After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 226 We Can’t Use Beds Anymore!

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Chapter 226  We Can't Use Beds Anymore! by Harem-Fan


     After a 30 minute cultivation climax, our focus came back to us, and she and I only smiled in defeat.

     The legs on the hotel bed had collapsed under our intense thrusting, and now the matrices are on the floor with the bed frame sticking out in odd directions. Ling'er smiled with both of her ankles still pressed near her ears.

     "Well, I reached the peak of the Body Realm, but it seems, we cannot use a bed with a frame on it anymore, Ufufu."

     Pulling out and letting her legs down from her jackknife position, I held her into a spooning hold and asked.

     "Did we have this problem in our past life?"

     She looked up into my concerned eyes and kissed me.

     "Yes, we can only use a floor futon now or sleeping bags. Hell, in the higher realms we cannot reach, you and I could even crack a stone bed, fufu. But fear not, this will be the worst the two of us can do. So, in one week, I will enter the Chi Realm like you, just before our big job, and no one can stop us... Well, normal fighters cannot."

     "I wonder why Mei did not investigate hearing the bed shatter?"

     "Oh, at that time, I could hear the shower running, so I bet she missed the good part. Now get out before Mei times my one hour. I have to go see a stupid park with Pam and the crew, sigh."

     I then kissed her and gently bit her lower lip, that made her body shudder. Ling'er told me to bite gently whenever I kiss her or suck on her breast, so she would feel my affection, or some twisted logic like that...

     Then the two of us left to shower, and then join everyone for the continental breakfast. We will just pay for the bed later, cough.


     Pam is sitting between Ling Ling and Sam, with the same maid wife on his other side. Keven and his wife are next to Ling Ling, and Mei and I complete the circle at the breakfast table.

     Pam asks me while we are eating.

     "We are all going to visit a few of the Park sights and natural landscapes of movie locations, and what will you do today?"

     Using chopsticks, I put some fried egg into my mouth to eat, and I then tell them.

     "I will be meeting with a business company known as the Fujiwara Group. They are the leaders in rocket technology and want to purchase a Star Wars unit."

     Mei finished her bacon and looked sad, due to her pregnancy, she has been eating more, and then I offered.

     "I am going to get more food at the buffet, and I will get you some more bacon."

     "Thank you Master."


     I need to eat about twice as much as before, nothing crazy like Naruto or Goku, but I need around 6,000 calories a day now because my body efficiently stores energy and uses it for Chi. So if I am starving, my amount of Chi is depleted, well unless I get it out of Ling'er.

     Just as I started picking through the best foods for me and my pregnant Mei, a woman speaking in Chinese asked me.

     "I am unsure of some of these foods of the other countries, do you have suggestions for someone with old-fashioned Chinese tastes?"

     I was caught off guard at the beauty of this shorter woman with straight black hair and deep blue eyes. I can tell she has etiquette and Advanced Wing Chun Kung-Fu skills. She has not left her country, or rather is not worldly like Mei or Ling'er. I pointed to a fried rice dish and said.

     "That egg fried rice is not authentic Chinese, with a Japanese twist, but it would be the dish closest to your pallet. Lastly, those egg rolls would pass for traditional cuisine. Sorry I cannot help you much more than that, excuse me."

     Irritation of being blown off floated over the woman's eyes, but she said.

     "I am Qian, what is your name sir?"


     I smile as I start to turn again, this girl must be 17 years old, maybe 18, and I can tell she is disdainful of me. Based on her attitude and targeting me, I assume she is a shadow that will work with Mei or Ling'er.

     "Rick, is it not obvious, I have come to get to know you? You do not seem interested in meeting me?"

     I held up my two plates of food and told her my two reasons for leaving.

     "Sorry Miss Qian, but I have a pregnant lover to feed, and you seem a bit young for my tastes, are you even 18? Sorry, I need to go..."

     Her beautiful eyes squinted in humiliation, and she muttered...

     "What man does not like a younger woman, especially one as beautiful as I? Bastard!"

     The gorgeous woman stomped her small foot, then turned to leave the hall...


     When I gave Mei her plate, she asked in a whisper.

     "What happened?"

     "A High Schooler tried to pick me up, and I told her I only dated older women, pass the salt?"

     Ling with enhanced hearing and Mei next to me both had expressions of holding in laughter at how ruthless I was to that poor woman. Sadly, I like older women, it must be my past lives affecting me. (The author likes all ages-legal and breast sizes, it is just Rick.)


     Later that day, Mei and I walked out of the meeting with the Fujiwara Group. After a successful negotiation, I threw the rest of the talks to Alex, and ended my meeting. I was answering my non emergency texts, and one caught my eyes.

     [Mary: Rick call me, :P]

     So I dial my wife...

     [Sorry, I hope I did not interrupt anything important, but... I am pregnant?!]

     Phew, I am glad because with my cultivation, I was not sure I could get her pregnant, or in time, so I said warmly.

     "Really? I am happy we did it. This was more of your dream than even being a Police officer. That you did for our dad and our survival, but this is for us, I am proud of you my wife. I love you."

     [Rick, you are sappy, you say it like you cannot have more children, Ufufu. Well get back to whatever trouble you are causing. Just had to tell you before I blast it in Harem-Chat. Love you too, bye. Click... do do do...]

     Mei seeing my call done, she said.

     "Your next business should be a preschool and more, just for your children, fufu. Let us go to the karaoke center now and investigate the place before tomorrow's meeting."

     So Mei and I went on a date there to investigate the place, and learn of the building's interior...


     Later that night, in the room, doing work on my laptop, I received a call from Inu.

     "Mother, what is up?"

     [Tonight in 3 hours, on the west-side docks, the fight will take place. Will you come in the shadows?]

     "Hmm? For you to call me like this, you are feeling suspicious, right? Yes, I will bring my night-suit and work behind the scenes, anything for Hinata."

     [Giving you my silly daughter was her blessing. I feel that Steven was now a blessing to our Kyusho family. Thanks for coming, see you later, and I will text you the location.]

     I hang up and head to my gear bag, unzipping the hidden bottom, I pull out a Ninja suit. Ling Ling and Mei, seeing me, just knew something was going to happen.

     Mei asked me if I needed help.

     "Master, what can I do?"

     "Just going to watch over Hinata's duel. Don't worry, the threats out there are nothing. Just stay awake for me to let me in the window later. I need to leave from the building side, to keep my watchers in the dark."

     Ling'er got up to help me strap on my outfit and gloves. She then handed me a contacts case with brown lenses.

     Mei went to her bag and pulled out a set of ceramic throwing knives in black glaze. She said,

     "Here are my ten knives, and do not worry about retrieving them, I have more, and no genetic material is left on them."

     I put them into my lower-back pouch, not knowing what those ten Knives would end up doing later, sigh.

     Ling Ling asked.

     "I can follow if you like? It is easy for me."

     I whispered as I kissed her.

     "Just protect Mei for me, alright? You are pregnant now, so we need to make sure you stay warm and comfortable."

     "Such bullshit, not like I have never carried your children before, but whatever, go play Ninja."

     I then kissed Mei and made my way to the window.

     "My smartphone is on stealth, so just call in an emergency, I will rush back if there is trouble. See you in a while."

     With the room lights dimmed, I slid out the tall building and made my way down with Cat Burglar Advanced.


     Climbing to the corner of the building, I tied a thin cable to be lowered to one floor above the bottom, so it will not be seen by passersby. Then I free-fall and slowed my descent on the last floor.

     With my new body, this is nothing. I can even drop 10 floors and not break bones, but it still hurts like a bitch. Yes, I tested it. And even more nuts, if I actively flush my body with Chi, I can drop the 10 floors and not even feel a bit of pain, just a cheat.

     "Lucy, start looping cameras on my slated path to the dockside, thanks."

     [Dear, it is done...]

     I immediately start running through the streets, heading down the darker and abandoned streets, using parkour methods to avoid many small hazards, and with my senses, I can see others before they see me.


     I did not wear my body camera to avoid freaking out Lucy, and my Stealth Master level skill made me almost invisible to others.

     Sadly I witnessed many crimes going on, but most I ignored. I did snap the neck of a man punching a woman though, one small good deed in the shadows.

     In the darkness of night, the car I leaped over while it passed, only saw a black shadow pass, like what a bird might cause. I could see the confusion on his face because a human could not do this.

     And in only 15 minutes, I arrived early to the docks, and I looked at where my snipers were with my Cat And Mouse App.

     "Okay, time to kill enemy snipers. Now my real work starts in the shadows, so Hinata never finds out I helped her..."

     And with my words, I stepped back into the darkness, as if I never was there...



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