After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 210 Doctor Ling, Happy And Disappointed!

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Chapter 210  Doctor Ling, Happy And Disappointed! by Harem-Fan


     I am 22 with one of the more impressive harems in Eurasia, and yet, I feel a bit bashful at the knowing grin Gretta's two daughters are giving me and their mother at the end of the birthday party.

     I said to all of the young ladies.

     "It was nice to meet all of you, but sadly I have to go. I have an important business meeting to plan for tomorrow morning. The birthday party was fun."

     "Aw!" "Soooo soon?" "Thanks, Mr Tang." "I am your biggest fan, Mr Tang!"

     All the girls had different reactions to my departure, and Ray said to her mother with a knowing smile.

     "Mom, you should walk Mr Rick and his friend out, right?"

     Gretta knowing she was going to have a very long night of teasing with her daughters just surrendered and nodded. No she really wants to, but it is the fact she is the one normally teasing her daughters. It is like the tough school bully getting caught dressing in cosplay for a dumb kids show.

     Soon the three of us begin our trip to the front. Jim, with a knowing grin, walked faster to stay ahead of us, like he will get a pay raise for being Gretta's wing man.

     At the front door with Jim out already climbing in the Jeep, Gretta threw caution to the wind and held me for a goodbye kiss. As we finished and our lips parted, I told her.

     "I am sending you Velvet Security as of now. They have already arrived and are out front. Being my lover will require some protection in the background, are you fine with that?"

    Her gold eyes gleam with joy hearing me officially claim her. She just nodded radiantly, then I pick-pocketed her smartphone and bypassed her security features, then entered some codes in her-modified Harem-Chat app all executives have for free, regardless of being in a harem or not.

     She watched in curiosity and wondered how I found her phone that she never even felt leave her pocket.

     "Here, I will let you explain it to my harem, have fun."

     As I handed her her smartphone, she looked at the notification of joining the extended Harem-Chat of my lovers. She felt like she was in a daze seeing all the women she knew, and a couple she did not. Then many pings came from her phone as welcome and curious text started rolling in.

     "Rick, am I awake, it feels like it happened suddenly. I don't want to awaken if it is?"

     So noticing no one was around, I gave her one last kiss.


     But to get even, I left right after squeezing her butt like she did me. Yeah, it was nice.

     Then I quickly escaped into the Jeep like a thief in the night, successfully raiding the booty.


     Why did I leave early? Because I knew the teens' posts of me being at the party would alert Adam, who finally got new computers after his nonstop, shit and bloody cum-filled anal marathon, finally made his mentality crack.

     So of course the Lee's people would flock to this place to watch me. But I was smart and had my Velvet security come to disperse the reporters and private investigators from the gates, to allow our exit and Gretta's security.

     Once out, I exchanged cars with the Jeep owner, and the two of us left in my Armored black BMW.

     Jim, like a good-and-bad friend, asked me.

     "Big Sis Gretta looked happy now, so you finally accepted her?"

     "Nope, we just put up an act to trick a certain retarded Monkey..."

     After about ten seconds, the both of us erupted in ruckus laughter. Then we traveled home early to be with our families...


     After arriving home, I explained everything about the party, to clarify any doubts, but most of my harem had long expected Gretta with her persistence, would find her way into the lover category of our group. Victoria, Lucy, and Kim were the most happy about it, because they know Gretta the most.

     I assigned two members of God Squad to monitor Gretta's safety while the normal security focused mainly on her two girls. Both girls will be treated like step daughters in our home.

     The rest of my Saturday night was spent on the living room rug, playing with the children. I had to take many Nerf Sword and Gun shots by my eager kids, since I was playing as the final boss of a video game. And my damn wives took part as well.

     I also had been in contact with Pam Sun about the news conference in the morning. She dare not neglect this duty, due to the Prime-minister himself coming. It is like a President visiting in my past life.

     Mercy showered me that night, while removing my built up stress. The reason? Tonight, a few wives are having a sleepover in Mary's room. So I just ended up being a human body pillow for 4 of my wives... Mary, Hana, Kim, and Kate.


     Back in time, in the Feng main mansion, dinner...

     Jill and Greg Feng sat at opposite ends of the table. Jill's and Greg's personal maids were in the corners, and the two had a silent meal. Jill knows that Greg is currently distressed about something, asked.

     "So my dear husband, what seems to have you down the past few days?"

     Greg, who has not been able to get an erection since Tuesday, was reluctant to say anything so he said dishonestly.

     "I have been trying to abstain from sex for this last week, but I do not think it is a good thing. I had read a magazine saying too much sex was bad, so I had been trying something new."

     Jill, knowing he cannot have sex anymore, only playfully squinted her eyes and lied to him.

     "Greg my husband, what nonsense are you saying? You and I made love on Wednesday night, but I guess you drank too much and do not remember? You were surprisingly vigorous, and I do believe the chances of carrying your child is very high. So you have indeed had sex. Well, if you get that drunk, you cannot control yourself, Ufufu."

     Greg who had been depressed about his inability to get his life-rod raised, believed her bullshit, because he was indeed passed out in his room, but had woke up in Jill's bed naked. (he was drugged and carried there)

     "What?! Really, I thought you said it would take 6 months for your cycle to be normal? And I really was good while I was that drunk? Then how about tonight, we try again?"

     Jill with a fake sadness said to him.

     "My doctor told me I cannot until I know if I am pregnant or not. Also the 6 months I had told you was apparently the longest, and the shortest was 2 months, so it fit correctly. So for now, just get your maid and fiance pregnant while you wait for the exciting news, my loving husband."

     Lane Feng had taught her two daughters the art of acting, and this simpleton fell for the whole act. Unknown to him, she is indeed pregnant by her doctor, Dr Rick...

     Greg, was delighted to hear that this stone cold woman he married is finally excited about the next heir to the Feng Clan. Especially after the crushing news he and his branch family suffered at the hands of Hope Song, listening to that bastard Rick Tang. Jill seeing his expressions go all over said with a grin.

     "Don't forget Father, Mother, Tina, and Rick, that bastard will be coming to our family dinner on Friday night. So will your new Lee in laws be joining us?"

     "Yes, I want them there, because they want to see Rick's face as he tries to defend his family being national traitors."

     Jill shook her head and corrected.

     "They can only join if you are officially married, not a mere fiance, I want her as my sister-in-law for the meal. So if they want to be at the same table as the family, then marry her beforehand. So get it done, it is the only way she will share the family table."

     Greg looked confused why Jill wanted him and her to be married so fast, but he did not think too much and pulled out his phone to tell her now...


     Jill had a glint in her eyes while Greg was fighting with his Lee woman to rush things. It seems she didn't like being told to not come unless she was married. But her brother wanted to be there for that Feng meeting.

     So after around ten minutes, they settled on a Wednesday courthouse marriage in the Life Statistics building.

     "Okay, Melody and Raymond agreed to get married on Wednesday, so please be there to witness it."

     Jill was looking at some pictures of Raymond and Melody together (sexy-time), and sneered, but put on a happy smile. And when she heard the next part her smile was genuine.

     "Not only can we announce your pregnancy, but I was just told, Melody missed her period! So if all goes well, I will have two children at once."

     "Hmm, Good, now I won't feel bad for kicking you out of my bed till after my child is born, Ufufu."

     Greg's mouth twitched hearing that, and his joy from knowing he will have children finally, was dampened. Then Jill points to the maid behind him.

     "Get used to her bed for a while. When I am ready for a second child, we will talk again. Now eat your food, your health will be needed for getting her pregnant as well, fufu."

     And that was the first phase of Rick and Jill's evil plans for the Lee siblings and Greg...


     Sunday morning, I bathed with my 4 wives, and readied for the meeting with the prime-minister of Eurasia. The world news was informed last night of the interview, and official response coming at 9 am our time. North America and China are the most curious as to what the Central Government's policy will be. But what made many curious was the reason I would be speaking.

     Another aspect of the last two days was most of the world discovering and reading about this mythical being who is called the Immortal Yellow Emperor. To think the man by the China Emperor's side was a reincarnated person from over 30,000 years ago had two results...

     The first being disbelief and laughter from half the population of the world. What nonsense is that, right?

     While the second half was invoked with fear, that a recorded being had been wiped from the history books in most countries, sent chills of what the governments are hiding... True Dragons?!

     The fact the footage of my father from the bank had also been put on the web for all to see how he defied death, and many believed he was a true immortal and started to fear. Yes, humans that cannot understand things, begin to make things up in their minds, and then tell others it is fact. This is how partially real legends and stories make their way in our histories. Mass hysteria seems to be my fathers goal here. Is it possible for those closest to me to figure something out, sure, but only those close to me.


     Now at 8 am, I, Nadia, and Mercy have come to my Velvet Tower TV station on the 11th floor, for the news conference on the matters of me, China, and Eurasia.

     All businesses had been given a half day off and the building is closed to the public for security reasons, till after the noon hour. Pam made sure to bring extra security from our SEG family, too work with the Central Army soldiers to secure the lower floors, and parking area.

     The reason I did not bring Hinata? Japan is seen as an ally of the China Empire, so minimizing the visuals is the reasoning. Plus she is defending the women at home watching live.

     Upon stepping out on the 11th floor, we had been scanned for metal weapons and then cleared to enter. We walked to the press conference room where we held the movie meeting before. Many security both ours and the SDF are at all exits and windows to make sure the leaders are safe.

     The first people of note were Pam, Sam, and Ling. After that was the TV crew setting up and testing the lights and sound. Next was the Prime-minister, Army Commander, and the speaker of the legislation. The Army Commander is from the Traditionalist Li clan.

     The three men seeing my group came over immediately to shake hands. During this short exchange, both the speaker and Nadia are exchanging documents to make sure everything is legal for both parties before we start live.

     Then Pam and her children came over. Seems this is the one day a week that Sam visits. But he looked gloomy seeing me, and is probably hoping I will be pulled away for execution. Pam just wants an excuse to suck up to the Leader, Sam wants to curse me, and Ling is acting like we never had that talk.


     With 30 minutes till we went live, I had noticed Ling by herself over by the coffee station, so I moved next to her. I remembered my dream, so I said only one thing to see if my memories was true or not...

     "Doctor Ling, why did you frown at my blood-pressure results?"

     Her hands froze, and she paused mid sip of her coffee, with wide eyes. Her head then turned to me and she in a shaky voice asked me.

      "D-Do you remember being Tim Smith?!"

     "Only till my 18th birthday, then I think I died."

     Her eyes furrowed and she said to me, but it seems, my name in my last life was, Tim Smith...

     "You did not die, who told you that? You lived a long life? And are you telling me, you only remembered me from before your birthday, and not after?! None of our relationship is there?"

     She looked happy at first, then when I told her where I had no memories, she looked sad.

     "I only recently remembered your name and face, but all others are a blur, and no names, I had not known mine till you just told me. So, I didn't die, huh?"

     "So the names... Director Morgana Victoria, Eve Nero, Rain Evergreen, and Luna Vandal ring no bells?"

     "I know there was a Director woman, but her name and face are unknown to me, the other names are unknown as well."

     "Rick, please tell me you remember the Dual Cultivation Technique of yours?"

     I shook my head and shrugged, her face looked very upset about whatever she was talking about, but then she smiled and said with an impish grin.

     "Rick, you and I reached immortality with that together. I remember some of it, so do you want to become a cultivator?"

     I was speechless and asked.

     "Wait, you mean like in those cultivation novels?! With Chi and body realms?"

     She nodded her head excitedly and lied.

     "That is right, but I could never dual cultivate without my Dao Partner, or it would be life threatening, but now, you and I can surpass the Grandmaster realm again. We used to fly with flying swords and everything. You were so strong, you even once flattened a mountain at your peak strength."

     Her grin looked very happy, but from what I remember from novels was...

     "Wait, but is Dual Cultivation what I think it is?"

     "Stupid, you made me do it for power, of course your perverted technique is what you think it is, why the hell do you think you stick your dick in everything and never pullout?! You were the biggest horn-dog after your 18th birthday. For weeks I suffered under you, you bastard."

     "Ah, Never-mind then, we won't cultivate..."

     I can see those disapproving eyes I saw in my dream coming from Ling Ling right now, a look of seeing me as waste. She said,

     "Without those memories after you become 18, I cannot believe I married you... you dumb-ass, I still have my Vital Yin. Why would you not want to cultivate? Sam has not taken it yet, or will he ever."

     "Wait, isn't in the novels, vital yin your virginity?"

     Ling Ling looks pissed right now, apparently cultivation was important to her in the past, and my words are upsetting her. This scene brought Sam in defense, thinking the two of us were fighting.

     "Rick, what the hell are you doing?! Why are you upsetting my Linger?"

     Ling, seeing I was going to flatten Sam before my pardon kicked in, stopped him.

     "Sam, stop! Rick was only telling me about a movie idea to produce, a story about a retarded cultivator who is nothing but a walking idiot. And so I was just imagining what a dumb protagonist would seem like on the big screen, sigh. It is time for the interview with Rick, go and get ready."

     I shrug because her lie was quick...

     I wonder who's names matched what women I kinda knew in my past life, I will have to ask Ling later, and the fact she lived in my last world. But the timelines don't seem to add up though?!

     So my past self never died and lived a long time? So he was not suicidal, and the System gave me incomplete memories. Well, I hope the past me had fun at least... But too bad Ling did not have her past life's body, she was hot... Well, I guess a cute Loli body is hot too...

     Crap why am I thinking about Ling Ling! Fuck, it is that stupid Dao Heart bullshit! Sigh...

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