After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 23 – Rose Tinted Glasses

Actually the most normal person in the story.

Things were going great! Frederick smiled at the girls who were sending flirtatious glances his way, then waved, making them giggle.


This was just him being polite. Frederick knew just how important the public image was. He had to do his best to improve it. He nodded towards the servants who hurried to clean the long corridors of the academy’s main building.


The place wasn’t to the royal palace level but still excluded their kingdom's endless wealth and noble spirit. Frederick could not deny that this place was worthy of teaching the brightest and most important their kingdom had to offer.


That included Frederick. Although there wasn’t much for him to learn. He had been taught everything there was to know years ago. The stern teachers had stolen away his childhood years.


No. Frederick was here to connect himself with the new generation of the nobles. His father had been clear - no King rules alone.


Frederick knew his father was right. He had seen the kingdom flourish under his father’s guidance. His father was wise and with great foresight.


So, then - why oh why had Frederick been betrothed to that ice-cold bitch? He didn’t understand. Sure, the De’Sorthos family had a great sway, having both the military might and money to move the upper echelons of the noble faction.


But there had to be other ways to pull that faction closer to the royals without selling out the only prince to an unfeeling rock.


Yes. Frederick hated Elana. And just a few days ago, this hatred had made him blunder.


In front of tens of the most influential, not to mention gossipy, members of the new generation, Frederick had flirted with the enchanting lady and butted heads with his to-be-wife.


It was a catastrophe. The public somehow viewed Elana as the one who was suffering despite the witch being the one who had acted unreasonably. 


No matter how Frederick tried, he couldn’t squash the rumour mill, painting him in a bad light. Even his father had heard of the blunder and sent a reprimand.


Frederick chagrined. Almost no one was on his side. Almost. He felt his mood brighten. There still was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.


Moira was everything Frederick had dreamed of when imagining his perfect girl. The poise, the smarts, the body, the voice, the smell - everything was perfect! And she relied on him!


While thinking about the lovely lady, Frederick smiled. While passing a mirror, he glanced at the goofy face he was making. “What are you so happy for, Prince?” He happily asked the reflection.


There was no answer, but Frederick already knew. He was happy because Moira was waiting for him. They had been meeting each other every day.


Yes! Things were going great!


It hadn’t taken long for Frederick to… He shook his head ruefully. How will he explain this to his father?


Frederick had fallen in love with a commoner. No one will accept this. That’s why he had to be strong, and with Moira’s support, he would be.


For his love, Frederick would do anything. He passed another mirror and shuffled his hair to appear more messy. Frederick had heard girls liked the bad boys. He wasn’t sure what that meant, but having the hair messy wasn’t something a proper young man would allow. It had to count for something.


Finally, at the end of the corridor, Frederick spotted Moira. With a wide smile, he opened his mouth to greet the lovely lady, only to shut it the very next moment.


Moira wasn’t alone. It wasn’t unusual. The lady spent a good time of the day arguing with Elana, despite the prince doing everything to protect Moira from the Ice Bitch.

No. This time, it was Kurt’s turn to be an annoyance.


Frederic detested the man. They had been rivals for as long as he could remember. They always liked the same things, attended the same balls and wanted to talk with the same girls.


It was infuriating in a different way Elana was.


Seeing Moira’s look, Frederick put on a mask of smiles and joined the duo, pushing Kurt away from the lady.


“Moira, I am so happy to see you again.” Frederick bowed slightly, took the lady’s dainty hand and pulled it to leave a kiss on it. 


While straightening himself afterwards, he glanced at Moira’s breasts. He couldn’t help it. His eyes were as if glued to the two wonders. “Kurt. I see you were leaving.” He tried to push his rival away.


“Hardly.” Kurt returned. “We were just about to head to the class. I hear today they are allowing duels overseen by the lectors.”


After exchanging a few more words, it became clear Kurt would not leave. Frederick sent an apologetic look to Moira. He knew she was just as disappointed by the unwanted person as he was.


Even now, Kurt kept pestering the lovely lady.


“I truly apologise for making you late.” Kurt sighed. “And I appreciate your help with finding this medallion.” He cradled the thing in his hands.


Frederick wanted to scoff. The ‘Precios’ medallion was just a bauble Kurt received as a present on one of his birthdays. Frederick knew his rival had actually lost the thing before and not cared at all.


But it wasn’t the time to reveal this unsightly plot. Frederick kept making small talk until they reached the magic combat field outside the building.


To Frederick's displeasure, they just happened to find Elana facing off against another known talent in magic combat.


The duo was standing in the middle of the field, manipulating their mana and prodding each other under the watchful eyes of the Academy’s staff.


The Ice Bitch was winning. Frederick could not believe it. Elana had never been this good. When did she become so capable?


It was worrying. It would have been better if the Ice Bitch was talentless. But alas. After the short illness, Elana had begun improving by leaps and bounds.




Frederick glanced at Moira, who stared at the Ice Bitch with intense glare. He could feel the raging emotions inside the lovely lady.


It was admirable. Despite the Ice Bitch’s constant hostility, Moira was never deterred.


Frederick loved that part of Moira, just like the rest. Truly, together, they could face the world. He felt his love deepen. Frederick was sure - Moira was his destined woman.

What's that? Where are the girls? Well, I as an author, figured you should have some normality with the smut.


Because someone told me for the prince's suffering down the road to matter, you have to know him first.

What does that? I don't know.


Sleepy Enkiari

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