After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 224 Welcome To Japan, My Black Dragon!

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Chapter 224  Welcome To Japan, My Black Dragon! by Harem-Fan


     Inu Kyusho- "Royal Flush!"

     James Tong- "N-No you have to be cheating! I want my money back!"

     Alex Rinaldo- "Why am I only a supporting character?! I want to be the protagonist with Heavenly Luck!"

     Keven Kyoto- "Damn, I had a Full House!"

     Sam Sun- "Who let a woman play cards?! It was guys' night, right?"

     Danzo Kyusho- "Sorry, I should not have told you how good at cards she was, sigh..."

     Rick Tang (Me)- "GODDAMMIT! Mother Kyusho, I can tell you are not cheating... But how lucky can you be to beat so many of us?! Hinata, this is not right!"

     As Inu was wickedly smiling, she dragged all of her Poker Chips to her side, into the huge mountain she robbed from us.

     "Tsk, Little boys, do not be upset, I told you I was good, but your male pride blinded you to the reality that I am King, Ufufu."

     Hinata in her white kimono hugged my side, filled up my sake cup and said to me.

     "Sensei, I warned you, this is my mothers gift. If there is a Grandmaster in the game of chance, my mother has no equal. Even my Sensei is nothing in-front of the Gambling Demon."

     Then to calm my agitation, Hinata kissed my cheek with a Geisha grin.

     James said to Inu, and asked her how she did it.

     "Mrs Kyusho, how can I get your luck in cards?! Please teach me."

    Inu in her white kimono smiles at my friend and playfully teased him.

     "It is very easy, just be a good and loyal wife, then luck will pour into your everyday actions, fufu."

     Everyone at the table exploded in laughter seeing James try to comprehend the whole becoming a wife joke she made. It was like he took her seriously for a moment.

     If you haven't already guessed, we are in the ship's casino and are having another guy's night.

     Well, father Danzo had brought his wife to pour sake, like Hinata is doing for me, but it slipped how his wife was almost unbeatable in cards. Well and like fools we let her play.

     Akeno, also in a pink kimono pouring James his drinks said innocently, like a demon.

     "Monkey, if you cannot win a hand, I am sleeping alone tonight. You are losing all of my spa money for Tokyo."

     Kameko Kyoto, who was also pouring sake for her husband, chimed in with her wifely damage.

     "Dear husband, Akeno is correct, at least win one hand, or I will die of shame. Akeno, if the two men lose, we can just have a slumber party till we get to Tokyo tomorrow."

     Danzo with his wife playing was no longer attending her husband. Sam and Alex had no woman helping them with drinks. The only Japanese women were in high spirits and were showing off since we will be pulling into Tokyo bay in the morning after our week long sail through the Eurasia Africa straits.

     I faked being tipsy and threw down my hand of cards then said to everyone.

     "Hinata and I need rest before we enter Tokyo, so I have reached my limit in drink and cards. Alex I know you and Hope will stay on board for the next two weeks, so have fun on your working vacation. I will come back then and play cards as we sail home."

     Alex smirks and replies.

     "Rick, with you entering Tokyo, I am sure lots of trouble will brew, and staying on the ship is the safest place to be. So take your time and I will just sunbathe with Hope, ha-ha. See you in two weeks my friend, as well as the rest of you gentlemen heading into Japan for different reasons."

     Then feeling the party was over, we all got to our feet to head off to bed for the night. James and Akeno had family to meet. Keven and Kameko had business to attend to for my company. Sam and his mother had sights to visit. And Danzo, Hinata, and Inu had grudges to settle. Me? I have chaos to spread with some business on the side.

     Hinata took my arm and whispered.

     "Rick, the harem said to stay with me tonight, for good luck in my fight. Please make love to me, just in case..."

     Hmm? No, I do not believe for one moment Hinata will die, but...

     She is earnestly asking for love, so I will deliver her request. Hinata is a lover that I truly enjoy time with. Her submissive nature tickles my heart. She is a succubus in this department, and she knows it. Inu had taught her daughter well, and Danzo was a lucky man to marry Inu.

     "Mother and father, we will see you tomorrow then, good night everyone. Let us go Hinata."


     The next morning, I woke up with Hinata's large E-cups squished into my chest as she was still sleeping with a curled lip, seeming to be having a fun dream. She doesn't smile much, but in her dreams, I catch her smiling a lot. Her mask of indifference is forced, unlike Linda's who is natural.

     "Mm, Master, you're naughty~ fufu... Zzz..."

     Feeling her body squirm from her dream, I decided to just wake her. I kissed her lips, and in her slumbering state, just reflexively started to kiss me back, like her dream was advancing to real life. Then with her red eyes open she said to me,

     "I love you more than life, husband. Good morning..."

     "You will be fine, just remember what I taught you on how to defeat Hanzo. He was really weak for a Grandmaster, so just think of returning to Ryu. If you fight for our son, you can pull out more fighting spirit, something Hanzo has none of."

     "Linda made all of your formal men's yukata for the two weeks, so let me shower and dress you, my Master."

     "Thank you , my Precious, mwah."

     I and the love-marked consort of mine, went to shower...


     Currently, Hinata is wrapping up my black yukata that is decorated with a dark gold eastern dragon coiled on its back. Hinata then takes my Katana and inserts it on my hip. And lastly, she is fitting me with the mens wooden geta that samurai from my past life wore. Unlike hers, mine are large and blocky, and made for combat with a special underside capable of blocking most hand held weapons if need be. She looked up into my eyes, and warmly said...

     "Welcome back home to Japan, my Black Dragon. Even if you have no memories of our homeland, just remember this is where I was born. So please be a proud Dragon and remember that it all belongs to you, Rick."

     Lifting her chin, I gently kissed her lips, careful to not mess with her lipstick. I said honestly.

     "As long as you are safe, I shall honor this home of yours, but without you, it will be a hollow Island, not worth my time, get me? So your life is more important than any revenge, now let's go, Tokyo awaits me..."


     As our ship had pulled into the seaport, I was making my rounds to all of my harem and children, to say my goodbye for the two weeks I would be on Japan soil. My family is all staying aboard so they do not have to go through customs or be subject to the Japan Empire laws.

     Many of my undercover God Squad members are disembarking for missions I gave them, and will pick up rifles already delivered in advance for them to use. This may be a land of swords, but guns still exist here in small quantities. But overall, like the Japan of my last life, guns are more or less banned from the public and only swords and hand held weapons are permissible.

     With the away group on the top deck, we are only waiting for the port officials to connect our ramp. We do not use the ship ramps in the Tokyo bay, but a special mobile tower to assure no one sneaks off or on the ship, and will be guarded by local port police.

     Watching over the ship's rail, you see old-fashioned wooden fishing boats, floating trash on the water from the bustling city, and a city profile that reminds you of my last life's Hong Kong in the 80's.

     I would say only ¼ Japanese citizens are wearing more modern clothing, while the large majority are still-wearing yukata and kimono. It is a source of pride to continue with the old ways, and not let Eurasia fashion contaminate the Japan Empire's pride as a rich culture.

     I think it is good for all countries to embrace their own individual culture. Having all humans be inclusive and uniform is just a fruitless goal of idealists. But what do I know, I am just an immortal wanderer who experiences many worlds and cultures, so I am biased.

     I looked at the 3 Kyusho and said seriously.

     "My Snipers and Fire Birds members are at your disposal, but just call me if you cannot handle the Kato Yakuza family. Hinata is my everything, so she must be safe, do not let pride blind you of this, please."

     Inu seeing my love for her silly daughter, only hugged me and assured me.

     "The only way my daughter would die is if I already passed, so in my life, I promise to send my daughter back to you, my Emperor."

     Inu is smart and also figured it out. Many close to me have, and I know it will slip one day, but that is fine, Adam Lee is not long for this world. Unlike me, his path to his 18th birthday will not be so easy.

     I nodded, and let the three off the ramp first to be inspected by authorities... I then turn to James, his wives and his children.

     "Ashley, I know Akeno is used to Japan, but you are the one I trust to call me if you need me, so please do not hesitate. Vicky would kill me if you got hurt."

     Ashley let her hair grow and is now long, and her pink eyes playfully glint as she said.

     "It is kinda cute that you want to save us so your 1st wife won't be sad. I seem to have an invincibility card to abuse, fufu. Don't worry, I am a Master now and can hold them off till you arrive. So go cause trouble in your own way, bye..."

     I then gave my goodbye to James and the rest, as they departed... Then I said to the group of Sun and Kyoto.

     "Pam and Keven, I know you two are from different companies, but stay together for the trip for safety, and call if you have issues. I have a Rolls Royce limo for your group, waiting for you and rooms at the Hilton International, so be safe and see you in two weeks."

     As the two groups of Velvet Group made their way down the ramp, the last one Ling'er who helped me break through to the Chi Realm two nights ago, said.

     "Your new realm is still unstable, so be at the hotel tonight, to solidify it, okay?"

     I know she is serious when it comes to cultivation, and is only partially wanting sex, but I nodded to her and said.

     "You're right, I felt it needs just a bit more. But using Chi is a bit ridiculous is it not?! I accidentally bent the ship's rail with just my grip?!"

     "Don't get cocky Rick, you only have enough chi for about a minute's continuous use, so it is a trump card, not something a beginner can get all proud of. When you reach the end of Chi Realm, you can use it for about an hour, then you can flaunt your might, see you later daddy..."

     Uh? So why did she call me daddy? She meant it literally and figuratively. Not only did she miss her period, but she likes to call me 'Big-Daddy' while she makes me pile-drive her, sigh... Masochists are scary creatures.

     Then lastly, Mei rolled her or rather our clothing in a suitcase. I look her up and down in her white kimono with red decorations. Her hair is done up in the style of Japanese women, and she grins at my examination.

     "First, seduction training tells us to blend in with the locals, and second, I have to match my husband, right?"

     Funnily, in Japan, her status as a Concubine-Personal Maid is seen as a legal wife, so she is extra happy on this trip. So as we both climb down the ramp, I tell her.

     "My wife Mei, you are pregnant with my child, I will take that luggage now."

     "Oh, Husband, I will let you serve this wife, Ufufu~! Let us go Rick before I take this too far, ha-ha."


     After passing inspection, the two of us walked off the docks, and came to my black Rolls Royce limo, and then we soon left for the city...



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