After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 238 Placing My Chess Pieces!

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Chapter 238  Placing My Chess Pieces! by Harem-Fan


     A week later, Operation: Limp Dick had done its intended damage, putting the brothel out of business and causing a medical scandal as a new wave of erectile dysfunction spread throughout many important men from Star City and the Central Government close to the Lee. Raymond Lee was one such unfortunate victim of the poisoning scandal.

     Around 10 employees of the establishment vanished without a trace, presumed dead or the ones involved in the poisoning. Indeed, these spies were given retirement packages and smuggled from Eurasia to live comfortably in any other country they chose.

     After Raymond received his diagnosis, and learned of similar poisonings in China, he came to my Fire Birds office one day with authorities, to search for evidence. Nadia was quick to the scene and handled the legal assault. They had nothing but circumstantial evidence, and with his past recordings of threatening me, it was thrown out without hard proof. My only official response was...

     "As the Leader of a legitimate Syndicate, I advise all individuals seeking a brothel, to go to legal establishments with a 'trusted' background and not one run with sinister agendas. As a man, my heart hurts for all 72 affected men."

     When I told Ning'er about the plan, she was dumbfounded, but quickly ordered the drug to be sent immediately for my needs. At first she did not want the drug to go public in Eurasia, but when Shadow told her it was fine, she gladly acquiesced.

     This whole process of starting and ending the scandal was a mere two weeks, and a tiny bump in the plans going forward.

     After that, time flowed slowly and normal business was my day to day life. I kept my family happy, cultivated with Ling Ling regularly, and began to put my soldiers into position for the final battle in Central.


     Time Skip


     Then unbelievably, 1 year passed in the blink of an eye, and now I am 23 years old.

     Thankfully, my wives have stopped getting pregnant, and I am able to focus on getting ready for Adam Lee's upcoming birthday in less than a year now. He is close to turning 18 and finds out what fate has in store for him and his family.

     My lovers gave birth to the following children...

  • Ning Tang: Long Tang
  • Ling Ling: Tim Sun... Tim was my past life's name with Ling.
  • Lucy Shen: Valentine Shen, my son so named because of our program named baby that was then named Valentine, kinda fitting.
  • Jill Feng: Angel Feng
  • Gretta Yang: Mike Yang
  • Mary Tang: got the son she wanted, Ryan Tang
  • Mei Xia: and my son, comically, was given the name only she, me, and Ling Ling know... Bruce Lee.
  • Kate Tang: Lilith Tang

     And this brings my total number of children to a whopping 27, sigh!


     The most noticeable thing to change in my life is the current wife that I am making love to right now. Ning'er, whose dark blue eyes are gazing into mine, as the two of us passionately entangle. Her eyes are challenging me, like she is daring me to finish first before her.

     As I deeply kiss her, I do near my end, and I know she too is close. Her legs wrapped around my lower back and encourages me to finish, as her body begins its climax. She then broke the kiss and said.

     "This Empress demands you finish, Rick~! I love you..."

     "Ning'er, my heart is yours~!"

     Yes, the two of us have fallen madly in love, well I knew I would, but when our son was born, she was so moved, that she has aggressively hunted me down for lovemaking at every opportunity, like right now, in the middle of the afternoon.

     I let the smallest amount of Chi enter my lovers when I finish in them now, because I have confirmed, the health of all of them has improved over time. It is not cultivation, but the Yang energy I give helps their body just ever so slightly. So I fill her with my lust and grunt.

     I suck on her neck gently as she pants in my arms. She then said while out of breath.

     "Rick... I don't want you to leave my side... When I go back, you must spend half a year in China with me... Your children will need you..."

     "Children? But sure, I will fly there a lot, I cannot live without you in my life as well. But... What if you stay here with me, like now?"

     Ning'er uncharacteristically held my face with both-hands and then admitted a few shocking things.

     "My husband, first, I am pregnant again. And secondly... I am actually the Empress of China, and your Father and Grandfather are my subjects. My Mother was the last Empress, and I was the one sitting in the throne room the day your Father unmasked himself. I promise on our Son's name, I am indeed the Empress of China, and you my Husband are the current Emperor, though I am the one in charge."

     I was so stunned, I felt I let out just a little more baby batter out of surprise. Then I thought of everything she had ever said to me, and the interactions, the clues I thought were jokes, and my Father's very cryptic words neither lying nor fully telling the truth. So I ask my only question.

     "Ning'er, why tell me this now?"

     She smiled, put both arms around my neck and said confidently.

     "I wanted you to not freak out about my pregnancy, and I am tired of keeping it from you. I love you too much, and I know you will be fine with it. I just need you to know the reason I cannot stay in Eurasia after you kill the Li. Just know my love is pure and never ending for you."

     Huh? For some reason, I am not freaking out like I should. I look down and realize, I have the China Empire leader under me with my Dragon spitting fire in her furnace, and a smile plays on my lips... This is so crazy it is funny.

     "But the Emperor has been making appearances while you have been here, how is that?"

     "That is your Father filling in for me. All China Emperors, man or woman, wear the outfit of a man to hide our identities. Did you know in the last 2000 years, most Emperors have been women?"

     "Really? But what about the massive harems?"

     "They are for show, and most of those Empresses are just friends or shadows."

     I kiss her to assure her I am alright with this revelation, but pull out, so we can talk normally, while I carry her to the bath.

     She puts her hand on her belly and tells me.

     "I need you to know Rick, I am not having children with you for your identity as the Yellow Emperor. I already have a son to lead the country. I am having children with you because I love you. Do you know what my mother said in my letter?"

     I sat us under the shower on the foam shower chair, and let the water run over us, and I shook my head, so she told me.

     "My Mother said her only regret in life was not having her lover's child. She was very happy to have me, but she did not love my Father. She watched you grow up till your awakening, and she saw a man who took his lumps, but didn't crumble, and never gave up. She said, to trust her taste in men, and to learn to love you. She said China is worthless without a family you live for, and to have many children. Me personally, I think my Mother may have even fallen for your teenage self. Did you know, she even had a picture of you in her room, to remind her of the boy that extended her life?"

     "I am Honored, Flattered, and Disturbed by that."

     "Yeah, my Mother looked just like me, but older... Just your preference, Ufufu."

     "So wait, are we having more children after this one as well?!"

     Then she reminded me of my promise from Japan...

     "You said you would give me 4 children if you could, and you promised me. So yes, I will have 4 children total with you, my husband."

     Then she kissed me to stop the conversation, which I lost when I made that stupid promise... Ling Ling needs more spanks for lies! My damn fertility is intact as it was before, fuck!

     Another round of Imperial insemination took place with a very eager Empress...


     Lee Traditionalist compound in the northern hills of Central Capital...

     Deep underground in the bunker-buster proof main home of the main family, sat a Father and Son pair having tea. The two men are wearing traditional Chinese clothing from ancient times.

     The Father said to his Son.

     "Adam, how is your training, and anything learned from your dreams?"

     "My Hacking skills are definitely better than that China Empire Hungry Ghost, but I have not seen him around much in the last year. I wonder if he died or retired? As far as my dreams? I know I had a life in a futuristic world. I had vividly known I was a star-ship captain. But I was unable to retain any of my skills from the dream, sorry Father."

     "Adam, it is fine, all of our records say you need to be 18 for the skills to set in your mind. We are almost there, but..."

     "The Political Lee and many government officials are believing I am a fraud, right? I see it in the emails and I see it in their private texts. They say we are using it as a power grab, and that is how we swallowed up both foreign and domestic military."

     The Head of the Family only nodded.

     "The Prime-minister wants you to publicly show yourself when you awaken, or they will strip us of our foreign affairs credentials for trying to seize control."

     "Well we are, did they find out we will start to kill them off as well, is that why they want me to show the world my power?"

     Adam was brushing his long hair, while his Father said.

     "The Political Lee said to put up or shut up. Their logic is to steal the wind from Rick Lee Senior, the new Shadow of China claiming to be the Yellow Emperor. That fraud and his Father tricked China into believing he was special. I was there for his 18th birthday, and nothing special happened. The same for his bastard son. Let him bark like a rich young master, because in the end, he will bow to your strength when you unleash it, ha-ha."

     Adam only smiled, and could not wait for his 18th birthday, and to witness ascension...


     Prime-minister Lee was in the restroom of the Capitol Building, sitting in one of the stalls, while a pair of feet was in another. The man in the next stall said calmly.

     [Prime-minister Lee, here is the special phone that Adam cannot access, and is secure for top secret talks. It is good that you demanded Adam be exposed in the ceremony. Now we can deal with him without having to use a massive bomb. We also have a group of body double studying you and your family members for the Government, to be decoys. We cannot let you get assassinated like the Lee Conservatives were. Any questions before I leave, Prime-minister Lee?]

     "No, my family agrees with your boss's plans. The Traditionalists have been killing and are looking at my family now. We will work with your groups. Please thank your boss for me."

     [No, my boss sends his thanks for the pardon, because of you, moving has been smooth, and he wants you and your family to keep up the righteous work. Eurasia is too important to him to let a civil war tear us apart again. Well, I will see you here next month when the gaming convention is here. My gaming firm has been really busy lately, so I have to go, goodbye.]

     Tony Deng, now 28 years old, with brown hair and eyes walked out of the stall, washed his hands, smiled in the mirror, and left the restroom.

     He smiled at his boss and friends' foresight. Rick was right, nobody would believe the first mini-boss was the man pulling the strings in the bigger game, under all the Lee's noses...

     "~Everybody Is Kung-Fu Fighting♪! Ha-ha..."

     And Tony quietly sang his favorite theme song...


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