After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 211 The Yellow Emperor Speaks To The World!

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(A/N In the Chinese language, the name for Teacher is... Laoshi.)

Chapter 211  The Yellow Emperor Speaks To The World! by Harem-Fan


     The Imperial Palace, in the China Empire...

     The Emperor sat on the throne, still covered from head to toe in extravagant golden robes, with a straight back and commanding presence. Off to the two sides in lower seats sat two older men, a father and son. They looked like 20 and 40 year additions to Rick Tang in what would be his future looks.

     Both men radiated an unseen awe that only Grandmasters could produce. To the Emperor's right sat the self proclaimed Yellow Emperor, the man known as Shadow, the leader of China's intelligence and spy network. To the left was the new advisor to the Emperor General Kris Lee.

     In the center of the imperial throne room, there were 20 important advisors and Government Noble Servants. They all in political uniforms sat on their cushions on their knees waiting for the Emperor to speak.

     In a deep voice behind the mask, the Emperor pointed the gloved hand and said.

     [Left and Right hands, stay. The rest of you leave so I may watch the conference live by myself, go...]

     All of the servants bowed and scurried out before the Emperor killed any more of them. Without fail, any noble who questioned the presence of the two Eurasians were killed on the spot, and their families arrested.

     Lately, the new Emperor has been heavy handed, but the new leadership has slowly brought China closer in prosperity to Eurasia and North America, so they could only be loyal dogs and not speak up.

     Even in the last 3 years, the common practice of taking low-class women into a harem has been harshly punished by implementing a new poison to those abusing their noble privileges for personal gain.

     Past wives were overlooked, but any new wife who was forcefully conscripted and not well compensated into the noble's harems, were ruthlessly injected with a serum to end their family line and ability to sleep with a woman. This cruel new policy caused fear amongst all the noble young men in the China Empire and much confusion.

     The Emperor watching the servants scurry, saw the imperial guards not leaving, and the tone of voice dropped again.

     [With two Grandmasters at my sides, does this Emperor need you to watch the doors? Get out till this Emperor calls for you!]

     The 2 Master level guards quickly bow and then rapidly back out, closing the doors firmly and taking post in front out of the room.

     Once the 3 people assured the security and privacy of the room, the Emperor reached up and unlocked the clasps holding the mask on his face.

     With the removal of the golden mask, a serious and stern female face was revealed. She took a deep breath, then after placing the mask to the side, she removed the gloves from her imperial robes. After placing the gloves on top of the mask, she pulled back her disheveled long black hair.

     Her serious blue eyes and stare, hide the fact this 17 year old woman is the ruler of China. Her height seems to be around 5 foot 6 inches tall. Her body proportions are hidden by her imperial robes, but the handful of people lucky enough to know her true appearance would only see a beautiful woman with modest breasts and wide hips. Her body is athletic due to her martial training by her teacher when she is not holding court.

     Her voice, smoky due to excessive crying as an infant, makes her act of being a man more convincing.

     Even as the Empress, she excels at all forms of education from martial to political, and finally cultural. Not many know, but China's last Emperor too was her mother who had passed away a couple of years ago to health complications, leaving the fate of the nation to her daughter. But because of the stigma left by the Yellow Emperor, the Empresses hid the fact they are women to the masses, to emulate the most powerful leader of China.

     With her noble bearing back and her eyes glancing at the events beginning to unfold on the TV in the center of her hall, she asked the man to her right.

     "Laoshi, when will this farce begin?"

     Rick's father smiled and answered her.

     "Empress Qian, it will not be long, they are only letting the press speculate the contents. Only 3 people will be speaking, the Prime-minister Lee, Commander Lee, and Rick."

     "Laoshi, this Empress said when no one is around, you may use Ning and not the family name of Qian. This Empress allows it."

     Father Rick shook his head and said.

     "I have taught you, it is only correct to do so in your home, not the Imperial Palace, old customs must be upheld, or chaos reigns. Plus, I am your Teacher not your father, remember what I said..."

     Seeing Rick Tang in the background of the TV, her fist tightened a bit in jealousy, and she said.

     "Laoshi, you said you only have one son, this Empress understands, but you do not acknowledge him?"

     "I already acknowledged him back when he needed me, and now he is all grown and no longer needs me to interfere with him. Do not forget, he is not only my son, but the founder of this land. He is the true Yellow Emperor. If you, my Empress, feel jealous of him, then that means you are not at his level yet. So strive to become a better Emperor."

     From her left, the older man scolded his son.

     "Son, do not put that kind of pressure to achieve on the Empress Ning Qian. Little Rick has already surpassed us in Martial Training and he also has surpassed most in the world with his Computer Use. The empress is still young and making her use him as a bar to surpass is high even for me."

     Ning Qian, a competitive young woman said.

     "This Empress does not mind competition. My training is strict and thorough, so I do not believe I am far behind this Yellow Emperor."

     "My student Qian, there is a difference in the amount of training. We only know a small portion of what Rick is capable of, because he has hidden much from us. Lucy and Mei will not tell us everything, and if they did, they would not have been the best to protect him."

     Ning's eyes scan the people gathered in the room, as the three speakers prepare to go to the podium, and she sees Ling Ling and asks.

     "Laoshi, I believe that is your shadow Ling Ling, why does she dare be visible at a time like this?"

     Big Rick smiled and said.

     "She is one of the most capable shadows to graduate, and she found a strong position near Rick. Mei used the poison on that blonde man next to her to make him come to us, and Ling has performed well. But I found it odd how insistent she was to go to Eurasia. But I now see what her goal was."

     "Laoshi, this Empress does not understand the shadows' goals?"

     "She too was looking for the Yellow Emperor. The moment the order to assist Rick was given, her movements became irrational, and she has been obsessive in her actions... She has some connection to Rick she has not reported, and I do not understand. One of our spies even saw through a telescopic lens, Ling Ling had pounced on Rick with a knife to his neck, and the two looked more like lovers than a target. Even her eyes now have not left him, see?"

     "You are wrong this time Laoshi, she does not know Rick... This Empress believes she knows the Yellow Emperor, and he, her."

     "Hah, Son, the intuition of a lady is scary, but I believe her deduction is right... Her eyes are like May Lee's. And look, Rick will look at her occasionally with a tug at the edge of his lips when his eyes pass her. Hmm? Rick is hiding more than we thought... What a brat. Oh, it is starting, turn up the sound..."


     At 9 am Star City time, the meeting started with the Prime-minister speaking.

     "Hello Eurasia, and the world. Today we gather for heart-rending revelations to Friday's sudden and devastating attack on our nation's forward military base in Africa. First we give our hearts out to all those innocent lives lost in that one instance. Second, our world was introduced to an unacceptable weapon of mass destruction, that according to recent research, poisons our planet. Now let us talk about the threat that China has held over our heads with the threat of 200 more of those abominations dropping on the millions of innocents of Eurasia... If our country could be wiped out like that, so could yours, right?"

     "Now let me talk about the second revelation that may have many in the world scratching their heads... The myth of the Yellow Emperor is true, and our nation indeed has controlled this information the past 2000 years, to not cause panic in our everyday life. The first thing you need to know about all Yellow Emperors of the past 30,000 years... They possess no supernatural powers. They are simply a male of the Li bloodline who awakens some past life skills and memories. Otherwise, he is normal just like you and me, and can die just like the rest of you."

     "The third point I will bring up was the betrayal of the criminal who was our honored General Lee. He was to be arrested for working with the China Empire and then fled, stealing many of our country's secrets to join his thought to be dead son. We have concluded that the only reason Rick Lee Senior was sent to China was with the help of General Lee, to act as his inside man. This brings me to our next subject, the reason Rick Tang is here to speak with us."

     "The Central Government has thoroughly found that Rick Tang has had zero contact with the General since he was 10 years of age, not a letter, phone call, or electronic communication. And as for the thought to be dead father, the last time Rick Tang had any similar contact was the morning his father and mother were in the bank. So with Rick's public denouncement of his family, we of the Central Government publicly grant this Amnesty to assure the nation that our loyal citizen Rick Tang is not working with the traitors to Eurasia. Rick please come and accept this"

     I take the paper like some check one in a grand prize and shake his hand with a smile. Thanks to my years of Acting and my many experiences in the public eye, I am projecting an air of innocence and humble nature. I said to Prime-minister lee.

     "Thank you Prime-minister, on behalf of my family and myself, I gladly accept this humble confirmation of trust. Perhaps we should let the world know of our arrangements to provide security from weapons of mass destruction?"

     "Mr Tang, why not tell the nation about it, and your personal thoughts of our trying times."

     We had of course made plans for all of this, so he stepped back and I took the microphone spot at the podium. Channeling my Acting Mastery Skill, I face the world and begin.

     "Let me start off by assuring all Eurasians that we at Velvet Group and Floppy Tech understand your nervousness. So we have graciously donated our latest model of Star Wars with laser shielding to prevent China from taking it down. This unique satellite will shoot and destroy any continental missile from high altitude. This means even if Nuclear missiles were shot at our homeland, we can sleep soundly."

     "With permission from the Central Government, I am now authorized to sell these units to other nations willing to buy them, including North and South America, Japan Empire, and Even China Empire. Why the last one? Because global peace is not just for one country but the whole world."

     "The next topic I wish to discuss is my family... Sadly, for unknown reasons, my father and grandfather have chosen a path opposed to me and my family. I love Eurasia and will protect it with my life. Secondly I personally do not believe my father is or ever was the Yellow Emperor. I lived with him until I was 14 and I found nothing special more than a skilled Police Officer. I believe if the Yellow Emperor exists, it will surely be the young master Adam Lee. If it is not him, then I do not believe he exists at all. So in the next two years, Adam will show the world the Legend of the Immortal Yellow Emperor, so we should hope that Eurasia has a new hero to rally behind. Adam, if you are listening, make Eurasia proud!"

     "I honestly do not understand how my father survived, but he is most definitely not the father I know... Using such methods is opposite of his teaching I received growing up. Thankfully  we have Star Wars to keep our families safe from those who wish to flex their power. So now that I have taken up precious time, let me introduce the new Commander Lee, the uncle to our new hero Yellow Emperor Adam Lee, welcome Commander Joe Lee..."

     The uncle to Adam was both irritated and unsure why I was proving that Adam and not my father was the real Yellow Emperor. His gut feeling could not understand why it felt wrong. He then took the stage and went on and on about Military justice and how dishonorable, bla bla bla. Typical propaganda to inspire the war efforts.

     Personally, I support the small scale war, for my profit, and to keep the idiots from pressing the world ending button. But I know from my previous life's memory, that the China Empire has no where near 200 nukes, hell if they have 2 more I would be impressed. The world has no idea exactly how costly nuclear weapons truly are to make and maintain, and for a second level economy, I would not be surprised if they only had the one they used. But in a cold war, it is all about scare tactics. And I will make a fortune in Star Wars units.

     And now I had to listen to this windbag General drone on and on about recruiting soldiers into our country's army. Well, they already lost most of their ground forces in Africa, and the 3 years of preparation were gone in an instant. But thankfully, I sent only the worst of the worst humans to the Africa base and no innocents.

     Commander Lee, following my endorsement of his nephew, took the bait, and arbitrarily started bragging about how Adam is a true prodigy, and being raised with good moral ethics, to help lead Eurasia into a golden age, man I want to barf...

     Adam is going to get a lot of marriage proposals after today, so I will have to tell my wives and allies to not put anyone good in his boat. I will secretly tell those people that my father is the real Yellow Emperor. If I tell one group he is real and the other he is fake, it will make for an interesting world gossip.


     Back in the throne room of the Imperial Palace...

     Slam! Empress Ning Qian, slammed her small fist on the armrest, and growled out in her deep voice.

     "Laoshi, how dare your son ruin all of this Empress plans! Why would he denounce you as the Yellow Emperor, and why would he give an improved Star Wars to everyone?! How dare he even offer this Empress a unit! Who does he think he is? Humph..."

     Big Rick with a grin looks to the upset young woman and questions.

     "Empress Qian, normally you are so clear headed and see through such simple provocations, but for some reason, you were swept up in Rick's act."

     Her pretty eyes swept over to her teacher and she asked grumpily.

     "Laoshi, this Empress is not in the mood for a lesson, so speak clearly."

     Big Rick ignores her mood, smiles and teaches her anyway.

     "So, Rick denounced me as the Yellow Emperor, but then who is it?"

     She, unsure why she wanted to skin me alive, started to blurt out...

     "That despicable Adam Lee..."

     Empress Ning Qian seeing both men only smiling at her answer made her realize her failure... She knows who the real Emperor is and yet, she said another name. She frowned in shame and changed the topic.

     "Then why sell all the Star Wars to every nation and ruin our strength advantage?"

     This time it was my grandfather who told her.

     "It seems that Rick knows all about nuclear weapons, and found making them mostly useless was best for our world, otherwise all the nations would start making them, and we would all kill ourselves. So Rick is probably trying to make billions off the nations feeling nervous. Did you forget who controlled China's Star Wars unit when the drug fields were burned? Rick knows what he and we are doing, so don't watch him with your ego, but your intellect. Rick is only stalling to kill his real enemies. I saw that little bastard's smirk he sent me in the camera."

     Big Rick smiled remembering how pissed the young Ning was and reminded.

     "Empress Qian, are you still upset that he hacked you and made you deal with his Valentine program? He did not know the Hungry Ghost was you. But he only made you chase your tail and now you're being petty, right?"

     Empress Ning Qian, to hide her blush, put her mask and gloves back on, then turned her head to look away from her teacher's smiling face.


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