After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 230 Cliche, Prince Fuji’s True Love Is Mine Now!

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Chapter 230  Cliche, Prince Fuji's True Love Is Mine Now! by Harem-Fan


     When my eyes opened I realized I was still holding Ning in my arms, but she was laying there blushing. Her deep blue eyes looked into my eyes and asked.

     "Can you please leave the room, so I may get ready? I-I could not get-out of your hold this morning..."

     "Sorry, I tend to hold my lovers in my sleep, sorry. then I will wait and call room service, if you like?"

     She nodded, and as I let go, she covered her body more in shame. Her red face tells me this one night was not enough to make her comfortable, but this is normal for a young woman fresh in a physical relationship. But before I left the room she said,

     "Don't call room-service, we can go to the buffet in a bit. This lady has nothing to be ashamed of... I just need a little time to clean, we made a mess..."

     So I left, and I believe she intends on taking the sheets. This seems to be customary for noble women in China, to hide and keep the evidence of marriage.


     Roughly a half hour later, she opened the bedroom door and said.

     "I have finished preparing, can you please bring my chest. I will go to your room now."

    I nodded because unlike her hateful eyes, she is now giving me more courtesy than before, so I will not make it hard on her.

     When I went to get her bag, I instead found a real footlocker that was reinforced with good security on it. I of course could break into it, but that is besides the point. I noticed the sheets were indeed removed and no evidence of our time was left. I also saw her carrying a high-end laptop satchel on her arm like a purse, so I asked.

     "That is some serious computer power you have there. It is one of the latest models that my Floppy-Tech company produces, at a nasty price-tag, and normal users would never use it. So are you into computers? I am pretty good with them."

     For some reason, her eyes got that hateful look and she gritted her teeth.

     "Bastard, I know you're good at computers, I am Hungry Ghost, and have been on the receiving end of your shenanigans, Jerk!"

     I point at her in shock...

     "Wait, you were Hungry Ghost, and that means you were only 15  back then?!"

     "Why can't I be good at 15 and I was the one who was bullied... Who sends endless porn to a 15 year old girl, you Jerk?!"

     Why does she always make me feel bad? Does Ning have a gift for making me look like a child?!

     "Sorry, Sorry, I made that program for Adam Lee, and you had been making life difficult, I really am sorry now that I know who you are, and um... Stop using your computer, because it has a faulty Valentine feeding you bad advice, like if you ask it for good food, it sends you for an intestine, he-he."

     She stood there with her eyes looking like she would cry, and I know I must have tormented her for years, so I say.

     "Ning'er, I will fix everything alright?! I will even teach you more so you can get better, just don't be mad. Up until last night, you had been my adversary, so let me make it better okay?"

     She seemed to calm just a tad, then she took her case and shoved it in my chest, then walked out of the room so I could not see her mad.

     I just exhaled and cursed my Father more in my mind. So I hung her laptop case on my shoulder, and pulled the chest along, following the upset Ning Tang...


     In my original room with Mei and Hinata, the four of us sat. Ling'er had left as I showed up because she has a facade to show in-front of Pam, but her smile was one making fun of me.

     Hinata said to me.

     "Master, I and my parents are going back to the ship after breakfast. So I will be with Ryu. I don't want him to miss me too much."

     "Yeah, I heard he cried missing you last night. Make sure and tell him I will be back in a week."

     Right now I am reformatting and fixing all the crap I infected Ning's computer with, and she, seeing the shit I hid, only gave me angry looks, and Mei smiled. Then Mei asked.

     "Mrs Tang, what time is the Prince's party?"

     I loved how Mei said nothing wrong but gave Ning a dig for some reason. But Ning did not get offended being called my wife, and only said.

     "The party starts at 6 pm at the Central Imperial Ballroom. And I had been sent invitations for me and a +1. Naturally my +1 should have been for my maid-bodyguard, but now it will be for my husband."

     I smell a pile of shit there and I instantly go to find the Prince's private online information if any... Ning watches me do this with a smile.

     And sure as shit, this guy turning 18 has been trying to court Ning for around a year, and when I looked to my right, Ning's smile of causing me trouble was down right annoying. I pointed to this silk pants E-Mail history and said.

     "He is the real reason you wanted me, was to make him and I go at it, right? Kinda petty, right?"

     Ning stopped smiling and pouted like a spoiled child.

     "Well, I had intended to pretend to like you to cause him to stop pursuing me, and maybe annoy you a bit... How the hell could I have guessed I would become your wife, humph. You did not get the bad end of this deal."

     I want to retort, but when I remembered her cry last night, I decided to not be a petty bastard.

     "Ning'er, you are right, I did become a lucky man. I will go and proudly flaunt you in-front of the Prince so he knows I am the best, and the luckiest, right?"

     Ling ignored me with her arms crossed and looked away, trying to hide the blush, but she put her hair into a ponytail and her red ears were seen by me, so I just finished what I was doing before. Mei said to me.

     "I will be your driver tonight, I want to see him as well. It had been too many years, and a part of me just wants to ask why he never told me."

     Ning said to Mei.

     "He had severed his past, till he came out of the shadows, hence the reason for not telling you. May Lee would have found out for sure. He told me to tell you he was sorry for leaving you in the dark, and is happy you found your way to Rick. That was what he wanted me to pass on for you Mei Xia, his saved child."

     Mei hearing what she wanted said to me.

     "I changed my mind Rick, I will go back with Hinata. I will now move on and look forward to it. Hating his staying hidden is just not healthy anymore. Just tell your father, my last job was this, and I no longer belong to the shadows, but my Master and love."

     "Yup, you earned early retirement, and if he has a problem with it, I really will punch him hard."

     Ning looked at me and her lips curled in appreciation. How did I know she liked my domineering side?!


     So I shared a final breakfast with Mei and the Kyusho before they went back to the ship.

     Ning'er and I went shopping for a ballgown and a tux for us to match.

     She was a fashion Nazi and refused to let me wear anything but the best. She also told me we were both going to go with black outfits and fully gold accessories. She joked with me, and I did not get the joke till the joke was on me...

     "My Yellow Emperor and his Empress must wear formal gold, no other color suits the two of us, husband."

     Yeah, I should have known her smirk was one of leading me around by the nose with all of her hints. Younger women are petty!


     As my Rolls Royce black limo arrived on the grounds of the Imperial family, the team of attendants rushed to open the car door as we arrived.

     As I stepped out, my tuxedo of midnight black with fancy embroidery of eastern dragons and tigers that seemingly blended with the outfit was the first thing to catch the eye. Next was my heavy use of golden accessories including a tie, watch, neck chain, pocket handkerchief, and cuff-lings.

     While others watched, including some other VIP guests, I reached my hand to help out my partner. The soft hand took mine and she extended her long slender leg with pumps of gold and black. As she got out, she really did draw all of the men's lust and women's envy. Somehow, I felt a little proud of this young lady.

     Ning'er stood tall with her heels and her form hugging long black dress that flared out near the bottom, looked like an obsidian silhouette holding up her shapely chest, shoulders, and arms. Like a dark mermaid.

     Her hair was done up in a delicate bun with golden hair pins giving an imperial elegance, and her earrings, necklace, bracelets, and gold purse all made her look classy, but her dirty looks given to my smirking lips gave her the vulnerable charm that made you want to slap me for her sake.

     Um? Why is Ning'er looking at me in slight agitation you might ask? Well, with the very high security, how do you think I can sneak in tiny vials of poison in the event? Simple, I used my wife's chest as the Drug Mule, cough. That is one of the few places the security will not look, while men will get a more thorough check.

     "Ning'er, when we get in, I will take them back so just endure it, ha-ha."

     "I want to bite you to death, pervert. Your smile while placing it was disgusting, humph."


     As we made it to the entrance checkpoint, Ning gave them the invitations, and our passports were confirmed. Then we went through the separate men and women lines for pat-downs.

     I had to wait a bit longer for Ning due to her marriage documents having to be verified, due to it changing her passport.

     But soon she came to my left arm and held it. Her glare was inferring her painful walk had something to do with me. Lady, you did not have to marry me! But I will never say that out loud because the rice is already cooked.

     Soon, we entered the line of guests waiting to slowly enter, as every party had to be announced by a herald at the door. This draws attention to all newcomers, so the nobles who are aware of Ning's former name will have a bit of a shock finding the coveted woman has been claimed with no notice to the social circles.

     Just as it was our turn to enter, I straighten her necklace, and then her face went crimson, as I had deftly without anyone noticing, retrieved the four vials from her cleavage with her only feeling the missing vials from her bare fleshy chest.

     If she had not noticed the absence of them, she had not even noticed how I violated her boobs. My Thief Skill is now at Master Level, and my superhuman reflexes made her daze for a moment.

     And just as she was going to reflexively pull away from my approaching lips, I whispered.

     "Don't resist me tonight, they are watching..."

     I gently kissed her, and she blushed from the public affection. I know this will get to the Prince, and I just wanted to bully my wife a bit. I released her lips and said.

     "My adorable Ning'er, as long as you're not cursing and scolding me, you are absolutely adorable."

     In shame, being flustered, and a bit of anger, she quietly said.

     "You bastard, I-I am going to fight you to death later."

     Her mouth is fierce, but I swore I saw a bit of anticipation in her eyes, like a lonely girl who got her first friend, but had no idea how to treat them. I think she and I like bullying one another. Ning'er is a spitfire.

     Tonight is going to be more fun than I thought. She did not like the smile on my lips, and her body trembled like Little Red Riding Hood under the Big Bad Wolf's Gaze.

     If someone told the 18 year old me that one day, I would bully the Empress of the China Empire, I would have shot them in the face for being stupid.


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