After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 201 Raymond Lee, My Enemy!

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Chapter 201  Raymond Lee, My Enemy! by Harem-Fan


     I, Ana, and Tina, could only play for a really fun short while, due to all of us needing to go to work.

     Ana must go film her Harem-Feud for the next day, and Tina and I need to go have a meeting in the Fire Birds. After that, I will be meeting Linda for lunch.

     And with Ana and Tina becoming close, my two daughters are together more in terms of babysitting. Now Ana has more freedom due to having our Feng Maids knowing to babysit my child. Not to mention that Luna and Alice get to socialize a lot more.

    So leaving the three girls with hugs and promises to see them later, Tina and I walked Ana to her car. Seeing her off with a security car tailing her, we walked to the Phoenix building together hand in hand.


     As we were on our way up, Tina mentioned.

     "Mom and dad are visiting Jill to see how her new role as Head is going. Mother asked us to come for a family dinner together, is that fine?"

     My face stiffened, because when Jill became the new Head, she was really pissed at me. When she found out I was the Yellow Emperor, she felt cheated, and she actually started fighting a bit with Tina, who does not know why her sister was mad at me.

     Tony Feng had to intervene to stop Jill's tantrum and just told Tina she was unhappy with her marriage, but only one Sister could marry me. So I cautiously ask.

     "Ah, Did Jill invite us? I do want to see my mother and father, but..."

     From Tina's perspective, her sister was being really unreasonable to be wanting her husband. Like with Helen, it would have been fine, but being the Fire Birds Leader, I cannot marry the Feng Family Head, so Jill out of all the women, by law was kicked to the curb. Tina sighs and assures me.

     "Actually, Jill has finally calmed down and is the one who invited us. She wants to apologize to you for ruining our relationship. So she knew you would accept if mother and father were also here."

     Jill I miss talking with, but her new husband and I are not very friendly to one another. He is a Song side branch noble. He is one of those cocky ass hats that I could kill with one punch, and he likes to be rude to me, not knowing I might hurt him, but being Jill's husband gives him a bit of protection from me, a bit.

     "Is her jackass husband going to be there?"

     Tina, knowing I hate that guy, squeezed my arm into her E-cups and promised.

     "If Silk Pants offends you dear, leave him to me. For some reason he fears me over you? He really is stupid."

     There is another reason why I hate her husband... He is a business rival in the fashion industry to my Linda. And in public it is bad. It was made worse because now he took the Feng name, and he is one of the nobles who believes that the Feng and Lang are bitter corporate foe's and this is part of why Jill and my relationship has soured, sigh...

     And then the rest of the morning was left to boring Fire Birds business matters requiring my signature on many large money moves...


     In my office, I am finishing up a few acquisitions in the Black State for my Fire Birds branch in the Capital City there. Jenifer is rubbing my shoulders and telling me my next plans.

     "Leader, Linda will be picking you up in 10 minutes for your lunch date, and Mercy will pick you up in your BMW at the restaurant when you are done. Then she will take you to your dinner meeting later. I will leave for home in a few hours with guards following me for safety. So let me get your jacket for you dear."

     Her blue eyes look thrilled to be living the life she wanted as a young girl. Putting my suit jacket on me, I then hold her in my arms and take her glasses off so I will not smudge them.

     After a moment of rewarding her for being a hot secretary, I put her glasses on her face.

     "Alright Jen, I will be with you tonight, so do not exhaust yourself, love you."

     I then left her to work in my office, and as I head down to meet Linda, I think about how my body after 4 long years has reached the peak of what the Li body can peak at.

     Sex a few times a day no longer negatively affects me. I can have up to three long sessions in a day, and my body can seem to keep up with me... Almost superhuman in stamina, sigh, once again it is the Dragon in me I am sure.


     Standing at the front curb, a black limo stops and a Master level Lang maid comes from the front passenger seat, next to the driver, to open my door. She bows and says,

     "Good afternoon Master, Mrs Lang is waiting for you, please enter."

     As I got in, Linda was all alone wearing a full length white shoulderless dress from her designs. Her still expressionless look to me is betrayed by her gray eyes full of love. She said coolly.

     "Husband, I missed you."

     I pulled her into my arms and held her firm, so she could feel my protection. Linda is the one wife who wants to be held in my arms to help her feel secure. This of course is a combination of past trauma and excessive affection for me. She holds our daughter like this when I am not around, but my little Lucy Lang loves her mothers hugs.

     "Dear, who is bullying you? I can tell you are agitated."

     Linda looked a bit pissed and she said.

     "Greg Feng, used underhanded methods to steal a huge contract of mine. He called and left a message to rub it in my face."

     I kiss her forehead and remind her.

     "Wife, this is the darker side of business. When we got our degrees, we were told that doing business is not a rosy happy world. Your competitors will bribe, cheat, and steal to make a profit. Even I do shady things to my corporate foes. I even get screwed sometimes. For example, a new vacation resort just opened right next to my Country Club and is affecting business. And it too offers under the table services at a cheaper price. They even do unsavory things for their clients. But I have to deal with it maturely for now."

     Linda playfully smacked my chest and scolded.

     "Husband, I sell fashion, not run a brothel, so don't talk to your wife about prostitutes, disgusting."

     And the two of us played around for a bit till we arrived later at our lunch destination...


     [The 360° Restaurant World]

     On top of a 40 story building in North West Downtown, is a high quality restaurant that slowly turns to give eaters a full 360° view of the city. The circular top floor very slowly turns clockwise to not cause motion sickness, but the unique viewing experience is the main draw to this restaurant.

     The food however is very good, even without this sales gimmick. This is one of Victoria's most recent Long Groups enterprises and only has this flagship restaurant for now.

     Linda and I took the elevator up to the 39th floor to climb the Restaurant's steps into the central area of the restaurant that does not turn. Only the outer seating area actually moves and the center consists of the kitchen, restrooms, and steps coming and going from the main lobby. The kitchen has a private staff elevator inside the kitchen for supplies.

     The attractive hostess greets us to take us to our window-seat.

     "Please follow us Mr and Mrs Tang."

     Even though Linda is a Lang, it is customary to use the husband's last name when speaking to a pair of married people. So with Linda on my arm, we are seated. She took our drink order, then left us to look at the menu.

     While Linda and I made our choices and placed our order, our romantic mood was rudely broken by a pair of men.

     "Oh?! If it isn't my brother-in-law eating with a Lang woman, shame really. Now my appetite might be affected?!"

     Looking up we see three people actually, the first man is one both Linda and I know very well... Greg Feng, the husband of Jill Feng. He and the other two all have black hair and blue eyes. The unknown man and woman share similar features making them obviously related. Linda coolly said.

     "My husband and I are having a meal, please leave us be."

     Greg, ignoring Linda, smiled and pointed to the pretty woman at his side and told me.

     "This is my new fiancee, Melody Lee, and this is her older brother, Raymond Lee, my new business partner! They hail from Central City and are from the noble clan of Lee, that you never belonged to."

     I look over the two Lee siblings, and wonder why Lucy had not warned me of their arrival in Star City. Raymond seeing me look surprised decided to be blunt.

     "So you are the grandson of the now traitor General Lee, and son of the traitor Rick Lee. You seem pretty impressive. I am here from my Traditionalist Lee Clan to keep an eye out on your movements. Central does not want another Lee traitor. How is that?"

     I was a bit speechless at this guy being so open, and what was up with my grandfather? So I ask.

     "Why would you watch me? I am not in the Lee clan, and, I have not seen my shit Grandfather in almost ten years? So what traitor issue is going on?"

     His younger sister, holding Greg's arm, said proudly.

     "General Lee defected to the China Empire last week and is working for them!"


     My eyes opened wide at that news, because I was unaware of this! I think this news just tied with finding out about Ling Ling in my heart. My Grandfather is so fucking proud and hates the China Empire, so why did he go there, and I thought China Empire hated all Li?!

     Raymond seeing my surprise had deduced I truly had no idea, then he said matter of fact.

     "Well, we Traditionalists stopped by the Political Lee Clan, cannot kill or arrest you due to not even being in your now gone Lee house. That is right, now only 2 Lee Clans exist. So as the last survivor of your Lee Clan, you are given amnesty by the leaders of the Central Government, unless you, like your father and grandfather, turn to the China Empire. So please, feel free to be a traitor, ha-ha."

     Melody Lee said to me.

     "Next week, we will be having my welcoming party, don't be late future brother-in-law, Ufufu."

     Greg said to make Linda angry.

     "Don't worry Linda, the taste of humble pie you ate, I have the recipe down and will serve it to you again. I will own the fashion business world, so just eat my scraps."

     Raymond Lee seeing my eyes get that look said with a smile.

     "Cousin Rick Tang... If anything happens to the three of us, and we go missing or dead, the Central Government will know it is you, so come at me. My family sent me because they can lose me to imprison you, dare us, ha-ha."

     While he laughs, for some reason, my anger vanishes remembering all of the things I will have in-store for the Traditionalist. I think my smile was a bit too creepy because his laugh froze mid chuckle seeing my amusement. He felt I was looking at a jumping clown, and he felt uneasy.

     Raymond said to Greg.

     "Let us leave the lovebirds alone, and go to our table."

     The three quickly went back to the table they had, and the server took their drink order.

     Linda, seeing my bad mood said nothing understanding I was contemplating my moves. I pulled out my smartphone and dialed my wife Victoria...


     Cough Cough! After hanging up I saw something that made me choke on my drink.

     The drink server had come by and placed 2 alcoholic beverages in front of Greg and Raymond, while serving Melody a glass of some kind of juice. But when the big tit Loli drink-server winked at me and left, I had almost died from letting my whisky go down the wrong pipe.

     "Husband, let me wipe your face, are you alright?"

     "Oh, yes, I just swallowed wrongly, I am fine. I was just waiting for the show to start."

     Linda, hearing what I asked of Victoria, smiled a bit. She too wanted to watch the show.


     After the three had gotten their appetizers and finished their first round of drinks the new server or rather the original server had refilled them. None at the table had noticed the smaller server was a disguised China Empire woman... What was Ling Ling doing there?

     I do not want to talk to Lucy right now because I do not know if these three bugged the restaurant before I came. So I am acting normal, then it happened.

     The manager from the restaurant came out and loud enough for everyone to hear over the quiet atmosphere told the three guests.

     "Guests, I am sorry but you must leave. Do not worry about the bill, for we will cover what you have ordered, but the owner of the restaurant has declined your patronage. Head Long has already called and apologized to your wife Head Feng, and explained your rude behavior to Head Long's husband, so please, leave. Or I will be forced to have security escort you out. Finally, you are no longer welcome in any Long owned businesses in Star City, even with your wife's presence, goodbye."

     As the three looked to our table, I picked up my whisky glass and toasted them with a smile and waved goodbye. Yup, fuck you bastards, I don't have to kill you to shame you in Star City. I will even go against the main Feng Clan to get revenge.

     The Lee Clan might have strength, but in the outside world it is limited. Only the Political Lee cannot be offended, but this brother and sister can be offended.

     As of this moment, all of my lovers and children are getting the highest level of protection...

     I am ready for them, bring it!

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