After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 232 Slapped To Death!

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Chapter 232  Slapped To Death! by Harem-Fan


     "Yawn, Sorry, I have not slept a wink in two days. Hello Prince, any friend of my Ning'er is my friend too, ha-ha."

     Ning looked at me with satisfaction and realized that she and I as a team can piss off anyone in the world, her lips curled as the Prince began to let out his speech...

     "Ning'er, what kind of joke is this? You told me last week on your birthday you would marry no one, and consider my proposal... And now you bring this Eurasian to my party?!"

     As Ning was going to say something, I used my Acting to just brush it off.

     "Oh, I am sorry Prince Fuji, I missed the no Eurasians sign on the front gates to the Imperial palace, sorry. Ning'er honey, I have offended your old suitor?!"

     "Rick dear, I never said I would marry the Prince, we were just social friends."

     "Ning'er you scared me there, phew... I thought he was your fiance or something."

     Prince Fuji seeing our interactions feels like we have been a long time couple, and he feels cheated on by Ning, so he asked Ning.

     "Ning'er. When did you meet this man, and when did you get married?"

      Ning said it honestly.

     "We met at the Hilton's breakfast bar two days ago and got married last night, so we have only been married for 24 hours."

     Fuji, hearing my words of not sleeping, and hers of me needing to get her clothing, just put really bad images in his mind, and with anger in his eyes, he looked at me and asked.

     "Ning'er is a good girl, you must have blackmailed her, or threatened her didn't you?!"

     With my right hand, I scratch my head in embarrassment and lie, while making sure my hand was on her hip.

     "No not really, we just had a few drinks together and well... I took responsibility for our time together. She is a wonderful woman, and I am glad to make her my 11th wife."

     The other 14 nobles heard that all had stunned eyes hearing how we met, then Fuji asked Ning.

     "Ning, you have never had a drink in your life, how did he make you drink?! This is not right, I can get you a divorce right now, just say the word, if he is threatening you with blackmail, can I fix it?!"

     Ning puts both hands around my waist, and lovingly looks up into my eyes, then says.

     "Rick is my favorite actor, and I was the one that made him drink, because I fell in love at first sight. I asked him for help picking food, and he helped me, then was leaving not trying to impress me, and my heart thumped, this was the man I would make a family with."

     Fuck, there was so much truth in her lie, even I almost believed her, so I lightly kissed her to nail the feeling of being cheated on for the poor Fuji. She squinted and was amused in her heart I believe. We really are a couple of fire-starters. She reminds me of Tina in this department.

     "Rick, did you just think of another woman while I am hugging you?"

     Cold sweat hit my back at how well this girl sees through me, and if I lie, she will know.

     "You Reminded me of my Wife Tina Feng who I love very much, so It was a good thought about you, dear!"

     "Oh? If it is one of my fellow sisters, then how can this Ning be jealous? I forgive you then."

     One of the China Empire women asked Ning.

     Sister Ning, can you join us in the powder room for a bit?"

     Ning knowing this is a ploy to pull us apart said to me.

     "Husband, I need to use the restroom with my friends, so no killing anyone while I am gone, alright?"

     "Ah, Fine, I will wait till you get back honey! Go and powder your nose, and use the phone I gave you if anyone tries to bother you, and I will be there."

     Ning walked off with the 7 other women that left as a gossip group, naturally a couple of those girls are the Prince's fiances. Seeing her back profile, and her shapely figure in that stunning dress, It suddenly hit me that she was my wife. No I know she is but it truly had only been 1 day. Unknown to me, my lips genuinely curled at the thought of her...

     "Mr Tang, I will give you 1 billion to divorce her. I love Ning, and she is fond of me. Show me this respect, and let us become good friends."

     My eyes left her wide hips swaying, and when I heard the Prince's disgusting words, I could only smile at the fact this guy is dumb, I told him.

     "Prince Fuji, before we talk about love and money, let the 9 of us men all toast to being good friends?"

     Prince Fuji smiled not hearing a 'no', and called over one of his personal maids carrying a drink-tray.

     "Have the maids come with sake, I have an important guest to entertain, so bring my best maids."

     The maid saw the signs and looked at me, and nodded to her master. I of course can read the room and I will be drugged, well according to the Prince, idiot. He really is unlucky to find a cultivator in this lacking world.


     [Ning Tang: The girls are trying to keep me talking, should I come or let them keep me occupied?]

     [Rick Tang: Do not eat or drink anything, and let them, I am dealing with them trying to drug me, but don't worry, I will do my job. So stay there for now.]

     [Ning Tang: Don't leave me a widow so soon.]

     Looking at her text, I think that is a statement of concern? Well no matter, Unless I hug a claymore, I should be fine.

     "Brother Tang, what is wrong?"

     Prince Fuji seeing me read the text knew it must be Ning, and he hoped the girls were keeping her away from me, so I said.

     "Oh, nothing is wrong, Ning is wanting to talk with her friends, and I told her I was having drinks with my new brothers, ha-ha."

     Currently we are sitting in a side room of the ballroom that has a frosted sliding door, but more modern than the old paper sliding doors. But we are sitting at a large rounded table with floor mats of really plush and nice quality.

     About ten beautiful maids in loose kimonos are sitting between all the men and are pouring drinks for us, or are about to.

     The woman next to me looks like a younger Hinata, and is gently leaning on my arm and trying to incite me. In my heart, I find this game retarded, but I have a mission here, and all four targets are now poised to be poisoned, so I called someone on my phone briefly.

     [Very jealous lover here, how may I help you my man?]

     "Just need to hear your voice and confirm you hear everything?"

     [Lonely Lucy hears all, so what will be the command word, my little lover? ]

     "When I say our favorite date food, how is that?"

     [Ufufu, You even think of me at a time like this, fine, I love you dear, come home safely, and I could find nothing substantial about your new wife, so your Father was thorough to erase her, but she is your wife now so her past is now pointless, right?]

     "Yes, no need to dig, I will just trust them, I have to go, I have a sexy hostess wanting my attention, love you and wait for the signal."

     Putting my phone on the table, I said to the Prince.

     "Sorry, I had to put in a rush order for Japan's Star Wars unit, so where were we?!"

     "Good, Good, well we have the finest warm sake in the whole of Japan Empire, so all brothers, grab your woman and hold your cups!"

     Hmm? I think they must be using some sort of aphrodisiac I would guess, and want to get me on top of this sexy woman, then bring my wife in to catch me, well if the young master trope plays out.

     The maid next to me says.

     "Master Tang, my name is Saki, and I am a personal gift from the Prince, so please do anything you want with me, here please drink."

     I smile and just roll my eyes in my mind, because I am sure this woman is as loose as a goose, and what give, I would take nothing from my enemy. I hold my cup to her and say.

     "Oh, then I will gladly have fun with you tonight, Saki."

     Idiot Fuji hearing this looks really excited that his master plan is working, sigh.

     "This cup is for our new brother Tang!"

     """""""Brother Tang!"""""""

     As we down the cup, I admire how all of these men are going along with the Prince like good boot-lickers. I then put my cup down for the server to do her job, and I say.

     "Wish I had a Big Burger!"

     Just then a few things happened...

     I flushed my body fully with Chi to make my next actions superhuman.

     Lucy cut all power-grids in Tokyo connected to the Palace and more specifically the Ballroom we are at, causing a City wide blackout, but even the backup generators of this ballroom are cut. The power-outage will only last for 5 seconds.

     Buzz! As the darkness hit, and the emergency lights didn't turn on, I used my stealth, to quickly let me drop the four vials in each of the targets cups, and then in no time, I was back next to my Saki before she realized what I did, but to make sure, I pulled the hostess onto my lap, and slid my hand in her robe and squeezed her tit.


     Buzz! Just as the 5 seconds finished, I was busted with Saki in my lap, and my hand in her robe, so I smiled and said with a blush.

     "Damn, I was hoping the lights would stay off just a bit longer, I feel ashamed, sorry. Ah, let's toast to Saki here for having nice tits!"

     Shameless was the only word the young masters had in their minds, as the blushing Saki filled my cup. She really looks bullied, why, because my hand is still fondling her boob inside her robe, I lift my cup, and the prince says with a look of victory, imagining the angry Ning.!

    "Well then brothers, let us toast to Saki's tits, ha-ha!"

     As I downed my cup, I confirmed that all four men indeed drank the full contents, damn sorry guys.


     After a few more drinks, the Prince asked me.

     "If you are feeling fine Brother Rick, can you go to Saki's room for a rest?"

     "It is fine, I need to wait for Ning'er to come back, I want to take her home and make babies."

     My act of being tipsy has fooled them, and poor Saki is starting to make noises not right for the table, and agitating the boys. So done with my act, I pull my hands out from her clothing and slide her next to me.

     No need to make this woman get molested anymore, and I see my phone screen, then see a new text, so I look.

     [Ning Tang: Coming back to you now.]

     Seeing me not do anything with the maid, and knowing the girls are coming back, he asked again.

     "Now Brother Rick, will you take my deal? I wish to marry my love, and you can have Saki and a Billion?"

     I shrug and as the women made it to the room, Ning heard me.

     "Saki and money are great, and my new group of brothers too, but honestly, I am not done making a family with my Ning'er. And one thing the Lee men won't do is leave a woman hanging."

     Fuji, seeing the women, looked angry and knowing the soft approach won't work, he nodded to a maid who waved at a middle aged man.

     Ning, understanding what was going on, stood behind me. The Prince is using the Japanese custom to challenge me to a life and death fight using his Master in Karate, and then he will challenge and kill the sacrificial Master that wins Ning from my dead body, so he can earn my wives that are in Japan soil. Really stupid to do this, like Ning would be happy with him after or something, sigh.

     What is wrong with their brains? To kill a fucking Master to obtain another mans woman, just shameless, but the Master stood in front of me and said.

     "I am Tonto Fukuoka, and I wish to challenge the great Rick Tang in a life and death duel, and I want your wife. Saki is my daughter, and she is yours if you kill me, now let us go outside sir."

     "I refuse, no reason for me to kill Saki's dad."

     "Husband, I think you should take the fight to defend our honor, and I want to see my husband fight for me, please?"

     "Sure, but I don't want Saki, just my wife."

     Ning looked at me and without warning, she kissed me.


     A bit later, we were outside in the training field with most of the ball guests standing around to witness the fight between me and the Master.

     Ning, Keven, and now tipsy Kameko are standing behind me, as I take off my jacket and Ning wears it for me, and stands back. Ning'er quietly said.

     "Fight for your Empress, my Emperor, and let's go home."

     I nodded and I didn't see her look thrilled, that I would fight just for her. Like I said, I had no idea this woman got excited when I bullied others. She is a sadist.

     I then stepped into the ring opposite the Master that held a Katana and was going to ready a drawing stance. The referee handed me a borrowed Katana, because it would look rude to have me go unarmed.

     I was not going to attack with the sword, so I pulled it out, held it in my left hand reverse grip, so it was held as a blocking blade, because the guy is left handed, so that is where his strike will come from.

     The referee asked.

     "It is a fight to the death, so start..."

     The Prince cannot do any funny business here with many guests filming the event, so no crying foul after.

     So the Master did just as I thought, sigh.

     CLANG! Just so I do not underestimate my foe, I infuse Chi into my right hand, and use my left to block his blade effortlessly as it comes down in a wide overhead arc!

     SLAP! Thud! Just after I stopped his blade, I slapped his face, releasing my held invisible Chi into his head, shocking it, and rattling his brain, killing him, and his body hit the ground hard!

     The Master laying in an X shape motionless made the scene unreal! Everyone only saw a normal slap, and it did not even blow him off his feet, he just has a red palm print on his cheek, but he is not moving. So the referee came to look...

     I stuck the Katana into the ground and walked to my wife without a care, and held her in my left arm while she still wore my jacket.

     And then the referee in shock said something unbelievable...

     "H-He was slapped to death! Winner, Rick Tang..."

     Kameko yelled...

     "Hot damn boss, hic, I knew tonight would be great, hic!"

     Ning'er said to me with a bit of respect in her deep smoky voice.

     "Take me home, your night is not over..."

     Fuck, please don't tell me I am going to fall in love with this woman... Ah, let's face it, I want to bed her again.

     "Then let us go Ning'er, I have that other job in 3 days, so I am all yours till then."

     The path cleared for the two of us when we destroyed the atmosphere of the birthday.

     Too bad, for Fuji's misery was just beginning. While I was making babies with the woman of his dreams, he was unable to have sex again.



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