After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 196 Greeting Boss Tang!

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Chapter 196  Greeting Boss Tang! by Harem-Fan


     Arriving at my Velvet Tower, we parked at my designated parking-spot for me, and our group all got out.

     The four of us made it to the second elevator, and Mei pressed the button waiting for our ride. Security already knows I am here due to the 4 guards at the parking entrance.

     Ding! The sound of the doors opening shows the plush elevator. The elevator operator, Benz, greets warmly.

     "Hello Boss Tang, how are you? Also, what floor will we go to today?"

     "I am feeling pretty good, Benz, let's go to my office on the 39th. I need to get ready for the meeting on the 38th in a bit."

     "Will do. Oh, and my son sends his thanks for signing the Trilogy Box set of your movie. It made his birthday happy."

     I smile because I thought of the 3rd movie we had filmed last summer, the final installment of The Vampire I fell for, The Family.

     "Yeah, he said the third movie was his favorite because Ken was a Vampire in that, and he had his fated lovers with him. He was sad to know it would not have a 4th addition to the story."

     I smile seeing we are almost off, but I spoil it for Benz.

     "Well, I and the others won't be starring in the next one, but there is a spinoff with the children of Ken, Lilith, and Luna. We will do a cameo at the start of that film to show us young with the new actors. This way, there will be a connected Trilogy to ours. So in effect, it will be parts 4 to 6. But tell him it is a secret for now."

     Ding! The doors opened and we saw a well lit office-space in clean white. As we step out into the hallway full of glass walls, Benz said.

     "Thanks Boss, see you in a bit, and nice to see you again ladies."

     As we walked to my office, I glanced at all the employees on the right side doing office work, and when they saw me through the glass wall, they would all wave, which I returned.

     The same thing happened on the left side Tech department, as the data analyst and programmers were hard at work.

     I saw Lucy Shen pop her head out of her office with her iconic red rimmed glasses and her hair in a sloppy red tinted bun. She was wearing a white button-down with black slacks, looking professional. Despite being 34, she only looks to be 22. This is not an optical illusion, but her Li blood keeps her in her prime form for longer than most humans should.

     She already was on her way to intercept me, but still kept her married act in front of the public.

     "Boss Tang, I am ready for the meeting, may I go over some of my reports before we go down?"

     I really want to mess up her show and say, No, but then she would fake cry... Yeah, she did that once with her acting skills and others thought I bullied the poor woman for messing up something, sigh.

     I just helplessly nodded to her and she joined my group of incredible eye-catching women following me. I am used to it... No, I still internally know all the men hate me.

     Passing the two glass doors at the end of the hall we enter the main receptionist area for my business secretaries. The long receptionist desk holds 4 secretaries posts, and all 4 are currently working. Two black and two blond haired mid 20's women say together...

     """"Good afternoon Mr Tang.""""

     I smile at the over eager receptionist and just nod to the 4 as we pass to the glass doors leading to my reinforced thick wooden doors of my office. After punching in the codes, our group of 5 entered.

     I did not remodel Vicky's office, so like before, the left-wall has a full-sized refrigerator and drinking-bar including a soda-fountain next to the liquor-bar, built into the wall so it does not stick-out and matches the wall color around it.

     The large square area in the center of the room and in the center is a lowered-floor with a couple of steps, holding two large couches with a 10 x 10 table between the two opposing left and right couches.

     In the far end by the glass is my desk that is all white with a light-brown wood-top.

     But I immediately head to the right side of the room to my personal restroom and changing area. It even has a full shower and towels. I even keep extra suits

     Lucy smiled at the other three women and took her glasses off, while saying.

     "Take a break ladies, I will help Rick change, Ufufu."

     I roll my eyes in my mind because everyone here knows what this dangerous woman wants...


     After 15 minutes in the shower, I had Lucy pressed face first into the shower wall, as I finished cumming in her, while her lewd smile was a mess.

     With my right hand holding her pelvis, and my left hand cupping her left breast, she was breathing hard while she pushed off the shower wall with her palms. She pulled me out of her and turned into my arms, holding me around my neck. Lucy grins while saying.

     "There, now my man can go into the meeting with a clear mind. I know you would feel a bit irritable if you did not get to let it go, fufu. Okay don't look at me like that, I was horny, okay?!"

     "Well, I missed you as well. How are you doing by the way, oh and let me wash your back."

     So the two of us cleaned our crimes and discussed serious things that happened in the last 5 days. The two of us got dressed in new clothing ready for the meeting. The last thing she told me was interesting.

     "The Emperor's Shadows have taken notice of you finally. The moment Mei was found to be pregnant with your child, they have felt comfortable that you have leaned into Mei's influence. The Shadow has deemed you the most powerful and influential of the marked targets, and is going to approach you subtly to help them with the upcoming war."

     The Emperor's Shadows is the name of the spy organization of the China Empire. They are the bosses of Mei, Ling Ling, and Mei's handler lady from the Lang clan. Despite their ominous sounding name, they are mostly independent from the Emperor's control, due to the fact they have been a group since the first Yellow Emperor and only serve the Emperor superficially. They have their own agenda for the China Empire.

     "Well, I am married to all 4 major clans, connected to many sub-clans, and finally lead the Fire Birds, so I would say next to Central, I currently hold the most cards in Eurasia. That makes sense."

     Lucy straightened my gold tie on my black suit and she did not look worried. She then said,

     "Don't worry, If the Shadow tries to step out of line, I will give you the full list of all of their agents in Eurasia, Japan, and America for you to kill. The fact they do not know we know is our ace. If their spies start vanishing quietly one by one, they will be more cautious. And if they really get naughty, we will hide Mei and kill Ling Ling and her handler the Lang woman."


     The two of us then left my bathroom and I went to my desk to get my files the secretaries had given to me for the meeting. Mei, Hinata, and Mercy are just sitting on the couches. While I went over work, Lucy told them.

     "Mei, take Mercy and Hinata up to the Penthouse because the meeting will be at least 2 hours, so go and nap or eat something."

     Hinata, ignoring Lucy, asked me.

     "Sensei, what do you want Hinata to do? I can come to the meeting if you want me there?"

     I smile at her for putting my wants over the mother hen Lucy, and tell her gently.

     "The boardroom is a bit cramped with all of my CEOs and their assistants with them. I promise there will be no danger to my life there. Knowing you are comfortable and safe upstairs would make me happy."

     "Then I shall wait loyally."

     And if you think Lucy was upset, mad, or offended at Hinata only asking me, then you do not know the crazy thoughts of an insane woman! No, in fact, Lucy likes Hinata more in her heart seeing her devotion to me. Though, she won't tell Hinata that, or all the women will act funny.

     Then my Personal Maids left for some rest and recreation, then I asked a dumb question.

     "Lucy dear, why not have them go up earlier?"

     She put her glasses on and said it was obvious.

     "I wanted them to hear you fuck me hard. Nothing sets the Pecking order like a good fucking, right?"

     As I place next season's tax codes into my briefcase, I say to her.

     "May Lee, you are some kind of special, you know that?"

     "Let us go dear, you have a meeting to host, fufu... Oh and some surprises for you to find out, he-he!"

     No, when she tells me there are surprises, my back feels a chill, so I ask.

     "A bad or good surprise?"

     She comes over and pulls my arm to the door saying.

     "A good one, a good or bad one, and an entertaining one!"

     "Okay, I am canceling the meeting!"

     And the weak woman pulled me along ignoring my protests...


     Entering the 38th floor with Lucy holding her own briefcase behind me, we make our way to the back North large conference room. This was the floor with the personal office suites of my 10 most powerful CEOs in my Company, the Velvet Group.

     The personal secretaries in the main lobby all greeted me because I am their bosses-boss. I nodded to them all and walked into the main conference room heading to the head of the long table to my seat on the far right of the room.

     My entrance is a proven blend of my Acting Master and Business Master skills, to instill the right show of dominance in the room, making others feel my word is law. If I do not project this front, CEOs under me, like Pam Sun, get ideas and making my people not think of backstabbing is the key to success and higher profits.

     And as I expected, everyone in the room stood and waited for me to sit before doing so themselves. I look to the ten CEOs and immediate Executive Officers under their Chief Executive Officers.

     Starting from my right, the strongest of the 10 and working clockwise, is how the seating is done. So my number one income earner and the one with the most say in the group of 10...

     Seat 1: Gretta Yang, who is nearing the age of 33. She used to run Victoria's Cosmetic Company before, and was the only CEO to bravely sponsor and run my Harem-Chat venture. In no time, Harem-Chat exploded, and without a Computer Degree, Gretta asked to change her CEO spot to take Harem-Chat into its independents. She, like Lane Feng, is a natural charmer.

     Her immediate Officer in the company is my good friend, James Tong. He interned in Harem-Chat and impressed Gretta with his hard work. He actually surprised her and not because of his connection to me. However no one believes this truth, and fully believes it was Nepotism to make me happy. This however, like the issue with her divorce, was not true, but that matter can be talked about later.

     Seat 2: Pam Sun, now 48 years old with blonde hair and blue-eyes. She is still in charge of Star Entertainment Group. She remains one of my biggest earners, despite her gruff personality. She may be bitter about her son getting the axe, but he got a job in a rival company, the 21st Century Lang Entertainment. He is now the star of a rival Entertainment News program called, Paparazzi. Sadly, he needed to move to the Capital City in Black State to host it, coming home once a week.

     Her immediate Officer in the company is Vincent-? THE FUCK! The woman sitting behind her is her daughter in law, Ling Ling?!  Ling Ling in a summer-dress saw my look of shock, only waving at my stupid eyes. Okay, this must be the surprise that Lucy mentioned. Well I will find out more later, sigh...

     Seat 3: Alex Renaldo, now 30 years old. He still charms the women at the table with his blonde hair and blue eyes, though he is not trying. He runs a tech firm that produces internal parts for computers. After I bought it, we expanded into the field of private and military satellites, with home computer parts becoming more of a brand-name side-project. He, with my direction, gladly took Velvet Group into the space business. He now makes about twice as much as he did before, and Hope is now the Head of the whole Song family.

     His immediate Officer in the company is his younger 22 year old 2nd wife, Hailey Renaldo. She is a pretty blonde with blue eyes and was his 2nd in command before I bought Floppy Tech. She is a down to Earth woman who always overlooked his Playboy ways. She also has a business degree.

     Seat 4: Keven Kyoto, is now 28 years old, with black hair and green eyes. He is in-charge of video-games, online-games, printed media, and bookstores. This includes international products like foreign anime, light-novels, and films. When I took over a while back, I made him dip into the game industry and move past just paper, and he with his wife's help made his company explode.

     His immediate Officer in the company is his younger 28 year old 1st wife, Kameko Kyoto. She has become a family friend to both Akeno and Hinata over the last 3 years. What most people do not know about this amazing noblewoman is... She is personally responsible for 50% of all Japan Empire anime, manga, and novels in Eurasia! She is an avid reader and watcher of all of pop culture from her homeland. She is also the 'Face' of his company making many business trips to get first grabs on new products. I have also given her ideas for Eurasian original anime with my past life story ideas, like One Piece.

     Seat 5: Diana Long, is now 31 years old, with short black hair and purple eyes. She is in charge of the Velvet Firm for Advertisements and Commercial media.

     Her immediate Officer in the company is Natalya Yang, not closely related to Gretta, but with platinum blonde hair and bluish eyes. She is 24 years old with her longer hair in a bun looks like a serious woman, like my Jenifer Han. I can tell that James finds her attractive, but she seems to ignore him. Well, he is on his own.

     Seat 6: Kim Smith, now 30 years old, with blonde hair and green eyes. Hah, remember I now technically own Smith and Wesson, yup! In her office are one of our maids with my 2 year old son, John Smith, and 1 year old daughter, Megan Smith. She makes sure her things are in order as she smiles at me with some nervousness.

     Her immediate Officer in the company is Stephani Smith, her fathers youngest wife, who became a dual-citizen and also loves the Eurasian culture. She happens to know the company very well, and in reality, is the one in charge with Kim assisting her. But she is a bubbly and kind woman. She flies back home once a month for  a weekend with her husband, grownup kids, and sisters. She looks like Kim's older sister.

     Seat 7: Wanda Tang, a 44 year old woman who is my distant cousin, with blonde hair and blue eyes. She is married and a business major. She has been running my Big Burger for my mother ever since the chain opened, and I begged her to keep running it for a while longer. She loved my mother, and was more than eager to help me out till she turns 50 and will get a better retirement package than before.

     Her immediate Officer in the company is her son, Lenny Tang, a 23 year old business major with 6 wives! Yeah, he was a bit of a Playboy in high-school, so his mother made him marry every woman he got pregnant... Soon, the baby crisis made him grow up fast, and now he is super serious and hard working. This was one of those blessings in disguise life brought. Well, his mother raised him well.

     Seat 8: Megan Ben, is a 29 year old with black hair and blue eyes, who was the previous second in charge of Victoria Cosmetics. Even though I gained this business, I would never change its name, plus it is my wife's name. Well, she has experience and Gretta trusted her at the time. She had nothing to do with Chuck Ben in any way.

     Her immediate Officer in the company is Ophelia Chu, a former model who pursued her business degree and shamelessly made her goal to become the company's CEO in the next 10 years. She is very proud but hard working. She is amazingly tall with pale hair and red eyes. And she is only 27 years of age. Oddly, she is crushing on Alex, and James is crushing on her, and Alex does not like her? Nope, not my problem!

     Seat 9: Melony Deng, a 36year old business major and professional cook, with brown eyes and hair. She runs and operates the BBQ House. She had worked with Vicky from the inception, and was the woman that helped teach Victoria to cook.

     Her immediate Officer in the company is Mark Ho, a 46 year old business major, and serious man with shaved hair and wears business suits. He is a quiet man who also likes trying new foods.

     Seat 10: Max Johnson, a 42 year old American with red hair and blue eyes, is a master brewer and businessman who owned a failing whisky company that had a good flavor. But his debts crushed his ability to make it big. I bought him out and changed his recipe a bit, and renamed the brand to one from my past life... Jack Daniels! And now, this Spirits company in Eurasia quickly became my 10th most prosperous business! Can't lie, I totally pirated the idea and taste.

     His immediate Officer in the company is his younger 36 year old sister, Rebeca Johnson, who is a professional at the brewing process and running the plant. She also takes care of distribution world wide, yes world wide!

     So with the way the seating went, the seat to my right was Gretta, and to my left was the last place, Max. All of the 2nd in command sit away from the tables in separate seating along the edge of the room near their bosses, taking notes of the meeting. And behind me is Lucy.

     As I looked over everyone, the 21 people in the room waited for my words, and just as I was going to speak, I felt a soft foot run up my leg under the table.

     Acting Master barely kept my expression from faltering, due to the foot sliding up my pant-leg. Part of me is irritated that Gretta is messing with me, but part of me is thankful it is not Max doing it!

     "It is good to see everyone here today, let us begin the meeting."

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