After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 239 A Tropical Trip With Vipers!

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Chapter 239  A Tropical Trip With Vipers! by Harem-Fan


     Black State, South Sea City...

     When my Private Jet touched down in the small-airfield of the southernmost major seaport of Eurasia, we were greeted by tropical breezes coming from the southern waters...

     My long time stewardess walked down the walkway-steps to secure it for my group to depart.

     Fire Birds of the local branch came to greet us here. Though the presence of my Syndicate is by far very weak in the Black State, the Black Snakes have the lion's share of control as their home turf.

     In my white tieless suit, I step out, holding the hand of a beautiful woman with grey eyes, long black hair, and a chilling gaze as she looks around the airstrip with 2 black limos parked in wait.

     Linda is dressed in one of her long white shoulderless dresses, reminiscent of what a Greek Goddess would wear. My wife has gained even more elegance after maturing as a 24 year old, if that was possible.

     Following right behind us is the 27 year old full figured Mercy Mu, still with her elegant and gallant short blonde hair and blue eyes. Today, her attire is a knee length maid outfit, instead of her normal full length she prefers, but the weather calls for this outfit. And under the skirt strapped to her firm thighs, are her trusty paired HK P30's she uses with her Master level of Gun-Fu.

     My State Manager Randy Lee, was there to shake my hand as I brought my two wives along with me. (Lee is a very common last-name, like Smith in the USA)

     "Leader, it is wonderful for you to personally come to Black State for a vacation, what can I do for you?"

     "Be at ease Randy, this is purely an unofficial visit, so my Wife and I can visit some of her family for the weekend. All I need's a car for my Personal Maid to use for my needs."

     Randy waves over the driver from the first limo and gives some commands. The crew immediately removes everything from it, transferring things to the second limo, and Randy hands Mercy the keys.

    "This is my personal limo, and was freshly detailed this morning for your visit. Please use it and I will pick it up here when you take off, Leader, I insist."

     Running the Fire Birds for some time now, I have learned to be used to treatment like this, and this action makes my subordinates happy for some reason, and I gladly take his offer.

     "Thank you State Manager Lee, I appreciate it, then I will see you on Sunday at 3 pm here. Linda and Mercy, let us go."

     Linda in her cold tone thanked Randy as my wife.

     "Mr Lee, it was wonderful to have met you, and thank you for the warm Southern Hospitality."

     Then while Mercy held the door open for us, Linda extended her long legs into the limo, and vanished from view, ending the fantasies of the guards who looked in envy.

     Securing the car, Mercy climbed in and drove us off...


     Mercy Smiled at me in the mirror and asked.

     "My dear Master, where would you like to go first? My summer home, or to Linda's Fathers summer home?"

     I see her eyes telling me to pick her place, due to the fact that she and Linda got away from the kids for a bit. I cave into my Mercy's rare few requests and say,

     "I would like to visit your private sanctuary Mercy, and I think after the flight, it is the perfect time for a refreshing nap and shower before we go out tonight."

     Naturally the shower is for Mercy while the nap is for Linda, cough. Linda took my arm and leaned on me and nuzzled while saying.

     "Rick, I am pleased with you bringing Mercy and I back here for another vacation with you. I think the last time we came was two years ago, I think."

     "Well, it is not all my fault, ha-ha. Your Fashion business keeps you busy, right?"

     Linda pokes me in the side and said.

     "I work hard so our daughter Lucy has something to have when she gets older, and if fashion or business is not her talent, then she can sell it to follow her own dreams."

     I lift Linda's chin, kiss her, then tell her.

     "Actually, our daughter Lucy Lang is probably going to follow her-mother in her dreams. I caught her drawing well crafted dresses for our family. So she will be into art, or fashion, or both?"

     Linda asked.

     "Really? I saw her looking through my books, and thought she was only curious. But if she truly follows me, I might die of happiness, Rick."

     "Oh no! Mercy, we might have to go to the local hospital, because I don't want my Linda to die of happiness!"

     Mercy trying to hold back a grin says back to us.

     "Master, we just passed a veterinary hospital, and it is closer than the hospital if it is really bad?"

     Linda with a bit of irritation at us only grunted.

     "Humph, Mercy, now you are teasing me as well, bullies..."

     Mercy and I only laughed at the pouting Ice Queen.


     Mercy and I wave our Smartphones around and give each-other texts...

     [Mercy: One bug in my main bedroom, and one in the guest bedroom.]

     [Rick: I found one in the kitchen and one in the dining-room, lastly one in the living room.]

     [Mercy: Shall I flush them?]

     [Rick: No, don't do that, let me rewire them all first.]

     [Mercy: What will you do with them?]

     [Rick: Oh? I made a special... Bug Babysitter AI Program, that tricks Listening-Bugs.]

     [Mercy: Really? What does it do?]

     [Rick: It simulates whatever generic activities I want the listeners to hear by reproducing random topics, sounds, and algorithms of conversations.]

     [Mercy: What will you set then?]

     [Rick: A wild threesome, lasting the whole time we are in here, and then chats about baby names, making fun of Adam.]

     [Mercy: ..............]

     [Rick: ;P ]

     And then I connect a special device over the bugs one by one, keeping them inside a small case that cannot hear us talk, and is in a virtual sound room. Then I activate the program. I say to the ladies.

     "Alright, we can talk and act freely, but close all of the blinds Mercy, so they cannot see us with long range telescopic cameras."

     After we secured the place, we unwind and truly relaxed. Ironically without the threesome part, we still do some sexy sounds...


     The weekend flew by in bliss with my loves and we met up with George, with one of his other lovers, and not the annoying mother-in-law, having a great visit. But that was not a really notable time, and George and I only drank.


     But my real mission here was what I am doing this early Sunday morning at 3 am...

     To avoid Satellite Observance, and the tails always following me, I wore a solid black wet-suit without a scuba tank. Using my Stealth Mastery Skill, I rushed to the Sea shore and dove into the water!

     Flushing my body with Chi, I was able to go without breathing, and swam faster than a torpedo in the water, tricking the Satellites thermal imaging. Without sonar, they lost me...


     On a deserted island one mile out from the summer home, I slowly emerged from the water in stealth.

     I scanned everything under the moonlight, and due to this island being super small, only a handful of palm trees and lush green plants grew in the center of the tiny island, one of many dotting the shallow sea area of the straits.

    My investigations saw a man all in black also sitting in the overgrowth, trying to not make too many movements, like he too was hiding covertly. I grin as I sneak up and sit on the rock near him. I startled him by saying...

     "Logan Chen, long time no see, ha-ha."

     "Goddammit Rick, you scared the shit out of me, ha-ha. Damn, did you really swim all the way out here?"

     "It is only a mile, for us it is no problem."

     "Well good, you would have done well in the Sea Temple. So before we talk about important things, tell me about the latest things in your life and in Star City..."

     So for about a half hour we talked about the last year or so...


     "Alice Ling, my step daughter really liked you, damn, shame you two did not get together. She really had a huge crush on you. But damn, you really married a younger woman after-all?"

      "Alice Ling was really fun to hang out with, but truthfully, I could not see her romantically, but as for Ning'er, well, she was actually secretly my fiance, but we fell in love. Sigh, life is interesting how screwballs just come."

     "Well, the most amazing thing is imagining you and crazy Lan Chow having two rugrats together, I still can't believe you two hooked up after breaking her nose, ha-ha. When I tell stories about that night, my students laugh and say I am full of shit. Alright, so what is the serious talk, Rick?"

     I hand Logan a waterproof case with the plans. He uses a penlight in the case to read the contents, and his eyebrows lifted. Putting it away he asked.

     "Really? Is this all you want me and my Sea Temple to do?"

     "Yes, Fairy Mountain Temple elites will go to the ceremony with me, but the Forest Temple will come as well, so I need you guys and Snow Temple to ambush them so they cannot send Masters to the event and get in my way. That is all I need you guys to do for me."

     "Here I thought you would have my people jump in the fire, and all you want is for us to bully some guys we want to bully, ha-ha. Really Rick, you are funny. Sure, I think working with Snow Temple is the real laugh here, but I will hold hands with my rival Temple for this task. Count on me on the day they move. We will ambush them at the edge of Central's borders, where it is no man's land."

     I stood and stretched, then I told Logan.

     "Watch out for sharks on your swim back, I killed a couple on my way here so the blood in the water is attracting them up north of the island. So just be alert when you go south."

     "Rick, are you telling me you killed two great whites on your way here, with your bare hands?"

     "No big deal, just punch them in the gills like dolphins do, see you later brother, ha-ha! After the Li are gone, let us go drinking again."

     As I was heading north to leap back into the sea, Logan said.

     "Let us skip drinking, I still have bad memories from the last time,let us just go get hot-pot... Damn you're gone already, nice stealth..."


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