After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 225 Quentin Tarantino Hates Me!

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Chapter 225  Quentin Tarantino Hates Me! by Pulp-Fiction


     Sitting in my old-fashioned Rolls Royce limo, Mei and I watch the city go by slowly, as traffic is heavy due to all of the bicycles, rickshaws, and old-time school bus style taxi services in Tokyo.

     Lucy is having a slightly harder time keeping eyes on me due to Japan having far fewer street cameras, so only modern buildings even have security cameras, let alone none of the intersections. She has to use satellite monitoring and even then, it is spotty based on the high-rise buildings blocking the views. I hear her in my ear piece.

     [Even with your Fire Birds adding cameras in Tokyo, I have so many blind spots Rick. I really hate doing recon in Japan and China.]

     Mei, also hearing her, only holds my hand and watches in alertness behind us keeping her eyes open for ambushes.

     "Relax Mrs Shen, your husband will come home safe no matter what."

     [Fine, I get it, I am being emotional, sigh. But I feel like I have my hands tied here.]

    At that moment when the limo stopped, a large number of men and women in black suits and sunglasses, wearing black gloves and black-metal eye-masks, carrying Katana surrounded the car. My eyebrows lifted and I said to both the driver and Mei.

     "Seems I am being welcomed in Japan, stay in the car and lock the doors."

     With my left hand holding the scabbard of Ryuu Kuroiro, I stepped out of the limo, hearing the lock secure behind me. My black yukata fluttered in the breeze of the coastal city, and I stepped forward with my wooden flip-flops making a creepy sound of a Samurai...

     "You must be on the Yakuza welcoming committee? I am Rick Tang, and who might be polite enough to warmly welcome me?" (From this point forward, all conversations are done in Japanese.)

     A tall woman almost as tall as me, stepped forward with her katana drawn and at her side. She opened her cherry lips and told me.

     "I am one of the main elite of the Yoshida family, and your Fire Birds have been an unwelcome blight here, Eurasian."

     As these guys start to draw swords, I almost feel bad for them, especially these poor cute women, but...

     Click! Slide! My left hand thumb clicked my sword hilt from the scabbard a half inch, and my wooden geta slid into a wide aggressive stance, then I smiled at them and said.

     "I have not even been on Japan soil for more than an hour, and yet I must coat the land of the rising sun in crimson. Does Quentin Tarantino hate me?"

     All of the Yakuza raised their swords, and the woman asked.

     "Who is this Quentin Tarantino? We do not know him..."

     "It's from Kill Bill in Japan, you do not know him. Just thought you guys looked like the dead men in that movie. So I am the guest, should you not start?"

     "That sword, where did you get it?"

     I fully draw my Katana, not worried about the quick draw, and hold it pointed at her.

     "It is my personal sword, Black Dragon, now come and be my virgin slaughter."

     As the woman narrowed her eyes at my name of the sword, one of her men behind me rushed, and I, with my superhuman senses, spun quickly ducking under his swing, and then counterattacking, removing his left leg at the knee.


     I then flicked the blood off my sword and smiled.

     "I need to get to my hotel, so if you can all just come at once, it would make this faster, right?"

     Seeing their man cleanly taken out without even seeing him attack, made them all hesitate, so I said.

     "Anyone holding a sword after I am done talking, dies, so here I come, Sayonara Scumbags!"

     And before most of them could even let go of their Katana, I had removed the heads off 4 out of the twenty men,including the guy that lost his leg. I then struck a pose with a shit eating grin and said.

     "I always wanted to say that... Now, I see more walking corpses, come to daddy..."

     Three Yakuza waiting for me all sliced down at once, trying to give me nowhere to dodge or block all three, but...

     I kicked aside one blade with my special geta, parried another, and with the flat of my hand, swatted the third away. Then with a momentary burst of Chi in my body, I spun in a massively wide arc, cleanly cutting all three in half, and the six parts fell to the ground.

     I had my expressionless face on, the one I use for killing, looking at the leading woman, and slowly walked towards her.

     The woman, now frightened out of her wits, let go of her Katana but I did not stop. She was now petrified as I grasped her neck and lifted her off the ground with one arm.

     Both of her hands desperately held on my wrist trying to get some air, and her feet flailed around, unable to find any perch. As her eyes tried to look into mine for mercy I told her.

     "Tell your Yoshida family that Rick Tang is staying here for two weeks, and if you bother my people or the Kyusho, I will pay a visit to your hole, do you understand me?"

     She only blinked repeatedly trying to not lose consciousness from lack of air.

     I then tossed her ten feet, though I knew I could have thrown her further. She rolled a few times and hacked trying to get air in her lungs, but the bruises on her delicate neck had shown the others what I was capable of doing to them.

     The still living members all moved out of my way as I went back to my limo, and ignored them. After I got in, they started to flee, even leaving their Katana behind in fear I might cut them up as well.

     As I was climbing in, I was internally freaking out at how crazy my new strength was, and I was holding back so much. I would say I only showed them ¼ of my full strength. Fuck cultivation is broken!


     As the limo pulled away, Mei looked at me funny and asked.

     "Master, did you go soft? You did not even kill half of them and you let the lady live?"

     I looked at her sucking on a tootsie pop and asked.

     "Mei dear, when have I ever been a Murder Hobo? I let people live, don't I? Ah, I let Hinata live!"

     Mei swats my shoulder playfully and grins telling me.

     "You also let Lan live, but yet you are always balls deep in the two, so they don't count."

     I have suddenly realized, I cannot remember how many people I have killed since High School. I have really killed a lot haven't I?!

     Mei saw she said something wrong, hugged me and told me.

     "Sorry Rick, I was only teasing... All the people you have killed have deserved it. Look at Scott, Greg, and even Alex. You know where to draw the line and are not a mindless and heartless killer. I was wrong and I am sorry."

     She suddenly passionately kissed me with her cherry flavored lips, from just sucking on her lollipop, and my mind focused on her desperation and regret. No, I was not freaking out or anything, just could not remember how I made so many enemies.

     Well, I guess I will cut down my foes till my happy ending comes to me and my family.

     In the meantime, I will let Mei feel a bit guilty, because I am loving her concerned side. Yeah, I am bad.


     When we finally got to the Hilton International, Mei and I got our keys and made our way to the top floor for the VIP rooms. Oh, did I mention Sam Sun got a normal room, like their budget line. Yes, I am petty.

     With my super heightened senses, I could tell my room had been recently broken into, so I looked at my Cat and Mouse, and saw it was Ling'er inside, with a grin I entered.

     "I hope the room service is good here in the room, already waiting for me, ha-ha."

     Ling Ling looked up from the couch and waved her phone with the same idea I had seeing who was here, she then told me.

     "Rick, I already swept the place, and found 3 bugs, and why did you take so long, I was waiting for you. Oh, and hello Mei."

     Mei, seeing the third wheel, asked her.

     "Ling, why are you in our room?"

     Ling got up and wrapped her arms around my waist and told her.

     "I cannot sleep alone in a strange place, and I need to be cuddled by Rick at night, don't worry, I will share him with you, Ufufu."

     Just as Mei was going to start getting petty, Ling put her finger over her mouth and said.

     "Mei, I won't hog Rick from your personal honeymoon, but I need him alone for one hour a day, okay? I promise to stay out of your way if you promise."

     Mei thought the deal was perfect, so her smile came back and they were instant friends again.

     I just sweat-drop internally on how Ling totally manipulated Mei. But she wants to assure our  cultivation everyday. We can only do it once in a 24 hour period anyway, so it is more work than pleasure. I mean, I still love it, cough.


     While we started to unpack, I explained our delay, and when Mei went to the restroom I told Ling'er what I experienced with my maximum Body Realm. She nodded and said.

     "That lines up, because you were not as good at fighting in that past life, and relied on cultivation rather than skill. But now your skills stupid good, so your way is stronger than before. I too have almost reached the peak of Body Realm. Tonight, I should be able to reach it."

     Ling'er pouted when Mei came out, and she got off my lap to go to her room to meditate. Then Mei smiled seeing her rival leave. She asked.

     "My job will not occur until 3 days later, so when are you and Ling going to act? And what are our immediate plans?"

     "Next Saturday 2 days before we leave is when the Tokyo building will come down, but I am not yet sure about the details. And when do you meet your contact?"

     Mei straddled me and kissed my neck, and she said softly while licking my neck.

     "She is already here in this Hotel, but will not find me today. She and I have to make sure we are not being watched before we meet up. We will be meeting in a karaoke bar when we do, it is secluded and noise proof. I will bring you for back up, okay?"

     My naughty Mei while talking has already pulled our robes to the side, and has put me inside of her, lowering on my erection. So of course I would say yes, right?

     "Of course I am cumming, and coming, I love you after-all, now lets have fun my wife..."


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[Acting: Master] [Acrobatics: Grandmaster] [Auto-Mechanics: Advanced] [Business Management: Master] [Cat Burglar: Advanced] [Computer Use: Grandmaster] [Cooking: Advanced] [Driving: Master] [General Education*: Advanced] [Gun-Fu: Grandmaster] [Firearms: Grandmaster] [Kung-Fu: Grandmaster] [Medicine: Advanced] [Stealth: Master] [Thief: Advanced] [Virtual Business Management: Master]

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