After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 233 Bringing Down The House!

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Chapter 233  Bringing Down The House! by Harem-Fan


     When Ning'er and I got back to the room, what greeted me was a bit of a surprise.

     Movers were replacing the broken bed in the servants bedroom while Ling Ling was watching them quickly work. She was currently talking to one of the hotel managers, a man with brown eyes and white hair, but...

     He is most definitely my Father in a disguise!

     When the two saw us, Ling'er smiled and waved to me to come over, so Ning and I did. Ning also recognized him.

     I sat on the couch next to Ling, and then Ning sat on my left. With both women on my sides, I looked to my missing Father who was sitting across from me and said.

     "Are those Masters moving the bed, yours?"

     He smiled and nodded, then supplemented.

     "Yes, and no bugs are present to overhear us, so we only have enough time to talk until they are done replacing the bed. Should I ask how it broke, ha-ha?"

     I shrug and point to Ling Ling.

     "She made me jump on the bed with her to annoy Mei into thinking things were intense, and well, it broke."

     Ning'er did not know about the bed.

     "I always wanted to know, why are you and Ling Ling together anyway?"

     Ling Ling smiles and makes up half truths as well.

     "He likes big boobed Loli's that he can Green Hat Sam with, fufu. No, but seriously, who does not want the Yellow Emperor as a lover? Also on a side note, my baby is his, is that good enough, Mrs Tang?"

     My Father asked me seriously.

     "Are you two really serious?"

     "Yes, and after this job, I want both Mei and Ling'er to be released from duty, so they can live normal lives with me, any issue with that? Oh, and also Ning'er here, I don't want them connected to the shadows anymore directly."

     He shrugs and points to Ning and says,

     "She can't, she's technically the Shadows leader, and I work for her. Her Mother was in charge before as well, but Mei and Ling can retire. Tell him Ning, or he will think I am bullying you and then he will get pissed."

     Ning pokes my shoulder and says,

     "Rick, he is not wrong, my position is hereditary, and I am taking a break for a couple of years to be with you. Then I will have to make more time back home, and you will be able to come and go freely in China, and no one will stop you."

     Ah, I see. I guess I just expected her to stay there in Eurasia with me, but just like Lan, she has obligations. My Father then told me.

     "We have sent many undercover sleepers to Eurasia to assist you when you move, mainly in the Central government, thanks to your grandfather. Ning will be able to contact me and keep us in touch. And when the day comes you move, Your Grandfather wants to be there for the fight to take down the Traditionalist for killing your Grandmother, well leading to her death anyway."

     Ling Ling told my Dad.

     "Even if I am leaving the Shadows, I will be fighting by Rick's side all the way. I will not let my man go alone."

     My father was still perplexed about what Ling just said.

     "Your actions after training go against all I know about you. You have been isolated all growing up, and yet it feels like you were looking for Rick all along. And may I ask why you held a knife to his throat?"

     "Oh, that? He and I were just having foreplay. Rick likes assertive women. Trust me when I say we have lots of fun together, he and I are kinda kinky, fufu."

     Smack! I literally facepalm because she is embarrassing me to no end here. My father, seeing my look of defeat, seems to think she and I are a bit special in bed, perhaps doing things other women would not, but sadly... He is right. A real Masochist makes you push their bodies in ways that makes a vanilla man like me blush still. I changed the subject.

     "So, what is the real reason you wanted to see me in person?"

     "Actually, I wanted to make sure Ning was being nice to you. She is a bit headstrong, and I did not want her to not care for you. So I wanted to see how you two were as a couple. I know I told you two to marry, but I do not want you two to hate each-other, or a rift can form in your hearts. I also promised her mother to make sure her daughter found the right man... So all along I wanted it to be my son. And her mother agreed."

     Both Ning'er and I looked in one another's eyes, and I could tell she had no idea, so I asked.

     "Wait, are you saying what I think you are saying?"

     "My Mother wanted me to marry Rick?! She never told me that."

     My Father handed Ning an old letter with a seal on it I am not sure about, and he told us.

     "Actually May Lee was involved back then with the incident. You were still a newborn, and May Lee shielded you and Mei from one of the Li assassins, her ex-fiance. The bullet ricochet she took was from that time. The target to kill was your Mother. Well, after your birth, the Li had poisoned her and made her body have complications. The serum we had produced shortly after using Rick's white blood-cells kept death at bay."

     Ning stood to walk to the side, and used her ring on the seal, and it seemed to open it without destroying the contents, to show my Father had not tampered with it, but I do not pry. My Father continued.

     "After I faked my sister's death and the assassin's, I settled Ning and her Mother, then returned to Star City. I also needed more of your blood samples over time to save Ning's Mother's health. This is how I knew that May Lee was right about you being the reincarnation. This both pleased me and saddened me to know you my son was him. So I raised you with the best morals I could. Sadly, the Bank incident happened, sigh."

     "Father, tell me why the Central Government branded you a traitor but did not kill you, and how did you live precisely?"

     "To your first question... It was because both May Lee and her fiance died, and the mission to kill Ning's Mother had failed. They did not have proof I was a traitor, but branded me for the failed mission under suspicion. As for the bank. I slowed my heart to keep from bleeding out, in hopes your grandfather could save my life. But I had been heartbroken when your other mother died, so I was ready to die then with her."

     He looked to see Ning'er crying while reading and sighed, then he continued.

     "So your Grandfather indeed came with a medical team and stitched me up, then he gave me his blood on the spot to replenish my dangerously low levels (emergency blood-bags). After I secretly recovered, Ning's Mother extracted me to China, where I donned the mask of the Shadow. And I helped raise Ning, while loving her mother till she died. Although Ning is not my child, I treated her like this, because I loved her Mother as a woman."

     Ning seemed to not react to his confession of loving her Mother, so she knew that. So I asked.

     "Did you also love her mother when I was 5? And what about our marriage?"

     "Yes, I was her lover even before your mother Sally Tang. Your Mother Sally was also poisoned by the Li, the same poison that affected Ning's Mother. That was why I was devastated. I was not right in the head back then, and should have realized, the only reason your Mother survived to deliver you was because your Yellow Emperor power (immortal system) kept her alive just long enough to deliver you. If she had not been pregnant with the Yellow Emperor, she should have outright died. So, You kept your mother Sally alive long enough to see you."

     My heart tightened hearing how cruel the Li Traditionalists are. And I now know why Ning and I have similar fates, but my father had more.

     "Your Mother's death was my catalyst to find a cure for the insidious poison the Li made, and it so happened that Ning's Mother was a biochemist. She and I had been working with the white blood cells of the Li, meaning she had been using mine, to synthesize different medical cures. This was the reason she had been targeted, for learning secrets of the Li family that the Traditionalist did not want China to have."

     He leaned back seeing Ning was done with the letter and listening to this part she did not know.

     "When Ning's Mother and I used your blood, she was able to suppress her condition, into a dormant state, well until 4 years ago when the serum no longer worked on her. I was heartbroken again. Every lover of mine all died to the Li. The three most important loves of my life... Well, Ning's Mother felt grateful for you and learned everything she could about you Rick. Not you as the Yellow Emperor but you as a young man. Even the time you risked your life to save that Kate Kong girl as a child. She thought you were a great child."

     He then pointed to the letter.

     "She asked me to no matter what, get you two together, because you were the kind of man her daughter needs. So neither of you knew that she and I decided to secretly betroth the two of you. That is why I forced you two together, because you are the same, a pair who have all of the same life goals, the perfect match. Both of you want revenge on the same enemy, and both of your parents want you together. Ning, let us face it, your Mother was right, only Rick could match your status."

     Ning said to me.

     "It seems my Mother commanded this action of your Father. So, this Em-, This Ning Tang fully accepts this marriage in my heart. Rick, it is now my duty to make sure you and I are together for the rest of our lives... This is also my wish knowing my Mother's intentions for me."

     I was confused because Ning was now bowing to me, so I stood and held her up.

     "Why are you acting so formal now, can't you just stay the same, geez. I like it when you are yourself better."

     Ling Ling was just watching this play-out, finding some of the details interesting, but with her life experiences, this seemed average as far as drama goes. My Father said to me while standing.

     "Rick my boy, I have to leave or my presence will be found. I will see you again when you bring Ning home to China. Well after you deal with the Li. Take good care of each-other, and I am ready for your punch for not letting you know of my being alive, and leaving you and Mary alone..."

     I looked at my defeated Father and shook my head while saying and asking.

     "No, living with the loss of three lovers is too much already, but I do have one last gnawing question..."

     "Sure, go ahead."

     "What is the real secret with the China Empire's policy with Li blood? It seems so strange."

     "Oh, that! Well all those who have some of the Li traits are taken out of society to live in our hidden City in the deep mountains. They are like the Political Li of Eurasia, and seem to never produce the Yellow Emperor reincarnations, but their weaker bloodlines still make them talented humans, like Ning and her Mother. Ning had the trait of being excellent at computers, and her Mother was good at science. Actually the Imperial family of the Current China Empire comes from these descendants. But you are the current genetically perfect Li bloodline, and the reason you can have so many skills at one time, while the rest of us can only handle one talent."

     He patted my shoulder and said while preparing to leave.

     "Ning has the security clearance to tell you all about the City of Shangri-la. It is a beautiful place, and the advancements in technology, medicine, and science are really exploding (his nuclear humor). This is the secret that we have been hiding from the world, Rick. So remove the cancer, and let the world discover what we have developed. Your mission is to improve this world, so let us do it. Goodbye son..."

     The three of us watch my Father and his people leave with the broken bed in tow. Then Ning held my hand, due to her emotions being a mess. Ling Ling, not giving to shits about Ning's drama, said to me while holding a thumb-drive.

     "Rick, I will need you in my room for a couple hours a day till the mission, to go over the mission details, so Mrs Tang, for the mission, I will need him a bit."

    Ning let go and told me.

     "I will go and shower, and wait for you to do our duty, then after, you can work on your mission with agent Ling. I will need an hour to get ready for you..."

     Then I watched her sway to the main bedroom in that black dress. Once she vanished, Ling'er leaped into my arms and said cheekily.

     "She is so dishonest, she cannot just say she wants to make love, can she, fufu. Hey Rick, I want to make love, then cultivate. I will breakthrough tonight, and stabilize by the mission. So I will need extra effort from you my Lover. Now let us look at this mission real fast before you try to make babies..."

     Ding! Both of us look at our phones and realize that Harem-Chat alerted me, so I read it.

     [Victoria: Please call me about this new 11th wife Ning Tang, my love, so I know what to tell the others, call me ASAP, love you.]

     Ling'er giggles and tells me.

     "Mission: Bringing Down The House, can wait. But Mission: My Ass Is Grass, will take priority, fufu. Good luck, come to my room later love..."

     And Ling skips off, while I call Victoria to tell her everything...


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