After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 191 Wrapping Up Loose Ends!

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Chapter 191  Wrapping Up Loose Ends! by Harem-Fan


     [Rick, I was just locked out of Star Wars. Someone from the China Empire managed to cut my connection, so the last 4 Satellites will be missed if you can't open it for me?]

     Tap Tap Tap! I hear Lucy in my ear while I am typing away. I switch my task to breaking into China Empire net space to reenter control. Then I pass my task to Lucy.

     "Okay, I am on it, but while I do this, can you find Keven and Karl for me? I have not had time to get the latest position of the two? Oh hold on a second..."

     Bang Bang! As we were driving, I saw two animal masked men beating a police officer on the ground, so I pulled out my unregistered Smith& Wesson 44 magnum revolver to shoot the two Mad Hatters in the head, killing them. I am only using these so no shell casings will be left, or a known gun I use. These do not even have serial numbers on them.

     [I know where they went... They are hiding out in The Hunting Lodge, near the North West off the 1st Highway, exit 12. It is a high end drinking and gunfighter club for the wealthy. Seems they are enjoying themselves and getting drunk during the chaos.]

     "Thanks, and the Hacker who cut you out before goes by the handle... Hungry Ghost. I just sent him into an infinite loop program, so he is currently fighting an imaginary hacker trying to gain control of Star Wars, but in reality, he is not even connected. I have Valentine simulating a fake connection for him in a virtual struggle. It should take him about 30 minutes to realize he is chasing his tail, ha-ha!"

     [All right, I will take care of the rest, good luck.]

     I point to the Police station that is in chaos and I say to Lan. Park there and wait for me.

     I get out of the mustang, look in the side mirror at my mustache and sunglasses, then put on my officers cap. I then walked into the Police station...


     The station is in crisis, as officers are coming and going in panic. Criminals are being brought in in too massive amounts, and chaos is in the streets. The stressed out desk officer sees me coming and says dejectedly.

     "Officer, we are now full, we cannot hold anymore, take your perpetrator to department 67 please."

     I pointed to my badge and said with a smile.

     "Officer Leader wanting to speak to Sergeant Landon if I could."

     The woman looked at me again and then saw I was actually in a disguise and she smiled, trying not to show a laugh. She then with a less stressed voice said quietly.

     "Wow, I did not recognize you sir, here, no need to bother Landon, he said you wanted this. It will be reported stolen later, good luck sir."

     I took a small brown envelope with car keys in it, and I smiled at the woman as I left for the squad car yard.

     After throwing away the envelope, I look at the keys and see it was for squad car 07. I looked around and saw no one looking, then I got in the car.


     On my way to the Hunting Lodge, I had seen a few crimes, but I only killed those with animal masks or obvious terrorists.

     Lan stayed at a distance and waited for me, not wanting to get close to the business.

     I parked right in-front of a large 2 story building with an outer decoration of a wild west bar with two old time swinging saloon doors. Next to me was a row of about 11 motorcycles and most of them are Harley Davidson models, showing they are probably a biker gang.

     As I stepped out of my squad car, I walked up the wooden deck. The four bikers outside smoking looked at me with unwelcoming eyes. They seemed confused why a Police officer was here with all the chaos going on.

     Making sure my fake mustache was on right, I put on my reflective sunglasses, and pushed the doors in. Out of the probably 100 people here, at least 30 looked at me funny coming in. Drink servers were being forcefully held by some bikers in their laps, and I scanned the room looking for my targets.

     The one biker holding a server seemed pissed for some reason, that I had not reprimanded him for assaulting a woman. He said to me stupidly.

     "Hey copper, get lost! This is the Hell's Angels bar, you have no business here!"

     Swoosh, BANG, Swoosh! I quickly drew my revolver and made a new hole in his forehead and just as fast, returning it to the holster. The woman he was holding screams due to the blood splatter. Everyone froze at how fast I shot and killed him... no reading rights, warning, or chance to say anything, he was just dead. I coolly said.

     "There is a zero-tolerance law in effect... Say or do anything to piss me off, you die. Now excuse me."

     The huge bikers stepped to the side as I walked to the two men sitting at the end of the bar. I made sure my voice was as American as possible as I asked the two drinking men.

     "Are you two the sons of Mr Smith?"

     Kevin and Karl looked at each-other, not sure what was up, but Keven nodded. I said with a sad expression.

     "Please, be calm... your family has been involved in a shooting at their home, and... No one survived. If you two gentlemen would please come with me, I need you to identify the bodies?"

     Both of them were only half surprised, but put on a face of anguish. Karl thought at least someone would survive, but he asked.

     "Ah, we had foreign guests staying there, did they not make it?!"

     I shook my head and said.

     "No, those women along with the rest, had been played with before being shot in the heart, so please come with me, gentlemen."

     Fuck the two D-bags still want my women after their family is dead?! I can't wait to end them, sigh.

     As I was leaving, I noticed the women had been let go. I looked at the bikers and said.

     "In a half hour, I will be back to arrest anyone doing bad things, Mkay? And when I mean arrest, I mean like that guy. See you later..."

     I had pointed to the dead biker, and then Keven and Karl followed me nervously.


     I opened the back seat for the two who looked at the seat nervously, so I joked.

     "Gentleman, If I really wanted to hurt you, I would just shoot you, ha-ha... So get in gentlemen."

     Yes, it would be easier to shoot them, but that kind of death is too nice. After slamming the door shut, I looked over to Lan, who was out of the car. I see four men on the ground holding bloody crotches. Yeah, the same four guys standing when I got out... Guess they wanted a hot foreign woman.

     I pulled up to the Mustang and got out. Keven and Karl looked at the hot women with some familiarity, and all of a sudden, the woman from the house was recognized!

     I looked at the four crying men and asked Lan.

     "What did they do?"

     "They wanted to take turns on me, so I said no, with my sword."

     Bang Bang Bang Bang! I pulled the gun again and fired the last of the bullets into their head and said.

     "Sorry Lan, but I have a zero tolerance for guys like this.... Well, because you're my woman."

     Lan came to me and kissed me. She then said,

     "This was better than flowers, of course I am yours silly, so we are going to take care of that now?"

     "Yeah, follow me."

     When I got back in the car, the two men figured who I was and started begging and crying, seeing what I did to the four bikers...


     In an empty Wall-Mart parking-lot, I looked at the two men and smiled. I told them only one thing.

     "This is for offering my Kim to Ralph, so see you later, my favorite brother-in-laws!"

     After making sure the windows were all up, and the heater was on full blast, I got out of the car while the two men raged on the windows... Going to the trunk, I pulled out a gas can, and covered the patrol car. Putting the now empty can in the trunk, I closed it.

     Lan walked to me and offered a box of matches, and the two men panicked more. I shook my head and said.

     "Feel free, I think they would rather a beautiful woman send them on their way, right?"

     Lan with a grin walked near the front where the two men could see her clearly. She waved cutely, then struck a match and tossed it with a wave at the two men. Whoosh!

     Then she walked to my side holding my arm. The two of us watch the two men screaming and tossing, them slamming into the glass with their feet. After a while, the two men stopped moving, and Lan put her head on my shoulder, then said.

     "You know, I think I like it a lot when you act immature. Let's go home, so we can get back to normal?"

     As I kissed her, she laughed and pushed my face away? I was confused and she said,

     "Ha-Ha, No Rick, I can't kiss you till that mustache is gone, it is gross! You drive, I like it when you get into the race mood."

     Lan handed me the keys, and her hand grazed my chest, then she got in the passenger seat. Is it me or has Lan become a bit more vocal?!

     I feel I am in a better mood, so I gladly drive us back to the mansion, because I have evidence to remove from the crime scene. Well my Fire Birds in the Police are instructed to do the investigation into the Smith home matter...


     Back in the basement room, I had already collected the launcher and threw it out into the sea, and made sure to hide my weapons. There had also been a secret closet space for me to place the revolvers I used, so Big Rick can get rid of things later for me.

     [Rick, now that you're done, I am turning the Power Stations back on, so the Americans can function again.]

     "Thanks Lucy, I am going to unhook my gear and shower now, thanks for all of your hard work, love you."

     I could hear Lucy shudder whenever I give her thanks and tell her I love her.

     As soon as I got my change of clothing, the power was back on, and Lan with her clothing, took my hand. She said to me,

     "While we clean, make love to me... It has been almost two days, and after all we did today, I want you to release with me... Come with me, Rick."

     And with her words, we took a nice long shower, and I really made her mine again. Lan, even slipped and whispered she 'loved me' in my ear, thinking I did not hear it under the shower spray.

     In the future, she will give me two children. Even before Mei gave me one...


     When Kim saw me open the door not 12 hours after they were put in there, she leaped into my arms and held me tight. I told Big Rick to not let the children see the front gates area due to some bodies still being out there.

     Thankfully, the bullets did not affect the house at all due to the bulletproofing they applied, and only some helicopter wreckage could be seen sticking out of the water. Well and the front yard, cough.

     Kim and I spent time on Harem-Chat calming the wives and letting everyone know we are safe and fine. Even Ana called my phone with her special smartphone I got her, she was very worried, but settled hearing my concern for her health. She is one of the blocked users in my Harem-Chat. I still want her to have updates on me.

     We spent the whole evening watching the local and international news, to see everyone's responses, but the call I was dreading had to be made, so I went to my bedroom to call...


     [Rick, I am so happy you are safe... I didn't want to say anything in Harem-Chat till I spoke with you... What do you want to say to me?]

     "Sorry to worry you Helen, and is uncle around?"

     [Yes, he is in the living room with me watching the news... Do you want me to put it on speaker or just talk with him alone?]

     "Both of you."

     [Okay Rick, I am next to him.]

     [Glad you're fine, but I knew you would be, ha-ha, is this about Helen's betrothal? Did you pick someone yet? Tick Tick... Helen, stop blushing, he knows I am joking.]

     "I am calling about Scott..."

     [...Just say it, we both can handle whatever he did this time...]

     "He had an honorable passing, he killed Laura Long..."

     For a few moments, they were both silent.

     [Really? Are you just saying that, or did he do something?]

     "No, he earned a bit of my respect in the end... Uncle, please put his two children back in the Tang family... I promised him to take care of them."

     I could hear Helen sniffle a bit, hearing about her brother passing, after her mother as well. My heart feels bad for her, she was the innocent one in all of this family drama. So I wait for Anthony or Helen to speak.

     [I will have the children be put into the family register, and be raised with the local Branch Head and their family. I will let him know it is your request, so the children won't be neglected... What else did Scott say?]

     "Oh? Um, He told me to let Helen choose her fiance... Seems he talked to Helen recently, so yeah..."

     I can imagine Anthony is giving Helen scolding eyes for talking to him, and her crying stopped because Scott sold her out in the end.

     [Well Rick, let's table that talk till you get back. This is not a good moment to talk betrothal on this day...]

     "Yeah, it is hectic here and my mind is distracted a bit. I will be home in 3 days, and I promise to settle this before university. I will let you guys go if you have nothing else."

     I heard the phone go off speaker, and I heard Helen walking off from her father.

     [Rick, it is only me... Whatever Scott said... I-I...]

     "He only told me to take care of you. Why did you say something else?"

     [Rick... I only want you...]

     "I am a lucky man."

     [Rick?! You mean?]

     "Today, grieving for Scott is what we should do, we have the rest of our lives to talk about other things, I love you Helen, and I always will."

     [I love you so much Rick... And I always will, goodbye. Click... do do do...]

     "Alright Scott, reincarnate with a clear soul... Your regrets should be gone now, so live a better life..."

     (A/N Rick loves Helen, even if Scott did not request it, Rick would marry her in the end, he is just trying to let Scott's soul rest in peace with those words, thanks for reading.)

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