After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 162 I Am Now A Monkey’s Uncle!

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Chapter 162  I Am Now A Monkey's Uncle! by Harem-Fan


     I thought I was only falling for that Idiot-Girl on the tree-branch. I failed to realize, dating a Movie and Music Idol would propel me onto the world stage of gossip, envy, and hatred!

     So that evening, after the show, my Harem officially let Kate enter and take the last Harem-Chat spot of 12 official Harem members, with one secret administrator who would only leave me after death... And might even follow me to the next Earth with me, just to do it again.


     So the next day, both Jean Jia and my new Girlfriend, Kate, came with me to the next evening's Saturday show.

     Kate on the back seat with me, only clung to my arm like a newlywed winning her capture-target. Jean Jia then said to us.

     "Oh my! Kate and Rick, it seems someone last night took a video of the two of you embracing and kissing last night! And they even got a closeup of you becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, oh my?!"

     My Acting Advanced smells bullshit coming from her, and the look of a job well done is in her eyes, sigh. Kate said proudly, holding my arm tighter.

     "So what? We have known each-other for 9 years, and Rick loves me. Plus I am happy now, and that bitch Ana, can go suck an egg, or two, fufu."

     I look at Kate being petty and ask.

     "Wait... Did you kiss me to show off to Ana?!"

     Her red squinting eyes looked at me with playfulness and asked.

     "Oh? Was Ana watching? Hmm... Maybe."

     Jean held up the Social Media sight many Entertainers and Managers use, and said.

     "Rick, it seems you are trending with Kate. Everyone wants to know who this man with Kate is, and the name Rick Lee-Tang is on fire. You have just become famous, ha-ha. Oh, even better news! I received an email from Lucy Shen, she wants me to become your agent. She said she is too busy with her husband's matters to be dealing with your newfound high-exposure. What do you say, Mr Tang?"

     Kate shook my arm and encouraged me.

     "Rick, if we have the same agent, getting movie roles together is way easier. It will be like we are a real celebrity couple, fufu."

     I feel I am in the car with a pair of hungry sharks!

     "Only if Mrs Shen says so, sure."

     Then in joy, Kate pulled me into her for a hug...


     After the weekend passed, reporters had been hounding me at University, and the entrance to The Garden Estates. Somehow they found out Kate and I lived in the same community, and knew the relationship was real.

     Pam Sun with a displeased look, always told reporters, 'No Comment', when asked about Kate and her Boss's husband dating. Yes, the press was more excited that Victoria Long and Kate Kong were with the same man.

     Then my acting videos went viral... From my commercials, to my fighting. And now the play, the Entertainment Community was in a tizzy.

     I found out from Lucy, she indeed wanted Jean to take me as a client, due to the fact, Lucy would have had to be in the press's eyes, and in turn, Central. Lucy also encouraged my new Acting work, due to Central not thinking the Yellow Emperor would ever sink so low as to be a lowly Actor. So, reluctantly, I will embrace this persona of entertainment.


     April 1st is upon me, and today, I marry Tina Feng officially.

     In the Tang Limo, my wives and I are heading to the Country Club for our wedding. Linda said smugly to Tina.

     "To think, a Lang woman will join in the festivities with the Feng family"

     Tina, in her low-cut white dress, shrugs and blows her off.

     "Sorry, I am so happy to finally marry my husband, I will ignore the small presence of a turtle, Ufufu."

     Victoria, Mary, Hana, Nichole, Nadia, Linda, and I are the only guests coming to today's event. Jenifer and Hinata are in the following car along with security.

     Kim, Kate, Mei, and Mercy have opted to stay behind with the children, and safety is guaranteed with all the Feng, and Fire Birds security present. Jenifer and Hinata are tied to the Feng and Syndicate, so their presence is expected.

     Victoria, used to their playful banter, just added.

     "It is the best venue for a double wedding and after party. With Ashley and James also getting married, it feels even more exciting. Especially when the two Syndicates will be closer than ever before. The Dragon and the Phoenix."

     I smile at her words, for she does not know I am viewed as a Dragon, while Tina the Phoenix. So we are joining anyway.

     Nichole smiled and said with relief.

     "I am just happy that I can have wine again. I think that was the hardest part of being pregnant for me."

     Mary's eyes lit up and nodded.

     "You are right! I miss beer so much, but I am only drinking a little till I have fully healed back to my previous state, well as close as a woman can get after birth, fufu."

     Hana, hearing that rubbed her excessive belly, and is almost ready to give birth in a week or so. She smiled and agreed.

     "For me, I just want my clothing back, and fortunately, we all took good care of our skin to minimize our stretch marks. We should all look pretty close to how we were, with the right workouts, diet, and creams for our skin."

     Tina added.

     "Mother was kind enough to give us her tips for it, and she had me and my sister, and still has a pretty firm belly, right Rick?"

     Watch-out! Landmine detected!

     "Actually I have not seen closely, but your mother at first glance does not look like a mother."

     Good job self, I think I steered the Titanic around the Iceberg! Tina only smiled at my answer. No, I am staying away from married mothers! Um, well the twins don't count.

     Soon we all arrived...


     When we all climbed out of the two cars, I saw James, Ashley, Jenny Washington, and a very pregnant Akeno. She is due a bit after Hana I think.

     Jenny Washington was an immigrant, along with her family to Eurasia, but due to bad financial choices got in debt with the Song family. Jen was made to do high end prostitution for a short time. Fortunately, she met James only in her first week, and Jim is smitten with her.

     Ashley paid her debt, due to liking Jen. Later, I find out Jen joined the Hidden Dragons under Ashley as part of her freedom, meh not my issue.

     James, in his black suit, smiled when he saw me. He then came over for a man hug and said.

     "Rick, we have been brothers for years now. And today, we both marry our wives together. I really want to cry happy tears brother!"

     "Ha-ha, Yeah, I think this is a major step in our future business Empire. Well we will kinda be family after today. Let's go in, Hana and Akeno look like they will pop if we make them stand too long, and I don't think we want our honeymoons in the maternity ward, right?"

     So we smartly had all the ladies enter. Unlike before, the restaurant to The Country Club, is fully closed to the outside customers for this wedding-banquet.


     Inside, both Daniel and Tony Feng had been chatting with Lane Feng standing quietly to her husband's side, but when they saw our group walk in, the smiles blossomed.

     Near Daniel Feng stood a man resembling Ashley Hue... Leader Hue, a tall man with short blonde hair and pink eyes. He smiled seeing his daughter next to me, Tina, and James.

     Leader hue, gave his daughter who was wearing her conservative white dress, a hug. He said.

     "Ash my daughter, I am here to see you happy, and soon, I will step down for you and the next generation. And you Mr Tang... Thank you for being friends with Ashley, even with the complicated past."

     "She is my family too, so I will look after her, and the fact she and my best friend are joining today, just means it is doubly important that she stays safe. As for the past, it is in the past."

     Daniel pats my back and tells his rival leader.

     "Rick and Tina will do a good job on our end, so the Crouching Tigers don't bully you guys, ha-ha, well Rick is a Tiger too, that's great! Am I right, Tony?"

     Tony nodded and He pointed over to Anthony and said.

     "Well this is a big day for the Feng and the Tang, so I can't be more thrilled that Tina is finally leaving the nest, though her mother is sad."

     Lane took my arm on the other-side of Tina, and said jokingly.

     "I won't be sad, she brought me home a good son, right Rick, so call me mom, Ufufu."

     "That is right, Mom!"

     As we were laughing at Lane's mischief, uncle Anthony joined the talk, and he said.

     "Tony, Leader Hue, I believe everyone invited is here, so we can start, and get their happy day over with. Then our two new couples can, cough, work on their side-branches."

     More laughter was heard with Ashely and James blushing. Brother, you have a 9 month wife next to you, why blush now?!


     The staff from the Life Statistics office had been brought for the event, common with noble weddings, and we decided that Tina and I would exchange vows first.

     Our 100 or so guests all sat at their tables, as Tina and I went to the clerks and held our hands in-front of everyone. Tina began with her vows...

     Her vow however confused everyone but me...

     "Almost five years ago now, the second girl you loved fell from a tree-branch for you. I met the man who would change my heart, the one man I could not figure out. You were so weak, pathetic, and overlooked. You had become broken and worthless. But like a lie, you became in front of my very eyes, the strongest, most perfect being my heart could live for. You are wrong, you are like a Phoenix, and I will be your wife, in this life, and the next."

     I smile because of the things she reminded me of, and how incredible it would be to marry her in the next life, well, I will never know. So I tell her my thoughts and vow.

     "When you look for me in our next life, just look for the broken man, he will be me. But for this life, I am glad you came out of that tree. My life would have been less complicated if you did not pick me, but I and our future Feng family thank you for it, I love you my Phoenix."

     And with that, Tina held her arms around my neck and deeply kissed me, like marking me with a tracking spell. She really is a wonderful woman.

     Then our picture was taken, and it was time for the next couple to say their vows...


     Ashley in white, with her pink eyes only seeing Jam-, Monkey, was pretty looking very womanly with her full length and sleeved dress. She shyly spoke her heart...

     "James Tong, I am very happy in my heart, to have met a kind man, who only saw me as a normal girl. Your smile of being a goofy character, brightens up my gloomy day. Growing up, I only knew training and loyalty, and now, I want to marry a man that breaks that sad lifestyle, so I take you, my Monkey."

     I see in his eyes, his heart dies a bit each day, being called monkey, but seeing her smile, he blooms.

     "A year ago, my friend and I only had dreams, and now, with you and the others, I know I can be a better man, father, and friend. I want to grow old with you, and put a smile on your face with my jokes, just know, new material is hard to come by! I love you, Ashley Tong!"

     Then the two kissed, but she was shy and just kept things small and innocent... We all clapped as they had their picture taken.

     Then immediately the banquet began...


     James and I both danced with our new wives first, then soon, others rotated to get their dance in. The atmosphere became lively as the wine toasts began, with the pregnant ladies with sparkling apple juices.

     When it came time for me to toast, I held up my glass to James and Ashley, smiled wickedly and said.

     "And this toast is for my new Niece and Nephew in-law, and I realized as family... I am a Monkey's Uncle! Hah-aha, cheers!"

     When James saw half the room thinking of my words, and then had looks of realization, and the look of Ashley and Akeno looking away, he realized he had been Played!

     He quietly handed his wife the glass of wine, and said in a low growl.

     "Rick... You bastard... I do not care that you can kill me with one finger... But today... I am gonna kick your ass! AAAARRGGHH!"

     Tina, reading his actions, with a gentle smile took my wineglass from my hand, then stepped back as the crazy Monkey lunged at me to choke me to death.

     Sure, I could dodge, or stop him, but this is how best friends fight. We prank, goof around, and drive each-other crazy. I smile as he tries to strangle me with my tie.

     Some in the room were confused if I was really being attacked, but the smile on Tina's and Ashley's face, as well as my grin of a prank well pulled off, ended their worry.


     After a couple of minutes of swearwords and play-fighting, Jim finally stopped his craziness. He looked at me with a wronged expression and muttered.

     "That prank was mean spirited, man, sigh..."

     I took off the tie, and grinned playfully, then I asked him.

     "Come on, if it was you pulling the prank, you would have loved it, right?"

     "Humph, You even got Ashley and Akeno in on it, you trickster. But, it was maybe funny, but I won't acknowledge it till I get you back."

     "Got it! Now we are being summoned, our wives want to leave... You know what tonight is, right?"

     And Jim looked like a mischievous monkey for real as he said with joy!

     "Yes, the Monkey will get his revenge tonight with his banana, in bed! It is on, like Donkey Kong, he-he!"

     Somehow, knowing how Ash beats his ass in Kung-Fu Club, I think it will be Jim limping tomorrow! I said to my friend.

     "Alright Jimbo, after my honeymoon, I have to fly to Central, then be with Hana, after that... We can hang out in your new home. See you later, Neighbor."

     The two of us give a High-Five, and leave the party...


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