After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 178 The Sad End Of Head Ning, The Dragon!

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Chapter 178  The Sad End Of Head Ning, The Dragon! by Harem-Fan


     I walked out of Head Ning's home out in the fresh summer air. After taking a deep breath to calm my emotions, I saw that Vincent and Jules Had dragged over the local Ning branch family Head, and threw him to the ground with his family.

     The Fire Birds elite had raided the other estates in the family property, and rounded up the guilty and innocent.

     From a group of fire Birds, emerged Tina, Jenifer, and Cat. With serious work faces on, they came to our group. Tina asked.

     "Husband, what do you want me to do with these bugs? They offended sisters Nadia and Nichole, so whatever you want, your Fire Birds Will do it?"

     I pointed to the son of the twins father, their half brother and said.

     "Ned Ning, bullied my wives growing up, send him to Luke for his Dockside concrete shoes special. His wives will work for the Fire Birds and his children will be raised by the next Head of Ning."

     "Fuck you Rick Tang, you bastard."

     Thud! I picked up my black boots and kicked his teeth-in so the rest of his family and the Ning's could see my seriousness.

     His family all cried lamenting their awful fates. I then walk over to the local Head Ning and say to him.

     "Daren Ning, congratulations, the Ning family main branch position is now opening up for you. I have researched you and found you guilty of only minor crimes. But if I even smell a hint of retribution, or even a curse word directed to my Nadia and Nichole, the Ning family will join in father and son's fate, do you understand? The Tang family will not be so kind to traitors in the future. The Ning clan had it easy under my Uncle, but I love my cousin Helen, so just sneeze wrongly and see what I do to your family, get me?"

     "Thank you for sparing my family Mr Tang, I will make sure we change our ways!"

     I then go to Tina and hug her.

     "Wife, make any decisions you want from here on, we do need more bodies for Centrals, Africa Project, so feel free to fill it with useless people. I need to go home and tell the twins what I have done, sigh."

     Tina touched my face and assured me.

     "Nadia and Nichole are smart and practical, they will understand, and probably be very happy you protect them, now go, we have it under control here."

     After a goodbye kiss, I then walk Tom and Mike to their cars, or rather, limos.


     Tom said to me before getting in his car.

     "Getting to fight for real was good for this old man's heart, ha-ha. Anyways, go and give my daughter a hug for me, and tell her I did not have a scratch. She worries in secret. Last thing, make sure you two come for lunch soon, so I can see my grandson."

     "Sure thing father, but your grandson won't be out till the middle of October, ha-ha."

     "No worries, I will just make Mercy eat some cake to feed my little boy, good night Rick."

     Then I watched as he left. Soon Mike Hue came to me and said,

     "Now that Forest Temples members are defeated, they cannot send more representatives. And their remaining lower level members will run in fear of being hunted by us. So Monday, I will have Lan Chow send our official application to the Central Government. We will be official by the end of summer."

     "Thank you Mr Hue. Really, you have no idea how much of a relief it is to have your experience in this matter. And I am sorry for the past events..."

     He patted my shoulder and told me.

     "Bad things happen everyday, and it is how we move forward that matters. Actually, after the first bombing of the Mountain Temple, we had moved all of our history and teaching to the countryside along with many of our nonessential members. Only Laura Long's most loyal followers remained for the final fall. Anyway, the new Temple will rise up to be even more prosperous and a worthy Temple, I will call later with updates, bye Rick..."

     And with that, he also left. When I looked at my limo, I saw both Mei and Lan talking in Chinese. Jenifer was sitting in the limo waiting for me.

     I see Mei putting the disassembled sniper rifle in the trunk, and as I readied to get in the car, Mei said.

     "Master, due to recent revelations from Miss Chow, I will have her ride up front with me while I talk more with her, then I will give her my old car to drive home. So you and Miss Han should spend time together with the privacy window up."

     She is talking in code to me... The privacy window is to keep Jenifer from hearing about the Yellow Emperor. Both Mei and Lucy heard her call me her Emperor, so they want to discuss things more. It is not surprising she found out, because the Yellow Emperor is a common legend in China.

     So I nodded to the black and white haired Chinese women as I sat next to my secretary.

     Hinata crawled in and sat in-front of the mini-bar and held my now clean Katana. She closed her eyes in meditation, reflecting on the fight earlier.

     Jenifer had already poured me a whiskey on ice, and held my left hand with care.

     Soon, we were off leaving the fall of Ning the Dragon behind us...


     I put my drink in the cup-holder and then use my smartphone...

     [Hello dear, are you alright?]

     "Yeah, but I need to talk with you and Nadia when I get home, do you mind?"

     [Is that bastard finally out of our lives?]

     "He lasted only 5 minutes, but yes. For such a tough guy, he really was a bit pathetic in the end."

     [Good, he needs to face our mother for his crimes. Rick, please stay with us tonight...]

     "I will. He may be shit, but he was still your father. I will do anything I can to make you happy, Nichole."

     [Really? Anything?]

     "Wife, please keep it reasonable, please?"

     [Fine, I am in a good mood, so I will let you off light. But you know what will make me happy, right?]

     "Yes, I will change the diapers tonight and you can just relax with your wine. Oh, and your foot rubs, right?"

     [And who said the villainous woman could not win in the end? Good husband, now hurry home to consult my sad heart, love you.]

     I hang up and smile, because I heard no sadness in her voice, but she is going to fake cry to get attention for sure, and Nadia will milk it hard. Thankfully after giving birth, her sex drive normalized and is not insane.

     Seeing my call end, Jenifer lifted the divider and moved into my arm. She then placed my right hand on her belly.

     "Master, feel, your daughter is moving a bit."

     I kiss the cute Jenifer, because her belly is not moving, but she is trying to preoccupy my thoughts. I told her.

     "I am fine dear, just thinking of what other messes must be cleared so we can live quietly. I think all of our current headaches are dealt with till I go to America. Then, we can finish our business degrees in peace. I will need you even more then, Jenifer."

     As she cuddled into my hug, Hinata spoke up.

     "Sensei, you forgot about one minor bug to deal with, I think?"

     I am surprised she spoke up, because Hinata is usually silent, so I asked about my oversight.

     "Did I really overlook a problem?"

     "Yes Sensei, you wanted to deal with Sam Sun."

     "Holy Crap! I really did overlook him. Yeah, I need to do something for his past deeds."

     Jenifer asked.

     "What past deeds?"

     I thought of 3 women in particular... Victoria, Kate, and Ana. Yeah, for some reason, lately, when I think about how he blackmailed her, I am a bit more pissed than I should be.

     "He is a low-rate Chris Honda, and I find his current happy smile a bit irritating... I can't kill him or cripple him though, so I am trying to find something that fits his crimes, but my revenge toolbox is a bit dusty after Scott and I quit fighting."

     Hinata, not good at underhanded moves, just closed her eyes again, unable to give me ideas. Jenifer really tried to come up with something dastardly but was unable too.

     "Sorry Master, I am no good with plots. But if you need help with something, you can count on me."

     Jenifer's blue eyes looked sad but I only smiled at her cute motherly appearance and shook my head.

     "No, I will just come up with something minor enough to make this karma equal out. Perhaps, I should consult his victims for the punishment?"

     So after that we stayed silent all the way home...


     When I got home, Mercy whisked me away for a shower before I went and hugged my wives and children.

     She had heard from her father about the fight, so she wanted to clean me well and dress me in nightwear. No, we did nothing sexual, but I did hold her a bit to rub her tummy.

     When our personal time was over, I greeted the still awake wives and then headed to Nadia and Nichole, who are with my double twins.


     When I walked into the bedroom with all six of my black haired angels. I was quiet because each of my wives was laying the now sleeping pair of twins in the cribs to slumber.

     Nichole, wearing her black silk nightwear, just kissed my cheek when I stood next to her to look at my four tots in their pink baby pajamas.

     "Now that I see you Rick, my heart is at ease. Go lay down while I cover them better."

     Nadia with half closed eyes, looked sexy in her red silks. She took my hand and quietly told me.

     "Ricky hubby, Nicky told me, so come here so I can hold you..."

     At first, I thought Nadia was trying to pull me for sex, but when we got into the middle of the bed, she only hugged my face into her breast and smelled my hair?

     I held her waist, because I could tell Nadia's emotions are a bit scattered. Soon I felt Nichole hold me from behind, and lay her head on my back.

     On my face, I felt a tear fall from Nadia? No this is the first time in my knowledge of my wife, she has never shed a real tear, well except seeing her babies, but that was it. I wipe the tear from her face and ask.

     "Baby, did I do something wrong?"

    Nadia kissed me with her salty wet lips and then told me.

     "Rick Lee, these are the tears I have held back for ten years. I can finally mourn for my mother. Rick, I love you more than you will ever understand."

     My body stiffened, because...

     This is the first time Nadia has called me Rick. She always calls me Ricky. I see in her eyes, she is serious and not being her normal frivolous self. But the wet feeling from my back lets me know that Nichole is silently crying and not wanting to admit it. My heart just feels bad for their youth.

     As I kissed Nadia again, I used my left hand to reach back and gently pat on Nichole's body, to let her know I love her. Then as the mood lightened, the three of us smirked as we heard it...

     [Whaaa Whaaa...]

     A quiet cry from one of my babies alerted me to get up and do my job. I smiled and told my wives.

     "Seems, Tiffany, is needing a change, be right back..."

     Nichole was amazed and asked.

     "Dear, how did you know it was my Tiffany?"

     Picking up my tear-filled angel, I placed her on the changing table and whispered back to my wives.

     "I can tell each of my babies by their voices. Maybe not by a first glance, but when they call for me, I just know. It is how I tell you two apart after-all."

    After finishing Tiffany's change, I cradled her in my arms and hummed her back to sleep. My lovers only hid under the sheets, glad to not have to change a diaper. Soon, I returned Tiffany next to Tonya and covered them.

     I looked in on Brenda and Bella before crawling back into the embraces of my girls.

     And as I expected, the three of us got entangled for a while before sleeping... Very-Quietly though...

-     If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     Monday morning, it was time for me to go to the set, a rented high rise apartment, but Kate was going to the class set in Star University for a fake class. Mei and Hinata are going to protect Kate for me.

     I am going to the fake apartment for my scenes with Ana over the next three days, then on Thursday and Friday both Kate and I will do ours at a separate rented home used for Luna's mansion.

     Victoria has just climbed into my Dodge Durango SRT Hellcat, and I am dropping her off at her Velvet Tower while I am also working in the Downtown area.

     Kim had walked the two of us to the SUV and was seeing me off. I gave my American Beauty a hug and kiss goodbye before Vick and I left. Vicky said seeing Kim waving like a fool at our departing exit.

     "Whenever my day feels long, she always manages to make me smile. She really is our family's cheerleader. Well good luck today Rick. Will you pick me up tonight?"

     "Yes, just wait in the old house with Lucy if I am running behind, and I will go straight there. Try to delegate more and do not over-stress our son."

     Victoria only smiled at my worried face and said...

     "Yes dear, your baby Gold Dragon will grow very healthy here, Ufufu."

     My heart warms hearing that. Ever since she first found-out about my identity, she has not even brought it up again, and treats me like she always has, just the man she fell for.

     "I love you Victoria Long, forever..."


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