After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 175 Fairy Mountain Temple, Fortress of Solitude!

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(A/N I want to slap my own face... My miserable allergies were caused by my own hand! Last week for my anniversary with my wife, I bought her pink roses, and forgot about them. So the whole house smells like a fucking florist-shop, and no one but me is to blame for my misery, sigh... Okay, laugh at me. Thanks for waiting.)

Chapter 175  Fairy Mountain Temple, Fortress of Solitude! by Harem-Fan


     When Lan and I came down into the production area, Kate came to hug me and make sure I was fine.

     "Rick, are you hurt?"

     The upset Kate glared at Lan with overprotective eyes and I happily told her.

      "I and Miss Chow are fine, we only wanted to make the fight scene look more impressive, but she slipped on the track, so it is no problem. She and I are friends now that our fist and feet spoke."

     I am speaking like this because there are crew around, and the Director and Producer have arrived. The lady Director said loudly to us.

     "Rick and Lan, stupendous! I loved the change you two made, in fact, we will run with this for the film. And Rick what was that with the handguns?! I loved it, and from now on, use that for all the fighting in the movie?!"

     This old woman is like a child right now, and I explained.

     "I call it Gun-Fu, and just like the name suggests, it is only Kung-Fu while holding and shooting handguns in each hand."

     "Gun-Fu? I love the name, I will let a peak of it and the name spread through a leak, so that the press will salivate for something new! And don't worry about the guns that fell, we have more in the props car. Miss Chow, are you alright?"

     Lan smiles and tells her.

     "Mr Tang was a gentleman and made sure I was fine, no worries."

     "That's good. We of course will cut out the falling part of the movie, so it will look normal. Now, let us do a few more angle shots, if you are up for it Rick and Lan?"


     With Kate and Lan sitting next to me in folding chairs, I pulled out my smartphone. I dialed a number I have only called a few times...

     [Hello, is this Rick Tang?]

     "Mike Hue, it is indeed me. I am calling for business, and I wanted to know if you and the others are willing to merge with another group to revive a new Mountain Temple?"

     [Really? I thought I had lost the right to remake the Mountain Temple?]

     "I have convinced the Master from Snow Temple to work with us. She and her disciples wish to make a new Temple, hmm? Well based on her looks and demeanor, I think we should call you guys, Fairy Mountain Temple. What do you think of the name?"

     I really wish I could see Ashley's fathers face twitch right now, but he smoothly tells me.

     [Actually, that is perfect! Not only does it keep our traditional Mountain Temple name, but because most of my surviving members are women, so the name is now suitable. Is the woman, Lan Chow?]

     "Yeah, she is beside me now. I told them about kicking out Forest Temple, and I was going to fund you guys. Also, I will get you two copies of your complete forms, and I will be teaching both of you a new style I created."

     [I suppose, Lan, will be the new Temple Master? I am fine with it, due to the fact, I cannot officially do it. What role do you want me to do?]

     "You will be the Grand Elder and Protector. Next to the Sect Master, no one is higher. Plus Central cannot argue about Grand Elder positions being yours, on the Sect Leader position. I also think Ashley would be happy to see the Temple come back with some of her old friends in it."

     [Lan is a good choice, but why did you not go with Logan Chen for the head of the new Temple?]

     "I am training Logan to take over his Sea Temple after he graduates. And with Lan as my pick and me being the Fire Birds Leader, Crimson's Snow Temple will join us in the future. Only Forest Temple will not be under our secret alliance."

     For a long couple of minutes, Mike was silent. Then he spoke with the authority a former Syndicate Leader holds and asked seriously.

     [This is all because of the Central Government's 5 year plan, right?]

     "Oh? Good you older generation know of it... Then yes, so I need The Fairy Mountain Temple to be at the peak at that time. Naturally, there is a brewing storm coming, and I need you Grand Elder Hue, to help guide the next Generation of Hidden Temple practitioners with Lan. Logan is also going to teach his new style to his temple, and will be ready for a fight."

     What are Kate and Lan doing while I plan [Eurasia Insurrection]? Kate is listening to her music from her phone, napping a bit. But Lan is meditating, listening to our talk, with her excellent hearing.

     [Hah?! Now my blood is boiling. I thought my life would be boring, but to find a young man with the balls to plan such a feat, I can die happy. I am on board.]

     "Thanks uncle Hue. By the way, I have already bought the land for the new hidden temple, guess where?"

     [The same place as the old Temple? No, then it would not be hidden... Perhaps off of Interstate 69, where you fought Laura?]

     "I was going to, but I had a better idea on how to keep Fairy Mountain Temple close, but hidden. I built the Lang-Lee Raceway for a reason uncle, now do you get it?"

     [Wait, you bought the land all around Old Highway 07! You purposefully pulled the racers away to make the land cheaper and closer? Rick, those mountains are perfect!]

     "Yes, and the Rest Stop used by the racers is the hidden entrance. It will still get some use by some novice racers, but all of the cameras are being removed due to it all becoming private property, he-he. And with the Temple practitioners coming and going from the rest stop, it won't be as obvious there is a secret tunnel there."

     [And you must plan to use the Hidden Dragons and fire Birds to chase off snoopers? You have really put thought into this, haven't you?]

     "Well, I want you to be close to your grandchild. I also want to be able to come and teach the disciples from time to time, and if you were far from me, you would be found if I traveled out of Star City. I have enemies watching me, so I must think of those eyes. In reality, the Fairy Mountain will become my Fortress of Solitude."

     [Good! Teach this old dog some new tricks, and make this your hidden home. I will make sure everyone will remain loyal. All right, let me gather all of the members and come south to Star City. Where do you want us to wait?]

     "Go to my Fire Birds Brothel at xxx Clinch Street. Just have them all wear red scarfs as a disguise. They will be given rooms to hide till the construction is finished. So you will be hidden for about 2 months. I will also need you personally to help fight with me, Lan, and Logan to repel the active Forest Temple."

     [All right Rick, I will get started on the move. Tell Ash that I will see her in a week. I am glad you are neighbors with her, it makes me feel at ease. Well you are both Leaders now, so your resources are great, bye.]

     After the call ended, Lan's lashes fluttered and her blue eyes looked to me, then she asked in a bit of surprise.

     "Did you plan for me all along?"

     I smile and tell her honestly.

     "Initially, I was going to use someone from the old temple, but seeing you being reasonable, I decided to bring you in under my wing. You are not upset I am using you like this, are you?"

     She shook her head and explained her situation.

     "I intended to live forever in my Snow Temple, but it seemed the Sectmaster's nephew had designs on me. So when I had left for my missions outside of the temple, I decided to lose my purity to an outsider, so his nephew would lose interest. Though, my bad luck had turned out strange, as the man I found was our hated foe, the Sea Temple, sigh."

     I kinda get the whole marrying in the temple trope, but I ask my confusing question.

     "But if you are forbidden from leaving Crimson, and Logan was forbidden from leaving Black State, how did you two bump into one another?"

     Anger was in her eyes as she explained.

     "That bastard, got on the wrong flight! So he was in the wrong for being in Snow Temple lands. I could tell he was a strong fighter, and had no clue he was from my hated Temple. I was so humiliated and hurt. So I had to kill him to keep from being branded a traitor to my Temple. He defeated me and fled out of Crimson! And that is why I hate him so fucking much. He never even apologized."

      Oh, he told me how they met, but he never told me he got lost and ended up in Crimson, how funny.

     "Do you still love him and want to be with him?"

     She gave me hateful eyes at that question and pointed at me, unafraid of me.

     "Not a chance in any lifetime! I only slept with him to lose my purity. He was fit for a short fling and that was it. I could have gone back to my normal life if he was not from a hidden temple, but his identity made me a laughing stock. So because of his inability to read gate-numbers, everything was sullied. Just the fact I will not kill him anymore should be his blessing."

     Realizing she was getting irrational with me, she took a breather and calmed. She then said and continued.

     "Sorry Rick, for yelling at you. Anyway, the reason I came to Azure to build a Government sanctioned Temple, was or is to avoid the Sect Master's nephew. She told me if I returned without completing this mission, I would be his woman. That is why I needed to beat you, Forest Temple, and Sea Temple. Now I will even be at odds with Snow Temple as the head of Fairy Mountain, well officially. But my secret goal is to kill that Nephew of the Sect Master. His lust for me is what caused my downfall."

     I smile at her angry eyes looking to take a bite out of her foe, and I point out.

     "Lan Chow, I will tell you the secret to become a Grandmaster quickly, but you will not like what I have to tell you. So, do you want to get stronger?"

     She looked a bit confused and nodded to me.

     "Just like Laura Long, and many other Masters, they stay stuck there forever... It is because their hearts and minds are consumed with a fictional but real, Heart Demons. Laura could not lower her pride, and she only wanted revenge, and this prevented her from becoming a Grandmaster. I will tell you what is stopping you..."

     She turned to face me and I used my fingers to point out the things she needed to fix.

     "First, the reason the Central Government allows hidden temples in the first place, is because to make a Grandmaster, you need peace of heart only found in seclusion. Those who train in the military, the battlefield, or the city almost never enter the Grandmaster realm. This practice was brought from the Japan and China Empires."

     "The second point, you my dear Yan are blaming everyone else for your troubles. This has to come to an end. No more blaming the lost Logan, or even the nephew of your old Snow Temple. Don't blame me or fate. Only blame your own actions or inaction. When you realize that you are the master of your own destiny, will you make that step into the Grandmaster realm."

     "Finally the third step to crossing the boundaries, is to find hobbies, cultivation, and harmony around you. Find the peaceful things that anchor your mind and heart, then, you have the key to the door. This is the part that kills Heart Demons. Then, when you become a Grandmaster, all of your past trials will be clear to you."

     The Panda listened to the Turtle speak of philosophy and asked.

     "Ah! I think I understand, and what were your hobbies, cultivation, and harmony?"

     I can tell she is asking for her own path, so I have to make some shit up here.

     "Well, I was born with Cultivation. As for hobbies... It would be my Business Empire! And for my harmony... My lovers and children."

     She believes the first one to be the knowledge of her founders. Unknown to me, I actually did create the Snow Temples style in a past reincarnation during my time in the China Empire, but I am unaware of this fact. She was not aware of my Business dream, but she understands how wealth facilitates power. And for the family, she is pondering on this Harmony of mine.

     "I heard that Miss Kyusho is also your student, and a member of your Fire Birds. So, you are building a true force to change the world, right?"

     "Lan Chow, the world will change with or without me... But, I want to change it in my image. Do you understand?"

     "Lan Chow understands and will follow your teachings, ancestor."

     Did my lip twitch? Yes, I think it did, because she smiled at my expression!


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