After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 234 Chuunibyou, 8th Grade Syndrome!

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Chapter 234  Chuunibyou, 8th Grade Syndrome! by Harem-Fan


     Three days later, the day the Tokyo Tower collapses...

     Ning'er has kept me mostly locked up in the hotel room with her, forcing me and her to interact. She admitted to me that she is forcing us to connect somehow. She is being bossy and spoiled about it. And frankly, it is a bit cute.

     We are both currently sitting on the living room couch, while Ling is out pretending to do her day-job with Pam. Ning'er holds her laptop screen over for me to see. In the camera is a view of the ship, as my wives and lovers have gathered for a conference call in Harem-Chat with Ning.

     Victoria and Helen, knowing my real background, were told about my Fathers betrothal with Ning, but to not make it known to anyone quite yet. Right now, my father is a world bad-guy, so any mention of him could spell trouble for Ning.

     The story we are going with is the old tried and true... We got drunk and things happened. After waking up in one another's arms, I took responsibility and married her so her Noble Family would not disown her.

     So currently, Ning is sucking up to everyone of my lovers, including my unofficial lovers like Gretta. Now my really smart wives who know me and my character can read between the lines and know I would not be so sloppy, but they know that I am being evasive for a reason and do not pry too much. I will personally tell Mary when she is in my arms so I can explain everything.

     But the person making me want to face palm is, Nadia!

     [Ning, are you sure you are not secretly older than Ricky? He never gets turned on by younger girls, especially one that is only 18. Perhaps you had to change your documents' age for some reason? Or, maybe you only have less than a year to live, and Ricky is trying to make you happy? Or maybe you are the Emperor's daughter and secretly ran away from China to be with your true love? Hmm, Or maybe...]

     Ning was stiff when Nadia went on a rant, and at this time, I had no idea she nailed one of them. So in a couple years, I will watch this video with Ning and laugh at her face etched in a stunned state. But I cut off Nadia.

     "Nadia dear, she is really 18, she is not going to die young, her paperwork is fine or we could not marry, and her being the Empress let alone the Emperor's daughter is silly. You have been watching too many soap opera dramas with the girls, ha-ha."

     [Ricky, I know you is all, and 18 is not your thing?]

     Ning can tell Nadia is a natural detective with me and made a lie that was plausible.

     "Ah, I think while I was drunk with him, I may have said I was 23 to impress him, so that would explain it. But he accepted me after, sorry."

     [Don't apologize, a lot of us have used bait and switch on Ricky. He is too cutely gullible, Ufufu. I understand, if he thought you were 23, I now understand everything!]

     Ning, seeing my sad eyes, showed her intent on getting us close, by kissing my cheek on the camera waking me up. I said to the wives.

     "You girls keep talking, I am going to jump off the roof, see you later..."

     I heard a lot of laughter coming from Ning's laptop as I walked away...


     In the bath, I was holding Ning'er and she asked.

     "Rick, do you want more back up for the mission tonight? I can send agents out to cause distractions to pull people away?"

     Ning and I had sex just prior and I had given her a massage to help heal her excessive sexual engagements with me, and now we are in a hot bath for her to recover. So she has been concerned about me tonight it seems. I think she is trying to care, because after reading whatever her Mother told her, she has looked at me differently. But it is a good difference.

     With her back entrusted to me, my hand gently rubs her belly to comfort her, and I kiss her shoulder and neck, making her lean into me more, then I said.

     "No, in fact, I would pull any shadows you have away from the area as much as possible, because they will only be collateral damage if I go all out. The Yakuza group had cleared the building of all personnel, and the land around the building is enough to handle a building collapse safely enough to not bring excessive life loss. So not being around when we escape is better."

     She turned her body to face me and looked into my eyes.

     "With all of the Yakuza surrounding the building, how confident are you to get the bomb underground, and then get out alive? What if they delay you?"

     I smile at her, because I can feel her heartbeat. I ask.

     "Why are you so worried? You know my skills, and I do things like this all the time, did you not hear about the death of Hanzo Kato and his family?"

     "Rick, I have only just met you, and I feel nervous to let you go into danger... I-I can call off this mission, and we can try individual assassinations?"

     I kiss her forehead and tell her.

     "You are just having fears of me leaving so soon, but I promise you, Ling Ling and I can come out of the mission with no problem. If I cannot do this easy mission, how can I kill the Traditionalist Li for us?"

     She bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes... Then she opened them and said,

     "Come home to your Empress, Rick. I will wait to receive you then. Do not disappoint this Empress."

     I grin at her noble lady act and tease her.

     "When you talk in 3rd person, I just want to bully you my wife, ha-ha."

     And so I did bully my Empress! Yeah, I was dumb at this point in my life, and had no clue I was really bullying the Empress, sigh...

     Who knew I was a real Emperor at this time?!


     Around 8 pm local time, I and Ling'er were at a secluded cabin outside the city limits where the security was almost nonexistent.

     She and I were suiting up for our mission. The abandoned home we are in was dark, but our cultivator eyes had no problem. As long as there is some form of light, stars, distant streetlights, or even a candle, we can see well. The only way we lose our sight is if we are underground with no light source, but outdoors, no problem.

     However, if we flush our bodies with Chi, we can even temporarily see in total darkness, though this is kinda a waste of Chi, but if your life's on the line, it is worth it. So in short, when we flush our bodies temporarily with Chi, we became something close to a Hulk in physical ability, you know the big green angry guy?! Another supervillain we could be compared to in durability and strength would be the Juggernaut, well just during our superhuman moments.

     "Ling'er, how long can you maintain your Chi for right now?"

     She calculates and guesstimates.

     "The shortest is 1 minute, but if it is just for small things, then for 2 minutes. I only broke through recently, and I am behind you. How long do you have, Rick?"

     "I can most definitely do 10 to 15 minutes for sure, but I have not come close to the peak of 1 hour. So based on your time limit, let me do the heavy work, and you just save yours for emergencies. And lastly, why are you wearing-that on a stealth mission?"

     Ling Ling is currently wearing a vinyl full-body Pink-Ranger outfit with a helmet on. She is the opposite of covert, it is as overt as possible. But the outfit accentuates her Loli body and huge chest. It reminds me of one of the outfits that Tina and Hana wear for my pleasure. Ling, seeing my look, sticks her tongue out and says.

     "Dao Lover, when you and I act, do you think your Hanzo Kato Ninja outfit is going to make you any-less noticed? As soon as you start blowing shit up, even a rainbow outfit won't matter. I am wearing this because it looks great, and you love it. Ufufu."

     Yes, I am holding the Hanzo Kato Ninja-to I took, and am disguised as him. I was going for the whole ghost from the grave look to throw off investigations, but now that I look at the two of us, only one word came into my mind... Chuunibyou! (8th grade Syndrome)

     "Rick dear, with your mask on, I cannot see your speechless face, is it nice?"

     "Do I have time to change?"

     "Ufufu, Nope."

     "Fuck me!"

     "I will later, Rick."

     "Sigh, Ling'er get in the van..."

     She happily took my arm in high spirits, as we went to cause death and destruction, probably yelling embarrassing things along the way...


     I am currently driving the white flowers-van, full of freaking explosives, more than enough to even kill the two of us ten times over.

     Lucy's voice is coming over the earpieces, and she is telling us the plans for her side.

     [Any and all cameras that can see you, including those from smartphones, are being rerouted to show other things. I have also sent false emergency alerts to all the authorities on far away sites to divert them from the area, even after the shit hits the fan. All current Yakuza targets have entered the building as planned, including that relative of Hanzo you let live. Though he is on drugs right now to calm his heart.]

     "Alright Lucy, I can see the building in the distance, and I am going to force our way into-the underground parking. Make sure to shut down the elevators so they cannot escape fast enough. Even with the stairwells, they cannot do it. I am going to accelerate now, prepare for impacts, Ling!"

     VARROOM! I slam the accelerator all the way and let my Driving Mastery make maneuvers that will get us into the parking structure under the building!

     I almost drove us into a pole when I heard what Pink Ranger yelled next to me...

     "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!"

     I keep forgetting that she comes from my last Earth!



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[Acting: Master] [Acrobatics: Grandmaster] [Auto-Mechanics: Advanced] [Business Management: Master] [Cat Burglar: Master] [Computer Use: Grandmaster] [Cooking: Advanced] [Driving: Master] [General Education*: Advanced] [Gun-Fu: Grandmaster] [Firearms: Grandmaster] [Kung-Fu: Grandmaster] [Medicine: Advanced] [Stealth: Master] [Thief: Master] [Virtual Business Management: Master]

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