After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 231 It Was Love At First Sight!

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Chapter 231  It Was Love At First Sight! by Harem-Fan


     [Now entering, Mr & Mrs Rick and Ning Tang!]

     With Ning'er on my left arm, the two of us walk into the massive ballroom.

     It seems more people from the Japan Empire and a few from the China Empire know Ning Qian very well by sight. And when they heard her first and last name now, mouths were open, and gossip started.

     I will have to find out more about my wife's Noble Clan some other time.

     "Don't waste your time, because I am not really a part of that Clan, they just have my last name. What? I have studied your style, and know you will back me up, just ask and don't be a sneaky pervert, humph."

      Fuck lady, I hope you have mind reading then and can hear what I plan to do to you, so read my mind, can you, hum?

     "Oh, nice face my dear, no I do not use mind reading, you are just more predictable than you think you are. I even know how you will handle the men here tonight, fufu."

     "Ning'er, just realize every second that passes, I am upgrading you into an older model."

     She, with a pout, tried to pinch my arm hard and I only smirked at her attempt. My only weak spots on my body now are my eyes and balls, so as long as they don't get hurt, I am fine.

     "I am only 4 years younger than you, and you act like it is me who is a middle-schooler, bastard! You will like it in the future when I am still attractive and you look old."

     "Won't happen, even my Dad and Grandfather look young, so which one of us will look older faster?"

     "Rick, do you like angering me?"


      "Huh? Why?!"

     "I think you are cute when you let out your frustration, I think you normally can't and it frustrates you, so I think I get to see the real you when I agitate you."

     "So all this time you have been bad to me, you actually do not hate me?"

     "What? I never said I don't like you silly, I said I like teasing you, that is normal for kids in a relationship to do."

     Before she could continue her train of thought, realizing I did not hate her, a couple I know all too well came to me.

     Kameko was pulling Keven along, and his eyes looked like he wanted to hide, because he just found out his boss was married to a popular Chinese woman, and did not want to pry, but his wife was different.

     "Boss Rick, you know the well known Miss Ning Qian? But, I heard her introduced as Mrs Tang?"

     "Ning'er dear, this is the CEO of Velvet Groups publishing, and his wife, his right hand woman, Keven and Kameko Kyoto. And as you heard, Ning'er is now my wife. So what are you two doing here?"

     Kameko says with a grin, because she knows I am quite the ladies man.

     "Boss, I told you that Akeno and I had Noble Clans here, so of course I would be invited to Prince Fuji's 18th birthday party, fufu. But had I known you would crash the party, I would have made Keven come with, for whatever show you plan. My Boss is anything but boring, right dear?"

     "Cough, Rick she is or has been drinking, so ignore her, um... Please?!"

     Ning said with grace.

     "Well, I will be moving back to Eurasia with you two, so I will be able to get to know my husband's close friends and coworkers, please take good care of me."

     Kameko asked in gossip.

     "So, how did you and Boss get together?"

     Ning, looked at me with fake as fuck loving eyes, and said with confidence.

     "It was love at first sight, and he asked me to marry him, and I just said yes, right husband?"

     "Hmm, Was it not love at second sight, and I am pretty sure you asked me, right wife?"

     She just dumbly looked at me remembering I am technically right with the second meeting, and she did in her vow ask me. Then she took a deep breath remembering I picked on her because I said I liked her, then she said.

     "Seems my husband does not have a romantic bone in his body and is only good at playing with my heartstrings."

     And with Ning looking down at the floor and holding her lower belly, the tennis eyes of my subordinates look to me like I am a cruel man, and I cannot believe how this little girl is nuking me, so I surrender and said.

     "Ah, Well maybe it was the first time, I am just shy."

     Although all three knew I was full of shit, Ning at least felt like she got a small victory making me concede, so she said to the two.

     "Mr and Mrs Kyoto, I need to take Rick to meet some more guests, so I want to get with you on the cruise ship if that is alright?"

     And with that, she dragged me away with a pout and poked my chest, saying.

     "Stick with my version of our meeting, Rick... Or I will not let you sleep with me tonight."

     I stiffened and looked at her rather serious face and dumbly asked.

     "Wait, you want me to sleep with you again?!"

     "I swear to the Immortal Dragon, even if it is you, you are dumb as can be... You are my husband Rick, and your duty is to put a child in me, and how do you think that will happen if you do not inseminate me? Am I really the inexperienced person here?"

     Goddammit, I-I am going to not be as gentle this time! She makes me look stupid all the time, or maybe I am and only realized it now, so I ask.

     "What happens if it takes a long time to get you pregnant then?"

     She looks at me with pity in her eyes and says it.

     "Then you will keep trying till you do it, and if I like it by then, continue. Maybe have more than one child, till I get a boy. And with your record, I may be pregnant already, so stop being a child, Rick."

     Holy crap, she is so domineering in this marriage, so I lie.

     "I was affected by the poison, and took the antidote, so my fertility has bottomed out..."

     Yeah, this will cover my cultivation flaw, like the issue Sam is having getting all those women pregnant, but she puts on a silly smile and said something that made me actually yell.

     "Impossible, Rick. You are patient zero the person who made the cure for the poison. The poison comes from the Dire Cobra in Central Africa (hinted at Dire animals and poison through the story), and your White Blood Cells before the age of 18 was the cure. Knowing you were the Yellow Emperor, your Father had agents steal blood from you during checkups and your occasional hospital stays. He was not worried about your abuses because the Yellow Emperor until 18 is unkillable, and your blood was the perfect cure for poison and some cancers. So, you are immune to the venom of the Cobra and immune to the cure synthesized from your White Blood Cells."

     "The FUCK!"

     Ning covered my mouth and said.

     "Your blood kept my mother alive all the way until around when you turned 18, then it stopped working on her, as she gained immunity to the cure, it can only be used for so long... Then her body gave out... So thank you, Rick."

     Why is she telling me this here with everyone looking at us?! Ah, I want to yell at this...

     So my Dad was not worried about me because Scott could not kill me, sigh... This makes sense from what Tina told me about our first meeting. Shit, Ning'er is looking sad again...

     I do the only thing that works with her, and to stop the gazes of everyone, I lift her chin and kiss her...

     Most of the guests look away in not wanting to look like voyeurs, and Ning's eyes look into mine seeing my attempt to change the mood, so she gently pushed me and smiled.

     "So like I said, you are very virile and most natural poisons cannot impede your body, and my odds of being pregnant are good, so enjoy the act I am allowing you to perform, now come with me to meet others, bastard conman."

     Fuck, my only excuse is gone, well when she does not get pregnant, she can blame my father, yup that's the ticket.


     Ning'er brought me to a group of men and women of the younger age generation, and when they saw us, I knew it was the Prince and his generation of Japanese Nobles.

     A handful of China Empire young ladies are also there, trying to get close to Prince Fuji.

     Ning however, unlike her first plans, took my left arm and put it protectively around her thin waist, to make sure I knew to not let her go. Well, at least she is loyal to me when it is serious, she does not send men mixed signals, me or the Prince.

     Her place is clear, and I gave her more respect in my heart for this action, so I pulled her in just a bit more, so she knows I won't let her go..

     As we neared the group of about 15 young adults, she whispered.

     "The man I married must keep me safe. do not disappoint your wife, Rick."

     I kissed her lips fast, and grinned, while the onlookers gnashed their teeth, hah, suck it Prince. Then with a blush she let out to play along with me. Ning said to Prince Fuji.

     "Happy 18th Birthday Prince, sorry I am late, my husband and I were delayed at the hotel. Rick forgot the code for my trunk to get my dress. Oh, Prince, my husband, you may have seen him in the movies, Rick Tang, and Husband, meet the Prince of the Japan Empire, Prince Fuji."

     Damn, she intelligently threw gas on this bonfire, I didn't even have to piss him off myself, good girl. So I waved and yawned.

     "Yawn, Sorry, I have not slept a wink in two days. Hello Prince, any friend of my Ning'er is my friend too, ha-ha."

     Ning looked at me with satisfaction and realized that she and I as a team can piss off anyone in the world, her lips curled as the Prince began to let out his speech...


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