After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 202 Lee vs Lee, Tensions Escalate!

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Chapter 202  Lee vs Lee, Tensions Escalate! by Harem-Fan


     Raymond, Melody, and Greg got up with displeased faces. When others in the restaurant saw them, it was a bit annoying. But the Lee siblings did not seem to mine as much as Greg.

     As the three walked to the exit, Raymond with a calm smile said to me.

     "You think this makes you a winner? Sure, play your stupid games and let's see who wins the stupid prize, I will show you my connections in Star City, let's play."

     As we watched them leave, Linda said in concern.

     "Should we have just ignored them instead? I did not want to cause problems."

     I shook my head to my poor naive Linda and told her.

     "No, I just slapped him first. He has no intention of doing nothing, otherwise he would have not openly provoked me. His Lee clan now wants to suppress me with my Grandfather gone. They suppressed my whole family one by one, and now they want to push my new strength down."

     I stood taking Linda's hand helping her up, and then I continued.

     "The Lee sent Melody as a token of gratitude to entice Jill's husband to openly stir up conflict and make the Feng break away from our wide grasp of the major families. I expected this to happen, but not for at least a year, but it seems with whatever is going on in Central, they are getting nervous to deal with me."

     "I will listen to you, so I will talk with you more about the happenings in my company."

     As we leave, I say to Linda.

     "Be mindful of the things you say in your office and what not for a while, until I send a security team to sweep for bugs. The Lee has a very good hacker, and you know how scary hackers are. Don't worry about your smartphone, because you have Harem-Chat on it and your computer, so it is protecting you. Just mind your business dealings at work."

     "Yes Rick."

     And with that, I led Linda to her limo to send her back to work...


     As I walked to the pickup-lane, I saw Mercy standing by my new 2027 Armored BMW custom built four door luxury sedan.

     "Afternoon Master, how was lunch?"

     "Hello Mercy dear, well... It was annoying with fly's buzzing. We also have new foes to guard against, so let us get in and go."

     Ring Ring! The moment I sat in the car, my phone rang showing it was Lucy.

     [Sorry dear, but I wanted to wait to tell you about your grandfather until you found out like this. No one outside of the Government is supposed to know he fled, so to make sure your reaction was the right one, I watched and waited. Don't worry, I have already sent the signal to all of our forces warning of the Lee coming to Star City. So, are you mad?]

     "Not at you but the fact they are using Linda and Jill this way. I have our conversation recorded so we can use it. Oh, and Ling Ling was doing something with them, do you know what she was up to?"

     [First, I need you to keep calm about what Raymond just did, can you do that?]

     "Not if he is hurting someone I care for..."

     [He is not causing physical harm, but he just called his family to have Mary suspended and then fired for being married to a Syndicate Leader. Sadly, they do have precedence for this. The local government has always overlooked this because of her amazing record, but with the Traditionalist connections, persuading or threatening her bosses was easy.]

     "Well you saw this as a possibility, now what is up with grandfather?"

     [This is why my father made me die and vanish... They finally confirmed my mothers death, and openly went to imprison him, but the military loyal to him gave him a heads up. I know you are confused why he went to China, but it was a plan your father started when you were 5 years old. The enemy of our enemy is our friend. But when we defeat our enemy, don't trust the last enemy. That is where Star Wars will come in later. Now the Traditionalist plans of war will be announced this week for the world to see. your grandfather will publicly announce to the world what the Traditionalists are planning.]

     "Will this accelerate war?"

     [No, because the Political faction of Lee does not want war. Now that father is not leading the SDF, our country is vulnerable to more than just China. The Traditionalist have always controlled foreign wars, but our family controlled the SDF, now no one is leading them and the Traditionalist are putting their hands on it, seizing control of over half of our country's military, and causing friction with the Political Lee. Central has some ways of combating the militant nature of the Traditionalist, but without my father, it is difficult.]

     "What about Mei?"

     [Don't worry, there is no trail left from father leaving. He always kept anything important in his head, or had me deal with it (shown in past chapters). When the Traditionalists come in, they have nothing, it has never existed on the computer or file for them. Father destroyed everything leading to you, me, Mei, or any Chinese operatives in Eurasia. Going after father was the absolute worst mistake the Traditionalist made.]

     "I was planning on putting Raymond's recording on the national news, should I wait till after the world announcement or do it now?"

     [I think playing after it is known will have more impact, showing the government covered it up intentionally from the people. Also, the reason Ling Ling was there was to administer that poison to Greg, I just erased the video showing the vial that I personally used in the past on Sam. So in a day, Greg will find some interesting developments in his well, dick.]

     "Wait, why Greg? What is the point of that?"

     [No idea? I do not talk with her, only Mei occasionally works with her. But she looked at the camera and winked at it as she carried the drinks out and then left.]

     "So the million dollar question, what do we do about Jill? She knows who I am and she is around the Lee, won't she tell them? Do I need to activate our family escape plan?"

     [Jill is the biggest unknown variable in the game. As of yet she has not exposed you. I think she is torn with herself and is talking with her father next week to clear her thoughts, so do not push her too much as of now... The last thing I want to do is kill Jill Feng, but you know I will, right?]

     "I don't want her dead either... But, I want my family to be more safe... I trust you to do what is best, Lucy."

     [Don't pass on your meeting next week, go in with your head held high and don't hide. Just buy time and let the politics and watchers watch. I have already sent the orders to God Squad and they will arrive in Star City by tomorrow night. So do not worry about your safety.]

     "Alright, I am cancelling my plans this afternoon and will go to Mary right away, I want to be there when she gets her bad news, love you."

     Mercy who was there for my part of the talk already turned the corner to head to Mary, she asked.

     "Master, should I have my father prepare the Mu Clan to leave Eurasia? We will follow you to our deaths if need be?"

     I pat her leg affectionately and calm her.

     "No, we are not at that point yet my love. Just know I will not abandon or sacrifice the Mu clan. Keeping you and Lee is one of my top priorities."

     For the first time in a year, she calls my name.

     "Rick, my husband, this is the reason the Mu are loyal to you. But we are warriors and we will fight to the bitter end. And this is how it has been for 30,000 years. But, make sure our son Lee does not suffer. And I will fight at your side till the bitter end. I know I am only a Master, but I love you. Don't say anything corny, just smile, Master~!"

     And the two of us only smiled knowing words are pointless now that our course was set...


     As Mercy and I were walking into the Police station, I could see the looks of confusion, sadness, and anger about what had just happened a while ago.

     Before I came in, Mary had already called me while crying, I told her I was coming, and she had told me that she was suspended immediately and told to gather her things, leaving her badge and gun.

     They miscalculated about firing Mary, she was the heart and soul of the officers of this station, so finding out she was canned for my marriage with her after many years, floored them.

     As I entered her room, Mary was putting the last picture of our child into the box, with tears in her eyes. When she saw me she ran into my arms crying. I just patted her back while Mercy watched the door. I told her.

     "This is all my fault. The Lee clan is acting against me, and they pulled strings to hurt me through you my wife... Sorry..."

     Smack! To my surprise she smacked my ass! She then pouted and said.

     "That Lee clan has always hated us, so this is not your fault! Don't ever apologize for those assholes. I am only sad to stop doing my dream job, but I still have you, Sally, and my sisters. So as long as I have that, I am fine... It was just sudden, that's all."

     Seeing her mad at me for that made me feel a tiny bit better, so I said something I hate saying with all my being...

     "Well, you did say the other thing you wanted, that this job stopped, was making a little sister or brother for Sally, right?"

     Mary's eyes opened really wide hearing me suggest a second child... In her heart, she did not want to burden me with more, but to hear me offer that to her at this moment, she had instantly felt the sorrow vanish.

     "Rick... Are you serious?"

     "But only if you take mom's role and be the stay at home mother for the kids, what do you say?"

     She then went to her purse, pulled out a small pillbox, and left it on her desk. She then leaped into my arms to deeply kiss me. Yeah, she is leaving behind her contraceptive pills, badge, and gun, that is funny!

     After a bit, I cleaned her face, and the three of us started to walk out of the station. The big smile on Mary's face stunned everyone. Then some officers said something to us.

     "Sargent Lee, it ain't right, I ain't staying!"

     "Yeah, I have been here a long time, and if they fire you, I will quit too!"

     "Sister Lee, I-I don't agree with this!"

     "Yeah, I quit!"

     Soon over half of the station was in an uproar and Mary felt touched to have so many loyal officers, so she spoke.

     "Thank you everyone, but this is good for me. I am going to grow my family with another child, so don't leave your jobs over this."

     I grew up knowing some of these guys, so I had an idea, and I announced loudly to everyone.

     "I just so happen to need trustworthy security personnel over at my SEG Entertainment studio, so any officers now out of a job, will be guaranteed hired by me, with triple your current wages, plus benefits, so don't listen to my silly wife, come on, ha-ha!"

     That night, Star City News was ablaze about the Police Station walk-out and quitting for the unfair treatment of a loyal officer. Other stations had to come and rescue the prisoners left alone in the tanks. Mary's old station had to be closed for a while, while the City struggled to reshuffle the Police around. Investigations into the Commissioner due to this incident are underway...

     That night, Mei offered for Mary to join us, and to my surprise, Mary was very ready to spend a night with us all.

     I also sent Raymond a text on his phone.

     [Rick Tang: You were right... "Play stupid games and win stupid prizes!"  :P ]

     I blocked his number right after like a child!

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