After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 167 Victoria Learns Everything, And Left Me…!

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Chapter 167  Victoria Learns Everything, And Left Me...! by Harem-Fan


     The days following the Prison break were very hard on Star City. All of the activity made world wide news, due to the joint attack of 3 terrorist organizations.

     The first being the stolen Star Wars Military Satellite capable of reshaping world war. The United Kingdom of America's King, had publicly apologized to all involved, because 2 of the 3 groups came from his Nation.

     Just from my Fire Birds, I lost 8 lives in the breakout and retaking of the city. As the man that gave the order to fight, I made sure to attend their cremations. I also made sure any family they left behind was taken care of. But their lives were not in vain...

     The Fire Birds had been responsible for killing half of the escaped inmates, while the overwhelmed Police managed to regain the majority of the rest. Laura and around 10 lifetime criminals, had been the only ones to escape with their lives.

     When I had returned after my killings, I told Mary to go and do her job with ease of heart. I only had kept her home because of Steven Woo. I know Mary would be fine fighting normal convicts, but most definitely not Steven.

     I had gone to help Lucy on the computers, and we had discovered the plan to escape on the Oil Tanker, and sadly, when we found out Laura's destination, they had already escaped to the waters of North America, where Lucy's hidden drones could not strike.

     During this aftermath, another shocking piece of news hit Eurasia out of nowhere...

     The Hidden Dragons, led by Ashley Tong, seized the Long family Estates, and captured Kimberly Long and her immediate family. Ashley seized control of the assets temporarily until the former Head returned to fulfill his duties of the Long. (A/N this was mentioned way back when I introduced the duties of the Syndicates.)

     Former Head, David Long, is currently being brought back to deal with the Long matter, before the Central Government steps in and removes the Long from its illustrious position as a Guardian family.

     University had been canceled for the rest of the week, due to the chaos in Star City, so families could come together. Although brief, the convicts had managed to cause harm to many.

     I sent Hinata home on my private jet, so she could, in person, inform her family of Steven. He may have been removed from the family, and a stain, he was still family. Hinata did not want to leave my side, but I told her, I would be fine. This was part of her duties as my Student, and member of the Fire Birds.

     What did Lucy and I discover privately about this major scandal? It seems, the Traditionalist faction of the Li clan, leaked information to the China Empire about the future World War II, and they suggested the theft of the Star Wars Satellite, to assure the war would not include Nuclear weapons.

     And thus, the Empire had hired their partners, The Southern Cross, to retrieve the device. And then Southern Cross, hired the other groups as a smokescreen for their theft. Star Wars is currently sitting snugly inside a military base inside the China Empire now.

     Phew... So much has happened in a few short days. But the biggest test for me was about to begin...


     Saturday, 2:37 pm, Phoenix Tower, 10th floor...

     While I was signing off on some financial documents, Jenifer's voice came to my ear from the desk on my left.

     "Master, Miss Kyusho has returned, and is on her way up. I will go and enter the restroom for our departure in a bit, I need a bath."

     With no one in the office to see, she tiptoed to me and kissed my cheek, before vanishing in our bath-area... She really is adorable when no one is around.

     Knock Knock! After a few minutes, a knock was heard, and I said to enter.

     In her crimson kimono, Hinata entered and placed her bag to the side. She removed her footwear, and entered the shag-carpeting area. Soon she came to the front of my desk, and bowed.

     "Greetings Sensei, I am back."

     I can see a bit of relief is in her aura, like a burden is gone. I think her family praised her for her actions. I asked.

     "Was your trip to your Kyusho home good? Did they take the news well?"

     She reached into her kimono, pulled out two letters and told me.

     "It went very well, Sensei. My parents asked me to deliver these to you in thanks. But Sensei... What you read is also my desire, and not forced. I will go and use the bath to clean and change into fresh clothing, if that is alright, Sensei?"

     "Sure, go ahead, but Jenifer is also in there so don't be surprised."


     She bows again, and takes her bag into the room. I look at the two letters, written in Japanese, and let out a big exhale...

     "Sigh, Lucy, I bet you predicted all of this. But, I guess I cannot be a pussy about it as well."

     I look to where the Geisha-like beauty left, and open her fathers letter first...


     After I put his letter back in the envelope, I closed my eyes thinking of his words, Lucy's advice, and what Hinata just said. Then I ask myself...

     "I guess I like her company. I cannot say I am in love with her, but... Her loyalty is amazing, and that of her family. So I guess it is fine, right?"

     I then look at her mother's letter, and see her writing and calligraphy is splendid, to be expected of a swords-woman.

     [To my Lord... I thank you for the training you have bestowed upon Hinata. I had challenged her to a duel, and her skills are improving rapidly. Your Black Dragon Style is nothing mere mortals can understand. Please, pass it on to Hinata, so she may pass it on to her child. We have honored the Black Dragon for thousands of years, and to have your teachings personally is our Kyusho blessing. I have spoken with my daughter, and she understands her duty, and is more than willing. Thank you Lord Black Dragon... Inu Kyusho.]

     "The fuck?! Why does she think I am a Black Dragon? Is this a Japanese version of the Yellow Emperor or the Imperial Dragon? Wait, did Lucy know about this?"

     Ring Ring Ring! I look at my smartphone while I am having an internal conflict of being called a Black Dragon over a Gold Dragon. It is Victoria, so I immediately answer.

     "Hello Dear, I was going to be there shortly when the ladies came out?"

     [Dear, my father is coming to my office in a while, will you be at my side for this?]

     This must be about her expulsion and the Head position. Her father is an older and strict man. She had never had a super close relationship with him, but only their mother.

     "Vick, I will drop anything for you, just give me a moment to gather the girls, I am on my way."


     Fortunately, my building is close to the Velvet Tower and my group of three arrived. I say to Jenifer and Hinata, while we are in the elevator ride up.

     "While I am in the meeting, go to the 40th floor to wait. Lucy is there waiting to let you two in."

     "Yes, Master."

     "Understood, Sensei."

     It was not Benz today, but his buddy, Jeffery. He let me off at the 39th floor.

     I exit and the doors close behind. Wearing my black tieless suit, I walked down the glass corridors I have traveled for months now.

     As I pass, all of the working staff all greet me respectfully. I have become well known here, and all the staff are aware of me.


     The two secretaries on duty greet, and the main lady said with a smile.

     "Mrs Yang is meeting with Mrs Long, but they said to just come in anytime, sir."

     "Thank you, I will."

     Yeah, Gretta Yang retired her position in the Cosmetics company, when Harem-Chat went independent from her company, but she wanted to be the CEO of the new branch under Victoria. I wanted her to have it. She was the one to go on a limb to start it up, and she has taken the project personally. We just support her with the technological back-end, and she is the decision maker for marketing and the ground operations.


     As I entered Vicky's office, the blonde woman named Gretta was leaving, and when she saw me she hugged me like a little brother. She happily said.

     "I hung around just so I could see you, Rick. You are always so busy, you need to stop by so I can show you some advertising proposals. Oh, and my girls said thanks for the autographs from you and Kate. Well I gotta go, see you in a few days for the meeting, fufu."

     After getting my soft hug, she blurted out a lot to me, and just like that waved and left, before I could say anything?!

     Honestly, if I was one of those scumbag Antagonists from those Urban Novels, I would have stolen her from her husband to add to my collection, sigh.

     Vicky, seeing my perplexed expression, came and held me. She smiled with a tease and said.

     "Don't worry, she loves her husband, fufu. She is actually a fan of yours, after seeing your play. She just waited so she could thank and hug you, cute really."

     I kiss her and hold her back.

     "Looks like I made-"

     [Mrs Long, your father is here, should I send him in now?]

     My words had been cut off from the intercom, and Vicky's face went stern and she took my hand, pulling me to the couch in the middle of the room. As we sat, she told her.

     "Please send him in..."


     The door opened, and a man in his mid 60's, followed by a woman in her late 20's entered closing the door.

     Former Head, David Long in a business suit, with purple eyes, and salt and pepper hair, came to the couch in front of us. He nodded at the two of us that did not stand for him. The woman had a briefcase and looked to be a lawyer, based on attire and presence.

     She only stood to the side and he spoke.

     "Victoria and Mr Tang, a pleasure."

     Sarcasm smells like bullshit in this case. I can tell, Kimberly and Laura learned their behavior from this turd. He just hides it better. Vick holding my arm firmly said to him.

     "Father, you look well, how can I help the Long family today?"

     I really want to give her a kiss and high five for that jab. He said matter of factly.

     "Kimberly has deceived me, and now the Long are in a crisis. So, I am here to ask you to abdicate or take the helm of the Long family as the new head, or let cousin Vinnie take the helm."

     "Passing my right to a branch family will never be considered, I am not a part of the Long family anymore, you know all about that, right? So let the Long fall."

     "Sigh, It was in her rights to remove you."

     Victoria just grins like a corporate vulture, and rebutted.

     "And yet, you let her remove me for something trivial, like marrying my husband, so what? You are the one that chose Kimberly to helm the sinking ship."

     "Victoria, I am no child, tell me your terms?"

     She smiles at him derisively and questions.

     "Terms, I don't need terms. I am successful without the Long family, and my husband and my child are very well off. So father, I do not need terms. My situation is still terrific whether the Long are on top or the bottom, but I will not give my stolen rights to those that do not deserve it."

     I know Lucy wants Vicky to run the Long for me, but honestly if she doesn't want it, I can do without it. The silence lasted a while while the father daughter pair looked at each-other. He finally looked at me and said.

     "It was 20 years ago, and I cannot, nor would I have changed the decisions I made for the Long. So do not let Vicky's birthright fall because you hate me."

     I smiled widely and shook my head.

     "I do not care anymore about that one bit. I have my lovely wife here, a family that loves me, and a beautiful baby boy in her belly, why do I care about what You, Kimberly, and Laura did back then? My father made his own choices as a man, so I accept it. As for Laura and the people who killed my father, I will deal with them. You are only Victoria's father, and this is between you and her."

     He said something I was unaware of...

     "The Central Government has already taken Kimberly away to the Capital, due to her secret knowledge of the 4 Heads. She will not leave from there again. Please take the Long now, before it is all gone. Do not do it for the main family, but do it for all of the Long family members in Azure, and all of the employees that live with our support. Come with me to the family vault and sign the documents, please. This is Ruby Yen, she is the Central Government Lawyer, who is ready to go through the procedures with you."

     Victoria looks into my eyes and I shrug.

     "My job is to support you. The only upside I can see here is our boy would be the next head of Long in the future, so there is that."

     David looks like he swallowed shit, knowing a half Tang would be the next head. But it was ultimately better than losing the Guardian position for this little bit of pride. Victoria said her condition.

     "First, my son will be the next head, and second, Rick is coming with us."


     And with that, Mei pulled the limo up to pick up me, Vick, Hinata, and Jenifer. We followed her father to the main Long estate, to the security vault with the lawyer.


     The lawyer, her father, Victoria and I are entering a highly secured vault room, and I remembered something important. I whispered something to Vicky before she entered.

     "Whatever you learn there, remember the baby, so stay calm. And, I am very sorry. Just know I love you very much..."

     Victoria, seeing my guilty face, cannot for the life of her, tie it to what is in the family vault. My look of betraying her is evident, but she only nodded. I could only wait for her verdict.

     "Mrs Long, only you and your father may pass this point. You may only go in this one time, and never speak of what you learn, even to your family. Only the past and present Heads may know the contents of the vault. I will unlock it now with the approval of the Central Government. When you leave, the door will re-lock on its own, and I shall not let you back in. I have already taken your recording devices, so good luck, new Head Long!"

     And with that, the father and daughter entered the Long family vault...


     After an hour in, Victoria was in a chair reading a large metal plated book with engraved sheets of thin pages of metal.

     Thunk! Victoria's hands let the metal book slide from her fingers when she read a certain chapter, and her eyes went a bit dull. Her father picked it up and looked to where she was reading, and smiled.

     "Yes, the real reason we fled the China Empire 2000 years ago. And it is hard to believe, but the Yellow Emperor is very real. He has reincarnated many times over the last 30000 years, ever since the first China Emperor reigned and brought human civilization. The last Yellow Emperor was in our Eurasia almost 500 years ago. Now you understand why I was so upset when Rick Senior did not marry Laura. My rage of missing out on the chance of having the next Yellow Emperor be a long was dashed, sigh..."

     Victoria, put her hand on her belly, and closed her eyes. She calmed her heart, thought of my cryptic words coming in here, and thought back on her first meeting with me...


     A few hours had passed and it was starting to pass dinnertime, and I hoped she ate the power-bar I gave her. I sigh, she might not be coming out because of me.

     I just sat in a chair, not knowing what to say to her. Only Lucy and Mei know of me, well plus the other 3 heads. But outside of the Li, that is still not much.

    Click Thud! The vault door opened and closed. I stood to my feet along with the lawyer.

     Victoria's purple eyes timidly looked to my blue eyes. Victoria knows everything...

     The lawyer looked at the time and said to Vicky.

     "My job here is done, I am heading back to Central, good luck Head Long, may your family regain its glory, goodbye."

     "I will walk you out, let's go."

     Victoria's father, glad to unload the near collapse of the Long Clan, just cheerfully walked out with the lawyer.

     After the two of us were left alone, I only said.

     "I am sorry Victoria, for not telling you..."

     Then Victoria left me...

     Speechless as she grabbed me and put my face into her chest, She pats my back, and coddles me like a sad child.

     "You have had it rough, haven't you? Rick, I will always love you, silly man..."

     Unconsciously, my arms tightened hearing the comforting words. It sounded different when coming from Vicky, as opposed to Lucy and Mei...

     I have manned up and faced all of my trials so far, but not knowing if Victoria would accept me or feel betrayed, had my heart tight. I cried silently only a little in her comforting hug.

     It is no mental breakdown, but of happiness, that she forgives me for hiding my biggest secret. She said softly.

     "I will give Hana my next Friday, but tonight, I will hold you, my love."

     Both of us stayed like that a little while longer, and I ended it by telling her.

     "I have a lot I want to tell you about tonight, Vicky. Let's go home."


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