After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 166 Driving: Master, Firearms: Grandmaster, Gun-Fu: Grandmaster!

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Chapter 166  Driving: Master, Firearms: Grandmaster, Gun-Fu: Grandmaster! by Harem-Fan


     As the cars are left behind my Demon, I say calmly into my microphone.

     "Lucy, can you put up marks on my GPS screen of all identified criminal locations while I drive? And please make my adversaries stand out more, thanks."

     From my ear-peace, I hear Lucy.

     [Many of the convicts have Ankle monitors, and many have been cut, but I have had Valentine find through all devices the locations of most of the convicts. Laura however is off the grid. The Hacker from the Wizards of Oz, has covered her trail well, but... I have found that both Chris Honda and Steven Woo are together escaping in a white van.]

     I glance at the screen and see many little red dots in my path to the pair of red X's. I told her.

     "Thank you Lucy, and take care of the footage of my cleanup."

     Suddenly a truck came barrelling through the intersection I was speeding through. I lowered my window as I saw it was a red dot incoming...

     "Hinata, hold the wheel straight for a moment."

     As she reached over to hold the steering-wheel, I pulled out my two HK P30's, and took aim at the driver as we passed. The moment I saw black and white on his clothing, I pulled the triggers.

     Bang Bang Bang Bang! With a double tap of my guns, I holstered them fast to regain the wheel. The truck with a dead driver slammed into a streetlight pole, and crumpled like an accordion from his rapid speeds.

     Lucy was kind enough to erase the dot to show I got him and anyone in the truck with him.

     I drift around a street corner, as a police cruiser had ignored my reckless driving, to answer some more pressing concerns. The chaos in the streets has the entire law enforcement mindlessly rounding up prisoners as fast as they can. Sadly the gangs are fighting back.

     [Rick, on your way to the freeway, there is a group of ten trying to break into the FF Firearms store to get weapons, you might want to swing by there, no officers are responding to the manager's call.]

     I looked at my screen that Lucy magnified for me and said.

     "On it, ah, hold on, I see one."

     A man in black and white was trying to pull a rich looking woman out of her car by the hair, so I pulled out a handgun and took aim as I sped by...

     Bang! Sadly for the woman, my shot to the back of the man's head was true, spraying her with red and grey matter all over her face, but, I cleanly ended him in a one shot drive-by...

     "Got that one, and I am almost there."


     The blonde Manager who was promoted from a sales clerk, was worriedly watching down from her office as the group of convicts tried to pry her front security gate open. Gwen, who took care of me when I was signing up for my Bodyguard license, was loading her handgun, worried she would have to fight off the convicts.

     When the escape happened, she evacuated the store of all customers and staff, and by herself was manning the building. She called the police about ten minutes ago, but no response as of yet.

     Then she saw a red sports-car come tearing into the parking-lot like a Demon, and spun a full 180° spin to a complete stop, kicking up tire smoke right into the convicts direction, blinding and choking them!

     Both car doors swung open as a man and a woman in black came out, both carrying Katanas.

     And 4 of the 10 convicts pointed handguns, and started to open fire on the two intruders. But like magic, the two black clad people would just tilt and weave a bit, almost like they knew where the gunmen were aiming for.

     As the two swordsmen ran into the convicts, Gwen recognized her Leader, and the same black outfit he wore when he came for gun training. She smiled realizing she was safe. She only watched the ballet of glinting blades, dismembering the now fleeing men.

     The woman with her Leader, only reached into her ninja outfit, and threw small metal stars into the runners legs, dropping them to the ground. She then took their heads.

     Leader and the stunning foreign woman cleaned their blades, and returned into the red Demon. With smoking tires, the car left like a rocket.

     "I really should have seduced him back then, sigh. Well, it is fine, I am a bit low on his radar anyway. Who was that woman?"


     As Hinata and I saved some bullets, we made our way to intercept the two fleeing trouble makers for our fated reunion.

     [Rick, stop at the next intersection, there is a group of two that just stole a police cruiser and are two blocks down, if you snipe them, you can ignore chasing them down. I will tell you when they pass by the building corner.]

     Hearing Lucy, I pulled over and reached back for my M107 .50 Caliber Rifle.

     "I will be right back Hinata, watch this screen for the two cross directions."

     With her nod, I got out and found a parked car to brace my rifle on with the bi-pod. I then look into the scope for the two blocks away corner, Lucy mentioned, and take aim.

     [The driver's head is two inches over the mailbox top, so here they come... in 3... 2... 1... Now!]

     BANG BANG! I took the blind shot as the front of the headlights came in, and just to make sure, I tilted left and aimed for where the back tire would be.

     I felt the gun handle like it was a part of my body. Not only did my first shot accurately hit the drivers exploding head, but it cleanly passed and removed his partner's head as well.

     Slam Crush! But my second shot was also on point, striking the tire as I hoped, and the car slammed into another parked car, crushing both spectacularly.

     I quickly folded the bi-pod and folded the stock of the rifle, and ran back into my car, putting the gun between Hinata's legs to hold for me.

     She without question only held the sniper rifle and told me.

     "No change, I think they will head north using Highway 69. I believe with your driving, you will get there first. Let us go Sensei, I have my obligation."

     Without fanfare, we made our way North West...


     After killing about 8 more convicts on my trip to the interstate ramp, I heard Lucy report.

     [Your Fire Birds have reported killing roughly close to 200 convicts over the City districts, you have lost 6 members in the crossfire. Jenifer is dealing with that side for you. And the white van will reach the freeway in roughly two minutes. They are heading West on 23rd street at high speeds.]

     I parked my car on the side of the road and once again pulled out my sniper rifle. On the overpass, I set up the gun and took aim on the street Lucy mentioned. Then I hear a helicopter flying in.

     [Rick, it seems, they are not escaping to the freeway, but are meeting that helicopter for a pick up at the parking garage near the Lang Mall building.]

     looking up, I folded the bi-pod and just blindly started to empty my rifle's 10 shot magazine! I took aim for the weak point, the tail-rotor!

     Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang! Easily 7 of my 10 shots turned the back-end of the helicopter into Swiss-cheese, sending the Wizards of Oz escape chopper into a tailspin!

     BOOOOOM! As the chopper exploded into the side of the parking garage, I reloaded my large magazine, and then took aim at the incoming white van.

     I can tell, they don't know their ride is dead yet, as they turned to go into the parking garage on the far end. I aimed at the front tire, then pulled the trigger...

     BANG! And as I envisioned, the right front tire was shredded, and the van moving at high speed did a full 180° back-end flip landing on the top side of the van. I say to Hinata...

     "Back in the car, we are hunting..."


     A moment ago inside the white van...

     The driver in the front seat wearing a green military outfit with a logo of [OZ] over his heart, said to the passenger and 4 men in the back.

     "We are almost to our pickup point for our escape out of Star City. Dr Honda and Mr Woo, please be ready to transfer. Then we will be flown to our oil-tanker base. it is in international waters, so Eurasia cannot do anything to us there."

     Steve in the backseat next to stinky Honda said.

     "Will we meet Laura there?"

     "Yes sir, we already picked her up when the breakout happened and the helicopter dropped the first group on the ship already, and should be here in a moment to retrieve us."


     Chris, hearing and feeling an explosion, asked the driver.

     "That sounded and felt like a missile or bomb? Who is doing that, you guys, or the Southern Cross?"

     The passenger radioed on his device... Beep!

     "Tango, this is Bravo, what was-"

     POOF! SCREECH! CLATTER CLATTER CLATTER! First the passengers felt the front tire had hit something. Then the sounds of the tires failing was all they heard before someone turned over the world on them in a rapid overhead toss!

     The van skidded for a few feet while they had failed to wear seat-belts. All six occupants were now crumpled laying on the roof of the van. Chris Honda's colostomy-bag was yanked out and the bag ruptured when another soldier landed on it... 

     The smell of burnt tires, scraping-metal, and human shit and piss, filled the cab!

     Blahrg! Not sure who started it but more than one person immediately released their stomachs.

     After a few awkward moments, the six exited the van and looked to the parking garage. They did see black smoke, but didn't consider the helicopter was shot down, so the leader said.

     "Everyone, quickly to the top 4th floor, that is the extraction point, move."

     SCREEEEECH! SCREEEEECH! Just then, everyone saw a red sports car round the corner drifting at high speed, then the leader said one last thing as the red Demon ran right into him!

     "Ah! Fuck, Isekai!"

     THUD! And the leader had his lower body crushed, as his body went flying over the red Demon. Funnily, he was still alive with no Truck-kun moment...

     As Chris Honda panicked, he started the run into the parking garage with the other 3 soldiers. But, Steven Woo's gut told him to run away, so he did just that, running to the mall...


     My poor Demon is going to have to get recycled, due to the bullet holes, damage to the body, and that dude's legs in my air grill. Both Hinata and I got out, her eyes scanned to the Mall and she asked.

     "Sensei, may I?"

     "You sure?"

     "I must do this, or my path to Grandmaster will be blocked like my mother. Plus, he is the enemy of my Sensei, and must be dealt with before he can cause trouble."

     I take my guns and hand her the Black Dragon Sword.

     "Then use my sword, and I forbid you from dying, so go..."

     As I walked to the man missing some of his legs, Hinata only deeply bowed to me and then ran to the mall.

     Walking up to the crying man, I see and smell what must have happened and grin. I pointed my gun to his head and said.

     "You must work for the Tin Man, because you wish you had a brain."

     Bang! And like that, his brains were on the road. I turned and slowly walked to the parking garage, using my Stealth Advanced as I entered...


     Steve Woo ran into a sports store and pulled off all of his clothing covered in filth. He grabbed a sports jersey and an aluminum-bat.

     As he ran out of the store, he ran into a woman standing there, holding the Kyusho family sword he had longed for growing up, and seeing his half sister dressed like an assassin.

     "Sister Hinata! It is great to see you again, let's run together. I have a safe house in North City. You can leave your slavery with that Rick Lee."

     "Hmm? So, you think my slavery has nothing to do with your lies? My situation is all of your fault... But I thank you. And my mother also thanks you."

     Steve looked a bit perplexed and asked.

     "Why the fuck would you and your crazy mother be thankful to be Rick's dog bitch?"

     Hinata, hearing his words, felt it funny how accurate her little brother was. She touched the gold-bracelet with the word [Precious] on it, and smiled.

     "Yes, you are right, I am Sensei's loyal dog now, but... He is our family's Black Dragon reincarnated. That is why you always lose to him in every-way. Even father and mother have bowed their heads to our god. But, you will not live to spread this secret..."

     "God?! Rick a fucking God, don't make me laugh? Your crazy bitch mother believes in those old traditions of our family Dragon. Fuck you and your mother are dumb bitches, sigh, I will have to kill you after-all, huh?"

     Steve reached behind his waist, and pulled out his 9mm handgun and pointed it at her heart. She said.

     "With your head, my honor and that of our family will be restored. And Rick will know I am loyal, so goodbye, trash..."

     Bang Bang Bang Bang Shing... Thud! Steven Woo pulled the trigger rapidly, but it was like his sister's form, blurred for a moment, and she was standing to his side, sheathing the family sword. While he felt the cold on his neck, she said.

     "Being the bitch of a Dragon is my honor, so don't go mad, just go away...."

     While he stood there confused, she reached over and grabbed the top of his hair, removing the decapitated head like he was a Dullahan. She then, still holding the head, walked back out, as his body tipped over... Thud!


     I had no trouble eliminating the 3 soldiers and killing them with ease. With my Gun-Fu feeling as good as my normal Kung-Fu, I realized I had passed the threshold to Grandmaster, and let me know, by default, my Firearms joined the ranks of the top ten of the world..

     Currently, Chris Honda is lying between two parked cars, where he tried to hide from me, but...

     Bang! I put the 3rd bullet into his second kneecap, after putting one in his large intestine and 1st knee. While he cried I said to him.

     "Out of all the men I wanted to kill... You are actually on the top of my list..."

     Bang! I shot his knuckles to shreds on his left hand, and continued.

     "I love Hana, and you are a stain. I have soooo many daughters, and for scum like you to live and corrupt other men's daughters, disgusts me to my core..."

     Bang! I just shave off parts of him and talk.

     "Thanks for breaking out of jail, and making this a very happy day for my soul. I will find out how many bullets the human body can take before it cannot anymore..."

     Bang! He just keeps passing out and waking due to the trauma and pain, but I just mindlessly keep shooting even when he stops moving...

     "Sensei, I am done here."

     I turn my head to look at Hinata holding the shocked face of Steven Woo at the moment of his death, showing she tormented him. I smile at her and imagine a tail asking for praise, so I say.

     "Thank you Hinata, my heart feels a bit lighter, and yours?"

     "My heart is only full of pride and honor, so long as I serve you, Sensei."

     "I think you and I have killed enough for today, let us go home, Hinata."

     She tossed the head onto the bloody-pile of Chris, and funnily it landed face first where his crotch used to be.

     When I walked to the car, Hinata followed closely.

     When the two of us sat in my car, I tried to start it, but it seems I pushed my baby too hard and it died. Hinata in a rare moment of humor smiled, pointed to the dash and said.

     "Looks like you were not done Killing till now, fufu."

     Then I heard Lucy.

     [Luke is coming to pick you up, so enjoy petting your dog for a bit, Ufufu.]

     Fuck, did Lucy tell Hinata what the bracelet meant?! When I looked at her, she only smiled lightly...

     Fuck, now I have a hot human shaped dog...


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[Acting: Advanced] [Acrobatics: Grandmaster] [Auto-Mechanics: Basic] [Business Management: Advanced] [Cat Burglar: Basic] [Computer Use: Master] [Cooking: Advanced] [Driving: Master] [General Education*: Basic] [Gun-Fu: Grandmaster] [Firearms: Grandmaster] [Kung-Fu: Grandmaster] [Medicine: Advanced] [Stealth: Advanced] [Thief: Basic] [Virtual Business Management: Advanced]

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