After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 199 Badass Sargent Mary Tang!

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Chapter 199  Badass Sargent Mary Tang! by Harem-Fan


     After my surreal encounter with the enigma that is Empress Ling Ling, I put my keys in the door to open the apartment.

     When I walked into the living-room I was greeted by the faces of Nichole, Kim, Mercy, Hinata, Mei, Lucy, and my two children John and Megan Smith.

     Kim, the one with the most excitement to see me, ran into my arms for a kiss, and as she dragged me over to the children she said.

     "Megan is sleeping but John is up and asks for you dear, come and hold your boy, ha-ha."

     Mei, who was holding John, pointed him to me and said to him.

     "Young master John, look it is daddy, walk to him, fufu."

     My first child with Kim, John who is a bit over 2 years old smiled and then ran into my arms, as I picked him up. His black hair is wild and his blue eyes sharp for his age. He patted my shoulder and put on a grin.

     "Howdy daddy!"

     I tickled his tummy and he squealed in joy as I said to him.

     "Why are you not sleeping like your sister, ha-ha?"

     "I am big now, and not sleepy, yawn~!"

     I saw him finally out of energy, and seeing me made him feel like he won a prize, so his tiredness caught up with him. After a minute of him falling asleep in my arms, Kim took him from me to put in the stroller for two.

     As our group started to pack up to go, I pulled Lucy to the kitchen and transferred my smartphone recordings to her phone, and I told her.

     Listen to this and delete anything related to Ling Ling or me. Lucy, seeing my eyes, held the phone to her ear and then her eyes opened, with a pale face she said or asked.

     "Rick, I could only understand parts of your Chinese, and what is going on? There are no records of Empress Ling Ling?!"

     I touch Lucy's face in sympathy. My love here is normally all-knowing and can solve any of my problems, and yet, she is now panicking for the first time. I kiss her lips to calm her anxious heart and tell her.

     "For now, I do not think she is an enemy... In fact, I do not think she or I can hurt each-other for some reason (dao hearts). So just keep tabs on her more than you have, and erase everything she does, like you do with me. She did not seem to want to expose herself, so I am sure she will find ways to talk with me in the future. Okay?"

     "Damn, she hid herself deep. No wonder she made Mei eat her dust in their Shadows training?! She is an ancient monster as well. Ah, love, I meant that in a good way."

     "I know Lucy, just be calm about this and let's just take it one day at a time. Though, I think she might do harm to the Sun family now? But just realize she is more dangerous than we originally thought. I have no idea what she is capable of, and I have no ancient memories like she does. We also do not know what her goals are, probably nothing simple."

     Then Hinata came in and said,

     "Lady Nichole asked me to fetch you, Sensei."

     "I am coming Hinata, and I will see you later Lucy, love you."

     And with that, my evening at Velvet Tower came to an end. We then headed to pick up my wife, Mary.


     Pulling up to the Police Station, Mei let me out of the limo and stood with me.

     "My Master, the last time you and I came here, we really made a mess, Ufufu. I actually had fun that day."

     "Not for me, I thought I lost Mary and my baby that day... I found that day to be one of my sad ones. Thankfully, it worked out."

     Mei rubbed a circle pattern on my back and told me.

     "Friday is your 4th wedding anniversary with Mary, so don't think of the what-if's, just go in and love her while you can. Go my silly Master."

     So I listen to my Personal Maid and retrieve my sister turned wife.


     Whoosh! Slam! Crash! As I walked to the back area where the path splits from the lockup and Detectives office, I saw something that put a smile on my face.

     Two drunk Syndicate members from the Crouching Tigers and the Black Snakes had been having a drunken fight while being escorted to lockup, and while the two men were fighting, apparently over a woman who was instigating them. They got some officers involved and a big fiasco was going on.

     When Mary came from her office, she immediately sweeps the legs of the Tiger member, making him hit his head on a desk, then Mary grabbed the Snakes cuffed arm and body and threw him on top of the first guy, and as the woman who was encouraging the fight was dazed, it happened.

     SLAP! Mary finished her combos of the men by slapping the woman off her feet sprawling her on the floor, with the officers around making 'oh shit' sounds. Mary stood over the slutty looking Snake member woman and said.

     "That was for inciting a fight in my precinct! Arrest this tramp for inciting a riot, and lock her up. She wants a fight, let her sit in a cell with those Fire Birds women."

     While her men followed her orders, Mary finally saw me. She blushed, and her hard-ass side vanished, like it was someone else. She came to me appearing like a soft woman, and all of her officers just rolled their eyes because they only saw the hard-ass Sargent Mary. I remember my Mary from when I was arrested by her in high-school... Yeah, good days.

     "Ah, Rick dear... Um? Why did you not tell me you were here?"

     "Ha-ha, And if I did, how would I have seen your training? It is good to see your Wing Chun Kung-Fu has come along nicely."

     She blushed, because she doesn't like me to see her tough side, only her wife's side. But she forgets, this is the Mary I fell in love with. She said while putting her hair behind her ear.

     "Rick, wait for me to get my purse, I will be with you soon."

     As she was going to the back, a young rookie detective was making smooching effects with his hand teasing Mary, and she kicked his leg eliciting laughs from the detectives. I smile thinking that was me in our youth.

     The two half drunk gang members seeing me as they got picked up, paled. The woman especially looks spooked. Yeah, when you see a well dressed Crime Boss smiling at you, and realizing the person they fought around was his wife, they looked pale.

     I got stuck signing a couple of autographs and posing for pictures with a few of the women in the station. Sometimes I forget I have fans. And the reason these women were not shy to ask me for this, was the fact they all had a good relationship with Mary. So I don't mind at all.

     "Let us go dear, I miss my little Sally. I want to hold her tonight like a hug pillow, fufu."

     "Mary, don't drool on her again, or she will cry, ha-ha."

     Mary holding my left arm pinched it and glared.

     "Do you want to fight bastard?!"

     She always hates it when she drools in her sleep. I look at this 26 year old mother, and my heart feels warm inside. Her smile gives me a feeling of a job well done. She looked at me funny as we left the building and asked.

     "Did you have a long day, dear? I can always tell when you do."

     I smiled and changed the topic.

     "What do you want for our anniversary on Friday?"

     Her smile softened and she made it simple.

     "I just want to make love to you in our old apartment, how is that?"

     "As you wish~!"

     Mary enjoys my movie memes and puns. So we all climbed in the car for our group ride home, and we made it just in time for dinner...


     "...And that was how Shrek and Donkey saved the Princess from the misunderstood Dragon, The End!"

     Bella, Brenda, Tonya, and Tiffany all laying in the king-sized bed with the sheets up to their noses had their blue eyes all laser focused on me reading to them. But my first born child, the oldest of the two sets of twins squinted her eyes at me and scolded me.

     "Daddy is cheating Bella! That is not the end, that is half way, bad daddy."

     Nadia sitting on the far side of the bed, patted the head of her smart daughter and said to her.

     "Bella dear, if you call daddy 'bad', he won't think you are very nice. Then he might start really feeling broken hearted. So go say sorry to daddy. He only said the end, because it is bedtime, fufu."

     Bella, not meaning to call me bad, crawled to me and hugged tight and said.

     "Good daddy! Bella loves daddy the most, so don't be sad."

     And being the daughters of my evil twins, jealousy made the remaining three come in for group hugs. Tiffany, the last to pop-out, was patting the top of my head like a puppy. Nadia with a smile then turned into a strict mother and said.

     "Okay, back under the sheets, don't think I don't know you are trying to pull one over on me. Daddy has to go and tuck in my sister now, so say night night."

     """"Night daddy!""""

     And with a kiss on all five of their foreheads, I left for the twins room.


     "Ah! Rick, I came~!"

     I had just finished inside Nichole, and I lay on top of her, still kissing her neck and collarbone. Her fingers ran through my hair as she then pulled my face to hers, to kiss passionately.

     After a while, we used the baby wipes to clean our mess, and then she lay in my arms. Nichole held tight, smiled and looked into my eyes.

     "Working with you made me very happy. Between all of your Velvet and Fire Birds businesses, I don't have much time for lesser clients. I think you have my time almost exclusively now, fufu. Nadia is a bit upset that her plans for being your defense attorney are falling flat. You are good at avoiding arrests. Well at least your Fire Birds members get arrested enough to keep her busy, so she is still helping you."

     "My wife, did you just jinx me to get arrested now?!"

     "Yes, I am going to file charges about you stealing my heart, what do you think?"

     "I am definitely guilty and serving my life sentence of making you happy, right?!"

     Nichole changed the topic and asked.

     "Are you going to come to this year's Hospital Ball? you have weaseled out of it every year, and we wives are done letting it pass, you will go right? Hana is now the director and it would be embarrassing if you do not show?"

     At this time, Nadia came in and joined the conversation, she had finally put the 4 demons down.

     "Nicky, you are doing it wrong, it goes like this..."

     Nadia pulling her robes off and going completely nude, hovered over me and grabbed my jaw to look her in the eyes. With a serious look down into my face she commanded.

     "Ricky! You will go this year to the Ball! I want to dance with you, and if you do not go... I will cry for a month!"

     No, this is serious, one time I forgot her birthday present, well both girls, due to being out of town, and when I got back, she was super sad and depressed! I never want her to do that again... Ever!

     "I promise, I will be there!"

     Her serious face morphed into a pleased smile and she resurrected the Dragon, to put it in its lair. Nadia said while settling in for the rough ride.

     "Good boy Ricky. Now to reward you for being a good boy~!"

     And my night of entangling with my evil twins commenced. I was finally released from duty at around midnight, so the three of us held each other...


     In my dream, I seem to recall something in my last life's memories, and I dream of a time I was in a nurses office in my Academy days...

     I remember a tall slender Chinese woman with long flowing hair, wearing a lab-coat. But I do not readily recall her name or can I clearly remember her face. But I do know she was amazingly beautiful.

     The woman was looking at me in disappointment as she was checking my blood-pressure. I remembered asking her.

     "Doctor LΞ∀∃, is there something wrong with me? You look like there is bad news?"

     Her eyes that I can now see very clearly in my past life's memory, looked disappointed in me.

     "No T∞∃, your body, health, and mind are all absolutely normal... Come to me next month. I believe it will be your 18th birthday, correct? And you have been at the Academy for 2 years now?"

     "Yes for both..."

     She looked at me in doubt, and her lips opened again, but this time, I can fully see her appearance, and this is the first time I can recall a personal identity clearly...

     "Director VΛ∃ø∼¥Θβ, has told me that you have not made a single friend since coming to ∅Ð∇ City. Why?"

     "I have some of the top grades because I don't waste my time with friends... Plus, I am not well liked, so I am fine alone... I will just graduate and move from this place anyway, so no need."

     The Doctor looked at an empty corner of the room and seemed to nod to herself or something she was looking at. She then looked at me and said.

     "When you turn 18, let me take you out for a meal. I don't want to see you locked up in your apartment alone anymore, it is bad for your mental health... Everyone needs companionship in their long lives. What do you say?"

     "No, it is fine... The Academy Doctor should not be seen hanging out with a student. Can I go back to class now?"

     "Sigh, One day, you will understand... I will still come by and look in on you."

     I got up to leave the infirmary, and I remembered at that moment, feeling that at least one person cared enough to speak to me like a normal person. So I said to her as I left...

     "Goodbye... Thanks Doctor Ling."

     And then I woke up...

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