After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 39 – Checking the Pig Before the Slaughter

The guard guiding Elana opened the doors and bowed, letting her in. She took a confident step inside, finding Moira standing next to the Prince. Her…


Elana almost spat on the ground, thinking about pinpointing their relationship status again. Whatever it was, currently Moira looked like she had been forced to swallow needles.


Although Elana’s arrival had clearly brightened the woman’s mood. Moira gave a coquettish smile, which Elana promptly returned.

Only then did Elana look at the prince. She had expected him to look more… Somber or reflective. Maybe regretful. Instead, little Frederick glared at her with unexpected fierceness.


“Elana.” Frederick caved under the pressure of his fiance's attention. He took a protective step closer to Moira, who rolled her eyes. “Have you come to gloat of my misfortune?”


Frankly, she had. Not that Elana had to admit to it. And it wasn’t the only reason either. There were a few others, with one of them being particularly important. 


Elana ignored the pathetic excuse of a person and graciously walked towards Moira. “Lady Moira,” She stared at the breasts that were hers now. “What an unexpected pleasure!”


That’s right. ‘Hers’! Elana felt happiness fill her heart. The realisation reflected on her face. She felt a silly smile form and forced herself to stiffen her expression.


Moira’s sparkling eyes met Elana’s. She returned the heated gaze. “Likevise. Such a coincidence.”


“You don’t have to speak with her!” The Prince inserted himself between them. “What do you want?”


It was very amusing. Elana studied the specimen with great interest. She had to begrudgingly admire Moira’s skill in taking away someone's reasoning.


From behind, Moira made a rude gesture at the Prince’s back. “Your Majesty, allow me to stand up for myself.”


The reprimand seemed to shake the Prince to his core. He glared at Elana, then looked back at Moira. His shoulders slumped. He looked like a puppy who had gotten a spanking for being naughty.


This was even more hilarious than Elana had expected. After she and Moira had taken a step forward, all Elana could see in the prince was entertainment until his time came.


Even more notable was how listless the Prince now was. Despite his willingness to defend Moira, once it became unnecessary, it looked like he had lost the purpose of living.


Moira was practically cackling behind Prince’s back. To which Elana raised an eyebrow. “You sure have taken a lot of time to brainwash my dear fiance.” She didn’t need to hide the truth.


The Prince would never believe Elana and would even entrench himself in the belief that she was lying on purpose.


And the reminder served another purpose. The smile vanished from Moira’s expression when she recalled she had spent so much time mucking about with the useless prick. And they had agreed to do it even more to push the Prince’s mind over the brink of shattering.


In fact, Moira looked almost as listless at the Prince. The expected rebuke didn’t come as the brunette was busy glaring at the doormat.


Elana enjoyed her success and then returned her attention to the Prince. She had given the situation more thought. Frankly, even if her father succeeded, it didn’t guarantee Elana’s reign.


Duke De’Sorthos was not a kind man, and while he loved his children, he loved power even more. Old Vermont would likely live for quite a few years longer. Elana doubted he would be happy with her fucking around with a bunch of women and ignoring or killing the men.


Elana had been betrothed once before. It could happen again. She wasn’t a tool to be used. If Vermont didn’t see her reason, she would have to get rid of him.


But it led to an issue. Elana alone didn’t have the pull or connections to acquire the crown with just Moira’s help. She wasn’t predisposed to manipulating others either.


Elana could do politics and would when necessary, but this could be made much easier with one simple step.


Once they broke the Prince, they could use his husk to control the Kingdom. The plan wasn’t perfect, but it was an option. All they needed to do was to erase any free will and drive the boy had.

With how the Idiot looked at Moira, it should be possible - perhaps even easy. There was even a perfect place for it to happen.


“What?” Moira’s face was full of suspicion. She hugged herself as if feeling a sudden cold.


“Oh,” Elana twirled a lock of her hair around her finger. “I’ll be sure to tell you next time we meet.”


“We will talk?” Moira pretend to be surprised.


Or maybe not. Depending on the mood, they might not get to the talking. Elana wouldn’t mind a bit more kissing. She barely could remember anything from the earlier time.


The Prince had regained his spirit. “There is no need. Do not bully her, Elana. If you have something to say, take it up with me.”


Elana could not believe how resistant to learning the fool was. Moira had already told him several times to not interfere, yet here he was again - running his mouth.


The displeased expression on Moira’s face indicated the arrival of a storm. It was time for Elana to leave or be caught in the crossfire.


At this point, Elana had seen everything she needed. The conditioning was proceeding nicely. If the Prince survived Kurt’s father’s arrival, they would have a useful pawn in their hands.


“You are leaving?” Moira paused before the scolding could start.


“Yes. I saw what I needed to.” Elana turned around. She had other things to attend to. “The boy is a lost cause. I have seen it.”


Upon leaving the room, Elana found a guard standing at the ready. She ordered him to guide her, letting Moira’s anger not be overheard by unwanted ears.


Unfortunately, what waited for Elana was not more fun. She had lost to Moira in the last test. She needed to spend time in the library. After that, she had to find the information about one particular artefact's resting place.

At least the future looked bright. While thinking about Moira’s ass, Elana happily exited the building.

Smut resumes tomorrow or the day after. Another chapter later.

Also. I am sleepy. Damn you Youtube! I shouldn't have clicked that last video!


Tired Enkiari

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