After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 30 – Murderous Plans

“Why did you let them go?” Elana watched the final duel preparations. “They have to pay. Their lives are-”

“Stil theirs.” Moira sent Elana an unamused, still angry glare. It softened as they gazed at each other but quickly grew cold again when she looked towards the two men preparing themselves for a fight. “I want to break their hearts. Their wills - their everything.”



“Not your style,” Moira growled. “I know. You would have them dead for the insult. But that’s not enough. They will feel despair.” She grimly promised.


Elana enjoyed the billowing rage Moira radiated. For once, it wasn’t aimed at her. Still, she couldn’t help but recall the kiss that didn’t happen. Her pride demanded retribution.


“You are freezing everything.” Moira reminded. “No, don’t stop. It helps with the heat. And the ‘heat’.”


It also helped with Elana’s anger. She felt her heightened emotions stabilise. After clenching and unclenching her fist a few times, she could almost look at the two idiots without wishing them a quick and painful death.


“You can do that with the Prince, but Kurt…” Elana looked at the heroic-acting young man. “He is plotting scum.”


“I know, but-” Moira paused. “That’s not all, huh? Do you know something?”


“Just saying he isn’t infatuated with you despite the convincing act.” Elana wasn’t willing to give up her advantage so easily. They weren’t dating yet. She chagrined at the thought.


“Are you sure?” Moira narrowed her eyes and scrutinised the young man, who noticed the stare and gave a shy wave. “Hmm, I could see that. Is it because of the Prince?”


“Yes,” Elana recalled the bad-end plotline. “Something about hating the Prince and taking away everything from him.”


“The De’Sorthos’s families spy network, I assume?” Moira was pondering something, then looked towards the prince. “What about him?”

“A pure-hearted, naive fool.” Elana was direct.


“How pitiful.” There was no mercy in Moira’s voice.


“A strange creature.”


“Maybe it would be better if we put it out of its misery.”


“I volunteer for the mercy job.”


“How did it survive with no brain so far?”


“Survive? Didn’t it sing a death sentence by interrupting our…” Elana trailed off, coughed and only then finished the sentence. “...kiss.”


“Uh, well,” The simple word impacted Moira almost as badly as Elana. “You know, yeah. About that…”


“You are still horny?”


“Yes, but the mood is ruined. And you ruined it even more.” Moira huffed, then returned the Prince’s very enthusiastic bow and the promise to protect her honour. “What is he talking about?”

“The idiot thinks he has to protect you, of course.” Elana watched the Prince pull out his sword and wave it while promising justice to be delivered. “Strange for you to ask. You deleted his single brain cell and replaced it with the picture of your boobs.”

“You know, it is baffling that we get along so well only when we are treating someone else like each other.”


“It is a habit.”

“I don’t hate it.”


“Treating others like shit?”

“Talking to you, you dumbskull.” Moira’s insult had no bite behind it. She looked almost happy to be spending her time with Elana like this.


Not that Elana appreciated being called a ‘dumbskull’. “I see, I see.” She nodded. “So, you say I shouldn’t touch you for now.”


“Right. As if you can resist this body of mine.” Moira stretched, putting all her goods on display.


“It is a fine body…” Elana felt her eyes stuck to the curves.


Sudden shouts of pain disrupted their moment. When Elana checked what had happened, she found the prince had dropped his sword on his foot, and Kurt had somehow hit his own face with his weapon.


“I thought you said Kurt doesn’t see me that way.” Moira looked at the two with disgust, which they mistook for encouragement. Both of the guys began flexing.


“Well, yes. But I didn’t say he is not a pervert.” The Kurt in the story was a pushy ashole. Many of his branching paths led to sexual interactions.

“Charming.” Moira dryly added. “Why am I surrounded only by perverts?”


“You know, perhaps Kurt should die.” Elana thoughtfully remarked. The more she thought, the more she recalled about the game and Kurt’s actions there. “Just to be safe.” He could be dangerous in a different way than the prince with his royal blood.


“There is no way we can do that covertly.” Moira, without any hesitation, joined Elana in her planning. “We need to frame someone, too.”


“We already have someone.” Elana pointed at the Prince, who was theatrically flicking back his slightly messy hair.


Moira furrowed her brows. “There is absolutely no way he isn’t watched by someone. He will have an alibi.”


“Not if he actually does kill Kurt.” Elana increased the output of her cold a little more, letting a trail of icy coldness travel towards the planned battlefield. She hinted to Moira about her plans.


Chewing on the thought, Moira shook her thought. She glanced around, searching for anyone who would eavesdrop.


There was no one directly around them. Most people looked at them with apprehension, as if waiting for a fight to happen. The rabble saw the two distinguished gentlemen as men who fought for the ladies.


Elana and Moira were seen as prizes and had been left to stand alone to show their status as the reward for the victor.


“We can’t rely on Kurt slipping and falling on a sword.” Moira finally let her murderous thoughts win. “I’ll see to it. Just make sure to thaw the ice and turn it into water.”


“But, of course, my dear.” Elana continued to spread the ice and turn it back into the water. There were now wet patches on the ground, hidden by the grass.


“I am not your dear.” Moira concentrated. She wasn’t as good with mana as Elana.


“Not yet,” Elana remarked, using Moira’s moment of distraction.

“Yes,” Moira nodded, then glared at Elana. “No. Let me focus. It will be hard. I don’t think I can zap through the boots.”


“They are full of nails.” Elana shrugged. “The soles, I mean. All we need is just a tiny sting.”


Both women looked at Kurt and Prince, who had settled into a glaring match. And they still remembered to flex in front of the ‘trophies’.

“Disgusting.” Both of them concluded in unison.

Yes, yes, I know. Smut soon.

I just wanted to move the plot along.

Not tomorrow though.

But I do plan on writing a whole bunch of smut this week.


Fantasy Writer Enkiari

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