After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 195 Father, I Can Be Like You Now!

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(A/N Don't forget to see his updated skills at the bottom after the 3 years.)

Chapter 195  Father, I Can Be Like You Now! by Harem-Fan


     Mei smiling at Ken and Victoria, opens the door for me.

     After Hinata and I stepped out, Mercy went to park the limo, and then will come to join us inside.

     With Hinata and Mei behind me, I see my boy Ken trying to act all grown up like the next Head of Long should, and unknown to him, Vicky only smiled at her big boy trying to impress me. I stand in front of Ken with a slight smile and ask.

     "Hmm? Your mother says you have been a good boy, do you want to hold my hand and walk, or do you want me to pick you up?"

     Ken's eyes swam thinking, and when he looked to Victoria, she nodded. He then with dimples showing, just put his arms up and said.

     "I am almost 3 so it is okay to pick me up, I think?"

     So I picked up my boy and held him in my left arm, took Vick's waist in my right arm, and kissed both of their cheeks. Then Vicky said.

     My two men, and ladies, let us go to the living-room for our date.

     At this point, Mercy came to us and we all 6 walked in with Victoria's house guards and maids following.


     In the living-room, waiting for lunch to be ready, the morning news is playing, and Victoria and I are watching the business news.

     Hinata is off sitting in a single person armchair sipping green tea, and Mercy and Mei are in the back servants table also eating cookies and drinking black tea.

     Victoria is leaning into my left shoulder holding my left arm around her waist, not caring what the servants think, as the two of us watch Ken in front of me on the floor, showing me his new computer. He is explaining it to me like I am too old to understand, but I am letting the play make believe, for it is good for the imagination.

     Victoria, seeing Ken busy to not notice, turned my chin to kiss me, then she grins playfully.

     "So, you are having your board meeting later, and how are you going to handle your eager CEO?"

     "Can I fire her? Her actions this last year have really made me question her brain?"

     "Rick, be honest, do you really want to fire her for her actions? Sometimes, women are just confused, and realize they want something they were missing. I have lots of CEO's I want to fire, but she is not one you really want to fire, right? I know I would be a bit sad if you canned her. She really is great at her position, and she is loyal to you, so just let her be happy. Just ignore her till you can't, fufu."

     I squint my eyes at my main wife like she is making fun of me. She then said in the form of a question.

     "What is surprising to me is why you are keeping Pam Sun, I thought when you took over, she was the first to get a pink slip?"

     I rubbed my nose with mischief. I explained while keeping my voice down.

     "Well, I almost did, but... She really is good at the position when her son is not involved. So when I gave her the ultimatum to replace Sam with Ana on Entertainment Tonight, while keeping her Harem-Feud job, and choosing which Sun got a pink slip, she reluctantly fired Sam from SEG. But the real reason she fired him and is loyal to me? I have medical proof that Sam is sterile, sure he can still shoot his pee shooter, but only blanks come out, he-he. So if that got out, she would also lose her Head Sun family position in the Sun family."

      Victoria shook her head, feeling a bit sad for Pam to have provoked me.

     And what I predicted when we made the 2nd movie, Ling Ling faked a miscarriage to hide the fact she was not pregnant with Sam's child. But both are still young and are just telling the outside world they are waiting for a few years. In the meantime, Sam can only play with his maid, not able to make love to outside women or marry others, or his secret would be revealed, by some scumbag like me.

     On the news, a reporter was talking to a CEO of the Velvet Group, and Victoria turned up the volume.

     [Mr Renaldo, could you tell us about the new satellite the Velvet Group sent up last week?]

     Alex, with his charming smile smoothly told the business reporter.

     [Well Miss Chi, our Floppy Tech in conjunction with our parent company the Velvet Group put into orbit a new communications satellite, for global satellite smartphone and internet access. But what makes this satellite special is that it has special laser reflective panels, so it cannot be shot down by my stolen Star Wars satellite, like what happened 3 long years ago. In the next two years, we will send up our improved Star Wars, to counteract China Empires, so there will no longer be any fear of another global crisis.]

     [It seems your Floppy Tech was recently bought out by Velvet Group and its new aggressive CEO, Rick Tang. How does it feel to work for your once rival in Martial Arts? I heard you two are actually friends in real life behind the scenes?]

     [Well, Rick has a brilliant business wife, and she was his teacher, so of course he is doing well with her backing. He bought out my company at a very good price, so I am more than happy to work with my personal friend. In fact, he is the godfather of my 4 kids with my two wives.]

     [There you have it, Paul the words straight from Alex Renaldo's mouth, back to you.]

     Vicky turned it down and said.

     "You're right, for the next couple of years, it is better to make all of your success land on my credits rather than you. This way you won't look as suspicious. Alex was lucky you saved his life that day..."

     I nodded, because I knew he was in danger, so only two minutes after Scott's group left, the ambulance I called had already got him with his blood type. Well, they had Hope's blood type too, because I did not know who was getting shot.

     When Alex and Hope saw me walk into their hospital room after his surgery to make sure he was fine, they were spooked and understood how the paramedics came in a 30 minute trip in 2 minutes. Even Hope apologized to me in tears, after almost losing Alex.

     Ken then looked up to me and asked.

     "Father, mother said you are really good at computers, is it true?"

     "Sit with me, and hand me your computer, let's find out?"

     So with bright eyes, he did so. I looked at this simplified computer, and I threw in my Grandmaster Computer Use skill into action, to impress, I meant to show Ken what I could do.

     Tap Tap Tap! As my fingers flew, Ken's little eyes opened wide, remembering the real skill, what he will try to accomplish one day.

     I had signed him up to the public child section of Harem-Chat, one of our latest features, so now when Ken logs in to talk, any of my wives may respond to him. I also made sure his computer was well protected from hackers. Don't want crooks looking at what my child is doing online.

     Also I made sure his Valentine will block him from seeing anything he should not on the internet, well more than what his child's computer already blocked..

     When I handed him the computer I explained to him and Victoria what they needed to know, so now Ken can talk with his mother or me on our Family chat in the Harem-Chat group.

     Yeah, my Harem-Chat became world famous during the first New Years, when all of the copies of Valentine became hostile AI programs pillaging and deleting the world's information, and storing it for me.

     When the world tried blaming my company and tried taking us to local and international court, it was thrown out because when Valentine was stolen, the protection program built into it was not updated by the creators, and thus thieves could not stand on their legs in court. That was a great legal victory. Even Central Li suffered from that attack. Now no one has the balls to steal Valentine, like he has a computer STD!

     While Ken was sending chats to my family, he said to me happily.

     "Father, now I can be like you with this computer, right?"

     "Only if you stay a good boy, and listen to everything your mother tells you, then only then can you become great at computers, can you do that my son?"

     "Yes father!"

     And with that, our early lunch was enjoyed by our small family.


     Mei kept Ken busy for a minute, while Victoria and I embraced, and after she was satisfied and made sure I would be coming over in a couple nights, for our sleepover, our group left for the Tang Estate.


     After about a short ten minute drive, we pulled into the Tang Estate, and made our way to the front entrance, with all the maids' security bowing to me respectfully. Not only as a true Tang, but as the Head's husband.

     My eyes cannot help but always look at the tiger statue when I come here. Helen and I really made this statue represent us. To have two boys is a rare sight, and lucky for nobles.

     After my second year of University, and Helen's graduation, Uncle Anthony retired and moved to Black State, to where Kim and her children live. We still see him twice a year, but he has kinda dropped off the face of Star City, like most Ex-Heads do.

     After we were married, it was good that Helen had not been pregnant at the time, because when she found out about me, she fainted in the sealed room. Thankfully, Anthony was with her to talk her through what she learned about me.

     Well, when you find out that something like the loch-ness monster is real and living a chill life, you tend to freak out. She played it cool, till the Central Government lawyer left, then she ran into my arms, worried for me. All of my beatings and past made more sense to her, and what happened to my father and mother.

     Helen and Victoria became really close friends after that, as very few people could know about me in Eurasia. I do believe Helen loved me twice as hard after that day. She understood why her father had been extra angry at anyone who bullied me due to my status. Oh, and I did get my Big Burger company as a wedding gift.


     Entering Helen's private office with a playpen inside, the two elite Master bodyguards Paul and Mike bowed to me saying.

     "Master Tang, now that you are here, we will take a break until your visit is done, please call us."

     Yes, even though Helen is the real Head, because of who I was before, and now married to Helen, I am treated in the home like the real master. But to the outside groups, it is clearly Helen in charge.

     Helen alone with only our people, she ran from behind her desk, throwing away her noble-lady look, and hung around my neck like a creepy stalker. After her kiss was done, she asked with a stupid smile.

     "Did you miss me, darling? Oh, and the little cubs, fufu?"

     Mike is a bit over 1 year old, and Ray is still only 6 months old. Well, okay I lied, she was pregnant a bit before we got married, but her belly was still tiny.

     As I was about to answer her, I saw Mercy pick up my youngest Ray, while Mei was playing with Mike.

     "Why would I not miss the three of you? Especially my frisky tigress?!"

     I whispered the last part, to make her blush, because like how Nadia was, Helen became a nympho for me during both pregnancies. But even to this day, the nights I stay over, she does not let me sleep. Thankfully we are not having more kids, so now we can just make love and not act like it is our mission.

     If Helen is like my birth mother, I now understand why my father might not have had a harem, because the Tang lady sex-drive is crazy.

     "Stop it you naughty boy, now come sit on the couch with me, oh and hello sister Hinata."

     Hinata is still quiet with others, so she only nodded and then closed her eyes waiting. Helen used to her, just held me and took a nap in my arms. Yeah, we did not talk, she was just so tired, she relaxed in my arms knowing the kids are fine, and her husband was holding her.

     This is the kind of marriage the two of us have, we tend to just hold one another, and I let her brain calm. Being a Head to a major family is a full time job and mentally tiring. This is also the main reason my wives all moved close to the main family estates, so they could handle the Clans affairs and meetings.

     When we all lived in the Garden Estates together, it was nice for us and the children, but it was inconvenient to have meetings and greet clan elders and side branch Heads.

     So for an hour, I just held my angel, while Mercy and Mei did their part with my boys.

     Soon, it was nearing my time for my meeting with all of my CEOs and my headache. No, I am not hating that person, just every-time I see her, I feel complicated. What she did in the past was really rash, sigh.

     I bend my head down and kiss my sleeping beauty awake, and say to Helen.

     "My wife, I need to go to my meeting, but I will see you in another couple of days and stay the night, okay?"

     She stretched in my lap like a cat, or tigress, and nodded happily, like that nap was her best sleep in a week. She said,

     "Good, now go make me proud, just kiss the boys before you leave, fufu."

     With that, I quietly kissed my two baby boys, and we left stealthily. Helen looked happy, well till she looked at the stack of paperwork yet to be done.


     Soon, the white limo was heading downtown to my board meeting with my many CEOs under me. James has been nervous to be a part of such a large group of well known big-time leaders, but he did well during his internship, so in a year he will be my reliable right hand.

     Ding! I look at my smartphone at the emojis of hearts on the screen, with the message of... [♥♥♥During the meeting, please think of me!♥♥♥ Oh, and I am wearing black silk undergarments. Do you want to see?♥♥♥]

     I just stare at my screen and do not reply. If I reply, it will just escalate, sigh.

     Hinata opened her eyes and saw me looking at the phone in a daze, she said.

     "You better at least reply, or it will get worse..."

     Fine, I will say something neutral.

     [Harem-Fan: Good to see you energetic Gretta, so let's have a productive meeting.]

     [Harem-Fan's Fan: Boss, thanks for not ghosting me this time, lol. I will be good, I promise, bye.]

     I put my smartphone away, and wiped the sweat off my forehead...

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[Acting: Master] [Acrobatics: Grandmaster] [Auto-Mechanics: Basic] [Business Management: Master] [Cat Burglar: Advanced] [Computer Use: Grandmaster] [Cooking: Advanced] [Driving: Master] [General Education*: Advanced] [Gun-Fu: Grandmaster] [Firearms: Grandmaster] [Kung-Fu: Grandmaster] [Medicine: Advanced] [Stealth: Master] [Thief: Advanced] [Virtual Business Management: Master]

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