After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 203 Behind The Scenes, The Good, Bad, And Ugly!

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Chapter 203  Behind The Scenes, The Good, Bad, And Ugly! by Harem-Fan


     A week earlier just after General Lee sabotaged his enemy and joined the China Emperor...

     In the Feng Estate, the current Head Jill Feng was working at her desk drinking wine to dull her emotions. She was brought out of her musings when the door opened and a half drunk Greg came into the room holding the waist of his personal maid to support him up. He asked Jill.

     "Wife, stop working and let's go make babies! I want you pregnant soon, or the rumors will start. I just tell others your coming off your pills, so lets just fuck again and get it over with, hic!"

     Jill seeing her Prince who after marriage, turned into a Toad, disappointed her so badly. This Song man had put on a good show in the beginning. But on their wedding night, his true colors came out. A self serving and selfish man who only cared about getting his rocks off. Not only that, he was not even gentle or cared about her feelings. Even when her tears flowed that first time, he never once asked why she cried...

     Then, not long after that, her father had passed on the Head position to her, now that she had a husband. Oh, what she learned shattered her view of the world, and felt betrayed by her father.

     Her father let the Yellow Emperor marry her little sister she doted on instead of her so the Fire Birds could have a strong leader. No, so Tina could be happy. Why? Why would you not want the Yellow Emperor to be the Head's husband like he is for Victoria Long and Helen Tang?! Jill was perplexed why she was passed over for her little sister. Why was Tina given the world, why was the Head of Feng given... This Toad?!

     Jill's knuckles turned white as she gripped her pen, and she said to her husband, whose hands are openly roaming under his Personal Maids outfit.

     "I am busy doing work to pay for your fun... And secondly, I told you it will take at least 6 months for the Pill's effects to be able to have a child, so just go screw your maid. Besides, your new fiance, the Lee woman, has come, so go sleep with her for now."

      "That is right?! Wife, you are so smart! Daniella, walk me over to Melody's mansion, hic!"

      "Yes my Master."

      Jill dropped the pen and drank more wine. She remembered how after finding out the truth, she told Tina she was not welcome in her home anymore. How she screamed at Rick over the phone for over ten minutes, only for him to apologize for the law of the Syndicate and Central not allowing the main branch and syndicate to marry. She hated Rick even more for saying sorry, because he knew her pain and could do nothing.

     Even the Yellow Emperor wanted to be with her sister over her, that was what hurt her the most. She was so honest with him and treated him well, and he did not want to love her...

     Then her father from retirement wanted to scold her for souring relations with Tina and Rick. It was his fault the relationship soured, she thought.

     Jill just sat in the dark and cried another time. It had been a year since she was married and became the Head, and she had wanted to abandon the Head position, so she looked at the letter her lawyer drew up, and she only had to sign it... A letter of relinquishing her position and another letter of divorce. Jill wants to just walk away, and quit. Let some other Feng rule this prison of regrets.

     Ring Ring! Just as she was going to sign it all away, her smartphone rang. It was an unknown number, but it kept calling till she picked it up and said nothing.

     [Head Feng, you are not going to give up, are you?]

     "Who is this, how did you get my number?!"

     [Do you hate the Yellow Emperor? Are you his enemy?]

     "I-I do not know what you are talking about. What Yellow Emperor?"

     [You did not expose Rick to the Lee, correct?]

     Jill's eyes opened, because only the 4 clan Heads and the Central Government should know about the Yellow Emperor, and this person even knows it is Rick. But the Lee brother and sister did not seem concerned about him. Could this person on the phone be one of the Lee siblings?

     "Father, is this you changing your voice? I have told no one about Rick."

     [No, I am not Tony Feng. So, are you Rick's enemy, do you want to hurt him?]

     "No, of course not, who are you?"

     [I am an opponent to those who betray the Yellow Emperor, that is all you need to know... So I ask again, you are not quitting are you?]

     "Yes, I am."

     [Why? If you do that now, will it hurt the yellow Emperor's plans? Do you want him to lose one of the 4 Clans loyalty to your successor?]

     "Because my husband disgusts me, and I do not want his child inside me... And ruling the Feng has no meaning to me anymore, I have nothing."

     [SDF General Lee was almost killed by the Lee because he was protecting Rick, so who will you side with, Rick or the Lee?]

     "What?! Commander Lee, impossible... Oh, wait... He is Rick's grandfather, oh? So the two Lee siblings and my husband?"

     [See, and who said blondes are stupid? That is right... They, including your husband, want to kill Rick and ALL of his children in less than two years. They want to cripple Rick's power. So what do you want to do Mrs Feng, quit and let your husband and the Lee get their way? Tick Tick Tick, I am impatient.]

     "How can I help?"

     [Seems Rick caring for you was not in vain after-all. Well, the first thing you are going to do, is to make up with Rick and your sister, who by the way does not know who Rick is, just in case you thought she did.]

     "What? Impossible, she has to know."

     [No, your mother and Tina Feng only know he is special, but Victoria and Helen know as you do. The new head of Lang however has not figured it out yet.]

     "How do you know so much about Rick? Are you his ally?"

     [Hmm? I know him better than anyone in this world. But that is not important. You will bring your family together in two weeks to show you want to make up. Of course the Lee and your husband will be against it, but let them puff out their useless chest in-front of Rick, fufu. Do you have any request for staying the head?]

     "I still want to divorce my husband, but if I do, my position as Head will be lost, what can I do about it?"

     [Hmm? Give me a week, and I will make sure you will never have to sleep with Greg again. How is that, this will show I am sincere in wanting you to help my Emperor?]

     "Then what do I do about a child? If I am shown to not be able to have an heir in 5 years of becoming the head, will I be taken out once again?"

     [Just find a man with black hair and blue eyes, fufu.]

     "No, I do not want that. That disgusts me just thinking of it."

     [I guess blondes are dumb after-all... Rick also has black hair and blue eyes...]

     "AH! I remember now, that was what the twins did! Can I do that?"

     [Long ago, I seduced my husband in a similar way, his name was Tim Smith, and he was just like Rick, so here is how you convince him...]

     And for about 10 minutes, another green-hat scheme for love ensued. Rick was betrayed by his first love...


     And 48 hours before the above incident took place...

     Commander Lee of the SDF was reading some reports for the movements of the traditional Li when a man came into the office.

     The officer who was near out of breath saluted and waited for the Commander to acknowledge him.


     "Sir, it is critical... The Traditionalists have assembled a force of 20 Masters from their clan and some from the masters of the Forest Temple. They said they are arresting you for treason... Somehow they received word of your wife passing long ago and are now openly coming for your head. What shall we do sir?!"

     Kris Lee furrowed his greying eyebrows and sighed. He then calmly told the officer what to do.

     "Our Conservative faction is done... Send word for our loyal followers to vanish, go to Rick and serve him covertly. I will also activate the End of Days protocol to erase and destroy everything, thanks for your hard work. Sadly, this will be our last meeting as a soldier... Go and tell everyone to destroy everything and vanish now..."

     The man, who served General Lee since he was young had his voice choked as he saluted with misty eyes.

     "Yes sir, and thank you for everything."

     The officer left as fast as he came, while Kris Lee got up to a safe behind a picture of his dead wife, who happened to look like a beautiful version of May Lee. Opening it up he found a black phone the size of a brick and some documents. He pulled out both, then pressed a [Red Button] with small words that say... EMP Generator.

     A countdown timer then started reading it had 2 hours till it activated, and then he closed the safe. He went to the trashcan and gave the folder one final look at it.

     Inside was the biggest and most astonishing secret of his life... Something he even hid from his daughter. He with a sad look set fire to it and as it fell, it was a picture of a 'dead body' who looked very-much like his son with bullet wounds.

     "How stupid do the Traditionalist think my son is? A Grandmaster can still have his heart slow to feign death for a time... And you fools waited 8 hours to kill my son. Did you think I could not get there in time? Humph!"

     Kris Lee dialed the buttons on the phone with his eye scan included. Around 30 seconds later a raspy voice said.

     [Is it time already? I had hoped this day would not come?]

     "Shadow, I need to be extracted soon, can you do it? I will join you in the afterlife now..."

     [As soon as this phone rang, I sent the command to retrieve you... Did you burn the incense for me like I asked?]

     "I have not missed a year to burn it for Sally Tang and Lucy Lee. Plus it is the only time I can see the family in person."

     [I have been dead inside since then, but my children still need me. Everything is ready here. Did you hide all of my spies? Especially Ling Ling and Mei?]

     "Yes, all of your sleepers are hidden. And your sister is still with Rick, so me leaving is fine, she is fierce. Just like your mother."

     [I wanted to see my kids one last time, but after losing their mother, I had no face to see them anymore... I could not save her when they were going to shoot Linda.]

     "Stop blaming yourself, you had no idea they would assassinate you in broad daylight. But that is how I felt when your mother died to save me. I just hope little Rick never suffers our fate..."

     [Is little May happy with Rick?]

     "You have been in the shadows too long, now you're asking stupid questions... That girl is crazy for him. I just want our kids to survive this mess and stand on our enemies' broken bodies, then I can join your mother with no regrets."

     [Stop talking old man, and hurry to the extraction point... Many men need to die to retrieve you, so kill a few on your way out, and also destroy that phone, their little hacker wannabe will try and get information from it, see you soon. Click... do do do...]

     Crack Snap Crumble! The now pulverized black brick fell into the burning flames in the metal trash can. Then some noise in the base was heard as light lit up to show it was time to evacuate the base.

     Crackle! Kris Lee the old General, cracked his neck and knuckles, and put on a vicious grin on his mouth as he stepped out of his office for the last time.

     A nasty fight ensued with 20 of the Masters sent, killed in no time, and the remaining 5 fleeing with critical injuries. After a stealth-helicopter retrieved General Lee, everything in a ten mile radius of any electrical make, stopped functioning, leaving not a single piece of useful data for a hacker to retrieve...

(A/N Chapter 16 has the bank incident if you want to reread it, he-he! Yes, this was planned from back then, and now you know who leads China's Spy network!)

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