After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 177 But You’re A Tang?!

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Chapter 177  But You're A Tang?! by Harem-Fan


     Saturday morning, I went to the Velvet Tower with Vicky, Hinata, and Mei.

     We are here because with Victoria being the Head of the Long, she needs to not only deal with the businesses she had to begin with, but now she also had to oversee the other Long affiliations and hand down decrees for the whole Clan.

     Today, things got a bit out of control as I am now laying in Lucy's bed with three naked women, sweaty and happy.

     Yes, it was Lucy's birthday and when we were on the 40th floor waiting for the long lasting Long meeting, Lucy saw both Mei and Hinata sitting and turned her birthday request into my fantasy. She pointed to all of them and said... Foursome!

     Hinata had heard and also suspected that Lucy was my lover, and did not mind, but seeing Lucy in action most definitely made her up her own game.

     Hinata was told that Lucy's marriage was fake, making her understand that I was not destroying a marriage. She did not ask why Lucy did not live in the mansion, but only served me well.

     Hinata and Mei both had gotten up to shower, and Lucy was naked sitting in bed with her laptop, fast-forwarding to key parts on the downstairs meeting as she told me.

     "Dear, as far as the Long go, there is no problem, except with the Harem-Chat servers. As you hoped, 8 hackers had stolen a copy of Valentine and are renaming it. Seems they have to change his voice from yours to another, fufu. So when do you want to activate him?"

     I kissed her arm and told her.

     "Give them time to put it on their servers and use it for a while, then at the stroke of midnight on New Years, let Valentine kill them. We want all of the personal data Valentine steals first, especially Central. To think they were dumb enough to voluntarily put Valentine in their mainframe, ha-ha."

     Lucy, seeing me happy, felt her efforts are recognized and then told me about the new Yellow Emperor wannabe.

     "So the Fake Emperor's gift is finally revealed... His talent is Computer Use like me. He is now surfing the web collecting information from around the world, learning. This is good, it is much better that his talent is behind a monitor and not in Martial Arts like you, Father, and Mother."

     I sit up shoulder to shoulder and seriously say.

     "I will be more careful in my movements then, I am sure he will be curious about me, if he has any doubts of his existence. Besides, he is a Fake Emperor, but you are a real Empress."

     With obscene amounts of love, she kissed my lips for calling her that but said to me.

     "Do not be too worried, he is only 13 years old right now, and he is not yet a Master in Computers. Leave what he sees to me, plus he is one hacker I let steal Valentine for his Traditionalist Li Clan. He is currently our greatest ally in taking them down, being naive. So just be cautious when I warn you, and move freely my love."

     At this time, both Hinata and Mei sat at the couch and table in her room and were sipping tea. Lucy tells me more about the latest topics...

     "Scott had stopped using his smartphone for some time due to his paranoia of us listening in on him, but now, he never is without it, giving me unprecedented intelligence. Seems his brain has grown in recent months."

     She flips her screen to show another topic.

     "Star Wars was stolen like you predicted and our reprogramming has not been noticed. Getting Victoria to restart the contract with Floppy Tech was brilliant dear. Now the China Empire will launch your weapon for no cost to us, fufu, so sneaky dear. To think the Fake China Emperor will kill himself when he uses it."

     Another screen had popped up but Lucy did not say anything due to my embarrassed expression. In the audio I am hearing in my earbuds, a woman I know all too well, is masturbating while calling my name. I defend myself.

     "Cough, I have only tried kissing one time for our role this week, promise!"

     Lucy getting the reaction she wanted to see only rubbed my arm and said softly.

     "Dear, you may have 'anything' you want, just don't bring her home. Do what your heart tells you. If you want I will even hold her down for you, fufu. Anyway I was only teasing you... To the next topic..."

    She points to some contracts from the Forest Temple. I read it and my face went cold, really cold, and Hinata could feel my anger. She asked.

     "Sensei, what is angering you?"

     With my knuckles growing white, I say what is on my mind.

     "Nathanial Ning or Head Ning has signed his death warrant. I will take care of the Forest Temple tonight. He thinks he can come to Star City unnoticed and take my family? He-he-he."

     Lucy, knowing what I want, punched up the data she got... He's coming to speak with my uncle, while hiring the Forest Temple to kidnap the twins, so he can negotiate with me. Yeah, he is done. His location, the copy of the contract and the location of the members of Forest Temple are all displayed for me. I asked Lucy.

     "My dear, why not open with this?"

     "The plan was just discovered this morning, and it is not finalized till they meet tonight in person, so the twins are not yet in danger. I wanted the bad news to come last. Don't worry, I would rather die than let the twins get hurt, just do what you want."

     I look at my Mei, and Hinata. I told them.

     "Nathanial Ning and Forest Temple die tonight. So rest your minds while I call for our team."

     I first took a fast shower with Lucy and changed, then I started calling...


     Later that evening. Star City Ning Family manor, of the local head.

     Nathanial Ning, a man with salt and pepper hair with blue eyes, was sitting in his office chair in the main estate. The local head lives in the mansion on the other-side of the property and has left for the night receiving Head Ning's orders.

     Knock Knock! The door was knocked by his long-time butler and the man's voice was heard.

     [Master Ning, your guests have all arrived for your meeting.]

     He looks up and responds.

     "See them in."

     Soon the double doors of the office had opened, and in walked a group of ten men and women. They all wore robes of white with patterned green bamboo forest on their backs.

     The middle-aged man with red hair in the front smiled seeing Head Ning, their benefactor in Azure State. Two women, one with black hair and the other blonde, were also fellow Masters sent to start a Hidden Temple in the absence of the Mountain Temple.

     Ning waved his hand for the three to sit, while the young 7 disciples stood behind the couch the three Masters sat. He points to the hot tea in a pot and said,

     "Master Landon, and your two wives should try this green tea, it was brought from White State. If you like, can I have more for your children behind you?"

     The calm Master waved his hand while pouring with the other. He said with a smile.

      "No need for Head Ning, my children cannot be spoiled at their young age. I fear they cannot appreciate this tea yet, so let us talk business?"

     Head Ning started by tossing a file that the Master wife with blonde hair caught with her eyes closed. She then passed it to her husband. He looked at the request and his eyebrows raised.

     "You want us to kidnap Nichole and Nadia Tang? The wives of Rick Tang the Leader of the Fire Birds?!"

     Both wives opened their eyes in shock while their children behind them were clueless.

     "What, can you not handle it? Yes, I want leverage while negotiating a deal with my shit son-in-law. He gave me no face, even refusing to let me see my grandchildren. I need this job done quietly and you will have him sign those contracts to get his wives back. Those business deals will make my Ning Clan rise to the top. How dare he bed the Long. Plus, you need the money to build your Hidden Temple so this job should be easy, right?"

     "Abducting two girls with no cultivation is easy, just getting past that Zoe might be troublesome, but with three against one, doable. What if the twins resist and get hurt?"

     Nathanial Ning sneered and said.

     "What do I care about those two tramp whores? Beat them, hurt them, kill them, rape them, I do not care, as long as you get the documents signed."

     "And if they have your granddaughters with them?"

     Ning waves his hand and says coldly.

     "They have no value to me, do what you want. Treat them like puppies and toss them in a sack for all I care, I am not Tang."

     Just as the Master was nodding to take the request, the door sounded... Knock Knock! The butler's voice was heard again.

     [Master Ning, the guest from Fairy Mountain Temple is here for your appointment. Oh, and the guests from the Fire Birds are here as well. Oh, and Rick Tang has come to meet his asshole father-in-law!]

     Ning was confused and startled why his loyal butler from childhood was speaking strange but as the doors opened, all was made clear!

     Creeeeek! As the double doors opened eerily, the head of the butler that was cut off a while ago, went flying over the Forest Temple heads and landed on Nick's desk perfectly looking at him with its dead eyes in horror.


     A few moments prior...

     In my black Bodyguard outfit, with my Black Dragon Katana on my shoulder, I walked straight into the Ning family compound.

     Behind me was Hinata, Lan, Tom Mu, Mike Hue, Vincent and Jules. yes, I brought 6 fucking Masters to an overkill party.

     And yes, I invited Mercy's father to join. Ashley's father had to come, and my two Masters from the Fire Birds.

     If you are going to chop off the head of Ning the Dragon, don't go soft.

     Tom with a big smile said to Mike, while holding his Chinese single edged blade.

     "I do not get to exercise much for legitimate reasons, but being the vassal of Rick, and with permission from Head Tang, I get to have fun, ha-ha!"

     Hinata on my left only smiled elegantly, finally getting to show her improvement to me.

     Mike, grins knowing this is the moment the Fairy Mountain Temple becomes legitimate.

     Lan, just like Tom, knows this is the charisma of the Yellow Emperor to bring together so many forces, and this strength alone could scare a Hidden Temple just with the 7 of them! Lan's eyes landed on the Black Dragon Katana and guessed this was due to the aid given to the Japan Empire in the past.

     Vincent and Jules just were ordered to kill small fries and are getting a bonus check for every Clan member they kill.

     At the front gate, two guards told them to halt.

     Smack Smack! Thud Thud! Before the two Ning family guards knew what happened, their faces deformed with both of my bodyguards slamming their faces in. I said to the dead men.

     "No need to let them know we are here, we will see ourselves in..."

     Passing the gates, we walked to the main mansion in the dark...


     Boom! Boom! Mike and Tom both took a door and each kicked it in!

     As I walked in on top of the busted doors I looked around. We were already given the floor plan, but I wanted to look for unexpected surprises.

     The head butler, who I recognized as the man that disposed of my wives mother's body, ran and yelled in shock!

     "How dare you, call for the guards!"

     Flick, Swoosh! My right arm moved in a silver blur as the Katana passed his neck, and he stopped making noise. I reached down and picked up his head and said.

     "Vincent and Jules, spare the innocent. Kill those who resist. I need a force for the Central Government, so bodies count, go."

     The two masters ran around killing guards and those with weapons, while knocking out the rest. The remaining Masters and I walk to the office while a few screams of surprise are heard coming from behind us.

     As I made it to the double door, I got my voice in order to imitate the butler then knock twice... Knock Knock!

     "Master Ning, the guest from Fairy Mountain Temple is here for your appointment. Oh, and the guests from the Fire Birds are here as well. Oh, and Rick Tang has come to meet his asshole father-in-law!"

     As I opened the door, I skillfully tossed the head to land in-front of Ning! All in the room were stupefied and my smile, with my bloody blade I pointed to the group.

     "Everyone in this room is guilty for betraying the Tang Family. None of you will live past tonight!"

     Flick, Swoosh! The nearest disciple woman lost her cute head before she could react, and then I smiled at the expressions of the 3 Masters. I have no idea if this woman was the daughter of one of those women or another concubine, but their looks of disbelief were on the now standing Masters. I sneer and say.

     "Oh, sorry, but I guess only you are allowed to put my kids in a sack, huh? Yeah, I killed your kid. Hinata, Lan, go."

     Flick, Swoosh! Hinata without missing a beat, drew her sword and one of the practitioners was too slow to run, also lost their head.

     Slitch! Lan thrust her double edge Kung-Fu blade right through the heart of another, then the three Masters moved to save the rest of their children.

     Ting Ting! Tom parried the sword from the blonde Master that was aiming for Hinata, and said to her.

     "I think I would like to meet a pretty lady tonight, accompany me, my name is Tom Mu, let's dance!"

     Ting Shing! The black hair woman, recognizing Lan, was going to cut her down with her sword, and then it was blocked by Mike's metal staff. He introduced.

     "I am Grand Elder Hue of the Fairy Mountain Temple, my Sect Master is busy with your offspring, so I will keep you company."

     The man, the leader of the Forest Temple group, asked me in hatred.

     "The Snow and Mountain Temple, why, you are Tang?!"

     I walk to him, slicing the leg of a young woman trying to escape past me, and she hits the ground crying. I point the tip of my sword to him and tell him the obvious answer.

     "The moment you threatened my two wives, Zoe, and my children, you signed a war-pact with the Tang, so it is time to send you off..."

     Bang! I tilted due to seeing Ning aim a gun at me. For a Grandmaster, his aiming and pulling of the trigger is child's play to avoid. And when Ning saw that and my smile, his face went pale.

     "Father-in-law, just wait patiently for me. I have a gift from the women of Ning."

     Ting ting ting ting ting, Swoosh! The Master of Forest Temples group, the father and husband of the remaining couple of practitioners, saw his blade get blocked a couple of times, and his head went flying. At that moment, the other forest Temple members faltered, losing their lives...

     Crash! BANG! Head Ning tossed his chair out the window to escape, and as he put his foot up on the windowsill, his foot was shot off by a sniper rifle.


     I heard Mei's voice in my ear.

     [Master, I am switching to night-vision and killing runners now...]

     Everyone else in the room had been killed, and only the crying Ning on the ground was heard as my feet slowly made my way to him.

     Crunch! As Head Ning was going to point his gun to me, I stepped on his hand and kicked the gun away. I looked down at him and smiled.

     "Rick Tang, huh, you will not get away with this..."

     Thud! I picked up the struggling one-foot man, and threw him on his desk.


     Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud THUD! I delivered a hail of punches upon his face, even with his weak attempts to block he could not. The last punch was particularly nasty as it landed on his throat.

     While he clutched his neck, unable to yell anymore, I said to him with a calm face.

     "Nichole and Nadia had to watch you brutally beat and kill their loving mother in front of them... I bet you felt like a big man, right? Well you piece of shit, you chose your slow and painful death...."

     And for the next five minutes, everyone watched as I punished Ning for his abuse of my wives childhood. None of the Masters turned away or felt remorse for the pig I beat to death.

     As soon as I finished, Lan came to me with a white cloth to wipe my hands.

     Vincent and Jules had completed their tasks and called the Fire Birds for clean up.

     And while I looked at the now gone father-in-law, I heard Lan say so quietly only she and I could hear.

     "Your hands are clean, my Emperor."

     My melancholy was blown away at her words, and the way she cleaned my knuckles. Seeing my eyes look a bit surprised, she only smiled at me while covering her lips with her finger in a silent gesture, like it is our secret.

     I guess my name will be known sooner or later, and now all of her behavior makes sense. I just nod to her, revealing a larger smile from her...

     On this bloody night, The Emperor formed the Fairy Mountain Sect.

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