After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 24 – A Fight Before A Battle

She was breathtaking. Moira kept appreciating Elana - the way her love interest ruthlessly, relentlessly, yet gracefully, stripped away her opponent's defences.


The guy didn’t stand a chance. The supposed talent was quickly overwhelmed as Elana began freezing the guy’s fingertips.


At that point, the results were clear, and the Lector stepped in and, with a wave of his hand, dismissed Elana’s magic, leaving a trail of brilliant snowflakes fluttering around the sexy woman.


Moira knew she was staring. And Elana did, too. The damned woman flicked away a stray strand of her hair while putting a hand on her hips - emphasising her hourglass figure.


“Damn…” Moira secretly swallowed, imagining their bodies intertwined. She wanted that woman. Now.


“I get you.” The Prince sighed.


Moira immediately became alarmed. Did the fool perv on her woman? She sent a fiery look at the man, whose name still escaped her despite talking to each other every day.


Luckily, before Moira would do something foolish, the Prince continued. “She wasn’t this good just a couple of weeks ago. But don’t worry. I know you can beat her.” He gave an overly sweet smile.


Did the fool try to encourage her? All it caused was for Moira to feel sick. With every passing day, she regretted entertaining the idea of climbing to the top of the world by seducing this pervert. And he was staring at her breasts again.


Fool number 2 was doing the same. Were they brothers? Did they share a single brain cell between the two of them?


Whatever it was, Moira had enough. She had implanted her in their brains and was sure they would not act against her while serving as a shield.


It didn’t feel particularly great. Elana would not do it this way. She was more direct and hated manipulating others through subterfuge. Because of that, Moira didn’t use those kinds of methods when facing her rival.


Perhaps that was why Elana made Moira feel so alive.


Moira looked at the challenging smirk, inviting her to play another round of their stupid games. Why couldn’t Elana be more honest?


Then again… Moira stepped forward, ignoring the fool Nr. 1 and 2, who tried to stop her. “I challenge Lady Elana next.”


These words made Elana grin like a Cheshire cat. Moira felt the tingles run down her body. She could feel the other woman’s fighting spirit rise.

That was easy to deal with. Moira pretended to trip and made sure to present her breasts to Elana.


It had the desired effect. Moira’s dear Elana was helpless, moving her eyes along the sway of her breasts.


Of course, it didn’t distract Elana for long, but it had earned Moira the turn to give a smug smile.

Really, the stare was much alike with both fools. But where the idiots made Moira feel repulsed, Elana’s eyes made her feel electric tingles run through her body.


It felt great to be desired by the girl she loved. Moira took a position, facing her rival. She didn’t think she could win.


Moira had volunteered because that’s how their game was played. She was currently beating Elana in most academic studies, but her rival never backed down.


When Moira picked the most difficult questions to answer, Elana gritted her teeth and did the same. Moira knew Elana didn’t enjoy studying, but she did anyway. And that made her love her rival even more.


And that was why Moira began gathering her mana to fight off the cold. She had hoped to have the opposite element to ice, but she had to live with zapping people instead of burning.


Moira began circling around Elana. It wasn’t common practice to move in these mock fights. But it wasn’t against the rules either. She needed every little advantage she could get.


Feeling the static in the air, Moira decided to make the first move. She pointed her finger, channelling the mana, forming a point of discharge at the end of it.


A string of lighting shot towards Elana, aiming at the rival’s chest. The impossibly fast spell flew unimpeded until it hit an ice barrier that had been invisible up until the last moment.


Moira silently cursed. She had put most of her energy in that spell. It was the first time she had used it and gambled on Elana to be taken by surprise.


It was Elana’s turn now. Moira moved her body to the side, avoiding an icicle that nicked her uniform. She narrowed her eyes.


The spell had been aimed at Moira’s breasts, more as a stripping tool than an attack. She glanced down to see her white bra now visible through a hole in her attire.


Moira glared at Elana. Fixing this would be expensive. Moira didn’t have the money. She was relying on a stipend to get everything she needed.


This demanded retribution. Moira began gathering a new wave of mana and prepared to doge more of those annoying icicles.


“That’s enough, Lady De’Sorthos.” The lector interrupted. “There is no need to humiliate your opponents. Next pair, please.”


Moira relaxed her body. She had escaped relatively unscathed and had reaffirmed the need to train her spellcasting.


All in all, a good result. Moira had lost, but not significantly. She began planning her training routine while looking at Elana’s ankles. The girl really had nice legs. She wouldn’t mind spending some time between them.


And the ass was nice, too. Moira nodded. Yes. Elana was what she needed. Masturbating just didn’t do it for her anymore. She needed a real touch - Elana’s touch.


The issue was - they could never have a proper conversation. It always devolved into a spat. Moira wanted to sigh. She was at fault as well. Her competitive spirit always got the better of her.


Moira finally looked at Elana’s face. Her rival was glaring at the lector who had interrupted their game. She just shrugged.

That was not Moira’s problem. Then again… She tilted her head as her eyes travelled back down Elana’s body.


They hadn’t talked today. Moira licked her lips. Hopefully, this time will go better than the last. She really needed that touch.

What even is this? Useless lesbians in my work? I didn't want that to happen, but they found their way in anyway. I wrote even more of them yesterday, too.

At least I think it is kind of funny. Yeah. Let's go with that.


Remorseful Enkiari

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