After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 227 The Last Chapter, The End!

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(A/N I know some of my sharp readers caught it, but I was kinda surprised not one comment on the buffet woman...)

Chapter 227  The Last Chapter, The End! by Harem-Fan


     I made sure to text my God Squad members working in pairs to watch their Cat and Mouse Apps to know of my location, to not be startled of my covert movements.

     Don't want a 50 caliber volley shot at me, even I would be in deep shit if I had to survive for more than the one minute of Chi  reserve. After that, I would be Swiss cheese.

     The official duel between Hanzo Kato and Hinata Kyusho will take place in-front of warehouse number 7 at 1 am to determine what Family gets the right to run one of the three Yakuza family spots. This position was once held by the well known Kyusho Yakuza family, but fled after Hanzo eliminated the previous family Master.

     Why am I involved in all of this? Because the Kyusho are my vassals now, and indirectly, I will have control of ¼ of Japan Empires might, counting the Japan military as a Yakuza group in strength.

     With around 2 hours to go until things happen, I spend most of my time going around and locating the blind spots my God Squad cannot confirm and do my rounds to target my marks. I cannot kill them all too soon or the Kato family will know something is wrong...


     With a group of 10 Masters from both sides guarding the perimeter of the fight location, two limos had come from opposing locations, as the dueling rules dictate.

     Before anyone from the two cars left, a third party came out of the wide open warehouse dressed in a military outfit. He is in his late 40's and seems serious. He is wearing a cloth uniform cap with Japan's logo on it. He nodded to both cars.

     From the Kyusho car, Danzo, Inu, and Hinata stepped out. She is wearing her combat kimono of blue with flowers, the one she wore when dueling me back in the day.

     From the other car came out three individuals. The 50's looking Hanzo, and his two grandchildren. Hanzo is wearing his Ninja outfit but does not have his face covered, showing his graying hair. On his lower back is his famed Ninja-to, one of the 7 Legendary swords of Japan.

     His Grandchildren the current heads of the Kato Yakuza family, are present, to witness this duel of the right to rule. The man was wearing a tie-less black suit with his body tattoos visible on his neck and wrist, while his sister was wearing a shoulderless kimono, showing her Dragon tattoo on her shoulders and back of the neck.

     The military man said to both sides.

     "I am General Tanaka, and with the Emperor's blessing and prudence, I am here to witness the official challenge in a life and death duel for the right to rule. May both participants come to the center, for the rules. I believe you're Hinata Kyusho, and you are Hanzo Kato, correct?"

     ""I am.""

     "Good, now you shall listen to the Emperor's decree..."

     The General put on his gold-rimmed glasses, then began reading official documents explaining what they could and could not do during the duel.


     On top of the number 10 warehouse, a Yakuza sniper was laying with his spotter at his side. The two are in charge of shooting the Father of Hinata during the duel, because as long as the two duelists and the referee are not harmed, then killing and fighting with anyone else does not break rules.

     And when a family member dies during a fight, it is often enough to make them rage and make mistakes.

     While the sniper was aiming, his spotting partner said quietly.

     "The wind is shifting and now coming from the North West at 12 miles per hour. So readjust and wait for the hand signal from the Young Lady."

     "Okay, adjusting my scope to negative-one."

     The last thing the spotter saw was a black piano wire garrote slide over his head, and a pinch on his neck.

     Thud! As the sniper was spooked hearing the heavy thud beside him, he looked away from his scope to see the wide open eyes of the now headless spotter, then his own vision went black.

     His body lay motionless in a pool of blood from his and his companions' form, with a thin black throwing knife left in the top of his skull, half way impaled.


     Over on the roof of warehouse number 2, another sniper nest was also taking aim at the back of Inu's head.

     Unlike that last group, this one consisted of two pairs, knowing Masters are tricky to assassinate, so twice the group is necessary for this job.

     One of the spotters gave similar orders to the two snipers.

     "The wind is shifting and now coming from the North West at 12 miles per hour. Readjust and wait for the two Grandmasters to trade blades, then kill her at will..."

     While the two snipers readjusted, the secondary spotter sniffed the air and asked.

     "It smells like burning flowers, do you guys smell it? Where is it... Ah? I am feeling numb..."

     Clink Clunk Clunk Thud! By the time the last spotter ended her words, she heard and saw her partners let their rifles and telescope fall out of their hands, and they lay there, as she also hit the rooftop losing all feeling in her body. Realizing the smell was a paralytic toxin, only seeing a black shadow cover her sight, and then nothing...


     Down the pier, a wooden fishing ship is anchored with a good view of the warehouse number 7 as the fight between the two Grandmasters has just begun.

     Three snipers of Master level skill are on their bellies on thick blankets trying to get good targets from the Kyusho family or their 5 Masters.

     A woman is standing behind them. She is wearing a female Ninja outfit, and seems to be in her late 50's and she said.

     "Seems my husband has begun the fight... Why have the two sniper squads not started the mission? My Granddaughter has already given the hand signs twice?!"

     One of the snipers, unsure, said to get her attention, but something retarded happened as his words ended.

     "Mistress Kato, I see a black shadow running down the pier, and-"

     WHOOSH BOOM... Boom-Crack! A whistling sound and an explosion that ripped the sniper to shreds, followed by a sonic boom from an object like a cannonball breaking the sound barrier was heard after the sniper vanished in wooden and bloody debris.

     WHOOSH BOOM... Boom-Crack! Then the whole boat shook as a massive hole was ripped into the side, letting in water to slowly sink the boat.

     WHOOSH BOOM... Boom-Crack! Lady Kato then saw in the distance, her Granddaughter had been blown to a bloody pulp just like her sniper in front of her eyes. her heart sank seeing her precious baby die in one nasty death.

     WHOOSH BOOM... Boom-Crack! She then heard the sound of the reaper once again, as her second sniper vanished in a spray of wood shrapnel, forcing her to cover her eyes.

     WHOOSH BOOM... Boom-Crack! And even with her arm covering her face, she knew what happened to her last sniper, as she from muscle memory, leaped behind the ship to escape certain death...


     Back in-front of warehouse number 7, the clash between Grandmasters was intense as Hinata did not underestimate her opponent, knowing he uses poison and tricks, despite the rules forbidding them.

     Boom Boom Boom Boom...! As a series of distant explosions confused both combatants only briefly, but then...

     WHOOSH BOOM... Boom-Crack! The Granddaughter of Hanzo had her upper body blown into bloody chunks spraying the limo behind her, then the bulletproof glass too was pierced through, showing how powerful the sniper, no cannonball was?!

     Sprayed with his sister's blood, and dazed from the ringing in his ear, from being close to the sonic boom created by the ammunition, he screamed...

     "Nooo- sister Nana!"

     As he fell at her lower torso, holding what was left of his sister.

     Hanzo had lost focus for a pivotal moment, and Hinata's Katana found a perch inside his heart. Even his undershirt armor provided no protection from a Grandmaster's killing strike.

     Hanzo, seeing the ship in the distance, only felt his heart break, not even the feeling of the Katana in it was as bad as knowing his wife and beloved Granddaughter died in the plot he planned on using on the Kyusho...

     Hanzo Kato lost his life then.

     With Hinata pulling out her sword and flicking the blood off, the General who was surprised at the sudden assault of heavy cannons in the distance, only said.

     "Hinata Kyusho is the winner, and in three months, the Kyusho Clan may take over the assets of the Kato Clan. Ichigo Kato, as the only living member alive here, you must collect your family's personal effects and leave everything to the Empire, as the losers. Now I shall leave, good evening."

     Then all sides began to leave, all but Ichigo, who was surrounded by his 5 Masters all with crestfallen and grief filled expressions. The bodies of their family are a grim reminder of the loss. Then tragedy struck the Kato clan one last time after the Kyusho had already left...

     Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang...! An orchestra of music performed with the M107 .50 Caliber Long Range Sniper Rifle, played, as all 5 Masters protecting Ichigo, were brutally dismembered into chunks as the lone man alive was covered with all semblance of body parts.

     Even some unknown matter ended up in his mouth, ears, nose, and eyes. He stood there waiting for death, and it never came.

     After 2 minutes of not dying, Ichigo just ran off in a random direction, leaving the bodies, car, and everything. His only thought was to run, cry, and wake up from this unthinkable nightmare...


     Two minutes later, from the waters edge, a soaked female Ninja climbed up to the bloody scene in-front of warehouse number 7, with a defeated expression of losing everything, Lady Kato knelt at her husband's dead body. She closed his sad eyes, and sheathed his Legendary sword. She prayed and spoke an oath...

     "I promise, this blood debt will never end, and I will with my last breath, take revenge for all of you."

     At that moment, the shadows themselves seemed to move, as a black wire briefly made its way into her vision, then a pinch on her neck. The last thing she heard from behind her was...

     "No, this is the last chapter... The End..."

     Then that was the end, for her...


     After I picked up Hanzo's Legendary Ninja-to, I said to no one.

     "Fuck, who knew throwing knives infused with Chi would cause such a goddamn mess?! Ling'er needs to teach me better. She only chuckled when she told me how to do that... I am going back and going to put her over my knee to both punish and reward her, damn..."

     Then no one was left, but the dark black shadows of the night...



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