After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 31 – An Idiot Way to Die

All things considered, the Prince and Kurt were both excellent fighters. They preferred close-quarter combat and were adept in sword arts. They both had agreed not to use magic in the duel due to how dangerous it could be.


As a result, both of the distinguished gentlemen were engaged in a frantic melee. Their swords clashed, and they laughed and jeered daringly. The Prince thrust his sword, and Kurt dashed to the side, flicking his hair away from his eyes.

When Kurt attacked in turn, The Prince received the overhead blow and stood his ground despite the heaviness of the attack.


In conclusion…


“They are playing around.” Elana wanted to curse the two bufoons.


Moira nodded along while sending encouraging ‘uh’s’ and ‘ah’s’ towards the two bulls butting their heads. “I thought my support would make them more frenzied, but instead…”


Kurt did a pirouette to move away from the Prince’s sword swipe. The man then made a scornful remark. The Prince, in return, gave a blinding, heroic smile and then dashed forward.


“It should have.” Elana studied the steps the duelling duo made. They had been close to the wet spots she had prepared a couple of times, but not enough to strike.


“This sucks.” Moira released a worryful ‘ohh’ as the Prince was forced to retreat. “I shouldn’t have listened to you.”


“You are just not trying enough.” Elana tapped her foot on the ground in irritation. “We want the Prince to go for it, so try calling out his name or something. Tell him to man up.”


There was a pause. Elana looked at the striking woman, wondering why. “What? It should work.”

“Yes, well,” Moira furrowed her brows. “Yes, that’s just the thing.” She released another supportive exclamation. “It is just that… I don’t know his name…”


“What? How? You have been yanking him around for at least a week now. How can you not?” 

“Yes, well, it just never came up.” Moira let out a small cheer when Kurt managed to momentarily trip the Prince. “I just… I just didn’t care enough.”


“I can’t believe you!” Elana found it to be very funny. “Do you think he noticed? No, don’t tell me. I know he didn’t.”


“Yes, yes, laugh if you want.” Moira kept cheering every time a more serious clash happened. “What is his name anyway?”


“Of course, it’s-” Elana stopped.


“Hurry up.”


“His name is…” Elana found the place where the memories of the Prince were supposed to be filled with revenge plots, slurs, torture plans and more thoughts related to making the man suffer.



“Give me a second.” Elana knew the name. She just had to think for a moment.

This time, it was Moira’s turn to laugh. “How characteristic of you.” She giggled. “He is your fiance, you know.”


“I know his name.” Elana hissed, trying to recall. “I think it was Fred-something.”


“I don’t think the Prince’s name is ‘Fred-’something’.” Moira gave a small fist pump when Kurt managed to nick Prince’s uniform. “That is a stupid name.”


“Ha-ha, very funny.” Elana racked her brain some more. “Frederick.” She felt it click.

“Are you sure?” Moira clasped her cheeks in worry when both of the duelists fell to the ground after a particularly strong clash.

Elana nodded. “Sure, I am sure. Now. Do your best, and I’ll commit the moment to my memory. Remember to wait until he is in the middle of a powerful strike.”

“This is so stupid,” Moira complained. “You better not bring it up in the future.”


“You know I will.” Elana sent more mana into the web of ice underneath. “I’ll give a sign when Kurt steps into the trap.”


They both settled to wait. Despite it being morning, Elana felt tiredness settle in her bones. She was spending too much mana and would have to live with a headache for the rest of the day.


When the fighters finally stepped towards one of the larger hidden puddles, Elana sent her mana through the connections, adding a small spike of ice under Kurt’s feet. She coughed lightly and waited.


Moira acted immediately. “You have to win, Sir Frederick!” She sent the sweetest, most encouraging smile towards the Prince. “Fight!” She imitated a clumsy punch. “Stronger!”


“Hilarious!” Elana held back her laugh. She watched Kurt’s step, then sharpened the thin needle just as his foot came down.


Meanwhile, the Prince, predictably, puffed out his chest. He made a terrible, telegraphed, power-filled chop down at Kurt. It was dangerous if used against a blind man. But Kurt would have no trouble to dodge it, which was the plan. The Prince wanted to appear overwhelmingly powerful, knowing his opponent couldn’t strike back with deadly intent.


It was then that Kurt stepped into Elana’s trap. She made the ice needle stick into the sole of the man’s shoe, making it stick to the ground momentarily.


Moira joined immediately by sending all her mana into the thin water trail leading to Kurt’s leg. Elana knew her rival wouldn’t be able to do much - but she didn’t need to.


Elana saw Kurt’s expression twist when he realised his feet had stuck to the ground. It had interrupted his footwork. He twisted his arm in an attempt to block the Prince’s attack, but then came the tiny shock, making him fumble the defence.


The Prince realised there was something wrong, but it was too late. His heavy blow came down too fast, with too much momentum. It cleaved into Kurt’s flesh with ease, splashing blood in the air.


“Huh. It worked.” Elana raised an eyebrow as the field fell silent before exploding in a cacophony of noises.


“How stupid are they?” Moira was surprised as well. “It was a shit plan.”


“You sure didn’t argue against it.” Elana watched the duelling field be flooded by a sudden surge of staff and guards. She began inching away from the chaos.


Moira followed while watching the Prince be carried away by Royal Bodyguards. “Well, yeah. They did do something unforgivable. There was a chance…”

“He deserved it.” Elana nodded.


“Good riddance.” Moira sent a secretive, rude gesture to the corpse.


“Now, just the prince remains.”

“I will make him suffer,” Moira promised. “And you will help.”


“I guarantee it.” Elana could already see the Prince’s broken, crying form. She paused her step. “Wanna make out?”


“I thought you would not ask.” Moira grinned, then led Elana away from the murder scene.

... a lot of smut ahead. I think I overdid it. Like 3? Four chapters in a row?

I know you all are here for the breathtaking, original and suspenseful plot, but...

Anyway, maybe another chapter today. I wrote a bunch because I needed to get my mind off the fact that I had to leave my grandpa in a hospital.


Worried Enkiari

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