easily on the close to a perfect ten fuck list. So James just dived right in there...

     "Ah?! Me? I am Mon-, I meant call me James! I would very-much love your company, Miss Jen!"

     Jen, hearing Jim, took his left arm and held it into her ample chest, her smile looked very satisfied with his response. I just grin and say.

     "You two should go somewhere less noisy and get to know each-other, ha-ha. Look, even Benz and Tony are going with some girls, hell why do they each have two?"

     I forget prostitutes will share men, and my Earth memories from my last life are conflicting with my values here a bit. Plus I am half drunk already from the ride here to the three shots I have already downed. But Jen looked into Jim's face and suggestively asked.

     "Mr James, I don't share, but I have a room here, if you are willing to keep me company. I have not worked very long, so could I use your guidance?"

     "Cough, I think I would love to get to know you better Miss Jen, I am a bit tired of all this noise, Rick be back in, um, don't wait for me..."

     Jen sees a big fish, takes his hand and does not let go. I can tell she wants out of her debt, and is probably wanting to impress Jim, so I ask Mei on my Microphone.

     "Mei can you background her fast for me, to make sure Jim is fine? If you can't, ask Lucy, she is probably aware already, thanks."

     Logan, seeing me mumble to myself, asked.

     "You really like making your friends happy, don't you?"

     I wave my hand dismissing his thinking that I am a good friend, I burst the bubble with.

     "Jimbo makes fun of me with all my love drama, so I am adding some to his life, so I can be smug back, he-he. Can't wait to let Ashley know tomorrow at University."

     Logan failed to keep his face from twitching hearing my words and told me.

     "Please don't be a good friend to me then, and do not add women to my life, thanks."

     But when Logan saw my guilty smile and me averting my eyes, he asked hesitantly.

     "Please tell me, you have not tried hooking me up?"

     I shrugged and told him.

     "She is younger than you and sexy, so don't be a worrywart, plus, I think you guys might have chemistry, it is in the past, so you can't blame me."

     "Who is she?"

     Logan looked a bit apprehensive when he asked, so I shrugged. He rolled his eyes and scanned the club, then his eyes opened and he pointed to the entrance.

     "Rick, that is the Master from Snow Temple I warned you about, and she has disciples with her."

     "That is Lan Chow? Oh, yeah, she is from the China Empire. She is a Master all right, but she is weaker than you, Logan."

     He looks surprised. I can tell how strong she is from this far away, but he trusts my judgment on that call, because he felt he was also stronger than her. Hinata asked me while readying her swords.

     "Would you like your blade, Sensei?"

     "No need, and do not act, unless they use weapons. All of her disciples are only Basic and Advanced practitioners, under your level in Kyusho Jitsu."

     "Hinata understands, Sensei."

     Logan, seeing Hinata's way for reverent-speech and knowing who she is, just wants to doubt life. But he smiled thinking how I train him every week, and suddenly her actions made more sense.

     At this time, Luke and Alex joined our table, with half the guys off having real fun upstairs...


     A half hour later, the group of Snow Temple students made their way to our second level table, and Lan crossed her arms under her modest breasts. She said to Logan.

     "Logan Chen, this Azure State is now under the Snow Temple's control, so You must return to Black State, or we will make you leave."

     Luke, who was drinking from the bottle straight, asked me.

     "Leader Tang, were those fighting words?"

     I am really tipsy right now, so my mouth forgot who asked me that, and I said.

     "They were, hic, definitely fighting words..."

     Luke nodded at me seriously, then an ear-to-ear grin made its way onto his face...

     Luke grabbed his bottle and quickly stood, smacking one of the weaker disciples in the head staggering him, then Luke grabbed another and picked him up over his head, then threw the stunned student over the second floor rail right into the lower level table, shattering it!

     I then, while everyone was taken aback, stood and swiftly punched Lan square in her face, breaking her nose and making her stumble backwards to the rail. Immediately I grabbed a light looking female student by her ankles, as she tried to resist, but failed.

     Alex and Logan, seeing the fight was unavoidable, now jumped in, picked some opponents for themselves.

     Lan, in humiliation and anger, pulled a short-sword, and intended to stab me with it, but like a phantom, Hinata had already parried her blade and pushed her back with her Katana.

     With my new flail, that was flailing, I spun around in a dizzying spin, giggling like a mad drunk. I had forgotten all of this before, and only recall it now.

     My new hundred pound flail could only cover her head to protect it from the other students I swung her into. Yes, I was not doing a lot of damage to them, but it seemed, drunk me wanted fun and not bloodshed, well till I kicked one student off the second floor, oh nice air!

     "Good one Boss! I give it a 7 for style, ha-ha!"

     Just as Luke told me that, he threw another woman over to land on the first man he threw, we were a bit mean this night...

     Looking at the half conscious girl I was holding, I let her go, then charged at another guy near the rail, and I grinned. I firmly held him and launched me and him over the side onto another table, with me calling out...


     Crash, Smash! I deftly landed on top of the nice student who broke my fall, and a few of his ribs! I looked around to all the customers in disbelief and yelled.


     Seeing my face full of drunken madness, flying over the second floor, they panicked and started running and screaming, like a fire broke out...

     Unknown to me at the time, these crazy actions I took propelled my Acrobatics from Master to Grandmaster!

     In a laughing rage, I started beating up the Snow Temple people with a bar-stool, and Luke and I on both floors made the leader Lan fume in humiliation and anger.


     Right after Lan beat a retreat with her crushed group, hope came down to witness the devastation both Luke and I caused, but when I told her to put it on my tab, she calmed. She and Alex went away to talk about whatever it was.

     I told Luke to get Taxis for the boys upstairs having fun, and I left with Hinata, while she let me lean on her to walk straight...


     Inside the limo, I looked at Hinata, and slur a bit, but I now remember saying.

     "My Precious, I want a kimono-lap-pillow, hic, he-he?"

     Hinata, without missing a beat, only patted her lap, and I lay there with a happy smile.

     Shortly after however, a jealous Mei jumped in the back and released the beast, and I remember poor Hinata watched every carnal moment of our aggressive sex.

     I may be dreaming all of this, but I think I am blushing in shame in the real world, sigh! Wish I never remembered all of this!


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