After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 198 A Fan’s Request!

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(A/N Yellow Emperor... Legendary Chinese ruler, one of the Five Emperors, later worshiped as a god. The Yellow Emperor, also known as the Yellow Thearch or by his Chinese name Huangdi, is a mythical Chinese sovereign and cultural hero included among the legendary Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and an individual deity or part of the Five Regions Highest Deities in Chinese religion.)


Chapter 198  A Fan's Request! by Harem-Fan


     Ring Ring Ring! I had just sat down at my desk with my crystal bottle of Jack and a tumbler with ice, when my smartphone rang.

     "Hello my beautiful redheaded lover?"

     [My Dragon, did I get you at a bad time? Alice wanted to say hello to her daddy?]

     "Nope, your timing was perfect. I just got out of the boardroom, so can our girl hear me yet?"

     [Daddy is on the phone honey, say hello...]

     [Daddy, I love you!]

     "Hello my little Alice, I will see you in the morning tomorrow after you eat your breakfast and get ready for the day of watching shows."

     [Daddy, can I have a white cat?]

     She asked me to get a white tiger plush from my burger joint, and I had it already in my car.

     "Hmm? Well if you are good and listen to mommy, I think I might find where he is hiding and catch him for my little baby."

     [Okay daddy, I will be good...]

     [You are off speaker now, and can't wait to see you tomorrow. Oh, and my annoying neighbor is doing fine, if you are wondering, fufu?]

     "Are you talking about Luke and Cat?"

     [No, my other neighbor. The one you seem to like hanging out with from time to time.]

     "Ah, Are you still mad about that, sorry?"

     [If I was mad about it, would I have bought the Jefferson building and moved in next to her? No, unlike some of the other wives, I know to protect her from the shadows. My Dragon, your treasures need to be kept safe, or you might rage, and I do not want my Dragon rampaging. You and Alice might be my heart, but I know your heart has many pieces that need to be protected, so I will. So reward me well tomorrow my dear.]

     "Anything you want my dear. You never change, even from when we first met. Sleep well Tina. And thanks for protecting Ana in the background."

     [It is fine, plus Alice and Luna are playmates when the two of us are here. I won't admit it to the others, but Ana and I get along pretty well. Plus Luke figured it out a long time ago. He saw you sneak into her apartment with her key around 3 years ago, just when you had gotten back from America, fufu.]

     I sip my Jack and smile remembering bumping into him when I left that night. He told me he was looking to buy a nice place for himself and Cat.

     Shortly after that, Tina told me she bought and owned the Jefferson building for our Branch Feng Family, and of the 4 apartments on the top floor, one was Ana's, Luke's, and Tina's... The last one was going to be saved as Tina's home office for her and work she hides and does not want Alice to ever see. In the future, it will be given to Alice for her 18th birthday.

     "I bought you a new present as well, so be ready for it."

     [Is it that new dress I wanted? If it is, I will give you a private show tomorrow?]

     "It is, the black vinyl one you wanted? Well skintight still looks the best on you. Alright, my intercom is flashing, so someone wants to see me. I love both of you dear."

     [Ufufu, Bye Lover. Click... do do do...]

     So I pressed the blinking light for the secretary's desk and she said,

     [Sir, I have one message, and 2 appointments for you.]

     "Give me the message, then send in the first guest."

     [Your wife Mrs Smith went upstairs with the children, and I have the party of Sun and the party of Yang, who to send in first?]

     "If it is not an emergency, then first come first served, that is all."


     Click! As the door opened, my blonde secretary was leading in three white hair ladies of varying age and body shapes. Like a big, medium, and small version of Gretta. Her two daughters Rayna and Tessa, have come in looking nervous, due to me being one of the stars they like. I have also seen them grow up for almost 4 years now, so I warmly greet them.

     "Thanks for bringing them, I shall host them. Hello ladies, what brings you 3 to my office?"

     Gretta I expected, but her daughters caught me by surprise, but they are nice girls and well mannered. As I was going to the drink area, Gretta held my arm and said.

     "I know what they want to drink, let me get it, just go sit and hear my eldest out, she has a request for you."

     I nodded and sat to the left, while her daughters sat across. Rayna the 13 year old nervously explained.

     "Um, Mr Rick, my birthday is on Saturday, and I turn 13... I kinda told my friends I knew you and I, um, kinda said you were coming to my birthday party... I am sorry, I had freaked out and blurted it out to impress my friends in middle school."

     Tessa the 11 year old finished for her sister.

     "Mother said she would not ask for us, and you might be busy, so she made us come to ask ourselves."

     Gretta handed each girl a bottle of juice they liked, and then she sat on my couch but a few inches away, and not right on me like she normally tries. She gave me a smile letting me know it was fine to not go. Ah, but Gretta forgot... I have a hard time saying no to nice girls that are kind.

     "Well, I remember middle school, and it was dog eat dog... I think I can stop by for a bit, depending on what time it is?"

     Rayna stood in joy for some reason and nodded her head and blurted.

     "Mr Rick, it is at 3 pm at our house, and thank you very much!"

     Both sisters looked a bit thrilled, due to their mother telling them I would be too busy. I looked at Gretta and she seemed surprised I would go, with the way I was dodging her attempts. I patted Gretta's hand and said.

     "My father told me not to make a girl cry. I have to go. I can stop by for at least an hour."

     When I looked at Gretta's gold eyes, I could see she was holding back tears for some reason... I think her divorce hurt her more than she tells others, and raising her girls is hard. Sigh, I am such a fucking softy.

     After her girls had finished their drinks, she ushered them out the door, knowing Pam was in the waiting area, and not wanting to start more conflicts with her. She told her daughters.

     "Go and wait in the hall, I have something to tell Mr Tang."

     When her kids left the room she looked at me seriously and hugged me. She held me tight, not like a succubus, but a thankful mother, and she softly said in my ear.

     "Thank you for being wonderful, Rick"

     As she pulled away, I felt her lips graze my cheek as she left the office, sigh?!

     "It has been 3 years since I fell for a woman... Dad, your advice sucks ass..."


     I had already sat on the left side couch with my back to the drink station, and the other couch and bathroom in my view, as I heard the door open.

     Click! And I look over to see my blonde secretary leading both Pam and Ling into the room. I said to the secretary.

     "Please offer the Sun family drinks."

     So the two women sat opposite me, and the secretary refilled my drink, then got both women a K-cup coffee. After the secretary left, I smiled and asked.

     "Mrs Sun, what can I do for you?"

     Pam still felt a bit irritable about my hate for Sam, which she had tried to fix over the years, but neither Sam nor I wanted to repair our issues. She said with a smile.

     "Actually, it was Ling Ling who wanted to talk to you about your bad feelings with Sam. I knew it was both inappropriate and wrong for her to come alone. That and you would not see her without me."

     "Sigh, Pam, you and I both know why your son and I will never walk the same path, he is fortunate I have not made him vanish, get me?"

     Her hand on her coffee cup trembled a bit, knowing people do in fact go missing around me, and no one lifts an eyebrow. The Big 4 Clans and the Fire Birds are nothing her Sun clan can handle.

     Then Ling Ling kicked off her heels and brought her feet under her to sit, who was acting cute and ditsy asked in an innocent but fake way. But I smile because I can tell she is ready to pounce like an assassin. But I let her act.

     "Mr Tang, I have found you are not as bad as my husband thinks you are, so pleeeeeese~, can we try to become friends?"

     She sees my eyes squint at her act, and Pam failed to notice, so Ling asked her mother-in-law.

     "Mother, Mr Tang will not do anything to Ling Ling, so can you give us a moment to talk about making friends?"

     I just roll my eyes a bit while I sip my drink. Pam looks reluctant, like I will rape her son's wife in 30 seconds, sigh.

     Pam picked up her phone and said.

     "I will make a call in the bathroom for just a couple of minutes, so stay in your seat and no one can be offended."

     As Pam shut the bathroom door while on the phone, the Loli turned her head to me and observed me, she said with her fake charm.

     "Has Mei Xia mentioned me?"

     "Why would she mention you, because you're Chinese? No."

     She, like I expected, tossed her glasses to the side, and reached between her legs into her skirt, pulling out a small knife for throwing or assassination. She had leaped from her cushion over my coffee table, only stepping on it one time to cross the 10 feet with her knife in a reverse grip, lunging to my neck.

     My eyes calmly followed her every muscle movement as she landed on me in a straddle. She held the blade to my neck looking into my eyes with the serious look that Tina has as Blood Demon. She was not out of breath for that move, but sadly, she is only at the peak of Advanced in her assassination arts.

     She seemed both confused and amused that I had not moved, and my eyes that went cold like she had studied, never even contracted as I followed her every movement.

     She moved the knife away and slid it down into our lower body area. Ling Ling saw I never even questioned if she would cut my dick, and only slid her blade back into her thigh sheath. Her smile returned and she relaxed while saying.

     "Rick, I never felt any killing intent from you... You are most definitely a Grandmaster to be able to hide it! Oh, and Mei is also a spy?!"

     I sip my drink and say nothing. She only grins seeing me not flustered about anything, she is a bit out of her element and she leaned in and whispered.

     "I have figured out your secret... So will you kill me to keep it?" (The speech from here is in Ancient Chinese)

     She frowns because even with her sitting on me exposing me, I have not flinched. She is a bit silly here because if she was planning on revealing it, she would not be testing me. She wants to see my skills and my loyalty to Eurasia. She also has a hunch, she confirmed that I have accepted Mei for who she really is, and it annoys Ling Ling a lot. She tries to communicate more.

     "You are not falling for my seduction, tsk, but you have not tried hurting me, why?"

     I point to her with my drink finger.

     "Not a single movement you made had intent to harm, and if I hurt you, it will make life difficult for my Mei. So as long as my lovers are safe, you are not an enemy, but..."

     Before she could blink my left hand was around her neck without hurting her, just showing her the speed and accuracy. I smiled seeing she got it, and lowered my hand. But I have an uneasy feeling because when I did that, her eyes looked thrilled and her body trembled like a masochist in pleasure.

     "I have ignored you for 3½ years because you have stayed in your lane, get me?"

     She leaned in to be eye to eye with me, pressing her grapefruits in for her charm. She let her breath tickle my face, and she actually said something I did not expect.

     "I finally found you my Yellow Emperor! Do you know who I am~?"

     I actually shake my head not having a clue what in the world this woman is talking about? She put on a creepy smile, and whispered in my ear like a long lost lover...

     "I... am... your 1st Empress, Ling Ling... And I have been reincarnating for 30,000 years to find you..."

     I could not sense any falsehood from her as my eyes dilated for the first time at what she was telling me.

     "Why can I remember you, but you forgot me? Do you know how many lives I had to live to find you, you asshole?!"

     Her air changed, and she had the air of an immortal cultivator. Ling Ling sat up straight with a look of wanting to hear my words, and I think my back was sweating here!


     Ling Ling just shrugged, and said with some confusion.

     "I don't have all my memories, and I hardly remember my past lives, like I had a dream that I forgot when I awoke. The only thing I remember is our life together and the Heavenly Tribulation that transformed us?! You turned into a Golden Dragon and flew into the Heavens, and I ascended, not remembering what happened, that was when my memories ended. I did not die, I think?"

     Tsk! Just when the two of us were having a multi-life crisis, she heard footsteps in the bathroom, and I heard her click her tongue, as she leaped off me back to her spot like she never moved. I could still smell her on me however, and my mind is in chaos.

     Pam, a smart woman, saw my expression of confusion, and her China daughter sitting innocent, so she asked.

     "Mr Tang, are you fine? Ling Ling, did you offend Mr Tang?"

     "Mother, how could I? Mr Tang is a strong fighter and a smart man, I could never pull the carpet from under him, Ufufu. We only spoke in Old Chinese dialect, and few people in Pangaea know it! So, I think we are meant to be good friends, right Mr Tang?"

     Fuck, she is right! When she said she knew my secret and asked me who she was, she spoke in the oldest dialect of Chinese not currently spoken, FUCK! But I smiled and shrugged.

     "Seems Mrs Ling is smarter than I thought. Well, I am not sure Pam or your husband would like us to be friends, so..."

     Pam, surprised I was being... Nice, said.

     "I will talk to Sam, I think burying the hatchet is the best, so becoming friends would be alright, at least at work."

     Ling Ling forgot to slide her glasses on before, but as she put them on her smile grew wicked looking at Pam's back. I just imagined that burying the hatchet might be in Sam's back!

     Pam wanting to split while I was still buzzed from my whisky told Ling Ling.

     "Let us go Little Ling, Mr Tang has things to do, we will leave, good night."

     Watching my adversaries leave, the only thing that came out of my mouth was...

     "What the fuck just happened?"

(A/N To head off comments asking... Ling Ling is in fact his 1st Empress of this world. She has no System, and her past lives are all only on this Earth, and not others. She had ascended into immortality as a true cultivator 30,000 years ago, but the immortality she obtained was reincarnation, not agelessness. "SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKERS"!)

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