After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 163 Entering The Dragon’s Lair!

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Chapter 163  Entering The Dragon's Lair! by Harem-Fan


     The next day, inside a perfectly white bathroom...

     The water was the perfect temperature, as I held my wife Tina in my arms. She lay her wet hair on my shoulder caressing my arms, holding her waist below her breasts. Without opening her eyes, she said in an emotionless voice.

     "Making love to you, being your wife felt different. The feeling of trying to make life inside of me, also made my heart thump more."

     "I felt your level of passion rise as well, but can I ask you a question without you getting mad at me?"

     "Sorry, I cannot promise that, but feel free, I am in a good mood."

     I smile feeling her run her nails over my arm playfully, but I ask.

     "Why did you bite me last night, my neck hurts a bit?"

     Tina opened her golden eyes and turned in my arms. Then she licked where she had bitten down during her climax, and said.

     "Well,my primal urge to mark you must have kicked in, as you made me a mother. Well that and the Blood Demon must retire for a year or so. And so it was a reminder that you are sleeping with a dangerous woman. Are you mad at me?"

     I kiss her and smile. Then I hold her tight.

     "Never, just need to know what to tell the girls if they ask, so they do not think you are some Vampire and come to stake you with a wooden spike, ha-ha!"

     After some more cuddling, our official honeymoon came to an end...


     In the huge nursery, I am on a pink couch holding a pair of twins with Nadia, Bella and Brenda. My wife who is holding Brenda smugly told me.

     "Ufufu, See Ricky, I told you I would give you your first child. I see you love our Bella very much."

     I am currently feeding Bella her bottle, while Nadia is feeding Brenda with her own bottle. Seeing Bella look into my eyes with her hunger being sated, I say.

     "Yeah, seeing her open her eyes and smile at me, while holding my finger, just... My soul can't forget it."

     Nadia leaned in to kiss my cheek and said.

     "Just give me a couple of weeks Ricky, and then you can have me all that you want. I miss our connection, fufu. Here lets trade daughters, Brenda needs some Daddy-anium."

     Bella looked displeased to have been swapped but her younger sister seemed very okay with the move, and Nadia pouted.

     "See that Ricky, even my daughters like you more, sigh. I knew my twins would be daddy's girls, well mommy can understand. You did make me love you in high-school after all."

     "Hmm? Yeah, I cannot wait to tell them how their mommy used to bully daddy, he-he."

     Nadia realizing how that was bad for her, begged.

     "Ricky, NO, please never tell them that! If you do, they will hate me. Please, I will do anything to make you forget the time before we fell in love, pleeeeease?!"

     I then thought of my maid time with Tina and whispered my request into Nadia's ear and her eyes open, then smiled.

     "Really? That is all you want me to do? Well, I would have done it for free before, but now we have a deal and you cannot back out of it, Ufufu. Nichole will be surprised."

     "Why would Nichole be surprised?"

     Nadia put on her devious face and told me.

     "Because you are feeding the twin cousins next, and you will threaten Nichole with the same thing, fufu, then you will have two naughty maids servicing you instead of one, get it now?"

     "Nadia, when you betray your own sister, I wonder sometimes? I think you two should be supporting each-other, right?"

     Nadia kissed my lips again, with a look of joy and burst my bubble.

     "No, when it comes to you, we are fine with betrayal, so just enjoy our affections, dear Ricky. Now it is time for you to change our daughters diapers, fufu."

     Then the shitty part of parenthood came, and diapers must be changed...


     The next day, at the Small Airport, in front of my Personal Jet...

     Daniel Feng with his two personal Master guards, is giving me and Tina a happy and satisfied look. He waved to the three of us. Yes, Hinata is behind us.

     "Mr Rick Tang, I Daniel Feng, formally greet you as the new Leader of the Fire Birds. There, now our changeover is official. Here me boys, Rick is now the highest authority, so follow his orders well."

     Both master level men bowed to me and said.

     "We greet you, Leader Tang!"

     "Thanks men, but make sure to keep Mr Feng safe, so he can enjoy his well deserved retirement, ha-ha. Everyone, lets get on the plane"

     The same three Jet staff bowed to us as our group of six boarded the jet.


     Like before, I suggested that my group take the couches, and they took the seats.

     Tina, wearing a knee-length white dress, sat beside me. Thanks to Spring arriving, the women get to wear lighter clothing from the rough winter we had.

     Hinata is wearing her crimson-kimono, and I am wearing my black suit with a crimson tie for my color. Mr Feng is wearing a crushed velvet red suit, while the bodyguards are wearing tie-less black suits with sunglasses.

     Daniel said to me, after liftoff.

     "It is a 4 hour flight to Central City, then we will drive directly to the Central Government, Syndicate Affairs Office. We will be there for a few hours, and then we will come straight back to fly home. Basically, we will not spend the night there. Too many enemies would try to hit us in the Capital."

     I nodded to his short explanation. Jenifer and Lucy both covered everything with me that might or could go wrong. Both women were excessive in my preparation. Lucy even made me memorize the City Layout. She has even arranged a safe house if it was needed.

     So drinking my whisky, I asked Daniel.

     "All they want you there for, is to personally hand over the helm to me in front of them? Is this normal, or a trap of some sort?"

     His aged face shook his head and assured.

     "This is very normal. They don't want an imposter rolling in and saying he is you, then learning the Syndicate secrets, only to find the real you tied up somewhere or dead. With me saying you are real, it frees them of blame for promoting the wrong man. Plus I receive a parting reward from the government for my efforts over the years. I am having the Central Government buy me a mansion in Crimson's, Phoenix City."

     Tina holding my arm said.

     "I am only coming to prove that you and I are married so you qualify for the position, just like Brenda Sho will bring her husband, and Jerry will bring your Tang family wife along. James had not needed to come because Ashley is Long blood already."

     Daniel then congratulated Tina.

     "Let me be the first to greet you properly... Head Tina Feng, I hope your Branch Family is prosperous, and your child will lead the Fire Birds well when he or she grows up."

     Yes, because Tina is no longer able to be a spare for her main branch, she Is now head of her own side branch that is tied to the Syndicate forever. She crossed her legs, and only said.

     "Thank you uncle, but with Rick at my side, it is certain. Ufufu, Rick will lead his Tang side branch, along with Linda leading one for the Lang. If only sister Victoria was still a part of the Long, Rick would have a family Monopoly."

     Daniel put on a villainous smile and questioned.

     "Oh? Do you think Victoria Long is so easily defeated by that twat, Kimberly? No, I don't think it will be long before the Long come begging for Victoria to save them. Don't ask me what I know, just buy some popcorn for the future, he-he."

     He closed his eyes with a smile telling us, he will not talk. Tina and I looked at one another curiously, but not knowing what his cryptic words meant, we stopped pondering. Seeing Hinata occasionally looking at me, I asked her.

     "What is on your mind, Hinata?"

     She sat up straight while talking, and informed me.

     "Sensei, my mother called to inform me to pass on her words... She wanted to thank you for my training and care, and to let you know that the nobles in Crimson have been behaving with my Kyusho clan. Do you have any words for me to return to her?"

     "Just tell her good luck, and to let me know if things change for them. Also tell her, your training is going well with your dedication. Finally, let her and your father know to just call me directly if they have concerns for me. I do not want your family to think I am overlooking them."

     "Yes, Sensei."

     Then I pulled out my tablet and did some work online with modifications to the current Harem-Chat format, which is exploding worldwide in use.


     Central City, where all 4 States of Eurasia meet...

     Looking down on the massive old city, I get the vibe that it's a combination of ancient and modern design. It, from my old Earth's memories, reminds me of images of Washington DC, the capital of the USA, but with a bit of Chinese mixed in.

     Soon, our plane came in to land...

     To greet us, was a force of around 50 well armed and experienced Fire Birds members and two limos, waiting to drive our two groups of 3.

     A stern looking woman, who could pass for Jenifer's mother, said to me and Daniel.

     "Greetings Leader Tang, and former Leader Feng, I am Holly Suki. Ah, Hello Mrs Feng, it is a pleasure to meet you. If we could all get into the limo's our motorcade can move."

     As soon as our two groups got in, the guards all rushed into SUVs and led from the front and also tailed our limos.

     Holly rode in my limo, pointing out things and explaining the processes of the changeover. She was very professional, and never once hinted at trying to get noticed or promoted, I like that in my staff.


     After a half hour car ride, we had driven through the bustling downtown area, stopping for a food pickup, and admiring the streets.

     Last time I was here, I was only ten years old. I remember on our way here, my father looked resigned and defeated, like coming here was the last place he wanted to be.

     But after my anger and tantrum, his smile on our trip back was something I would never forget... Sadly, his life was the ultimate cost of rejecting the controlling Li family.

     Yes, that bank robbery like May Lee's death, was all orchestrated by the father of the new possible Yellow Emperor they are hoping will emerge. But Lucy and I will get our revenge at that time. When they find out his son is trash, we will strike them in the heart.

     "Sensei, are we in danger, your killing intent is noticeable?"

     Only a Master Level practitioner can feel my urge to kill, so Tina and Holly are unaware of my dark thoughts, but Hinata, Daniel, and the two guards were alerted. I smiled and shook my head to calm her emotions.

     "No sorry, I have bad memories of Central is all..."

     "Sensei, have you come here before? I was unaware, sorry."

     Tina, knowing some of my past, only told her.

     "Husband has a grandfather who might still live in Central, and he had a bad meeting with him as a child, so do not worry."

     Hinata wanted to scold Tina for her words, because the urge to kill from me was not that simple.


     In a highly secure concrete building, I was escorted with Jerry, Brenda, and Ashley to an underground meeting room.

     After our documents, fingerprints, and other information was recorded with the verification of the spouse, ex-leader, and our own identities, the four of us as official Syndicate Leaders had been led away...

     We were stripped of anything metal, electronic, and weapons had been removed, hell even our shoes were taken for the meeting.

     Our group was put into a 20 by 20 room, with a 5 person round table, and we are waiting for a government official to enter for our confidential meeting.

     The four of us only nodded to one another, because we know they are listening and recording our interactions and probably even listening to our heart beats for changes in breathing with their high tech scanners. Well the four of us will not reveal our closeness to one another.

     After around ten minutes, a woman looking like May Lee walked into the room. She did not have glasses or the red hair tint, but otherwise looked exactly like her. She put some files on the table, sat and spoke.

     "I am Captain Alisa Lee, and here are your confidential files for you to read and skim. You may not leave with this information, let anyone other than the four of you know or warn anyone in any way, including your wives or husbands. If you break this confidentiality, you and your entire family will be rounded up and executed, do you understand?"

     All of us nodded, like we had a choice. She then handed us the documents, and some of the things other than the no brainer things, was a prediction of war!

     "As you can see, we will be starting a war with the China Empire in close to 5 years. Exactly 5 years from June. The reason for this war is none of your business, but you, the 4 Syndicates, will be responsible for collecting more foot soldiers for an on the ground invasion of their Country."

     They are timing it with the suspected birth of their young master. So when they think the Yellow Emperor is on their side, they want revenge for the past 2000 years?!

     The 4 of us only look to one another, but I am not worried, because Lucy had a hunch they might try something big, after all, the Chinese Emperor wants to invade us as well. To finish what they started 2000 years ago, to kill the whole Li clan.

     Brenda asks.

     "How are we supposed to collect a force this size and not show our hands? Please tell me Central has a reason we can tell others?"

     The Lee woman said coldly.   If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "We will send you official documents saying you're building a force to invade the Antarctica continent, to finally rout out the Southern Cross, but this is a misdirection so we can redirect the troops. We have a base in the Southern region of Africa to stage our force. So just pretend the new orders are for that mission, any other questions?"

     Her eyes drifted to me in loathing, like she expected me to resist or go against her orders, but I only smiled like this is just another day.

     "Remember our warning, we have you on recording agreeing to our vow of secrecy, so your entire clan will not be saved if you divulge this. Now please give me the files back, and you may all leave."

     Naturally we all did that, and for the whole walk back to our people, the looks on Ashley, Jerry, and Brenda looked a bit pale knowing we were going to have a World War.

     When Ash saw my calm face, her heart settled, like the time on the rooftop. She remembered my calm face, and for now, she put the idea of War behind her...


     After that, we safely left Central, and everyone knew to not ask what I found out, and honestly, I do not want to tell anyone...

     Except the one woman I know would place ten bunker busters up the Li's assholes.

     My most devoted crazy psycho, Lucy.


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