After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 32 – Super Duper Gay Chapter

Chapter's title by Kitsuna. Let us all thank them for their great input.

“What is it?” Moira led Elana behind the nearby buildings towards a hidden pavilion surrounded by a sea of flowers. 


The place was usually full of wandering couples. But the big event had pulled everyone away from here.

Now, only bees and birds were filling the area with sounds of life.


Elana looked around. “I am wondering what will cause an interruption this time.”


“That’s…” Moira didn’t finish. She began scanning the surroundings as well. “We can’t be that unlucky, can we?”


“There is no one here.” Elana couldn’t help but feel suspicious. “Where is the catch?” She studied a taller patch of grass to see if her sister would suddenly materialise in it.


“Your paranoia is contagious. This is not romantic at all.” Moira complained. “What the hell, Elana.”


“Did you want it to be romantic?” Elana suddenly neared Moira, opening her arms. “Or do you want me to take you?”


Which didn’t amuse Moira one bit. “I am horny, but that was terrible.” She huffed, then moved away from Elana’s arms.


“It always works.” Elana frowned. She chased after Moira, who entered the wooden pavilion. She stepped inside and found her rival at the furthest wall, gazing at the vines hiding the interior of the place from the rest of the world.


Moira twirled around and leaned against the railings. “So, I am just another girl for you?” She studied Elana’s face.


It was time to have a bit of honesty. Elana wouldn’t voice everything, but she wouldn’t look away. “No. You are special.” The words came easier than expected. She watched Moira’s expression twist into that of a surprise. “Just you and no one else. Not before, not now, not ever after.”


“That’s…” Moira fell silent as Elana came ever closer, not leaving a path for escape. “I didn’t…” Her depression softened, then full of disbelief. “Are you conff-”

“Don’t say it!” Elana stopped her rival. She didn’t want to hear it. It wasn’t what she was doing. “When I am…” She stopped, still looking into Moira’s beautiful blue eyes. “Not now. When I am…”


It was hard to finish the sentence. Elana didn’t want to admit she wasn’t ready. She wouldn’t lie, but voicing it felt like pushing away Moira. She couldn’t bear it.


And this didn’t feel like the right place or time. Elana did not know when she would be ready to admit her… Feelings.


It still was a hurdle to even think about it. Elana avoided naming the growing sprout in her heart. With every passing day, it grew larger and stronger and wanted to be acknowledged.


“Come here.” Moria suddenly invited. Her expression had grown almost gentle, if a bit teasing. “We didn’t come here to talk, did we?”


Elana admired her rival a moment longer before moving. “I would have regardless.” She wanted to sink into Moira’s embrace but on her own terms.


Then, something occurred to Elana, and she stopped again. She resumed studying Moira’s eyes. The gaze she received in return was…


It was warm, welcoming, intimate and lustful. Moira wasn’t hiding any of it . Elana’s rival didn’t internally struggle like she did. Elana saw acceptance and the wish to be more than they were now.


In a way, it intimidated Elana. It would be something new. Something she had no experience with. She couldn’t always be in the lead while exploring the unknown.




Moira knew. She understood Elana and her emotional turmoil more than she did.


This internal struggle made Elana feel like she was failing herself and Moira.




If Elana admitted the undeniable truth when Moira already knew, wouldn't it mean she lost?


Wouldn't it mean Elana would become that much more reliant on another person? Wouldn’t that make her vulnerable?


It… It didn't sound like something Elana had ever wished for. 


Yet, Elana found her body moving on its own. While her mind struggled, her heart knew its place. She didn’t break the eye contact.

When Moira’s smile grew wider, Elana felt herself return it. It was a bizarre, intimate feeling she had never experienced before.


Elana had to admit - she had lost this round. But she would go down fighting. “It will be just a kiss.” She guided her palms to land on Moira’s hips, then slid them further on the back.


Meanwhile, Moira’s arms wrapped around Elana's back and then slid lower to greedily grab her ass. “Just a kiss?” She pouted. “You wish to stop there?” Moira let her plentiful breasts press against Elana’s.


“Hmm~” Elana felt a little better. She liked how needy Moira sounded. “Yes. Just a kiss. After all, I am not a lonely flower like yourself.”


“Meany.” Moira pulled Elana closer while her fingers dug deep into the blonde’s rear. “Ah!” She let out a moan despite Elana not doing more than just caressing Moira’s back. “Damnit, Elana. Why?”


Elana leaned closer, and when the tips of the noses touched, she gently rubbed them against each other, electing another aroused, sharp breath from Moira. “For my pride.” She didn’t hide it. “I’ll think of your poor, agitated libido while having fun with another woman.”


While intended to hurt, Elana found Moira’s expression didn’t change. She continued to rub herself against Elana’s body, slowly pulling their faces ever so closer.


Noticing Elana’s wonder, Moira chortled. “What? I already knew what kind of woman you are.”


“And what kind of woman am I?” Elana’s breath hitched. She inhaled deeply to fill herself with Moira’s scent. It was intoxicating and immediately addictive.


“The kind who will always think I am the best!” Moira’s tongue suddenly licked Elana’s upper lip. “No matter what, I am your-”


Elana’s eyes widened. She had no words to refute the claim. And it was too early for Moira to point out the obvious. She pushed forward, trapping Moira against the railing.


“Shh, kiss now,” Elana whispered, hoping her racing heart was not too obvious. Her trembling hands, however, definitely were.


It was infuriating just how much one kiss was impacting her. Elana melted against Moira’s body, slowly connecting their breaths and lips into one whole. Her eyes closed in pleasure.


Elana’s mind was overwhelmed by the sensation of Moira’s presence and taste. She squeezed and pressed, wanting more, having more. Elana took Moira’s breath and then gave it back.


Their tongues intertwined, battling for dominance and entrance into each other mouths. Elana felt like a young, inexperienced girl. Her whole being wanted to meld with Moira.


With her breath running out, Elana realised she had to stop for a moment to continue with renewed vigour. She opened her eyes, meeting Moira’s misty ones.


They both slowed down, taming their greedy natures and enjoying each other's rare gentleness. Elana slurped up Moira’s saliva, then paused and took a deep breath.


Moira followed, not stopping playing with Elana’s ass. Her palms had found their way inside Elana’s panties. “More?”


Elana nodded. “More.”

They joined their bodies together again.

It's smut time! Anyway, the next update is tomorrow. I am stuck at work. Don't have much time to write, unfortunately. At least nothing spicy.


Wholesome relationship writer, Enkiari

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