After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 176 Ana Zi, The Thieving Mistress!

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Chapter 176  Ana Zi, The Thieving Mistress! by Harem-Fan


     On a snowy peak in the China Empire many years ago...

     Inside an ancient Chinese style home, three natives in white robes sat around a small table sitting on floor pillows. A small fire burns in the old chimney.

     A middle-aged beauty pours green tea for her husband and daughter. She is fair with long brown hair and blue eyes. Her husband has his white hair in a long ponytail, and his most distinguishing feature would be a scar running across his face just under his blue eyes. He has the air of a man of few words.

     The daughter looks to be about 6 to 8 years old, has short white hair and blue eyes, like her parents. She is reading from a book on the table. Despite the snowstorm outside, it seems the mother is teaching her child like it is a school-day.

     "Mother, I don't understand this."

     "What do you not understand about my snowflake?"

     "Why is our first Emperor now treated like a bad-guy if he made so many wonderful things? Nothing here says he was a bad Emperor?"

     Here mother points to a timeline showing a history of 30000 years. She points to a point 2000 years ago.

     "Her, the nobles of China grew hungry for the Yellow Emperor's powers, and wanted to kill off the Li Imperial family and only have the remaining Li shared with their noble clans. But the Li, with the help of the 4 traitor faction, whisked away the Imperial bloodline to Eurasia, and China lost its most powerful birthright. Do you know what Eurasia was like 2000 years ago?"

     The little cute girl put her finger on her chin to think. Then she smiled and answered.

     "It was a land ruled by barbarians of the North American Vikings and the Barbarians of the Japan Empire, in a bloody fight over the continent, right?"

     "Ufufu, Dear the Japanese were not barbarians dear, they were our allies, and had culture, but yes, the whole continent was under constant war and death for the lands and resources. But what happened to Eurasia when the 4 clans and the Imperial bloodline made it there?"

     The little girl cheated and flipped a page, while her mother ignored her little trick. She then said with bright eyes.

     "The battle with all the forces was bloody and cruel. The 4 traitor clans split up in all four directions to conquer the lands, with the Long going West, the Feng going North, the Tang going East, and the Lang conquering the south! Then after winning, the four families waged war on each-other for the lands?! Shortly, the Yellow Emperor reemerged and conquered the 4 families and united them!"

     "That is correct, my smart snowflake. With the Yellow Emperor forcing his will, the continent of Eurasia had a renascence of peace and prosperity. From the ashes, they had subjugated the fallen North Americans and the brutal Japanese soldiers into their ranks, and formed new servant families with the descendants of the old 16 servant families. And in the last 2000 years, what happened to China without our Emperor?"

     "Umm? We have fallen backwards compared to other nations in the world?"

     "Correct, and that is because we lost our national treasure due to greed. Never say it out loud, but the current Empire is not legitimate."

     "Mother, is that why we are moving?"

     Her father finally spoke.

     "We are joining our fellow Kunlun martial siblings in Eurasia, to be near our true Emperor. Soon, he will return. So My cousin wants us to bring our Snowflake Scriptures along, and they will bring us to live there."

     The little girl puffed out her little chest in pride and said.

     "That is right, the Yellow Emperor founded our Temples right daddy?!"

     He sipped his tea and nodded.

     "The Yellow Emperor is the father of all Kung-Fu. This martial arts is what gave China the power to overwhelm all forces in the world. Though it is not proven, it is whispered our first Emperor also graced our friends the Japan Empire in the past."

     With stars in her eyes she asked her father.

     "When we go to the Snow Temple, can I meet the Emperor?!"

     Her father shook his head in the negative.

     "The Emperor is hidden from the world, to protect him. We are not significant enough to be able to see him. We can only watch him rise and spread his knowledge to the world. He is a God of Enlightenment after-all. But being near his hands, will let us feel the change he colors the world with. So just study hard, and become strong enough to become the Snow Temple Sect-master, then you might catch the Emperor's eyes."

     The little girl flips pages and points to an ancient picture and asks.

     "Is this what he looks like?"

     Her mother nodded her head and told her.

     "The unchanging thing about the Yellow Emperor is he is always a man, with black hair and blue eyes. His powers manifest when he becomes a man. That is the only common thing from all of the many reincarnations of his majesty. It is because he has the blood of the Immortal Imperial Dragon."

     Her father warned her.

     "Little Lan, never ever speak of this topic when we leave for Eurasia, because the Central Government will imprison you for spreading lies. Or they might kill our whole family to not spread the secrets of our 1st Emperor. Do you understand?"

     "Father, Lan understands!"


     "Lan Chow, the world will change with or without me... But, I want to change it in my image. Do you understand?"

     "Lan Chow understands and will follow your teachings, ancestor."

     Did my lip twitch? Yes, I think it did, because she smiled at my expression!

     Soon, it was time to finish the touch up shots with the lighting correct...


     It was Friday a few days later, and we were all at the same food station getting our rolls for the last day of filming at Disney Land. Logan leans in with a strange expression and asks.

     "So why exactly did you not kill that crazy woman? She is creeping me out, being so friendly to me now. She even thanked me for ruining her life?!"

     "Oh? I forgot to tell you, she is working for me now. I told her you're my friend, so she cannot kill you anymore."

     Logan looked at me like a special case and said.

     "You have a gift, Rick. A gift for attracting Special Women, and having them be nice to you? Are you a masochist? Just keep that psycho bitch away from me, alright!"

     I glare at him and point.

     "See, that is why she tried to kill you. You never bothered to find out she was a good woman."

     "Phht! Damn, and a Cobra is a cuddly pet! Fuck, you really think dangerous females are pretty don't you? Cough... Hinata Kyusho!"

     I pointed to his face, and my mouth was going to scold him, but his eyes asking me to 'deny it' were clear. Fuck, am I attracted to crazy women? No, I have non-crazy lovers too, right!

     My bastard friend only made a huge grin as my name was called.

     "Here in site 2 we will have Rick, Ana, Sam, Daniella, and Kevin to do the second fight encounter indoors, It is a small world."

     Ana heard that winked at me with her green eyes. Kate of course is irritated due to her cats and dogs relationship with her. She knows Ana is doing it just to piss her off. Seeing the two bicker put a smile on my face.

     Lan, ever since Monday when no one is around, has been oddly kind to me, and is always bowing respectfully to me. But she always purposefully adds things like Venerable Ancestor to her words, and I feel funny in my heart. Does she know I am full of shit, and is just teasing me?

     But yesterday, when I passed her the complete Snowflake Scripture, she cried?! She only held it tight to her modest chest and smiled with tears in her eyes. She never said why she cried, but it must be important.


     On the go-kart ride to the 'It's a small world ride', Ana held my arm to avoid being near Sam. She whispered in my ear.

    "It has been a long week, not being able to act with you. Also, thank you from the bottom of my heart, Rick!"

     Smelling her, I was confused why she was being so thankful and I asked.

     "Why are you so happy and thanking me? Did I do something important?"

     She smiles and tells me.

     "Thanks to you, I never have to be at the whims of men again in my life. I can ignore them all. Did you forget what you added to my account?"

     My face stiffened, because I actually forgot about the 5 million I dropped in. Oops, I forgot to even tell her. I awkwardly smile and explain.

     "Well, I am kinda wealthy now, so that really was nothing. If you need more, just let me know. I just feel guilty for our situation, and I want you to be happy."

     Ana sees I am finally caring, and her heart thawed from her past, she nodded and didn't want to push her luck, well because she is an intelligent woman. But she added.

     "Do not worry, Rick. I am a Discrete Mistress, and will never expose your wonderful side to anyone. Thanks for caring about me."

     What a Discrete Mistress?! I have done nothing with this woman, but, well I guess giving her money secretly kinda borders that, sigh... Logan is right, right?


     In today's shooting, it was me arriving to rescue Lilith from the High Inquisitor, well crazy Sam.

     Ana was tied onto a mini-version of the Eiffel Tower of San Francisco, and Sam's stunt double and I did battle, while the wounded Ana watched in despair.

     I used my two handguns and my boots to deflect the blunt longsword the stuntman swings. I did a lot of classic Gun-Fu movements and missed gunshots. No in a real fight, that dude would be dead as fuck, but it is a movie, and the foe cannot die so easily.

     Then the director signaled a gunshot wound remotely in his stomach, and the scene was cut for the real Sam to get in place.

     His character held his stomach in shock and taunted me for loving a Vampire! I ignored the dying holy man, and freed the pinned Lilith into my arms. Her character had many wooden stakes in her limbs like a crucifixion.

     The weakened Ana in my arms cried tears of blood being exposed as a Vampire in this way and I held her. She then bit into my neck due to her wounds and healed. My character just had a look of melancholy for having his world turned upside down.

     And the memory of his being controlled had resurfaced. As Ana finished and stood, my character Ken asked.

     "Even when we made love, you hypnotized me to drink, did we ever have love, or was I tricked?"

     Lilith was torn, because she had used the power on her love, but his words were also true. She could only cry and said.

     "I-I love you, but I need to feed... Vampires must drink blood, so I-I..."

     "No, you could have asked from day one, and I would have freely offered you my neck, Lilith. I need some time to think. I am glad you are safe..."

     As I left the dying holy man and the heartbroken Vampire, they finished the scene. Lilith said to the dying man.

     "This is all your fault, for ruining my love... Just for that, I will not kill you. Enjoy your life of feeding on your God's sheep..."


     In the next scene the holy man on death's door was found by Logan's character and made a Vampire. So the Holy Man became humanity's biggest sinner...


     In the mobile dressing room, Ana sat next to me taking out her contacts and teeth. She said to me,

     "Rick, your acting is getting so good, I felt like you really hated me for a moment, sigh."

     I finally got off the annoying makeup and smiled at her still bloody looking face.

     "Well, Ken felt hurt, so I had to channel that feeling. You and Lilith are separate people, so don't worry, I still like you. Good job by the way."

     She wiped her face clean showing she is gorgeous without makeup and she reminded me.

     "Don't forget that next week is the love making scenes with you and Kate, and also you and me. Are you nervous?"

     "Me? Not a chance. It is sad to say, but my experience makes me kinda used to it. Plus Kate and I have made out plenty, so it is just going to be in-front of cameras is all."

     "Rick, I am nervous. I have never even kissed you before."

     "Nah, Don't worry, it is simple and is only kissing. It is not like we will make love for real, just go with the flow and try not to blush."

     Ana stood and leaned over me while pulling her hair behind her ear. She said,

     "Then let me try a test kiss, so I will not be surprised next week."

     And without my approval, her lips overlapped mine. And her lips were soft and sweet. The taste of honey is all I can relate to her smell and taste too. I almost forgot it was a test kiss.

     Her hands were on my face holding me still as her tongue invaded my mouth, and she seemed to be a bit lost, like she never kissed before. But soon, she heard the trailer door begin to open, and Ana abruptly stopped the kiss, and sat down with a blush.

     Sam came in with a gloomy mood as always and sat on my other-side removing his makeup. He looked at me and asked suspiciously.

     "Why do you look like you stole something, did you go through my things?"

     I shrugged and admitted.

     "You do not have anything worth stealing, do you? If you do, let me know, and I will take it."

     Sam glared at me and pointed.

     "Why are you always making my life annoying?!"

     I truly put on a smile that I think looked evil, based on Sam's expression and told him.

     "Because you bothered what belongs to me, and I like making assholes cry."

     Ana hearing those words, felt like I included her in my threat.

     She looked into her makeup mirror, nodded like she made up her mind, and smiled like a thief...


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