After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 174 Gun-Fu On The Silver Screen!

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Chapter 174  Gun-Fu On The Silver Screen! by Harem-Fan


     It is now Monday, two days after our event in the Raceway.

     The girls really had fun that night. I had decided to not try and take first place and draw too much attention, but only focused on making Hana feel the most excitement she could with the dastardly maneuvers I was pulling. She was very satisfied with that outcome.

     Though my seemingly reckless driving made some of the other drivers pucker up their assholes in fear I would wreck them.

     Currently this early morning, we are going to be doing action scenes in the fights between Ken and some of the Vampires after both main female leads. Logan and Sam will be doing some fight shots as well. And using stunt doubles, the two characters Luna and Lilith will be engaging in battle.

     Oh, that's right, the location! Well of course it is Disneyland! Cant have epic fights without a good backdrop, right? We will be shooting all week here.


     At one of the Park's restaurants, the whole cast is sitting and being debriefed on where we are all going to do our filming.

     A total of three locations at one time will have crews working simultaneously. The reason for this is so the sky and lighting will be even so the audience will not feel like everything was done at different times.

     The Director had pointed to another crew we are unfamiliar with and introduced.

     "Here are the stunt doubles we brought in to play the fights for Kate, Ana, and Sam."

     As we looked over, both Logan and I about fell from our seats! The woman playing as Luna for fights and stunts was none other than a healed up Lan Chow!

     But what made the two of us twitch our lips was the fact, she was wearing an artificial chest, due to Kate being so well endowed.

     I was both impressed and amused at her looking like that! The only reason a China Empire woman can pull this off, is the fact her skin is fair. But seeing her in modern clothing and dolled up, was strange.

     When Lan Chow saw us, she only glared like I stole her lunch money. Well I did break her nose, but hey, it healed back perfectly, right?!

     I whispered to Logan.

     "Why in the fuck is Snow Temple's Master here? I do not think she would have free time to play around on a movie set, correct?"

     He points to himself then me and tells me why.

     "She is probably asking the same thing! Why is a Sea Temple Master and the man who kicked her and my ass, making movies?"

     Logan makes so much sense right now and I nodded.

     And the Director pointed to a map and said...

     "Over here at the mini-coaster we will have Kate, Rick, and Lan. This will be the first combat encounter in their reunion, as Ken tries to delay Luna from going after Lilith. The fight will take place on the coaster tracks, and we have added wooden plywood to create more stable footing for Mr Lee and Miss Chow to fight."

     "Here in site 2 we will have Ana, Sam, Daniella, and Kevin to do the fight encounter indoors. It is a small world, ride."

     "Finally we will have Logan, Charles, Zack, and Drake at the Aquarium for your fight against the Church of Light. Any questions?"

     With none, our teams are escorted on Park go-karts for staff...


     On the back seat of the cart, I am sitting between both Kate and Lan. I ask out of curiosity.

     "Miss Chow, may I know why you are doing stunts now?"

     The 29 year old woman said to me, without looking at me.

     "You have ignored my challenges. So, I found a way to fight you so you cannot run. It is that simple. Plus this part paid well. We at the Snow Temple do not have deep pockets like the 4 families or Syndicate, and are only subsidized by the Government to operate."

     Kate worriedly asks.

     "Why are you trying to fight, Rick?"

     The fake Luna looks to Kate, the real Luna and tells her.

     "Because he broke my nose with a cheap shot. I have lost all face in-front of my disciples, and morale is low. He also defeated my enemy I wanted revenge on, and stopped me from getting it."

     Kate looking at Lan tilted her head and stated.

     "So when Rick was smash drunk, he beat you, and you think fighting him sober will work, fufu ha-ha, so funny."

     Thankfully before Lan tried killing Kate for her truthful words, we arrived at the mountainous mini-coaster.


     Half an hour later after makeup, I and Kate are at the highest point to the ride, on the tracks and her clothing was filled with bullet holes Ken shot her up with beforehand. The Director and camera crew are on their hydraulic lift to be 20 feet away for a closeup, and we check the lighting.

     Kate's or rather the Luna outfit is a skirt with a white button-down shirt combo. There are a total of ten bullet holes with no blood on them.

     I am wearing my jeans, white-shirt, and leather jacket outfit holding two automatic handguns aiming them in her direction.

     Even with blanks, never point them to people, in case there is a problem with the fake load. If I remember right, that may have been how one of the actors in my past life died, to something being in the shell by accident.

     The Director called out...


     Luna looking at her clothing had a sad look on her face as she then said to Ken.

     "Ken, please... What Lilith has told you is not true. you really were Kristofer Long, you just passed. Please, let me prove it to you. As you can see, you cannot kill me. And I will never kill you... I love you!"

     Ken, myself, puts on a look of knowing she is immortal and I deny her.

     "No, I am human, and you are an undead monster, there is no way I would love a vampire! Kris Long my uncle would never have succumbed to you!"

     Kate smiles and puts her hand on her chest and reveals shocking news to Ken.

     "Sorry my love, but you have been tricked all along... Lilith is not human as well, she is my cousin, a Vampire."

     My guns lower in shock and I say while shaking my head.

     "No, No, you are lying to me, she is human, we made love, and she is alive! Do not try and fool me."

     "The reason she can be out in the sunlight without protection is because of you. You and I swore on our existence to be together, and that is the only reason I stand here protecting you."

     "No, you are fighting me to make it so that Church crazy can kill Lilith, I need to save her!"

     Luna smiles and asks.

     "Ken, why would an Exorcist hunt a human? He ignored you right? But if you protect her, he will fight you for being her thrall."

     "That- She- No, I have to save her, let me pass!"

     Kate came to me and proposed.

     "Then let me kiss you one time, to remind you of who I am, and then I will not stop you from saving her?"

     Putting my fake guns away, I pulled down my shirt collar and tilted my head. Kate moved my chin and I put on a face of confusion as she does not drink blood but kissed me instead.

     This is one of the scenes Kate was looking forward to the most, she finally got to romantically kiss me on the big screen, and her real feelings made the epic moment so much better. I love kissing her, so as Ken, I held her with the memories of the past life of Kris running through as the two souls connect like with Lilith.

     Then Luna, happy with the love connection, said to Ken.

     "I hate it, but go save her if that is what you want, my love..."

     I play my part well of a man finding his true love, but needing to save his current love. So I nodded to Kate, and ran at full speed down the track to rescue Lilith. The camera crew zoomed in on Kate's face as she smiled at the heroic rescue, but for another woman...

     [CUT! PERFECT!]

     "Great job you two, now come on down, and we will be ready for the fight scene."

     I had turned back around to Kate, and due to not wanting her hurt, I princess carried her down the roller coaster, to the claps and cheers of the crew making fun of the blushing Kate...


     When movies are made, they are never really done chronologically, like for example, the sex scene with Ana has not yet been filmed, but in this fight scene it had already happened. We also shot the part with Kate before the fight with Lan due to the location of the sun.

     The crew will shoot the scene from much further away because the stunt double is not Kate, so more of Luna's back is seen here and more of my front, to show the audience I am the real person fighting super high up, risking our health and even lives here for the realism.

     Bang Bang! So Lan, starting from the bottom of the big hill, was running up with me following and shooting a couple of rounds.

     "Stop there vampire, you will not lay your hands on Lilith!"

     Bang Bang! And remotely, the special effects blew our two bullet holes from her back to make it look like I hit her heart. Lan reached the top, and the camera shifts to show me meeting her at the summit, firing more rounds in succession to show me unloading the magazines into Luna only ruining her clothing.

     At this point in the script, only I am supposed to engage and throw punches and kicks, and she is supposed to only block and parry, but Lan flipped the script and also charged at me! Yeah, she wants to fight for real...

     I just started to use my Gun-Fu because I could not just drop and lose the prop-guns, so I just fought her with both hands full, I even smiled with a look Ken would have as I emptied the bullets making the fight look more real than it was...


     The camera man whispered to the Director...

     "Mam, I do not think this is in the script?! Do we cut it?"

     "Don't you dare cut it! This is better than what I expected, it is like they are fighting for real, and look at how Rick is fighting and shooting, like it is a new fighting style, just perfect! Keep this and let's watch!"


     Bang Bang! I irritated Lan by shooting near her ears and messing with her perception a bit. I ended that with a knee in her stomach, almost making her lose lunch! She grit her teeth and did a high-kick. I grinned and said loud enough for her to hear.

     "Red Lace, naughty Crimson woman!"

     Lan growled and said.

     "You are not fighting fair, now fight for real!"

     Just as her words left her mouth, she was struck with my spinning backhand, using the bottom of the handgun handle (pistolwhip), and I hit her temple, causing her to be dizzy.

     I controlled the force to not kill her, but her dizzy eyes told me she was in shock. She had dropped to one knee for a moment and then stood back up. She had unfortunately missed her step and she was falling over the rail.

     Well, I do not think an accidental death on the movie set will be good for Victoria's reputation, so I dropped the props.

     As Lan Chow was fully off the rails, I leaped at her before she could drop too fast for me to save her...

     And grabbed the falling over woman around her waist. I had her in one arm and held the track rail with the other. She looked into my face and realized she almost died.

     [CUT! run up there and check on them!]

     I swung my right leg up in a nifty Acrobatic maneuver and with my right arm and leg, I pulled her and me back onto the track, relieving all the onlookers.

     Lan only laid there as I knelt near her, she asked.

     "Why did you save me?"

     "Ah! No, it was not to save you, but to not ruin the movie, ha-ha."

     "I admit defeat, I and Snow Temple will return to the North."

     I extended my hand to pull her up, and she did. Then I shocked her with my words.

     [No, I want you to work for me, and I will help you build a new Temple in Azure with you as its leader. I do not want Forest Temple here in my home. Lan Chow, work for me?]

     She dumbly looked at my hand outstretched for a deal. She then saw my eyes... The eyes of a real Grandmaster, and her spine trembled. Without any real thought, she had already shook my hand. She then saw my aura had gone back to normal and she asked quietly, so no one could read her lips.

     "Rick, you really are a Gr-, Grandmaster?"

     "Oh? Why do you say that?"

     "Earlier, you used my Hidden Temples Falling Snowflake Technique, better than my Master. And you toyed with me every single move."

     I shrug because the New Temple can be loyal to me, for my fight with Li. I tell her honestly.

     "Would you believe me if I told you I was the Founder of the Snow Temple style?"

     Okay, I lied, I am just fucking with her now. But...

     "I do."

     She is serious?! What kind of drugs do people do to believe in that nonsense? But on second thought, I guess she would be more loyal if she believed I was some ancient monster, yeah, let's go with that. And it is gags like this that spread legends around the world and spawn into fictional stories, sigh.

     "Lan Chow, tell no one what you learned here. Also, can your group with money and resources fight the Forest Temple? I have some strong fighters if you need help, and I can fight their masters?"

     "Yes, with your help, beating them can be done, but I could not dare ask you to fight."

     As the staff neared I asked with an evil smile.

     "Don't you want to see me fight at full strength? Also, your feud with Logan is over, he is my friend."

     She bowed slightly to not look obvious and said.

     "I wish to see your battle very much to learn. As for Logan Chen, your friends are my friends."

     "Good, your Temple needs to be the strongest in 5 years, so I will make it happen."


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