After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 189 The Day North America Went Dark!

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Chapter 189  The Day North America Went Dark! by Harem-Fan


     Monday morning at 7:13 am...

     Every servant and family member of the Smith home was made to gather for a meeting, in my basement bedroom.

     Rick Smith looked at the gathered group and saw his two sons and wives missing, those here all looked around in confusion. He said to everyone.

     "Everyone, I have added a special feature to our home, a shelter for storms and for home protection, so for the next 24 hours, we will stay in it, to make sure everyone is comfortable. I know this request seems out of the blue and unreasonable, but this is something the Smith family will do. Rick, would you?"

     I pulled the throw rug from the center of this basement room, to reveal a mechanical door with combinations on it. I punched in Kim's birth-date, and a clink sound came from the metal floor panel, as a door slid open to reveal stairs leading down. Soon everyone could hear the hum of lights turning on showing the path down was about 20 feet. Then Big Rick said.

     "This shelter can supply 20 people for a year if need be, but we will only stay here for 24 hours, my wife, can you lead everybody down to get comfortable in the downstairs living room."

     Mrs Wesson took Kim's hand and said.

     "It will be like a camping trip, come on everybody, we have movies to watch, ha-ha."

     Kim only smiled at me to not scare the children, because I kinda told her that it would be dangerous on the streets today. I had already kissed and said my goodbyes to her, and she walked down with her mother, and the others followed, still unsure.

     Soon, only Big Rick and Hinata were left with me and Lan. Big Rick patted my arm, handed me some keys and said.

     "Here are the keys to my Mustang, don't worry about its condition, as long as you guys are safe, you can blow it up. I will make sure Kimmy stays calm, and open the door when it is over, otherwise, we will come out in 24 hours. Good luck Rick!"

     Then Big Rick went down into the underground shelter. Hinata stood there as I went to her. Her eyes tell me she wants to help, and I embarrassed her. Rubbing her back, I told her.

     "I still have not had enough time with you, or seen my future child, so I will be fine. Take my sword and hold it for me. When I get back, I will show you a new move to catch a foe off guard, it is a simple misdirection for sword drawing, okay?"

     Her red eyes mist, as she asked.

     "Sensei, I think I would like a kiss for good luck?"

     I lifted her chin, and overlapped our lips, then gently intertwined our tongues, and let her feel my confidence. When we finally stopped she said.

     "I will protect your wife, and keep her company, so show them the power of The Black Dragon, Sensei..."

     When Hinata was down a few steps to her waist level, she looked to Lan Chow and said.

     "Fellow Disciple, protect Sensei!"

     Both women gave a martial-bow to one another, then Hinata fully entered the shelter. Seeing this, I pressed the lock button as the panel slid into place, closing for a while. Lan pulled the rug over the secret passage, and asked me.

     "Shall we change into our outfits, Rick?"

     I nodded, and gone was my innocence, but my emotionless face, knowing the rest of the day would be anything but normal.


     [Ah! Damn, you look like your father! How am I supposed to fuck your brains out if you look like that? Please put on a wig dear... Okay, now that looks a bit better, Ufufu.]

     Lucy is watching me from my laptop as I finish changing into my Police officer uniform. Just now, I put on a light brown men's wig on, to help hide some of my face, and when I put on some stage makeup from my Acting Skill, I will look like another American at a distance. I ask Lucy, with Mei behind her.

     "Will our drone make it to the location of their Helicopter-Carrier ship at the right time?"

     [Dear, you are the first man to think of dropping a MOAB-Bunker-Buster on a combat ship, and I think it will be a beautiful sight. Yes, the unmanned drone will fly close to hit the ship, then I will fly the drone into the secondary target you identified, a 2 for 1 deal. Also, the drone has all the markings of the China Empire on it, including some new internal components you added, to leave fingerprints to the Traditionalist Li, to make the Political Li turn their gaze upon them.]

     Lan straightens my tie, ignoring the conversation of me and Lucy, but Lucy saw this and asked Lan.

     [Oh? So I was right wasn't I Lan? Ufufu. Well, you are a wise woman, so keep my Rick safe.]

     Lan only blushed a bit with Mei chiming in.

     [Hey, just remember, I was first.]

     I see these three have gotten close lately, but I am still trying to keep my head in the game. I press some keys on the laptop to send new information to Lucy.

     "Here, let Valentine go 'rabid' at those times, to keep the Oz group occupied and in the dark. They will cut all the internet and computer centers of North America at one time, then keep their systems up with generators and satellite connections. But I already hacked their satellites, and here are the master codes to play with-them. When their computers also go dark, they will be more crippled than North America. Live by the sword, and die by the sword."

     When Lucy saw the plans and time I sent to her, her face went pale. For the first time since I have known, and loved her, she was utterly surprised. When Mei saw what she looked at, her jaw opened. Lucy's voice trembled as she asked.

     [Rick... Are you sure you want to do this? Thousands will die... Maybe innocents?]

     My eyes went cold, and I explained.

     "Southern Cross has been one of my biggest eyesores, and Antarctica is a drug and crime haven... I know there are some innocents there, but one or two sheep mixed in with a massive den of poison, is a risk that I must shoulder. Southern Cross, the China Empire's strongest weapon, will be halved today. I will bear this sin in my soul. For my lovers and children, I must cripple the Southern Cross, so what they do to North America won't be done to Eurasia."

     Lucy looked at me a bit sad, but understood why I was doing this. She said softly to me.

     [Rick, I am sorry you have to make these tough choices, and I wish I could kill all of your enemies without you having to pull the trigger. When you get home, come to me, Okay?]

     "No it is alright. The Traditionalist gave the Emperor that satellite, and the satellites I am bringing down with their payloads can't be used against us in the future, so it is fine. If I do not destroy Southern Cross with them, then they might try dropping it on Star City one day. So I will bring down every military satellite but Star Wars. The finger pointing will go on for years."

     [Alright, I will start to bring down the satellites you want in the next hour. I estimate over half of their drug sites will be leveled. Precision will not be possible, but the continent is assured. Let me confirm, so 21 units will plunge with their military payloads?]

     "Yes, that is three units for every major settlement. I figure out of 3 shots, at least one will make a direct hit."

     [Alright, consider it done, and I will make sure OZ gets blinded on time, good luck Rick, in case our connection is broken. Mei will be in your ear for the next 8 hours, good hunting.]

     I turn off the laptop to save battery, and make sure I have everything packed, and put it in the Mustang. Lan carries some of the items and asks.

     "So I will wait in the Mustang for you to be done here, and then we will head to the second conflict site, right?"

     "Yup, if the drone kills the choppers before they leave their ship then great, but I might need to shoot them down, but if the drone gets them first, then I only need to snipe the ground force coming in. Then we will go visit Southern Cross's forward base at the Hilton International roof. Those are the dangerous guys for the UK military to deal with, unless they got my plans left on Ralph's Computer. Well, I am only trying to stop them from killing those in the Royal Palace. But they are low on my priority."

     "Okay, just call for me to pick you up when you are done, then we will drive downtown."

     As Lan was about to leave in the Mustang, she stopped and came back to me, to kiss me.

    After a short kiss, she let me go and said.

     "Don't leave me a widow, so soon, bye..."

     Then dressed like a civilian, she got in the Mustang, and tore out of the estate, closing the front gates behind her. I sigh, and go back to the house to wait for news from Mei and Lucy...


     Around 2 hours later, as noon approached, all of the electronics or rather the electric-grid of North America, went dark...

     While sitting on the roof of the mansion, I hear from Mei in my ear.

     [Oz, has successfully shut down all major power-plants across all of North America, and 12 Helicopters are confirmed to have left their ship already, with 6 heading your way, the remaining 6 are heading for the Royal Capital Estates.]

     "Damn, I thought only 3 out of 12 would come for me? Do they think I am as difficult as the fucking Royals?"

     [It is because both Hinata and Lan are with you, three Masters is too risky, so they will deal with you, then rendezvous with the others. I think they plan on locating you and using rockets.]

     "Well, fun! looks like I will have to work harder, I only have 4 rockets and 9 grenades. Well, it sounds like a blast, sigh."

     Lucy's voice cuts in and she updates me.

     [Star Wars has fired the lasers at 14 of the 21 satellites, and has made them reenter at the moment you planned. Also 13 of the 14 reentered, but one broke apart into pieces, too small to do any significant damage, but all debris will land on or around Antarctica. Star Wars has repositioned and is waiting to come into sight of the remaining 7 satellites within the hour.]

     "Losing one is in my calculations, and what about the drone?"

     [Ufufu, Look for yourself, it is happening now...]


     Roughly 11 miles off the coast of Virginia, the Helicopter-Carrier had just sent off their main attack helicopters, and was setting up to send another 6 as backup for the Royal Capital assault.

     Soon, all of the Satellite Equipment their ship and organization had been relying on, went dark. Only their ship equipment can work, with no GPS or computer access, they are blind. Even their radio signals seem to have been totally cut off.

     A crew-member with binoculars pointed to the North East and said with a shaky voice.

     "Captain, a jet of some sort is approaching quickly and is flying in from the rear. It is flying below normal safe altitude... I think it is coming to us?!"

     The Captain grabbed the binoculars and looked for himself, and what he saw made him yell. Grabbing the ship's microphone, he yelled and then ran.


     Just as only around 100 sailors leaped from the sides, a massive cylindrical bomb with a parachute was released from the unnamed drone, Unfortunately, the MOAB had to much destruction for those slow sailors to make it far enough for what happened when the huge bunker-buster made contact with the center of the ships deck!

     BOOOOOOOOOOOOM! CRACK SPLASH! The downwards explosion quickly ripped the Helicopter-Carrier into two pieces, and then both halves sank like a piece of giant metal should.

     The blast vibration running through the water killed those sailors that had jumped, rattling their bodies into a bloody pulp for sharks to feed on later.


     Watching this sight, put a smile on my face. I am really surprised my dumb idea worked so well. And it only cost me one MOAB, and as a bonus, the empty drone will be used like the jets in 9-11 in my past life. Yeah, don't just let the drone go to waste, recycle, reuse, and be green! Lucy seeing me smile, jokes.

     [Dear, we still have more to play with, just click and point, fufu. Ah, heads up, the helicopters will be in range soon... I love you, Rick!]

     "Well, I dedicate the next shots to you then, ha-ha! Say Hello to my lit- My big friends!"

     Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh! All 6 combat choppers are now visible to me, and I grin as I aim my 4-pack rocket launcher in their direction, and take aim on the front 4 helicopters...

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