After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 235 Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherf*cker!

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Chapter 235  Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherf*cker! by Harem-Fan


     "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!"

     Pink Ranger just gives me a thumbs up after yelling that, and I press my communications button.

     "Lucy, tell God Squad to start the attack empty one Magazine of 10 fast each, then reload and empty one more after we are in, then have them escape."

     [Orders sent Rick, good luck.]


     From the 30 story building across the way from Tokyo Tower, the glass from the 17th floor, all on that level was shattered and kicked out.

     Then without using the bi-pods, 50 God Squad members freely aimed and quickly did an inaccurate magazine dump of 10 shots to the streets below. Quickly a hail of 500 rounds of 50 caliber ammunition rained death upon the guards of the Yakuza, causing an untold amount of misery.


     Just before impact with the running guards, I said to Ling Ling.

     "I think you might want to use a bit of Chi for the entrance break-in, in case we forcefully stop somehow."

     With her head nod, I do the same, and flush my body. Then it started.

     Bang Thud Thud Bang Bang Thud! As the calm guards took cover, they had seen my van accelerate and knew something bad was going down. They began to fire their handguns at us, cracking the windshield and at the same time, I began running down the brave but now dead guards.

     Ling'er and I with our left forearms, covered our eyes as vulnerable targets for bullets, and our outfits showed we took some 9 mm rounds in our torso and legs.

     Bang Poof Bang Poof! I could feel that our two front tires had been shot out, but I was already at the entrance to the underground, and over-steered to compensate for the flats. Sparks began to light up the ground as I entered the downward ramp.


     As gunmen started to shoot from the street level behind us, another rain of death from God Squad quickly started to make short work of the survivors. My group quickly cleaned up their firing nest to escape from the building, killing anyone who dared stop them.


     Ling pointed to the left side of the first level of parking and said.

     "Park there and I will set the bomb, and you can play with the guards."

     Hearing her words, I slammed on the emergency brakes and skidded to a smoking stop, as our vehicle had now started to become unrideable, but not like we were going to use it anyway.

     BOOM BOOM! With Chi still fueling us to superhuman ability, we both forgo opening the doors and just kick them off the van, and into oncoming groups of guards, and like a game of bowling, they fell like pins.

     Drawing Hanzo's blade, I rushed the flustered group, throwing a flash-bang grenade to confuse them... Bang Flash!


     As I ran into their midst, bisecting the men and women, Ling Ling had thrown off the back doors of the van in one motion, killing a couple men with flying doors.

     She then pulled off the bulletproofing to protect the bomb. She set the timer for 5 minutes. She yelled.

     "Time to go Hanzo, these bullets in my suit are chafing my tits!"

     I was trying to stay serious here and not lose focus, but the image of bullets stuck in her cleavage made me smile a bit. I nodded and the two of us had started to make our way to the entrance.

     Because the elevator did not work, from the stairwell came a group of 6 Masters.

     One of them, seeing us, pulled out a grenade, and threw it our way. I know grenades have a 4 second timer, so I decided to not catch and throw it back, but instead I threw a Ninja Star at it, with my strength diverting it to the side.

     BOOM! All 6 masters dove behind cars to avoid the explosion, then Ling Ling said to me.

     "My Chi is running low, so I will sprint, deal with them and meet me up top."

     As I nodded to her to go, because Ninja don't talk, she ran faster than a cheetah stupefying the Masters! Pink Ranger ran up the ramp faster than a car.

     I grin seeing a red Smart Car parked here, and gripping it by its front, piercing my hands into the metal to get a good hold, then lifting the Smart Car like a giant metal club, I charged the frightened Masters, who cannot understand this sight?!

     CRASH! CRASH! CRASH! I spun the hunk of metal horizontal, then did overhead strikes with it. And this eventually made the car give and most of it went flying into the elevator shaft.

     I managed to kill 3 Masters with the Smart Car before two ran upstairs, and then the last ran down further in to escape from the insanity. I was having so much fun, I forgot something important?! I heard it in my ear.

     [Are you out? The Bomb is going off in 1 minute! I do not see your GPS outside the building?]


     I immediately bolted up the ramp the same way that Ling had run, and just as I made it across the street to where Ling was, it happened, blowing me off my feet and into the second story window across the street....


     Even with my Chi flowing, I was shaken up from the vibrations of the blast wave, and I was disoriented, but I could make out a Pink Ranger talking to me. I was lifted and was being princess carried by Ling'er...


     Two blocks later, she put me down, and the whole back of my Ninja suit was in tatters. Ling'er said to me.

     "Let me guess, you were having so much fun you forgot about the bomb?"

     I picked her up this time, because she is out of Chi, and I still had some, so I would run us at inhuman speeds to escape. But I said,

     "No, I thought you set it for 5 minutes, and I guess I was counting wrong, but I am fine, cough."

     Running at rapid speeds in the dark streets, I could not help but notice Ling'er breasts jiggling at our insane speeds. I could only smirk thinking that superheroes must lead interesting lives.


     A few blocks away just before my Chi would end, I put down Ling'er at a dark alley and we entered.

     We immediately stripped and threw all of our clothing and gear into a metal trash can with acid in it to dissolve the material. My Fire Birds group will remove this chemical bath later.

     A motorcycle had been placed here for us, as well as some black clothing, a pair of yukata and a kimono. The two of us donned the clothing, and fixed each-others appearance. She smiled and told me.

     "This was a fun date, my husband. Now, when we get back, take care of your little wife, and then take care of me. I need some Chi, baby~!"

     And for a while we kissed. Eventually before we got stuck having sex in the dark Alley, we stopped and got on the black motorcycle. Hearing sirens all over Tokyo, we knew we had to get back...


     Using the same methods of entry the night I killed Hanzo, I had Ling'er hold my neck, and I scaled the Hilton building to our opened window. We made it safely inside...


     Once inside, I locked the window and went to the living-room where Ning was sitting watching her laptop for all the news. Seeing us, she smiled a bit and asked.

     "Are you two alright? Any issues?"

     She walked in-front of me and examined me, she sniffed and frowned a bit. I asked.

     "What is wrong?"

     "You smell strongly of motor oil, particularly on your hands, and your hair smells like explosives?"

     Does she have the nose of a dog? I can't tell her the oil was from a Smart Car bat, right.

     "Oh, the oil is from rolling on the ground with cars that got shot up, and the explosives were from the dust cloud of the building, yup."

     Her blue eyes look at me knowing I am full of it, but she snorts her nose and looks at Ling'er and says,

     "Could you please shower him, and in an hour send him to sleep with me, please. I will wait for you Rick, goodnight Ling Ling..."

     And with a bit of attitude, she left for the bedroom. Ling smiled and said.

     "Let's go, she just gave me time to clean and dirty you, ha-ha. She is so dishonest. Come Rick, you do stink, Ufufu."

     And as we are going into the bathroom for a shower an sex, she said one other interesting thing to me.

     "Oh, and by the time we get back to Star City, Sam will be arrested for his recent sex crimes with the women in Black State. He won't be getting out of jail for a very, very long time. One of the Shadows will be claiming rape as well, so he is done for. So how will you console this pregnant newly divorced woman, Rick?"

     I pick up my lovable crazy Loli and say.

     "If I did not hate the kid, I would almost pity Sam. But, I think some sex will get me over it, ha-ha!"

     And with that, the curtains of the day the Tokyo Tower fell came to a close. Ling'er, Ning'er, and I stayed in the Hotel for a honeymoon before it was nearing the time to go back home to Star City...

     And soon, I would face the Li, and end their many years of familicide, of my family.


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[Acting: Master] [Acrobatics: Grandmaster] [Auto-Mechanics: Advanced] [Business Management: Master] [Cat Burglar: Master] [Computer Use: Grandmaster] [Cooking: Advanced] [Driving: Master] [General Education*: Advanced] [Gun-Fu: Grandmaster] [Firearms: Grandmaster] [Kung-Fu: Grandmaster] [Medicine: Advanced] [Stealth: Master] [Thief: Master] [Virtual Business Management: Master]

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