After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 40 – Proceedings and Plans

The next day was stormy. Duke De’Awry had arrived with the morning light, surrounded by grim-faced men, who Elana learned were scholars of law. She had been invited to join the proceedings of judging Prince’s fault in the death of Kurt De’Awry.


For one, Elana represented the De’Sorthos family, and for two, she was the fiance of the accused. It still didn’t mean she had any say in the meeting. Her role was to be a witness along with some other people of higher standing who had been unfortunate enough to either be on the premises or live nearby.


Despite spending hours listening to both sides arguing, Elana couldn’t say she was bored. Both sides had come prepared for a fight.

While the King’s representative and the Prince still tried to appear cordial, Duke De’Awry didn’t. He couldn’t demand the Prince’s imprisonment nor suggest to revoke his claim for the throne.


Instead, Duke De’Awry demanded large concessions the Royals couldn’t grant. He threatened to use his position in the Noble faction to push new laws that would be ruinous for the Crown. His anger didn’t abate as the King’s representative could not make any decisions himself - neither could Frederick.


It was entertaining in a way and educational in many others. Elana learned a lot about how the relationships between the Noble faction and the Crown worked. The more she heard, the more likely it seemed her father’s plans would succeed.


The Kingdom was split. The power base was corrupt and scattered, with every small-time noble pulling for their own interests.


It was all useful for when Elana would preside over them. She already was making a kill list, noting some of the people she found useless.


But at the end of the day, all Duke De’Awry achieved was containment of the Prince on the Academy’s premises. Elana knew it was what Frederick had wanted, but the King’s representative had disagreed.


The result served her just fine. At the end of the farce, Elana had waited for everyone else to leave before walking out herself. She wanted to avoid announcing her own alignment. Picking a side now could spell disaster for her.


Of course, everyone knew Elana wasn’t a neutral force. Her father’s dislike for the King was a well-known fact. The engagement between her and the Prince had been a concession from the King’s side, wanting to appease the powerful Duke - a gift Elana’s father had been quite thankful for.


But now, the Prince had shown interest in another woman publicly and even killed another Duke’s title inheritor.


Elana would be lying if she understood the implications of everything that was happening.


It was a mess. Elana's thoughts swirled, recalling the 'big' twist of the game's story.


Most people, including Elana, had seen it coming from miles away.


A commoner girl with great magical talent, an untraceable past and perfect looks - unblemished by living a commoner’s life…


Someone everyone could accept as a righteous ruler along with the Prince…


Someone who could unite the Kingdom and push back the invaders…




Elana didn't feel like telling Moira. The reveal would invite a lot of uncomfortable questions. Questions to which she didn’t have satisfying answers.

There was too much Elana didn’t understand either. She was happy with her position overall and didn’t want to poke around where there could be trouble. Establishing a power base and getting Moira took precedence over everything else.


And by giving away this information… Elana would lose an advantage over Moira. Currently, she had the superior title of a duke’s daughter, but it was nowhere as impactful as Moira’s full standing.


“So troublesome.” Elana clicked her tongue. She wondered if Cinthia had returned the Toy by now. Elana wouldn’t mind lashing the garbage of a woman right about now.


Moira would definitely annoy Elana for not remembering enough from the game. That alone made Elana frown in displeasure.


Then again, this knowledge would bond the two of them even closer. Elana’s mood improved. This way of thinking wasn’t bad.


By putting trust in Moira, Elana would earn herself a lot of sway in their relationship. And it wasn’t like she had to reveal everything.


Also, wasn’t it about time to invite Moira to an outing? Elana stopped and furrowed her brows. She stared at the ants scuttering under her feet.


It wouldn’t be a date. Definitely not. They would just spend time together, talk, laugh, perhaps abuse someone and then have sex.


Definitely not a date.


Did she have a suitable dress? Elana tried to recall. Perhaps she should send Cinthia to fetch one.


Would the outing include Elana discussing her budding… She swallowed hard, struggling not to cringe.


… Love.


Despite her effort, Elana still cringed visibly. It didn’t help that she was feeling great elation inwardly. Just admitting it was ‘love’ had made her thoughts flow much more freely.


With this, the decision to arrange an outing was made. Elana tapped her chin while walking. She also had to meet with Mary. Should she do it today, tomorrow or the day after?


Before or after the not-a-date with Moira? Catarina also was fun to play with. She should allot time to her friends. Cinthia’s pussy could use some abuse as well.


Really, Elana was quite busy. But the decision was made.


During the date, Elana would tell Moira she was a Saintess.


And depending on how it went, perhaps even about the artefact that unlocked the Saintess’s power. Yesterday combing of the library yielded results. Elana now knew where to search.

Oh, wow! What a twist!

Nooooone ever expected that to happen!

Anyway, somehow it is chapter 40. How is this thing still going?

Also, tomorrow it will be 30 days since the release. Yeey?


Twisty Enkiari

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