After Simulating a Million Years, I Became the Holy Emperor of the Human Race

Chapter 8: Eight Innate Styles

Outside the Demon Suppression Land, the dense black fog reduces visibility to less than ten meters. In this murky environment, a red figure is fighting a late-awakening monster with only her bare hands. The monster, with horns and an ambiguous appearance that is neither quite a cow nor a horse, is a common sight in this land where such awakening state creatures are endless and seem immortal.

The mystery of their immortality remains unsolved, even after hundreds of thousands of years. This enigma intrigues many, but Honghong remains unaffected by the allure of these secrets. Her focus is solely on the battle at hand. Despite the monster being at a lower level, she does not underestimate it.

The monster, unaffected by pain and fearless of death, attacks with a ferocity that initially causes Honghong some difficulty. Her higher cultivation level prevents any injury, but the monster’s relentless aggression is notable.

The monster roars in frustration, its anger growing as it struggles to defeat Honghong. It swings its massive claws, stirring the thick black mist and aiming at her. In response, Honghong channels a faint Taoist aura, and a protective Taoist image appears above her head, blocking the monster's powerful strikes.

“Luckily, I’ve awakened my vision,” Honghong thinks, relieved. Though she has only been training for a short time and has yet to fully master her skills, she can now use basic techniques effectively.

Recognizing the need for improvement, Honghong realizes that if she struggles against monsters of a lower realm, she will be even more challenged by those of equal or higher realms. Her lack of combat experience is a significant hindrance, preventing her from fully utilizing her cultivation skills.

The monster, however, does not pause for Honghong to reflect. Seeing its attacks continuously blocked, it grows more agitated and intensifies its assault, hammering away at her defense with its claws. Su Wanqing, who is observing from the shadows, understands Honghong’s predicament and wants to help but knows that intervening could be counterproductive.

“Come on, little master!” Su Wanqing silently cheers for Honghong.

After a moment, the monster, growing desperate, leaps high into the air and attempts to use its weight to break through Honghong’s defense. Honghong, protected by the innate Dao Diagram, closes her eyes in concentration. She senses the monster’s movement and, upon opening her eyes, a Bagua Diagram appears in her mind. The diagram, adorned with red flames, transforms into a flaming sword.

“Excellent!” Honghong thinks, her face lighting up with joy. She withdraws her defense and, smiling, forms a mysterious gesture with her hands.

“The first of the eight innate moves, the Lihuo Sword!” she declares. A long, flame-formed sword appears above her head, and she releases it with a soft command: “Quick!”

The flaming sword streaks through the air, piercing the monster’s massive body. The monster lets out a final scream as flames consume it, incinerating it in mid-air.

Su Wanqing watches in amazement. She had expected a prolonged battle but was astonished to see Honghong dispatch the monster with a single move. The mastery of the "Xiantian Dao Jing" proves effective beyond expectations.

After the battle, Honghong continues her search for more targets within the Demon Suppression Land, while Su Wanqing lingers behind, ignoring a pure Yuan Crystal dropped by the monster. Soon, a three-person adventure group led by Yan Hong arrives and discovers the crystal.

Yan Hong picks up the Yuan Crystal, surprised that Honghong did not value it. He speculates that a more valuable treasure must be nearby.

“A battle took place here recently, and the strongest combatant was at Peak Awakening,” one of Yan Hong’s companions, Guan An, reports.

“Oh, really?” Yan Hong initially considered giving up, assuming those who dismiss the Yuan Crystal might be strong and dismissive of its value. However, hearing his teammate’s comment, his interest is rekindled. “Guan An, are you certain?”

Guan An, smiling confidently, replies, “Brother Yan, we’ve been through many things together. Have I ever made a mistake?”

“Let’s go. That person can’t be far,” Yan Hong decides, leading his companions to track down Honghong. However, they soon notice a cyan figure.

“Stop!” Yan Hong signals to his group.

"Monkey, go ahead and deal with that man," Yan Hong instructed. Seeing no significant cultivation aura from the figure, he assumed the person was an ordinary individual.

"Okay!" Monkey, who had a sharp mouth and monkey-like features, laughed menacingly and flew toward the cyan figure.

But in the blink of an eye, Yan Hong and Guan An watched in shock as the figure simply waved his hand, causing Monkey to disintegrate into a blood mist.

"Run!" Yan Hong shouted. His priority had shifted from treasure to survival.

Gu Changsheng took a sip from his wine bottle and said calmly, "I initially intended to use you as a training ground for Honghong. But I didn’t expect you would dare to attack me."

With a casual wave, Gu Changsheng turned Yan Hong and Guan An into blood mist, merging them with the black fog of the Demon Suppression Land. After dispatching these intruders, he continued deeper into the land.

Unaware of these events, Honghong and Su Wanqing continued their activities, as the black mist effectively isolates their perception. Even with Su Wanqing’s strength at the peak of the life and death realm, she cannot pierce through the Demon Suppression Land’s mist.

The visibility is limited to only a few meters, so Honghong relies on her sight to navigate. Soon, she encounters another late-awakening monster. With her newly acquired Lihuo Sword, she dispatches the creature in under ten moves.

Privately, Su Wanqing is thrilled with Honghong’s rapid progress. “My little master is growing so quickly. If you keep this up, you’ll be an emperor someday. Hehe, I’ll have so much to boast about,” she muses, getting caught up in her own daydreams.

As Honghong advances deeper, she faces more and stronger monsters. Eventually, she encounters two monsters of equal strength to her own.

“There can’t be two tigers on the same mountain unless they’re a pair,” Honghong thinks, summoning the Lihuo Sword. She strikes at the two monsters, and they are soon reduced to ashes by the flames.

“I’m too strong! I took down both monsters at my level so easily,” Honghong exclaims, delighted by her progress. Just a few hours earlier, she had struggled with a single late-awakening monster.

“Ouch!” Suddenly, she feels a familiar pain in her forehead. Gu Changsheng appears behind her and says calmly, “Are you so proud of defeating just two monsters?”

“Master!” Honghong turns to him, looking chastened.

“Sir!” Su Wanqing also steps forward.

Gu Changsheng nods and addresses Honghong, “Do you know what is required to face monsters of the same realm at your age?”

Honghong shakes her head.

“One move,” Gu Changsheng states calmly.

“Ah, so strong?” Honghong gasps in surprise, her face showing shock.

Su Wanqing hesitates, wanting to clarify that the peers Gu Changsheng refers to are exceptionally talented individuals from ancient families in the Immortal Holy Land—truly formidable figures. But seeing the look in Gu Changsheng’s eyes, she decides to keep quiet.

“You’re not even close yet,” Gu Changsheng adds. He hands Honghong an invitation letter for an arena competition and says, “There will be a competition in Demon City in a month. You should participate.”

“Oh!” Honghong takes the invitation but looks a bit downcast.

Noticing her mood, Gu Changsheng softens. “You’ve only been training for half a month, while others have been cultivating since childhood. It’s natural to be behind. I believe in you. You’ll catch up and even surpass them soon.”

“Why else would you be my apprentice?” Gu Changsheng adds with a slight smile.

“Master, are you trying to comfort me or praise yourself?” Honghong smiles back.

Seeing her improved mood, Gu Changsheng turns to Su Wanqing and says, “Continue to train her and take her to the competition.”

“Master, where are you going?” Honghong asks quickly. She feels odd at the thought of being separated from him for a month after spending the past six months together.

Gu Changsheng smiles and replies, “Do I need to report my every move to you? I’m off to handle some personal matters.”

With that, he disappears, leaving Honghong blushing with embarrassment. “Master is such a rogue…”

Seeing Gu Changsheng vanish so abruptly, Honghong turns to Su Wanqing and asks curiously, “Sister Su, do you know about Master’s true strength?”

Su Wanqing’s face shows a hint of embarrassment as she responds, “Young master, this question might reveal more than you intend.”

“Hmm…” Honghong ponders, still curious about her master’s capabilities.

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