After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 190 The Mad Hatters Tea Party!

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Chapter 190  The Mad Hatters Tea Party! by Harem-Fan


     Boston, Virginia's Hilton International rooftop...

     Charles Brandon, better known as Tin Man, was overseeing his men sitting behind laptops running operations across all 13 states of the United Kingdom. His elite team of 10 professional Master level hackers have been the Brains of Oz for six years now. Not even Lion, Dorthy, Crow, or Oz himself have contributed as much to the Mercenary Group as Tin Man has.

     "Sir, Alaska's Capital has been seized by Crow's team with the aid of Southern Cross, what are your orders to them, sir?"

     "Tell them to take the Senator hostage, so we have political leverage. How are the other State Capital City's fairings?"

     A woman from another laptop tells him.

     "The Mad Hatters and Southern Cross are struggling with Florida's Capital, it was like they knew our plan?! The same thing is happening in Toronto and in Ohio. California defected and let the Hatters right in with no fuss, and are currently serving the leader tea."

     Suddenly, one of the officers yelled at Tin Man.


     Just as Tin Mat looked pale, the damnedest thing happened... All of their Internet, Radio, and Satellite connections went dark...

     Tat Tat Tat Tat Tat! In the distance, towards the front gates of the Royal Estates, where the forces of Mad Hatters, Southern Cross, and Oz had been lopsidedly breaking through the security blockade, a loud retaliation by the Government was heard.

     Using his binoculars, Tin Man sees smoke coming from their armored personnel carriers, as the military out of nowhere brought out 50 caliber machine-guns over the walls, and are unloading on their force. He clicked his tongue and gave orders.

     "It's a trap! Give orders to Oz to retreat. Somehow, they knew we were coming! Hurry, we need to retreat. With our ship gone, we need to escape to Fort David!"

     Click! A revolver was cocked and pointed to the back of his head, as a large man with a lumberjack appearance tsk's his tongue and told the man in a Chinese accent.

     "Oz is not leaving the fight! You are paid by my Southern Cross, and you will keep the fight going, until America dies!"

     A group of 10 men holding old fashioned Tommy-guns at the Hackers, all with different animal masks on, are listening to their leader of the Hatters.

     The leader with no mask, looks a bit like the cartoon character, the Mad Hatter himself, and is twirling a pocket watch in his chair sipping tea. He said to the two leaders.

     "You two need to stop. My Tea Party has not had its Revolution! My brother sits on the throne, and I say... Off with his head! No one is retreating here. If we give up now, we will never take over North America! This is a Revolutionary War, and you two are committed, so let's get along, shall we?"

    His charming charisma made all listen to him, even with plumes of smoke seen all across Boston. In the background, while the Royal Estate is under assault, the gangs and criminal underworld are using the crippled blackout to rob, kill, and pillage what they have longed for, for years.

     Duels, gunfights, and murder are breaking out like this all over North America, as chaos and confusion spread like an infection, turning normally sane people into murders and crooks. Tin Man said coldly.

     "Second Prince Pendragon, I don't care about revolution. I care about money and my men. My men are dying out there and we do not know why our main base was destroyed! If my Battleship was sunk, it means the enemy knows what our plans are, and thus, we need to flee, or we will all die here!"

     The Southern Cross man laughed and said to his men.

     "Southern Cross, shoot dead anyone trying to leave, now, get to work Tin Man, show us why we paid you well!"

     Tin Man, knowing he cannot run, looks at the nervous ten hackers and says.

     "Don't just sit there, get our connections back on to coordinate our battle!"

     "Um, Sir, my computer is frozen! It is only showing me the Harem-Chat home page, and it is asking for my credit card information to unlock my computer?!"

     "Same here Sir!"

     "Me too?!"

     "And me..."

     Tin Man, also a Master Level Hacker, just realized.

     "Fuck, we have been had! Valentine was not a helpful program, but our jailer! We were tricked to hack it..."

     A man in a Camel mask, smoking a cigarette in his animal mouth, pointed to the East and asked.

    "Are those the 6 attack choppers we are waiting for?"

     Tin Man looked with his binoculars and nodded, but said.

     "Find a way to contact them, do not let them land in the Royal Estate, it is a trap!"

     The hackers try but fail to get anything to work, and even some of the men of Oz try using hand signals to communicate a withdrawal from the mission. But sadly, with so many people waving to the choppers, the pilots only waved with confidence to their excited comrades, as they approached their landing site, to drop the ground troop off.

     As the 6 helicopters passed, and flew into the distance, ready to land in the massive inner courtyard, explosions rocked the aircraft as they touched down. Troops that had prematurely leaped from the open doors began to explode upon landing, and only one helicopter avoided a fiery death, as they discovered... The whole open landing zone had been turned into a minefield!

     Seeing only one of the six aircraft survive to retreat, the binoculars dropped to the ground while Tin Man was stunned, he said.

     "Oz and Southern Cross, I think Second Prince Pendragon sold us out! The Royal Place has baited us into attacking, and are killing us all!"

     Just as Mad Hatter was going to scold Tin Man, one of the hackers yelled.

     "I got past Valentine, use my connection!"

     The other hackers all routed through the open line, and are now assessing what is going on...

     "Sir, terrible news, the California group was... poisoned to death... The tea they drank... Killed them all."

     "Sir, the 6 helicopters that went to assist in the Smith invasion, have stopped reporting... We only have the one last helicopter, sir!"

     "Reporting to sir... World Wide News is reporting that orbital satellites are falling onto Antarctica, and 7 major settlements there... are gone..."

     All of the Southern Cross group shook hearing their home was being attacked, while they were attacking America?! The leader with rage in his eyes growled at the hacker and asked.

     "Who dares attack us!!!!!!"


     None of the hackers wanted to answer this as they palely looked at the monitors. Tin Man said.

     "Who brought them down?"

     One nervous hacker pointed to the laptop.

     "Our computers sent instructions to the Star Wars Satellite to bring them all down, but we did not do it! Someone is framing us!"

    Just then, all laptops froze with an image on the screen saying some scary words...


     Whoosh Whoosh! The last helicopter landed on the rooftop, so they could evacuate the important individuals. Then...

     The same man in the Camel mask, smoking a cigarette in his animal mouth, pointed to the East and asked.

     "Is that our reinforcements?"

     All of them looked again, to see a rapidly approaching aircraft. Tin Man using the binoculars he dropped before got a good look at what was rapidly approaching in a downward dive.

     He saw an unmanned drone bomber diving at the top of the Hilton, and he once again dropped the binoculars and he smiled in defeat, his last words before the massive explosion happened was...

     "I did not get to see the Wizard behind the curtain..."

     BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! A blazing mushroom-cloud from the top portion of the hotel was seen all over Boston, like a second sun rising... All the men, the helicopter, and the top half of the hotel, became a molten mess.

     Witnesses saw a green top-hat fall from the explosion and landed near the feet of the Clint Eastwood memorial.


     Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh! All 6 combat choppers are now visible to me, and I grin as I aim my 4-pack rocket launcher in their direction, and take aim on the front 4 helicopters...

     Click Swoosh! Click Swoosh! Click Swoosh! Click Swoosh! BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!

     My Grandmaster Firearms covers the use of this device, so needing to aim was just for show!

     Currently, they only saw a Police officer on the roof, and then aiming a box of rockets. Before they knew it, the four streaks of rocket exhaust had reached them, ending their lives.

     The remaining two helicopters each took evasive action to avoid the explosions in front of them. And at this moment, an armored personnel carrier had rammed through the front gates of the Smith home!

     I then dropped the empty-box, and grabbed a smaller pack as I ran down the edge of the roof, and I leapt to a nearby tree to swing-on a branch, to allow me to back-flip safely to the ground!

     Hidden by the high bushes, I squeezed on through and reached into my pack...

     Holding two fragmentation grenades, I removed the pins and tossed the two at the entrance of the APC as the side doors opened for troops to exit.

     Boom Boom! As I tossed high, I wanted as much of the 4 second timers to be air time, so the troops could not throw them back. And out of the 10 men getting out, 6 had died instantly, well they are dying at least.

     I rapidly ran from my spot hiding behind the bushes, as I heard what I expected.

     "He is there, shoot!"

     Rat A Tat Tat! The 4 gunmen started to rip apart the bushes I had been at.

     I noticed the two helicopters coming back around to the location, making my job tough. I also noticed an armored limo out front, the two familiar faces looking at the fight. Laura and Scott!

     My thoughts were brought back to my current problem, the two helicopters hovering low to the ground to drop off troops. Well, it is all or nothing here! I rapidly started pulling pins and tossing the remaining last 7 grenades to the helicopters trying to aim for the open doors letting out soldiers, and the tails each got one....

       "Here I goooo~! 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... And the last 1...! Phew!"

     Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom! My arm felt sore from the heavy tosses I had to make, but the rapid explosions looked like something out of an action movie!

     BOOOOM Whoosh Whoosh! BOOM! I looked stupidly at what happened!

     I failed to destroy the second helicopter, but... The first helicopter had its tail blown and destroyed the rotor, and the whole helicopter then swung in a massive arc, crashing into the second helicopter, both colliding and ripping apart, killing most of the troops that tried landing! That was sheer dumb luck for me right there!

     With the first 4 gunmen and 3 troops from the helicopters, I had 7 men to deal with now, plus the armored limo with Laura. I, with my reinforced gloves, ran right at the men shooting at me!

    The black leather gloves I am wearing have a special metal-strip on my knuckles, like brass-knuckles would have. Under the metal plate strip is a special foam padding and thick leather allowing me to deliver safe but powerful punches. I could even safely punch a tree or wooden wall with these bad-boys!

     The way I ran in, like my father in the bank, was into their crossfire zone, where they are more likely to shoot each-other than me. I made it to the first soldier, leveling a blindingly fast punch to his face.

     Smack Crunch! Tat Tat Tat! I had punched slightly upwards to send bone shards into his brain, killing him instantly, while using his body as a shield from the bulk of gunfire that coincidentally hit three more of their own men!

     Pulling the combat knife from my body-shield, I threw it at one of the 3 remaining gunmen, lodging the knife into his throat. Then releasing the dead man, I rushed to the next closest soldier, striking away his rifle, to shoot into the man that had the knife in his neck, ending his life faster.

     As the last gunman tried to shoot my head, I pulled the now unarmed soldier in the path, ending his life, leaving me with the last gunman, who turned to run!

     Tat Tat Tat! I used my foot to kick-up an M-16 from the ground, and unloaded the magazine killing the runner. I then threw the now empty rifle to the ground and slowly walked to the limo.


     Laura, seeing the sight and the Police officer decimating the men like pulling dandelions, yelled to the driver.

     "Driver, let's go! AHHH!"

     Laura at the end of her words felt a burning sensation in her back when she leaned to look out the window, a feeling of something stabbing her lungs (combat knife). When she turned her head, she saw Scott holding his pistol at the driver's head!

     Bang! The front windshield was covered with red and grey brain-matter from the now very dead driver. Scott knowing the knife and gun are useless against Laura put on a defeated smile. Laura had already disarmed the gun from Scott with rage in her eyes!

     "What have you done?!"

     "Cough! Even Rick can't open an armored car with his bare hands, so I have a can opener! Hahahaha!"

     Laura looked at the round object in Scott's other hand, and her eyes opened wide...

     "For my mother... Bitch!"


     As I was walking to the armored limo, I realized, I did not have a rocket to help pry it open! Then I stopped as I saw a struggle, with Laura and Scott looking at me. Scott said something to her, and then suddenly, the interior of the limo was coated in sprinkles of human body parts...

     I felt complicated at Scott's decisive move, but... He lived and died the way he wanted. At the very least, his innocent children will want for nothing growing up.

     I tap on my earpiece and tell Mei.

     "Laura and Scott killed each-other, please send Lan to pick me up."

     [She is on the way... Are you fine?]

     "Hmm? Yeah, but I feel like Superman who lost Lex Luther... Life won't be the same."

     [Just come home to me, Superman...]

     I smile at Mei trying to brighten my mood, but I think about my cleanup and exhale all my thoughts.

     Soon a hot woman driving a convertible Mustang stopped, and in her serious accent asked.

     "Officer, I think I need to be given a ticket for speeding? Want a ride?"

     I climb in the passenger seat, and grab my laptop, then I say to Lan.

     "Yeah, I will cuff you later and give you a warning... Now let's go find the two witnesses."

     And with spinning smoking tires, Lan raced us off to our next destination, to wrap up loose ends...

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