After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 212 Our Lives Return To Normal!

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Chapter 212  Our Lives Return To Normal! by Harem-Fan


     An hour before the live broadcast...

     Luke Fu and a large group of Fire Birds members all climbed out of 10 SUVs. They had come to the North side of Star City to the industrial district full of factories. Putting on his sunglasses, he looked at his watch.

     As he looked at the 40 foot tall white building he smiled seeing its name... [Greg's Garments Inc]

     Pulling out his smartphone, he dialed his contact.

     A sensual female voice answered from the other end, one that speaks of a no nonsense killing intent.

     [Luke, report...]

     "Vice Leader Feng, we just arrived, orders?"

     [I have found my target, so start kicking out everyone on the grounds, and implement Plan: Fire Bird. I am now going to greet my family to be, make sure no lives are lost, but don't take shit. Click... do do do...]

     Luke, with a grin that would make a Japan Empire Yakuza Boss blush, yells to his men.

     "Boss Lady said to start the Plan: Fire Bird, so no killing, just get them out fast... We have to be done in 30 minutes or less, GO!"

     Then 50 strong looking men and women with metal bats and handguns stormed the factory that had just opened for business...


     At that time, Tina sitting in the back of her limo just hung up her smartphone.  Cat with her white hair in a bun, pointed out the window to a parked gray limo, near a 6 story business building that has the name of Greg Feng Inc on it.

     "I have just confirmed the plates, and it is indeed Raymond's limo, Tina."

     Tina in her red dress and her fiery redhead of locks, smiled looking at it. She gave her order.

     "Vincent and Jules, don't let the limo leave, and get the driver out of the car, please..."

     ""Yes mam.""

     The two middle aged bald Bodyguards got out of the front seats and walked over to the limo parked in-front of the main entrance to the building.

     Bang Bang Bang Bang! Jules pulled out his gold plated Desert Eagle, with the 50 caliber design, and slowly walked around the car shooting out all 4 tires, while making many pedestrians scream and run in panic.

     Vincent pointed his gold plated Desert Eagle at the driver and tapped the glass, gesturing for him to get out.

     Tina, seeing the driver who was a middle aged woman with upper Advanced Martial arts get out, had put a smile on her red lips.

     She then grabs a gas can at her feet, and then gets out of the limo she came in. Coincidentally, Raymond and Greg were coming out of the building, to head over to the live briefing that his uncle Commander Joe Lee would attend.

     The sound of the gunshots had alerted the two men to the danger at the gray limo, but when they saw the sexy Tina all in red come out of the black limo, with a red plastic gas canister in her hand, they looked odd at the scene.

     The driver had run to stand in-front of Raymond, while Tina slowly opened the gas-can. Tina with her flat expression coldly said to her two Bodyguards.

     "Vincent and Jules, shoot off the leg of anyone stopping me, thank you."

     Raymond frowns at the command Tina Feng gave, and seeing her sprinkling gas all inside and on top of the limo, he questioned her.

     "Mrs Feng, what insanity are you pulling here? I will call the Police for your actions. Did Rick put you up to this?"

     Tina, who had fully drenched the gray limo, only threw the empty can inside the limo, and expressionlessly looked over the top of the car's top, and told him.

     "Did Rick ask me to do this? No, the fact you threaten my sister is the reason I am welcoming you into the Feng family. All Phoenixes will rise from the flames... Welcome to the family, Raymond... And tell that slutty sister of yours, that I am so happy her noble self is going to be my sister-in-law. Only I am allowed to bully Linda, not you Lee siblings, get it? And I will see you at dinner on Friday, Ufufu."

     With the end of her words, she flicked a match from a box of matches and threw the whole lit box into the limo, she then coldly said.

     "We are leaving... Oh, and Greg... Good to see you, and if you look North, you will see that I did not forget you either, bye-bye brother-in-law."

     Vincent and Jules made sure that Tina had gotten in the armored limo before they climbed in the front with sinister smiles.

     As their black limo drove off, a sound rang from Greg's pocket. Ring Ring Ring! Pulling out his phone, he answered.

     "What?! When, no... Is it all on fire? Then call the fire department now! What do you mean the Fire Birds took your phones? Fuck than how are you calling me? What, they only let you call me, fuck!"

     While Greg was going nuts on his phone, Raymond was dialing on his...

     "This is Intelligence Officer Lee, Raymond Lee... I want an arrest warrant for Tina Feng now! Hurry."

     Both men off their phones looked Northward and saw in the far distance a bit of black smoke in the northern part of Star City, and a sinking feeling was felt, while they were watching the limo in front of them turn a shade of gray to a shade of black, with a large amount of heat making them sweat.

     "Greg, don't worry, I will fix this. It seems if we keep targeting Linda Lang, we will get Rick to react the way we want. His weaknesses are his family, let us see how he likes me not playing nice, he-he."


     As the lights of the cameras turn off and the live feed stopped, the  Prime-minister, Commander Joe Lee, and I nodded to one another, feeling that our broadcast was enough to settle the unease of the world.

     I was unaware of what was transpiring with my enemy, the Emperor in China, and nor would I have cared.

     Joe Lee walked up to me, and I sense based on his hands, the firearm at his side, and his eagle-like eyes, this guy is a Grandmaster Firearms User. His hand is always ready to pull the semi-automatic pistol at his side...

     Thankfully, I do not have my guns on my person, or this man would be able to confirm I am also at his level. Well, I might be a smidge under him due to my age. He questions.

     "Mr Tang, might I ask how you know so much about Adam Lee, my nephew? His identity was a classified secret?"

     I smile with my Acting rocking on full blast.

     "When the Chinese hacker, Hungry Ghost, released the information about the Immortal Yellow Emperor, Adam Lee and his whole family was also described in it. Mr Joe Lee, did you not even read the information all over the internet?"

     His stern eyebrow raised, and he grunted, then questioned.

     "Hmm? That was convenient, and how did you find all of that out?"

     "Ha-ha! Mr Lee, you are funny! I own many computer and internet businesses, why would my team not keep me informed of all that is going on in the electronic world? My news businesses would be lacking if I did not follow the biggest story in over 2000 years. If you have any questions for me, Mr Lee, just ask them, I have nothing to hide?"

     Prime-minister Lee, frowns and says to Joe Lee.

     "You seem to be overstepping your authority Commander? Mr Tang has already received our amnesty, so if you are implying anything, not even a military court can bring charges, unless he does it as of this moment forward. Rick Lee-Tang is clear, understood? Your Traditionalist faction seems to be overstretching, don't you agree?"

     I take this moment to play the recording from my phone from Raymond Lee, during the restaurant meeting.

     Greg ["Oh?! If it isn't my brother-in-law eating with a Lang woman, shame really. Now my appetite might be affected?!"]

     Linda ["My husband and I are having a meal, please leave us be."]

     Greg ["This is my new fiancee, Melody Lee, and this is her older brother, Raymond Lee, my new business partner! They hail from Central City and are from the noble clan of Lee, that you never belonged to."]

     Raymond ["So you are the grandson of the now traitor General Lee, and son of the traitor Rick Lee. You seem pretty impressive. I am here from my Traditionalist Lee Clan to keep an eye out on your movements. Central does not want another Lee traitor. How is that?"]

     Rick ["Why would you watch me? I am not in the Lee clan, and I have not seen my shit Grandfather in almost ten years? So what traitor issue is going on?"]

     Melody ["General Lee defected to the China Empire last week and is working for them!"]

     Raymond ["Well, we Traditionalists stopped by the Political Lee Clan, cannot kill or arrest you due to not even being in your now gone Lee house. That is right, now only 2 Lee Clans exist. So as the last survivor of your Lee Clan, you are given amnesty by the leaders of the Central Government, unless you, like your father and grandfather, turn to the China Empire. So please, feel free to be a traitor, ha-ha. Cousin Rick Tang... If anything happens to the three of us, and we go missing or dead, the Central Government will know it is you, so come at me. My family sent me because they can lose me to imprison you, dare us, ha-ha."]

     I stopped the recording and looked at both men and said.

     "Thanks to those top class spies, I already knew this amnesty was a done deal before you offered it to me, but I still wanted to help out with Star Wars. So my question for you Mr Joe Lee... Do these two really represent the Traditionalist, to spy on me? And Prime-minister, I hope the two idiots do not represent the Central Government, right?"

     Joe looks like he wants to slap his nephew and niece for blurting out top secret intelligence. And the Prime-minister looks skeptically at Joe Lee. He then answers for both of them.

     "Sadly, Raymond Lee does work in the foreign affairs department as an operative, and he does have the authority to monitor you, but that is all he is allowed to do to you. But he is right as well, if the three, well, only the Lee siblings go missing, an investigation will commence. Greg is not a part of our two Lee clans and is not protected from legal actions."

     Joe corrects the Prime-minister.

     "No sir, Greg is marrying Melody on Wednesday, so he will now be a part of our Lee clan. So Mr Tang should not try messing with Greg Feng."

     Prime-minister Lee was not aware of that, and looked embarrassed, but I with a sinister smile pointed to my amnesty and told them.

     "It is fine, and thanks to this piece of paper, I won't suffer legal issues for the crimes I committed against Greg last week or this morning, ha-ha."

     Both men seeing my happy smile looked like they got tricked, and I admitted.

     "Don't worry, I have not hurt or killed anyone. I only burned down his clothing factory for messing with my wife's business. So this morning a while before the meeting, and last week's issue? That one is a secret. But do not worry, no one is injured or harmed personally. Oh and Raymond's limo is now totaled... I do not let others threaten me without revenge. Joe Lee sir, tell your nephew to hide and do not come near me or my family. I may not be a traitor like my father and grandfather, but I am a petty son of a bitch."

     Prime-minister Lee is probably sweat-dropping in his mind due to me performing crimes right before the legal signing.

     And Joe Lee has his fist tightened in anger. This guy's martial arts are only Advanced level and relies on his guns. So I just smile and wait for his words.

     "I do not think destroying his valuable limo was warranted for those words, Mr Tang."

     "Oh? No if you had seen the look on his face while he said those words, you would have even helped me bash up his ride. He really was asking to be face slapped. Plus, he helped Greg harass my Linda Lang, so let us be happy I have not yet done anything more, yet..."

     At this moment, Nadia came to my side looking like a professional lawyer, and took my arm.

     "My husband, let the two gentlemen leave for their duties. I am sure they have much to do to be out of the building, and prepare to pick up the unit in the morning at the airport. Plus, you still have Velvet Group appointments. Prime-minister and commander Lee, thanks for everything, especially for our past crimes being forgiven, he-he. I had some minor things I worried about as well, Ufufu."

     As Nadia forcefully pulled me away, the two men felt like they made a huge mistake giving me a 'get out of jail free' card. If they knew about God Squad, they would pass out.


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